《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》Birthday Party


I run into the bakery, trying not to fall in my heels. I rush up to the counter and tell them I need to pick up a cake, the one for the thirty year olds birthday. As I stand here arguing with the lady on the other side of the counter in between us, I pray that the rest of the team is doing what they are supposed to back at the office.

I instructed Garcia to put up the decorations because she is good at that and I had to force Morgan to help her with it. He made a huge production about how he had to go buy him a present. I knew he was lying and trying to get out of helping. I told Prentiss and Hotch to keep Spencer away from the building until it was time for the surprise. JJ is getting all of the presents ready and Rossi is getting the drinks while checking in with everyone. I am on cake duty.

I know Spencer doesn't like surprises but, it's his thirtieth birthday. That's a milestone. He deserves something big. I smile at the lady in front of me as I politely become frustrated with her.

"I need that cake right now, I don't have time to stand around here and wait for it. It should've been done by now, I ordered it over an hour ago. I need to be somewhere." I fold my hands together on the countertop.

"Ma'am, we are working on it. Please have a seat." She sounds as though she's had it at this point but me even more so.

"I need the cake right-" Just as i'm about to argue again, a man in a white apron comes out from the bakery's kitchen doors with a special chocolate cake, the number thirty on the candles that are stuck in it.

"Here, now please get out of my shop." The cashier sneers.

I throw my money at her and tell her to keep the change as I sprint though the doors back to my car. I put the cake in the passengers seat and start my car, driving back to the B.A.U., one hand on the steering wheel, the other over top of the cake. I tell my phone to call JJ.

"Hey! Are you close?" I hear the blondes voice through my car speakers.


"Yeah, I just picked up the cake and i'm on my way there. Is he suspecting anything?" I ask, worried.

"Nope, he tried to call Hotch to tell him he was coming in to work early to get started on some paperwork but, Hotch immediately told him to take off as much free time as he could get. He won't be here until we planned." The woman yells at Morgan to pick up the mess he made in the background.

"Good, good. I'll be there in ten." I hang up the phone.

I drive a short distance before hitting a giant rock in the road. The cake goes flying in my seat and hits the windshield. Great. It's a good thing I am just outside the parking lot of the B.A.U. because there's no way I could've driven like that. I groan, parking the car and getting the half squished cake out of the seat and off the windshield. I frown, tripping on a step up to the elevator, breaking my heel. I look absolutely horrible. I ruined the cake. Spencer is gonna hate this. And it's all my fault.

The elevator opens and the whole team stares at me. Morgan puts his hands on his hips. I look around and suddenly I see Spencer, sitting at his desk with a party hat on his head. How is he here before me and why?

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Reid smiles before getting a confused look on his face.

"Hi! Everyone, welcome to the room, SSA (Y/N) (L/N), the girl who can't even pick up a cake for her boyfriends birthday let alone walk in heels. She also can't plan a surprise party for the life of her and she messes everything else up too. I'm sorry I ruined your birthday Spence." I shrug and bend down to take my broken shoe off.

Prentiss comes over and takes the cake from me. She cocks her head to the side and looks back to me. I shake my head as to say "don't even ask". I feel horrible. What a great thirtieth birthday party. I'm an awful girlfriend. Garcia is rushing over to me. She hugs me and then runs off somewhere.

"(Y/N), it's okay. You didn't ruin anything. Actually, i'm the one who ruined it." he laughs, kicking the heel of his foot into the floor.

"How's that?" I ask, confused.


"Well, I knew Hotch would be mad but, I really wasn't doing anything the whole night anyways and I wanted to get here and start on my paperwork before we had an active case so, I came in after calling him anyways. I saw everything and ruined the surprise. I'm sorry." He gives me a weak half smile, making my heart break.

"Don't apologize to me, it's still your birthday right? Cake or not, surprise or not, we still have to celebrate. So-" I am cut off by Garcia rushing back into the room with a covered plate in her hands.

"So, I know you're gonna hate me, (Y/N), buuut, I made my own cake for us last night as a backup in case this happened. It's practically the same thing as you bought from the bakery. Don't kill me. Please." She scrunches her whole head down like a turtle hiding in a shell.

Of course, Penelope Garcia made another cake. She figured I wouldn't be able to pull this off. And she's right. What would I do without the woman. Morgan is right, she really is a bundle of sweetness.

"I don't hate you and I don't want to kill you. I'm actually really happy you knew I wasn't going to be able to get the cake here intact. Thank you. Now we have something to eat, and some candles for the birthday boy to blow out while we sing!" I smile over at the young man who is gazing at me.

We all gather around the thirty year olds desk and Rossi lights the candles on the chocolate cake. The chorus of happy birthdays begins, making Spencer smile all the way to his ears. It's that smile he does when he's genuinely happy about something. The smile he had on his face when he found out he was going to become a godfather. The smile he had on his face when he first asked me out. My favorite smile.

Reid blows out his candles and Morgan sits on the edge of his desk. He starts mocking him, saying all these false facts about birthday cakes and how if you eat them you will be cursed.

"So, what'd you wish for, Pretty Boy?" Morgan laughs.

"I can't tell you that or it won't come true." Spencer glances over at me again, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Everyone spreads out, reverting to their old spots in the room and resuming conversation after wishing Spence another happy birthday and giving him a pat on the back or a hug. I grab my glass of wine and stand at my desk, watching everyone talk. I look down at my bare feet. There's no way I can drive home barefoot. I hear the sound of footsteps coming towards me so I turn to the side to view Spencer walking up to me.

"Hey." He watches everyone with me.

"Hi." I don't look at him, I just continue viewing my colleagues.

"You know, (Y/N), cake or not, you're the only present I need on my birthday to be happy." He smiles putting his arm around me and his face in my hair.

"I can't even get a cake for you. I'm a terrible girlfriend. I'm sorry again." I look up at him, guilt and sadness in my eyes.

Spencer leans down and places a kiss on my lips before picking me up bridal style and carrying me over to the rest of the team.

"Can we please get a round of applause for the wonderful woman I get to call my girlfriend, the one who put all of this together for me." Spencer smiles at me and the rest of the team starts clapping and shouting.

"I love you, Spencer." I kiss him again, my hands in his hair.

"I love you too, (Y/N) and for what it's worth, this was the best birthday of my life." He spins me around bringing his lips to mine once more.

"If you want to come back to my place afterwards, I think I know a way I can make it even better." I smirk at him and his eyebrows raise.

"I think i'll take you up on that offer." He laughs putting me down.

"Happy Birthday, Spence." I hold eye contact with him a sweet smile placed on my lips.

"Alright, whos ready to open gifts?" Morgan shouts over all of us.

We sit at the round table and everyone pushes their gifts towards Spencer. He smiles and begins to open them. This was one of the best birthdays for me too. I love seeing him happy. Even if I did ruin the cake.

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