《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》The Lake


JJ and Prentiss fight over who gets to sit by Spencer on the boat. We are going down to the lake as a team today. Not for a case, just for fun. We all enjoy each other's company. As friends too not just colleagues. Morgan breaks up the fighting.

"You know, I bet the kid would choose to sit next to (L/N) if he had a choice. Calm down ladies. There's enough of Pretty Boy to go around for everyone." Derek laughs, slinging his arm around Penelope.

"Hey, why would you say that! I don't play favorites Morgan. I would like to sit next to Emily and JJ just as much as I would like to sit next to (Y/N)." Reid suddenly gets defensive.

"Okay Reid, we get it. Now, please stop before you start speaking facts and statistics that none of us care about." Rossi shares his thoughts as the italian man climbs onto the boat.

Spencer just looks bothered now. The team does pick on him a lot and he takes it like a man. Dr. Spencer Reid is one hell of a man that's for sure.

"Yeah yeah whatever, you don't need to explain it to us that you're in love with the girl, we can all see it." Morgan jokes with him again.

Hotch turns the key on the boat causing a jolt. This makes us all fly forwards in our seats. We all look up at Aaron, seeing a look of terror on his face.

"Do you even know how to drive a boat, Hotch?" Prentiss chimes in.

"I thought so, I've gone out on the lake with Jack lots of times. I've done this before. It's gotta be the boat I don't-" He looks flustered and angry that he can't figure out what's happening when Garcia decides to speak.

"Sir, did you make sure you were engaging the throttle forward and not in reverse because-" She stops, seeing the horrifying looks she's getting from her boss.

"Yes, Penelope, I did. I'm not that dumb. Dave a little help over here." Aaron motions him over and Rossi gets the boat going in no time.


"See! Now everything's fine. Nothing else bad can happen. Time to relax on the lake." Garcia shouts becoming giddy.

"Calm down, babygirl. Time to see if agent Hotchner actually can drive a boat." Morgan jokes causing Hotch to glare at him.

I brought food for everyone so it would be a fun lunch outing. I made Spencer a sandwich and I brought him a cup of coffee. He will drink coffee all day if he can. I walk over and sit down next to him on the edge of the boat, his food in my hand. I sit down and smile at him handing it over.

"I know you live for coffee and I made you a sandwich too. I thought we could talk some." I grin at him as he takes off his baseball cap to run a hand though his hair.

Spencer has on his rayban sunglasses. I've always had a weak spot for him when he wears those. He just looks so good and I can't help but fall harder for him than I already am when I see him in them.

"Hey, thanks! What did you want to talk about?" he smirks taking the food and coffee from me.

"ABOUT HOW SHE LOOOOVES YOUUU!!!" Morgan eavesdrops on our conversation and yells at Reid.

I quickly find Morgan's sandwich in my bag and chuck it at him in hopes of shutting him up. I laugh as he catches it, waving it and tilting his pretend hat in thanks. I turn my attention back to Spence who is extremely uncomfortable by the whole situation.

"Sorry about that. I didn't want to talk about anything in particular I just wanted to talk." I smile waving Derek off.

"It's fine, he's never gonna leave me alone about it either so there's no sense in apologizing." He looks out into the water.

"How's your mom doing?" I inquire.

"She's actually doing pretty well! I went to see-"

Hotch suddenly starts speeding up a lot. Like a lot a lot. JJ spins around and starts yelling at Hotch.

"Why are you going so fast?! I'd like to make it home to Henry and Will alive if that's alright with you." She starts yelling.


I thought she was going crazy until I hear a high pitched voice coming from right next to me screaming at Hotch.

"Woah, woah Hotch slow down! I'm on the edge of the boat here! Hotch!" Spencer starts freaking out.

Hotch is trying to slow down but he can't figure out how to, Rossi stands up again walking towards our boss and assisting. Spencer calms down a little until the boat stops so abruptly that it throws me and Spencer off the side of the boat and into the lake.

I float under the water for a second before reaching the surface. I search for Spencer.

"Hey, Spence? You good?" I ask wiping the water from my eyes still searching for him.

Finally, Spencer comes up gasping for air. He's being a bit dramatic but what else would I expect from him. I swim over to him and grab his arms trying to stay afloat. He opens his eyes and starts laughing uncontrollably. I start to laugh too. We tread our legs under the water trying to keep above the muddled water.

"I wouldn't want to be thrown off the side of a boat by our boss with anyone other than you Dr. Spencer Reid." I laugh some more and then I feel lips on mine.

Reid is kissing me and it's not a very passionate kiss. It's a soft and sweet kiss. Our lips move in sync together while our legs are still treading water, trying not to fall underneath the dirty water. I pull away because i'm having a hard time staying on top of the surface and I need air. I gasp for air but grin at the same time. I smile when I see Reid also coming up to breathe. We both look up towards the boat and see the whole team watching us.

"We're good down here!" Reid shouts.

"Oh, you look more than good Reid." Morgan grins at the boy who again becomes bashful by the comments.

I look over at him again and he smiles at me coming closer.

"I couldn't hold it back anymore. I really really like you (Y/N). If you couldn't already tell." He laughs though his nose, gazing at me.

"I like you too Spence." I smile at his comment and try to hug him but doing so in the water is kind of difficult.

"Can we get back on the boat and out of this lake water now please? It's proven that lakes are full of germs that can make you sick. Some of the common issues you can get from swimming in a lake are skin rashes, respiratory illness and swimmers ear. People typically contract one of these illnesses when they accidentally ingest contaminated water. I'd like to avoid this and also yell at Hotch for what he just did." He speaks the facts that Rossi said he didn't want to hear about earlier making me blush. I think it's adorable when he does that.

"Yes, we can get back on the boat now." I laugh at him.

We both climb to the ladder and Emily helps us back on. Spencer automatically runs to Hotch and punches his arm lightly, knowing he won't be able to do much damage compared to his boss. I walk over and yank him away from Aaron. We sit down together in spots that aren't on the edge of the boat. I smile as he wraps his dripping wet arms around me.

"I didn't mind falling in there with you." He places his head on top on mine.

"How come?" I ask him, liking the feeling of being wrapped up with him.

"Because I got to kiss you. I have wanted to do that forever (Y/N). Anyways, JJ can you get us a towel please?" Reid continues on like nothing happened.

JJ comes over with two towels, trying to hand them to both of us. Spencer pushes one of them away and says we can manage with one. He wraps the towel around both of us and I curl up with him, the sun beating down on us and the wind blowing in our hair. This day couldn't get any better.

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