《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》The Interview (Part 2)


"Okay i'll do it" I say, willing to do whatever it takes to get my sister back.

"It's going to be okay, we will keep you safe, I promise." Spencer guides me out of the room and into a room with a big round table and about five people standing around it.

There is a phone in the middle, hooked up to all these different machines, i'm assuming so they can listen in on my phone call. I don't understand why Tanner would possibly do something like this, and to Jamie at that. I glance around at the agents gathered around the table. I look back at Spencer and he nods his head at me. Sitting down at the table with the phone in my hands I wait for the call. Finally the phone begins to ring, reading 'unknown number' on the screen. I pick it up and press it to my ear when the team says go.

"Tanner?" I say meekly, trying to wrap my brain around what is even happening.

"I want to see you. I won't let Jamie live if I don't get to see you." I hear Tanners voice through the speaker and I tense up.

"What do you mean? Why do you want to see me?" The team gives me a signal to keep talking, telling me that Garcia is almost done pinging the cell phones location.

"I want to see you because i've been in love with you this whole time. I just dated Jamie to get close to you. You love me don't you? Don't you?" His words shock me; I look to the rest of team, not knowing what to respond.

Spencer nods again, telling me to say that I love him. Even though I don't, if it will save my sister, I will do anything.

"Yes, I love you Tanner. Can you tell me where you are so I can come to you?" I offer, trying to get him to calm down so my sister stays alive.

"You promise you love me and you aren't just saying that to get to Jamie?"

"I promise." My voice is shaky as the words leave my mouth.

"I don't believe you." The line goes blank; a familiar buzzing sound of a call ending ringing in my ear.

I put the phone down and burst into tears. Spencer immediately comforts me by hugging me and caressing my hair. I cry into his shoulder but realize we don't have time for this. I get up and brush myself off.


"Did Garcia track the call? Do you know where Jamie is?" I ask rushed and worried about the life of my baby sister.

"We got it, and i'm sorry to say it but you have to come with us or else he won't let Jamie go." He says this with sorrow in his tone.

"I know, let's go." I grab his hand and we walk towards the SUV.

Spencer and I leave in one and Prentiss and Alvez in the other, for back up I presume. I buckle in and take a couple deep breathes trying to calm myself down. I know everything is going to be fine but I can't help but worry. She's my sister for gods sake. What am I supposed to do? We drive down the road and Spencer talks to Garcia on the phone whilst we make our way to Tanners location.

Upon our arrival, Spencer gets out of the vehicle and doesn't let me get out until he says so. Him, Emily and Luke all step cautiously towards the abandoned house with their guns out. I watch Reid as he does so, he looks so good. Stop it (Y/N), your sister is in there right now and you're thinking about how good he looks? After getting a good look at the place, I see Luke break down the door, revealing Tanner holding Jamie at gun point. Reid quickly motions for me to get out of the car so I do and walk ever so slowly toward him.

He grabs me by the arm and walks closer to Tanner and Jamie with me trailing beside him. I flash a weak smile to Jamie, tears in my eyes, and she looks hopeful. I glance back at Spencer who begins to talk.

"Tanner, drop the weapon. We brought (Y/N), now you can let Jamie go. Okay?" He negotiates with him, trying to get him to release my sister.

"No, not yet. I want to hold (Y/N) in my arms. Then i'll let Jamie go." Tanner sneers at Spencer, warranting a shocking response.

"That's not going to happen. If you lay one finger on (Y/N), I will shoot you." Spencer keeps a stone cold expression on his face and his gun unphased still in his clutch, pointed towards Tanner. (I WoNt hEsItAtE bItCh... SORRY I HAD TO AHAHA back to the story)

"Then I guess Jamie is about to die." Tanner cocks his gun and I put my hands up in surrender.


"WAIT! It's alright, you can hold me. It's fine Spencer, I promise." I begin to walk towards Tanner but Reid grabs my arm.

I look back to him and nod, raising my eyebrows. I fix my attention back on Tanner who has now dropped the gun to the floor. Soon, SWAT members are coming in and taking my sister as far away from him as they can get. I feel Tanners arms wrap around my back and that's when I feel him smelling my hair. I think Spencer sees this because he starts to run towards us. Before he can handcuff him or do anything, Tanner pulls out a knife from his pocket and slices my leg. I cry out in agony.

Falling to the floor, I look up to see Spencer has handcuffed him and he's being dragged away, screaming my name and laughing hysterically as his voice becomes more distant. Things are starting to become a blur because I hit my head when I fell on the ground. I don't think i've ever felt pain like this in my life. I glance down at my leg and see a really deep wound, blood gushing down my leg. I begin to see the image of Spencer running towards me focus and unfocus.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay? I'm so sorry I couldn't do something sooner. Do you feel-" I press my lips to his and smile whilst doing it.

Once I pull away I see the shock in his eyes but he's also smiling at the same time.

"Spencer, i'm fine. Just get me to a hospital already okay." I laugh a bit but it's hoarse.

He laughs and smiles as well, calling a medic over to get me a gurney and get me into an ambulance.


I wake up to blinding bright lights in my eyes. I flutter my eyes open and closed trying to depict a solid image in my mind of where I am and how I got here. I see monitors next to me and a white curtain in front of me. I look down and see i'm in a hospital gown and everything starts to come back. I was stabbed. Right. I peer off to the right where my beautiful, alive and well sister sits waiting for me to wake up.

"Hey Jamie." I say softly, causing her to jolt up from her seat, not realizing I am awake.

Jamie runs over to me, dropping her magazine on the chair. She wraps her arms around me but not too tightly, trying to be careful to not hurt me. She gets off of me and I smile at her my eyes still adjusting to the light.

"Oh my god (Y/N), you got stabbed for me! That's crazy (Y/N), what were you thinking?" She throws her hands up in the air, a serious but on the verge of joking look on her face.

"I was thinking, I love my little sister and I would do anything to make sure she lives a long happy life. I am so glad you're okay Jamie."

"I'm so glad too. Thank you (Y/N), I don't know what I'd do without you." Jamie nudges my arm with her fist a little.

I grin at her, my gaze moving towards the young man standing at the door. Jamie turns around to see my view and before leaving she comes up to me.

"An FBI agent huh?" She smiles mischievously making me laugh and shove her away.

Jamie leaves the room and Spencer walks in, stepping closer to my bedside rather than sitting in the chair next to me. I smirk at him and he just looks relieved.

"What's wrong with you? Are you okay?" I ask confused as to why he isn't happy.

"Nothing is wrong (Y/N), you're just the most beautiful, smart, caring person i've met and I want to ask you if you would like to grab coffee sometime. I don't know what I would've done if I didn't get to ask you that. You're pretty amazing you know that right?" He asks stepping closer to me, leaning up against the gurney.

"Spencer Reid, you've known me for three days how could you know all those things about me?"

"I just do. You were smart enough to know what to do and it saved your sister, even if you did get hurt. You're beautiful even when you're in distress. And you care enough about the people in your life to get stabbed for them. So, how about that coffee date?" He asks again, his words making me blush and act bashful.

"I'd like that genius. I really would." I grin at him and shove my hair out of my face before he comes in for an incredible kiss.

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