《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》Halloween


Halloween time. Halloween starts way too early for the B.A.U team due to a specific someone. Every year, we are all forced to decorate, dress up, and be prepared for scares. Spencer Reid's favorite time of the year has just started and the whole team is on edge, never knowing what to expect from the adorably awkward doctor. He is so enthusiastic when it comes to the spooky season and I can't help but grin every time I see him. He's always got a big smile plastered on this face and his eyes glisten with mischief.

Today would be no different than any other year I presume. Rolling over in bed I feel around searching for my boyfriend but I only feel the soft white sheets that lay against the mattress. Spencer is already up but it's the first day that he starts celebrating and also the day we are forced to decorate. The light coming through the shutters blinds me so I stand up and get dressed. A (Y/F/C) button up shirt with a black pan-suit and some boots will do just fine for work today. I get my hair done and stride towards the door, which is cracked open a bit.

I push the door open all the way, my hand fiddling with the earring i'm still trying to get in my ear. The process of this is soon halted when a loud scream comes from next to me and I jump fifteen feet in the air, dropping the earring.

"SPENCER GOD DAMN IT!" I yell through my laughter.

Standing next to me is a very elated Reid wearing a halloween sweater with messy hair. He is doubling over in laughter and I can't help but laugh too.

"When will the scaring every year stop? You do it every year, I should be prepared for it by this point, yet somehow i'm not." I smile turning towards him.

"It will continue to happen until Christmas arrives (Y/N), i'm sorry babe but that's the way things work when your my girlfriend." He shakes his head disapprovingly and I lean up, giving him a soft kiss.

Spencer grabs my neck, deepening the kiss and I pull away. He looks at me with hurt in his eyes as if I had just shot him.


"Sorry Reid but if you're gonna scare me like that, you don't get anymore. What's for breakfast?" I smile mischievously and sit down at the kitchen island in our house.

"You're so mean, you know that right? I'm going to get you back for this." He makes his way to the fridge getting out the pancake mix.

I smile and laugh at him, but I was so not ready for what was about to happen to me at work today.


Walking into work without Spencer today is strange. I woke up and he wasn't home which scared me but I figured he must be at work. I was proven wrong as I walk into the office today. He is nowhere to be found and i'm starting to get a little freaked out. Morgan sits with a smile on his face as he watches me search for my boyfriend.

"Lookin' for pretty boy, (Y/N)?" He questions and I snap my head towards the smug looking agent, his feet up on his desk.

"Um, as a matter of fact a I am. Do you happen to know where he is, Derek?" I ask him, walking closer towards him with my hands on my hips, looking sassy and concerned.

"I have no clue where Reid is (Y/N). Sorry." He smiles and I just know he knows exactly where he's at.

I jog to my desk and sort through the mess of papers residing on top. I look for what seems to be a new case file and set it down on the other side of the desk, keeping it separated from the rest of the stash of jumbled work. I walk happily towards the bathroom to freshen up before we start our briefing. Opening the door to the restroom I make my way to the nearest sink and mirror. The bags under my eyes today are unfathomable and it pains me to know that people have already bore witness to this tired look I am sporting. Touching up the dark circles that line my eyes with concealer, I put on a little more blush and push the door open to head towards the conference room.

I drop my whole bag and my eyes go wide once a tall, lean man dressed as a clown jumps out from behind the door and pinches his red circular nose, screaming and laughing. I bend down, my hands on my knees as I try to catch my breath. I stand up and place my hands on my forehead, my eyes closed, not wanting to see what's standing next to me anymore. Without saying anything, I walk out and go into the lobby by the elevator, taking a seat and trying to calm down. Spencer knows I have a terrible fear of clowns and he knows I don't like stuff like that. Why would he do something like this?


I stay seated, my head in my hands and tears streaming down my face out of pure anxiety. I hear light footsteps approaching me so I lift my dreary head to see who is coming towards me. Of course he's here. He's probably going to scare me again.

"Here to make me cry some more?" I say passive aggressively making Spencer bring his hand to my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N), I didn't mean to make you cry. I should've known you couldn't take that. I just get so wrapped up and involved with the excitement of Halloween that I forget sometimes it isn't funny. I'm really really sorry." He apologizes more times than needed and I finally turn my head to look at the starry eyed man planted next to me.

"It's fine. Please don't do it again though, you know I hate clowns. NO CLOWNS." I laugh a little and his thumb comes to my face, wiping off the excess tears still coming down.

"No clowns. I promise." He reassures me, placing a soft kiss on my lips. I place my head on his shoulder.

"This was kinda pay back for what you did this morning though." He says shyly, looking at me dead in the eyes, his eyebrows raised.

"Pay back for me not kissing you because YOU scared me AGAIN! Hmm?" I smile and scoot closer to my boyfriend who I am so deeply in love with.

"I guess maybe I can tone down the scaring, just a little bit. Only for you though. I will still be scaring the hell out of the rest of the team." He smiles and slings his arm around me.

I nuzzle myself into his chest and hum in content. Spencer is the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. I look up at him to see a smile on his face.

"So I have an idea." I say mischievously.


Everyone is in the conference room now and Penelope has been instructed by Hotch to go ahead and get started. She is explaining the case to everyone and Morgan walks into the room a little later than everyone else.

"Where were you Morgan?" Hotch questions him and he answers quickly as to not get in trouble.

"I was just getting coffee sorry, something was wrong with the machine." He says stirring around in his cup.

I glance over at Spencer and he nods which is the signal to go. I stand up and pick up my case file, walking towards Morgan to pretend as if i'm showing him something. Once he sets his coffee down, I place the fake spider in it and close up the conversation with him, sitting back down at the round table. Hotch begins to speak again.

"So Garcia what do we know so-" In a matter of seconds he's interrupted again by Morgan.

This time though, screaming is what envokes the interruption. Morgan is spilling his coffee all over the floor and screaming louder and higher pitched than I think any of us have ever heard before in our entire time working with him. I look over at Reid and we both attempt to keep a straight face but we fail.

"God damn it Hotch. There was a spider in my coffee!" He shouts.

"A spider in your coffee. Really Morgan?" Hotch doesn't seem to believe him which makes me and Reid laugh even more.

"Hotch I swear to-" Dereks gaze drifts to us as we cackle and tear up from laughter.

"We just got you so good Derek. I don't think i've ever heard you scream like that." I laugh so hard I feel like i'm going to fall out of my chair.

"God I hate Halloween time." Morgan says.

I flash Spencer a grin and he squeezes my leg with his hand under the table. With that we are off to start our new case.

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