《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》We're Just Friends


My day just got even better. It was time for another case. I stride into work, happy for a while until I catch a glimpse of Spencer and JJ talking out of the corner of my eye. Ugh. It pains me to watch them talking. I never know if they are dating or friends or what but it bothers me regardless. I am so in love with Spencer it's not even funny. I could never tell him of course because I know he doesn't feel the same and I can't deal with that much heartbreak. It's hard enough already having to see him at work everyday and knowing nothing will ever ensue from our situation. I am newer at the BAU. Not extremely new but ive only been here for eight months. I replaced another agent named Elle Greenaway. From what I could tell, Reid wasn't too excited about her being gone but he talks to JJ about it all the time. Angering me even more.

I sit at my desk and study Spencer as he looks up at JJ while she talks to him. She is sitting on the edge of his desk and I have to muster up all the courage in my heart not to stand up and start a fight. I can't take it watching her. She's just so confidant and the fact that I can't figure out if they have a thing or not is killing me. I glance back down to my papers. Garcia comes trotting down through the bullpen, her heels clicking on the floor.

"(Y/N), we have a- hey is everything okay you look extremely angry. OH, not that I meant that in a rude way, I just-" I cut in, stopping her from continuing.

"I am fine Pen. Thanks. Do we have a case?" I force a smile and look at her.

"Yeah. I'm gathering everyone to the round table room right now." I stand up and follow the young bubbly woman up the steps.


She quickly takes me into the bat cave for a second before everyone gathers into the room. She sits down at her computers and I sit down on the spare chair she has in her room.

"How bad is it (Y/N)?"

"It's so bad Penelope, I can't keep my eyes off of him for one second or even look at JJ without a huge frown on my face. You can't say any of this to him though. You're the only one who knows I love him Garcia." I rant to her.

"JJ and Spencer are just friends (Y/N) trust me." She tries to convince me.

Walking into the room I sit down next to Morgan and grimace as Spencer takes a seat next to me, JJ following behind him and sitting next to him. I think everyone can see me physically struggling but everyone keeps quiet. Hotch comes in and tells Penelope to get started.

"Okay, so I guess some people like to use kitchen utensils for other things rather than cooking. Not funny. Okay, last night two men were killed and mutilated by various kitchen items." Everyone begins to ask questions. I scan the room, catching JJ's hand on Spencer's arm.

I stand up abruptly and storm out of the room, warranting confused and worried looks from everyone. I go to the bathroom. Water in my hands, I stand in front of the sink and splash it in my face. How can someone have this much of an effect on me? He's just a boy. But he's pretty boy. Wonder boy. Genius boy. He's Reid. The sound of footsteps comes closer to the door and it swings open revealing Reid. My eyes widen at the realization that he is standing in the women's restroom at the moment. He walks closer to me and leans against the sink.

"You can't be in here Spencer." I inform him as if he doesn't already know that.


"I don't care. What's going on?" He questions, folding his hands in front of him.

"Nothings going on. Why?" I lie to him and he knows it.

"(Y/N), I know something's up. What is it? You're tense lately, seemingly upset and-"

"Stop profiling me Reid! I am doing my job and i'm sorry if i'm distracted. It's kind of hard to focus when JJ has her hands all over the man i'm in love with and I can't do anything about it because I don't want to ruin a happy couple." I stop in my tracks before trying to exiting the room, realizing the words that I just let escape my mouth. I just involuntarily told him I was in love with him.

I trudge out of the room trying to escape Spencer's grasp as he tries to cling onto my shirt. I fail and he turns me around. I look at him, anger in my eyes. He was infuriating me right now but I can't help but have a hard time not smiling at him. He has a terrible habit of licking his lips while he talks and there's a weak spot for that in my heart. The control he has over me isn't fathomable.

"(Y/N), JJ and I aren't dating. We are just very good friends. I've known her for a long time. We are like brother and sister." He has a smug smile on his lips, the words I said running though his head repeatedly.

"Oh." is all I could manage to murmur under my breath, looking down embarrassed by my loud mouth earlier.

Spencer tilts my head up and connects his lips with mine. He tastes of sweet coffee and peppermint. I breathe heavily as Reid pushes my up against the wall of the bathroom. I pull away, needing air. I feel my breathe catch in my throat as I peer up at him, shocked by his choice to kiss me.

"I would never do that with JJ. Ever. But you? Yeah, im in love with you too (Y/N). Have been since the day you walked out of Hotch's office eight months ago." His hand still lingers in my hair, I haven't moved from my spot on the wall.

"You're lying to me right now. I can tell." I look into his eyes.

He kisses me again, this time more passionate than the last. He is trying to prove his point that he isn't lying to me. He successfully shows me that he actually is in love with me.

"You aren't a very good profiler sometimes (Y/N). Also, if you weren't so worried about me and JJ, you would know that I talk to her about you twenty four seven." He looks down, now embarrassed a little too.

I smile up at him. He talks to JJ about me?

"Yeah right, about how annoying I am. You and your team are way better profilers than me." I laugh at my self deprecating comment but Spencer doesn't seem to think it's funny.

"Our team. You are part of this team too (Y/N), and you're a damn good profiler as the rest of us. I hate when you talk badly about yourself." He looks at me sorrow and demand in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Tears begin welling up in my eyes.

Spencer comes to me and pulls me in his embrace. I wrap my arms as tightly as I can around his torso and cry into his shoulder. He holds me until we hear the sound of the door opening. JJ walks in.

"Everything oka-" She takes in the sight of me in his arms.

I smile sheepishly at her. She nods knowingly.

"Well it's about time Reid." JJ laughs walking out of the bathroom, leaving us to comfort each other.

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