《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》Calm Down


The TV is on and i'm in my apartment. It has been a long day and I really need to decompress. I turn on some mindless TV show and start flipping through a magazine. Spencer hasn't gotten home from work yet. He has been at work a lot lately. It's hard to be dating someone when they aren't home a lot. We can't really go out either because he has to finish some work stuff when he gets home.

Dating an FBI Profiler is hard but pretty awesome. When Spencer comes home he always tells me about how work was and what kind of unsub they caught. I love sitting with him in his arms or eating dinner whilst he tells the story. It normally goes something like, 'I called Garcia and told her to cross check rat poison with stores in the area and when she found it, Luke and I headed to the building. Then, we busted down the door and found the unsub mixing stuff together, he was about to drink it and kill himself but I talked him out of it'. This usually results in me telling him how much of a badass he is.

He has tough days at works sometimes but, most days are good days. Him and his team always get the job done and catch the guy. They really are the best. The BAU knows what they're doing and they sure knew what they were doing when they decided to recruit Dr. Spencer Reid.

I wait patiently on the couch for the sound of the keys jamming in the lock on the door. Finally, the sound arrives and I stand up walking to the door. When Spencer opens the door he looks distressed.

"Hey babe, what's going on?" I view his perplexed features up close and I wrap my arms around his neck.


"Hi baby, I just had a super hard day at work." He leans down and kisses me lightly on the lips.

"Did something happen or was it just a difficult case?" I lead him to sit down on the sofa and straddle him, taking off his tie.

"It was just a really hard case and it got to me and JJ a little." He runs his hand through his hair and closes his eyes, bringing two fingers to his eye.

"Alright, well calm down, it's okay, you're home now and it's all going to be fine." I look up at him.

I lean up towards him and take his hand off of his face, causing him to make a confused face. I lean in and bring my hands to his face, brushing some stray pieces of hair out of the way. My lips come to his and I hear him groan in pleasure. His hands find my waist and I smile at the feeling of this touch. I run my hands through his hair and feel him smile into the kiss. I finally pull away and grin at him.

"Did that make it better? You didn't like that did you?" I snicker and chuckle at him, running my hand though my hair.

"Yeah, that kinda helped a little. Just a little." He smiles in return. He still looks sad though.

I get off of him and place myself next to him on the couch. He turns his body towards me and places his big hands on top of mine, sending butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I look down at our hands and get an idea.

"Turn around." I tell him.

"I'm sacred. What are you gonna do?" He asks worried.

"Come on, i'm gonna give you a massage. It's suppose to relieve stress. Don't you trust me?"


"Okay, why, what's that gonna-OUCH." He cries out in pain.

I start to massage his shoulders and back. I guess I pressed too hard on a knot.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you Spence, are you okay?" I say continuing to massage his shoulders.

"I- yeah- oh god- yeah i-im fine now." He replies, stuttering from the feeling of my hands.

I rub circles into his back and run my nails over his skin. He shudders at the feeling but I can tell he likes it. He rolls his head back in pleasure and I start to massage his scalp, digging my fingers deep into his fluffy head of hair. He smiles up at me and lays down in my lap. His eyes are still closed and when he finally opens them he rolls over so he is looking at me and starts kissing my neck.

"Spen- ugh- Spencer stop." He immediately removes his soft lips from the thin skin on my neck.

"What? Did I do something? I'm sorry." He looks down.

"You didn't do anything wrong Spence, I just wanted tonight to be about you and by massaging you I wasn't trying to make you feel the need to do something for me. I just thought it would help." I cup his cheek with my hand.

"It is helping, definitely. I just, I love you so much (Y/N), when you make me feel good I want to make you feel good. And making you happy makes me feel good. So, by letting me love you, you're helping me feel better from my day at work if that's what you were trying to do." He smiles wrapping his arms around me and pushing me back onto the couch so we are laying down now.

"Alright, I guess if that'll make you feel better. I'm not complaining I just want you to not be sad. I know days at work can be hard but you know i'm always here for you right?" I lift his head towards me and lean closer.

"Yeah, I know (Y/N), I love you."

"I love you Spencer, now can we get back to what we were doing before because I never said I didn't like that." I laugh and cock my head at him.

"What you mean this?" He begins to kiss my neck again, sucking and biting in all right places.

"Y-yeah. How are you so good at that Spence?"

"Well, I read tons of books on how to pleasure the female body and there was a whole section on this that i've read tons of times over again. There was also a section on fingeri-" I sit up and stop him, bringing my index finger to his mouth, causing him to stop talking.

"Ah ah ah, we'll save that for another time wonder boy. Right now I just want to be in your arms. Okay?" I laugh at him. I can't believe he read a book about this stuff.

"Alright (Y/N), we can lay here. Or we can go to the bedroom." He raises his eyebrows, gesturing towards my bed.

"Another night genius, another might." I laugh and snuggle up to him.

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