《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》I Don't Mind


"Alright, I am not sharing a room with Reid." Morgan projects, causing the rest of the team to laugh.

I glance over at Reid and see his face drop at the comment but a slight smile still placed on his lips. I shove him with a little with my hand causing him to fall back a bit.

"I'll share a room with you. I'm not afraid of a genius who plays chess." I smile and swing my arm around his shoulder.

Spencer smiles at this and looks down at me, a soft grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. His eyes are gleaming and he looks tired. I feel him staring at me as I continue to talk to the team.

"So, are we going out for dinner tonight or what?" I question, raising my hands in celebration.

"I don't know (Y/N), this was a tough case and i'm not sure if we should. We should get some sleep before we get on the jet to go home tomorrow." Hotch answers solemly, forcing a frown into my face.

I look down, upset by this comment. I had a hard time with this case and going to dinner was my idea of taking everyone's mind off of it. Spencer nudges me with his hip, making me look at his beautiful features.

"We can order in and have something for dinner in the hotel room. How does that sound?" He asks, his gaze fixed on my eyes.

I nod and Morgan starts to raise his eyebrows at Reid. Looking to Prentiss and JJ and finally Rossi, he then speaks.

"If Reid is ordering food I may as well share a room with him." He jokes and the team waves him off, disregarding his comment and scoffing in laughter.

The rest of the team separates into their own rooms and I follow Spencer down the hallway of the hotel to ours. I drop my bag and Spencer is quick to stop in his tracks and snatch it off the floor for me. He hands it back to me and smiles. We reach our room and I press the keycard to the pad, causing a green light to flash before the sound of the open door clicks.

There is only one bed when we walk into the room. Spencer starts to get flustered and immediately picks up the phone, calling the front desk.

"Hi, this is Dr. Spencer Reid, i'm with the FBI and we are staying here for the night. This might be a misunderstanding and i'm so sorry to bother you but the room you put me and my colleague in only has one bed. Do you have a different room with two available beds?" He informs the receptionist politely.


He hangs up the phone and folds his arms in front of him. His head shakes side to side.

"They don't have another room, i'm sorry (Y/N). I will take the floor, you can have the bed." He starts to move his things to the ground.

"Spencer." I stop him, grabbing his scrambling arms. He glances up at me, confused.

"What?" He asks genuinely not understanding what he is doing wrong. His eyebrows knitted he stands up straight.

"You are not sleeping on the disgusting, dirty hotel floor. I won't allow it. You can sleep in the same bed as me. I don't mind. Unless you do." I look down and then back up at him again.

"Oh- no, I don't mind. Thank you (Y/N). Alright, are you ready for that take out?" He beams and picks up the phone again.

In no time our food arrives at the door. We ordered chinese food. It's our favorite food to eat together. Spencer realizes we've forgot to order drinks. I walk to the mini fridge which is built into the TV stand. I open it and pull out a bunch of little bottles of alcohol. Spencer raises his eyebrows but smiles.

I walk back over to the little table and set down the drinks. I crack one open and down the whole entire thing as if it were a shot. Spencer's eyes widen in shock. I down the second one. Spencer's hands quickly shoot towards mine and grab the bottles away from me. Pain and annoyance in my eyes, I stare at the young FBI agent sitting in front of me.

"What are you doing? Why did you take that from me?" I am annoyed with him at this point. He has no reason to remove that from my possession.

"(Y/N), I know this case got to you. I don't mind if you want to talk about it with me, but you aren't going to get drunk and then regret it in the morning. Now, what's happening in your head right now? What are you thinking?" He consoles with me, making me feel bad because I don't want to project my problems onto him.

"It's nothing Spence, I don't want to burden you with my feelings." I take another bite of my chicken and rice. I feel a hand come in contact with the top of mine, it's warm and it feels nice to have someone holding my hand.

"You aren't a burden (Y/N), I want to help, you can't talk to me. You know that right?"


"I guess. I guess I just freaked out hearing all the children he's abducted. I just- their parents and- their families. It's horrible. How can someone get so messed up that they think it's a good thing to abduct innocent children?" A tear falls out of my eye and rolls down my cheek. I quickly bring my hand to my face, patting the wetness off.

"Well, scientists have found that when a decision goes wrong and things turn out differently than expected, the orbitofrontal cortex, located at the front of the brain behind the eyes, responds to the mistake and helps us alter our behavior. So most likely, in these unsubs brains, it's not a mistake and they have a chemical imbalance in their brain that- sorry, I don't mean to ramble I just- (Y/N)!" He looks up and sees me crying harder than ever.

The tears stream down my face as I gasp for air and sniffle. Spencer sees me try to stand up and come to him but I fall and he catches me in his arms. Here we are on the dirty, disgusting hotel floor; Spencer holding me in his arms whilst I weep into his shoulder. I don't know what's gotten into me tonight. I am just so emotional and embarrassed.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this. I feel so helpless and full of mixed emotions this week and I can't help but have it all come out in tears." I snuggle my face into the crook of his neck and his hands come up to my hair, running his fingers through it.

"I wouldn't care if you were crying, happy, energetic, tired or anything else, I would still love to see you. Anyway, this floor is really gross do you want to get up and maybe try to get some sleep?" He asks, me turning in his arms.

I stand up and go to the bathroom, changing into my pajamas. I then open the door, signifying that it's clear for Spencer to come in. I begin to brush my teeth when Reid comes in with no shirt on and some comfortable sweats. I can't help but stare at his chest. I quickly rip my eyes away, not wanting him to see. I finish washing my face and head to bed.

The bed has been turned down by Spence already so I climb in and pull the sheets up, turning off the bright, harsh light coming from the bedside lamp. I close my eyes and try to relax. Spencer finishes in the bathroom and I hear his footsteps coming into the bedroom. He slides into the bed and turns off his light as well.

"Reid?" I say meekly.

"Yes (Y/N)?" He responds, his voice a little bit closer to me now, which I assume is because he turned over so he's facing me.

"I love you." I say unexpectedly..

"I love you too. You're an amazing person (Y/N), and everyone on the team loves you." He replies, causing my heart to drop.

"No, Spence I mean-" He cuts me off mid sentence.

"I know what you mean. I love you too (Y/N), in that way. I always have. Now can you please get over here so we can cuddle and have you get some sleep?" He questions making me laugh and scoot closer to him.

Two long arms wrap around my torso, pulling me in tight. I sigh at the wonderful feeling of his touch. I feel his head rest of top of mine and I intertwine my legs with his. He hums in content.

"Thank you." I smile, even though he can't see me in the darkness of the hotel room.

"For what?"

"Being the best friend, colleague and man on earth. I don't know what I would do without you Spence." I laugh though my nose a little

"The only problem with that is that you're lying." He states.

"Absolutely not."

"Yes you are (Y/N), because you are the best friend, colleague and women on earth and I don't know how I could live without you." I feel his smile from the shifting of his features on my head.

"You're so sweet Spencer. I think i'll share a hotel room with you from now on." I grin with my eyes closed.

"With one bed." He jokes but means it.

"With one bed." I laugh. turning around and placing a quick kiss on his lips before falling asleep in his arms.

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