《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》Dinner Party


Dinner parties at Rossi's are my favorite. Sometimes I forget how rich the man is. His mansion is absolutely stunning. It has a library in it and to me that is crazy. It's one of my favorite spots to explore everytime i'm at his place though. My love for books is incredible. I share that love with Spencer. I think he's coming tonight, im not sure if he'll make it or not. I walk up to Rossi's door. The italian man opens it and smiles as he sees me at the door. I smile back at him, a gentle and loving smile.

"(Y/N)! So glad you could make it! Come in, come in." He waves his hand towards the interior of his mansion.

I step inside and everyone is there except Spencer. I feel a pang of sadness in my chest, realizing how much I wish he would be here. I walk over to the island at Rossi's kitchen where JJ and Penelope are sitting and conversing. I see their eyes flicker to me as I stride towards them. The smiles on their faces light up when they see me. The girls stand up and give me a hug and afterwards I get situated next to them. Rossi is cooking dinner for us tonight and teaching us how to make it. Some pasta thing I think. Hotch and Morgan take a seat next to me and Prentiss on the other side of Penelope.

Rossi begins to teach us how to make the food when the front door swings open. A handsome Spencer Reid stands fiddling with his keys and something else in his bag. I turn my head to see the boy scrambling, leaning my arms on the back of the chair. He looks so adorable.

"I left the door unlocked for Spencer because I knew he was coming. You guys know as an FBI agent I wouldn't just leave my door open." Rossi laughs and we all greet Spence.

"Hey, sorry I am late, I came from seeing my mom." He smiles and hugs me, his warm embrace enthralling me.

I pull back and smile at him. My intense gaze lingers too long and the rest of the team stares at me. I snap out of it and sit back down. Spencer takes the empty spot next to me. He places his hand on the small of my back, causing me to shudder a bit. That made him remove his hand for fear that he made me uncomfortable but he did just the opposite. Rossi pours him a glass of wine and he takes it kindly. Rossi gives all of us our plates and we begin to snarf it down. It's quite honestly one of the best meals i've ever had. Of course it is, Rossi made it, what did I expect.

"Dinner was fantastic, thank you Dave." I compliment him and brush a piece of my hair out of my mouth, pushing it behind my ear.

"It's no need to thank me, you guys are my family and cooking for you is my pleasure. Now, who wants to play cards?" The rest of the team shuffles out into his backyard and gets ready to play cards.


I secretly shuffle off to the library. I know Rossi wouldn't care if I told him that's where I was going I just like that feeling of knowing I am the only one in here. I swiftly walk down the isles of books, running my hand over the spines. I turn the corner and run into a very hard chest. I look up to see Spencer staring back at me. He smiles and looks down, shock on his face.

"You come in here too?" I question, obviously knowing the answer. He's Reid for god sake.

"I like to come in here from time to time. Reading is the complex cognitive process of decoding symbols to derive meaning. It is a form of language processing. Success in this process is measured as reading comprehension. Reading is a means for language acquisition, communication, and sharing information and ideas. It's one of my favorite activities." He rambles on and I hold back the grin eating away at my face the best I could.

"This is my favorite spot in his house- sorry mansion." I giggle a bit at my correction and Spencer takes a step closer to me.

"Sorry for running into you. I didn't mean to, I just didn't know you were in here and wasn't expecting you to be around the corner." He apologizes and his eyes pierce through mine as they stare so intensely at me.

"You won't be able to find me if I hide from you I bet." I start to back away from him, laughing all the while.

"Wanna bet?" He smiles and starts chasing after me.

I run through the rows of books and the smell of the old pages fills my nose as the air flies past me whilst I run. I try to trot quietly on the floor, in hopes of Spencer not hearing my footwork. I stop for a moment trying to catch my breath, thinking I am safe. Two seconds later, two long arms are quickly wrapping around my waist and swinging me around. I spin to see Spencer has found me. I wrap my arms around my waist, not wanting him to touch me anymore. Not because I don't want him to, because I do. I just know he won't ever want me that way and I can't risk feeling his warm arms around me if I can't have it all the time.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable at dinner earlier (Y/N), when I put my hand on your back. I'm sorry if I make you feel weird." He looks down and I quickly start talking, not enjoying the sad man in front of me.

