《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》You Look So Pretty


Today is a day I have been dreading but also awaiting for a long time. It feels like Reid has been in prison for so much longer than only two weeks. I can't function at work. I can't sleep at night. I can't do anything. It's kills me to know he's in there and he did nothing to deserve it. Today is the day that Penelope has me scheduled to visit him. Yes, she made a schedule. She's Garcia.

I go to Prentiss' office and swing open the door. She looks up from her work, wide eyed.

"(Y/N), what's going on?" She closes her file and stands up behind her desk, placing her hands on top of the wood.

"Do I have to work the case today? Since you know-" I point out that I am going to the correctional facility.

"No, but I would still like you on call if we need anything from you. Is that okay?" A weak smile is placed on her face.

I nod, shutting the door behind me. I gather my credentials, gun and bag as I make my way to the bat cave. I knock on the door to a small tune and soon enough, Garcia's smiling face is met with my sorrowful one. Her face immediately drops and she looks angry.

"What? What is it? Are you okay? I- Oh- OH." She realizes that today is my visitation day.

"I just wanted to let you know i'm going now. I will let you know how he's doing when I see you tomorrow. Thanks Pen." I hug her tight before driving to the prison.

When I get there the sound of talking and loud banging greets me. Prison is a scary place and I can't imagine what it's been like for Spencer in here the past two weeks. I hold the door for someone behind me before making my way to the guard behind the glass in front of me to the left. I take off my gun and retrieve my credentials from out of my jacket pocket, placing them down on the counter in front of me. The guard takes them and protects them from behind the glass.

The building I am in right now is easily one of the loudest, cruelest places i've ever stepped foot into in my life. Penelope and Luke weren't kidding when they said it was a scary place and that they were worried for Reid. I am still more frustrated than ever that they didn't put him in protective custody. Did they honestly look at him and think he could've murdered someone?

One guard nods to another guy standing by the prison cell door, closing off the "lobby" to the actual prison. The man standing by the door presses a red button which opens the door with a loud buzzing sound. He tells me I am allowed to go through so I do. I turn down the hallway and open a door to my right. I then am met by a bunch of chairs and partitions in between each chair. There is a spot for me to sit on one side and a spot for Spencer on the other. He's prison number fifteen so I find that spot amongst all the other chairs.


I sit down and fold my hands in my lap waiting to hear the jangling of handcuffs walking towards me. Five minutes later the door opens and out comes a line of criminals and in the middle, Dr. Spencer Reid. I jolt my head up and my eyes find him. Eventually, he sees me and a smile comes to his face. He runs over to me and tries to hug me.

"No touching" The prison guard informs us as we almost fall into each other's arms.

I pull back and sit down. He looks at me and his smile fades away as he sees me crying.

"Please don't cry (Y/N)." He looks sad now, really sad.

"I can't help it Spence, how can I uphold my wellbeing when you're in here. It's making me crazy. I miss you. I-"

"I know. I miss you too. But i'm going to get out of here (Y/N), it's going to be fine. Soon i'll be able to hug you all I want. Okay?" He encourages me, even though I can still see he isn't doing well.

"Okay," I look down again, I don't want to see his sad face.

"You look so pretty." His words make my head turn up to him again.


"I said you looks really pretty. Even if you're crying. You look beautiful and I wish I could kiss you. I figure if I might never get out of here, I may as well tell you how I feel now." This only makes me cry harder.

"Spencer, you're going to get out of here. We are going to get you out of here. I love you. I am in love with you. If I could kiss you right now I would too." I smile softly at him as tears still stream down my face.

"I think visitation time is almost up. I love you so much (Y/N). I promise we will see each other soon, no barricade, no partition between us, no prison guards or cells. Just you and me together." He cries a bit too now, not able to hold it back anymore.

"Oh, I forgot, Hank made you this. I know you can't have it because they won't let you but, when you get out you can wear it!" I hold out the little bracelet that Morgan's son made for his uncle spence.

"I love it. Tell Morgan I said thank you and tell Hank I think it's the coolest bracelet ever. I will see you soon. I love you." He whispers the last I love you with a smile as the guards put the handcuffs back on him and drag him away through the door.

I sit there as every other visitor exists the room. He just told me he loves me. I can't be in here anymore. I rush out and grab my gun and badge. I scramble to my car and shut the door locking it. I rest my head down on the steering wheel. Why would anyone do this to Spencer? He's the most humble and pure person i've ever met. Whoever framed him is the most awful person in the world.



I walk towards the prison with JJ, it's time to get Reid out. We walk through to solitary confinement. The cell opens and Reid stands abruptly, getting excited when he sees us.

"We're getting you out of here." We both smile and he runs towards me, giving me the biggest hug i've ever experienced.

"Do we have any leads on who could've done this to me?" He asks curiously as we walk out.

"Just one." JJ sounds.

"Who? Why don't I know about this?" I ask demandingly, wondering why nobody told me.

"Um, the team knows your emotional relationship with Spencer and we didn't want to worry you (Y/N). I-" I cut JJ off.

"I WANT TO KNOW WHO IT IS RIGHT NOW! TELL ME!" I can't control myself at this point.

Reid grabs me and brings my hands in his. I stop mid frustration attack and turn my attention to him.

"It's okay (Y/N), calm down. We are gonna get them. It's all fine, i'm here." He soothingly talks me into calming myself.

I apologize to JJ. She then explains to me that their lead in on Cat Adams. The girl that Spencer had put in prison a couple years ago. Why would she have this much of a grudge to hold against him that she would frame him and put him in prison? We are told we can go interview her at the prison she is in at the moment.

Once we arrive there, Reid asks if he can go in by himself. We all let him and they start talking. I watch through the observation window and can feel the blood runnining out of my palms from where i've dug my fingernails into my skin. I am clenching my fists so hard watching her talk to him. I finally lose it when she sits on his lap. I burst through the doors and trudge towards her. I rip her off of him.

"You son of bitch, you take your god damn hands off my boyfriend right now. I will kill you, I swear to god. Do you have any idea what you put him though? And for what? Because he has a parent that is actually there for him even if she can't remember everything all the time when you have absolutely nobody?I-" Spencer is yanking me out of the room away from the smiling Cat Adams that sits before me.

Once we are out of the interrogation room, Reid tries to talk to me but I walk away. I just messed everything up. All of the strategies he'd been using and all of the behaviors she'd been exhibiting. I messed it all up because I am so in love with him, I can't stand to see another person act that way towards him.

I see feet waking next to me and taking a seat on the ground. I am leaned up against the wall and Spencer is now seated next to me.

"Boyfriend huh?" He laughs a little.

"I just messed it all up. All of it. I'm sorry." I don't laugh at him or look at him.

Spencer leans over, forces my head to look at him with his hands and kisses me. His kiss is passionate and longing. I wait for him to pull away but he doesn't and he continues to kiss me for a while. My hands are in his hair and his hands are on my waist. I finally pull away after at least two minutes. I smile the smallest bit and look at him.

"Boyfriend has a nice ring to it. What do you think?" I spark up the old conversation.

"Yeah I kinda like it too. You didn't mess anything up (Y/N), in fact, it might've helped make her jealous that there's another person in love with me rather than her." He points out, making me feel better about myself and my actions.

"Sorry I went so crazy back there though. I just haven't been able to touch or see you in so long and seeing her all over you made me so angry. I am in love with you and I don't want anyone else to have you but me." I touch his face with my hand caressing his cheek with my thumb.

"I understand, I love you too (Y/N), now let's go figure out where my mom is and then go relax somewhere that isn't a prison cell." He smiles at me and I smile back.

"Let's do this."

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