"No, Spence, you didn't I just- I. Nevermind, I don't want to talk about it. Can we go look at books together?" I smile at him a little and his eyes flicker back to mine with a trace of happiness coming back to them.

He nods his head and we walk through the isles together. He points out all of his favorites and describes why he loves them so much to me. I love hearing Spencer talk. His voice is so calming and whenever I feel down he always cheers me up. Listening to Spencer speak is like a chorus of birds on a Sunday morning while drinking a warm cup of coffee under a blanket, the sunlight beaming through the windows. It wasn't very beaming in the library right now, as it was dark outside causing the room to it be illuminated by the faint light of the moon.


"The Catcher In the Rye is another good one. Have you read it?" He turns to me and examines my features.

"No. Will you read it to me?" I ask, looking down embarrassed a little by my request.

"Nevermind, that's a dumb thing to ask, im sorry. Why do you-" He cuts me off and takes the book off the shelf.

"Of course I will read it to you (Y/N). Come here." He places himself on the floor where there is a comfy cushion.

I plant myself down next to him and sit as close as possible to where we aren't touching yet. He begins to read to me and it soothes me more than anything else. It seems like just him and me in the world. Every now and then he stops to explain what's happening and gives his opinion and outlook on the situation.

"In The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger uses Holden Caulfield's thoughts about women and sex to illustrate the young man's naivety. More specifically, Holden's romantic and sexual expectations reveal his tendency to idealize certain unrealistic notions. For instance, he thinks of Jane Gallagher as a perfect woman, despite the fact that he can't even bring himself to call her on the phone. Having idealized her in this way, he looks down on seemingly all the other women he encounters, seeing them as annoying and unintelligent simply because he compares them to Jane, holding them to an unreasonably high standard. In this way, he makes it impossible for himself to be happy with any of his romantic partners." He goes on and on and even though I want him to keep reading, his words enthrall me and interest me more tha anyone else's.

"Do you hold people you meet to a standard based on some other woman in your life?" I laugh at my comment, not expecting it to warrant any response.

"Yes. You." He says, catching me off guard.

"You hold me to the standards?" I ask trying to comprehend the conversation.

"No, I hold everyone I meet to the standards I have because of the one woman in my life I idealize, you (Y/N)." He brings his gaze to me, seeing the shocked expression on my face.

"You what now? I- I can't- You- I-" My choppy sentence is cut off by the sensation of warm plush lips coming in contact with mine.

My arms happily drape themselves around Spencer's neck and his hands find my face. His kisses aren't even hungry, they are gentle, loving kisses. The ones you wake up to in the morning, the unexpected sweet ones. And this one definitely was unexpected. His hands find my hair and I pull away from him. He keeps his lanky fingers in my hair, combing through it. The grin on his face is enough to make me explode.

"Earlier, I didn't not want you to touch me. I just didn't think you felt the same way about me as I did you. I knew if you kept touching me I would only feel worse about the fact that I could never feel your touch all the time. You didn't make me uncomfortable you did the exact opposite. I feel safe when you touch me. I don't know what it is. I just do." I touch his hand with mine.

Spencer grips me and pulls me as tightly to him as humanly possible. He smiles as he places his head on top of mine, opening the book again.

"I really like you (Y/N), a lot." He says, I feel the vibrations of his words course through my body.

"I like you a lot too Reid." I grin placing a quick peck on his lips before he starts reading to me again, me placed happily in his arms.

We are in the middle of chapter 15 when we realize how long we've actually been in the library for. The sound of throat clearing catches our attention and we both look up to see a stern Italian man in the doorway.

"If you two are going to sneak off together in my mansion, tell me before I deal out your cards. Okay?" He chuckles and smiles at the both of you.

"Sorry Rossi. We kinda got caught up. We can leave now. We do know you have a life outside of work. Thanks for inviting us and involuntarily letting us use you library. You're the best cook and friend ever." I kiss his cheek and give him a slight hug before Spencer and I leave, heading to his house.

I place a quick kiss on Spencer's lips, lingering for a minute before he pulls away and smiles.

"I like reading but I think I like you more (Y/N)." He leans down pulling me closer to him by my hips.

"I like you a lot more than reading too but my favorite thing is when you read to me." I rest my head on his shoulder and walk to the car like that.

The Catcher In The Rye is a book we read everytime we are together now. And I wouldn't want anything more.

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