《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》Sunrises


I rub my eyes, sitting up in bed. I hear the buzzing of my phone on the nightstand. Leaning over, I grab my phone and look at the time on the alarm clock. One in the morning? Who would be calling me at this time? I slide to answer the call, raising it to my ear.

"Hotch? Do we have a case?" I ask sleepily, getting out of bed, prepared to get my go bag ready.

"Wheels up in thirty." A voice says, but it's not SSA Hotchner.

"Spencer? Why are you calling me at one in the morning?" I laugh at his impression of Aaron.

Spencer sounds like he's been up for a while. He also sounds very happy. He's probably just calling to tell me about the latest book he's read or asking if I want to play chess with him tomorrow.

"Alright, are you doing anything right now?" He asks as if I would be baking a cake, running a marathon and working a case all at one A.M.

"No, Spence. I'm not doing anything right now. What's going on?" I smile through the phone at his question.

"Okay, get dressed in comfy clothes. I will pick you up at your apartment in thirty minutes. See you soon (Y/N)." He hangs up the phone.

I take the phone off of my ear and look at the screen. I raise it to my ear once more.

"Reid? Spencer?" He clearly hung up. What is happening right now?

I stand up and stretch my arms. I make my way to the closet and decide to wear my favorite (F/C) t-shirt and throw on a hoodie over it. It's cold out tonight. I throw on some sweat pants and make my way to the living room. I open my phone and text Spencer.

"Do I need to bring anything with me?"

"No, just you."

I walk over to my kitchen and sit at the barstool that sits under the island. I begin to doze off once again. My head falls onto the counter and I close my eyes. As i'm about to fall back asleep, an alarming knock sounds at my door causing my head to jolt up and my feet to pick me up from my seat.

I open the door and Spencer is wearing his Washington, D.C. sweatshirt. I've always loved that particular one on him. He always looks so cozy. He has a basket in his hand and a bottle of wine in the other. I look up at him, still drowsy from falling back asleep slightly. He has a gigantic grin on his face. He quickly places the bottle of wine in the basket with the rest of whatever else he has in there and holds his hand out for me to take.

"Hold on, I need shoes Spence." I laugh at his eagerness.

"Sorry, I'm just really excited. When a person is excited, their emotions become more powerful and can affect their decision-making abilities. Excitement leads to impulsivity." He spits out as i'm pulling my feet into my converse.

I smile at him, taking his hand to help me up from the ground.


"Who's car are we taking and where to?" I ask him fixing the bottom of my shirt.

"We won't be taking a car. We're walking." He smiles and glances down at our hands.

Spencer and I walk down the sidewalk smiling. He says hi to all of the people we pass. This makes me blush a little bit. Spencer has always been nothing but a gentleman. Every so often I catch him looking my way. I gaze at him, admiring how polite he is and how lively he seems. I scan the streets and study all of the people. Couples having coffee, groups of friends coming out of bars, individuals reading in a book shop whilst listening to music. I never really realized how many people are still out and about at this time of day.

Spencer turns around a corner, making me trip on a curb. He stops in his tracks and puts his stuff down on the concrete. He crouched down to my level. I beam at him. He doesn't look very elated anymore.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm so so sorry, (Y/N). I didn't realize you didn't know we were turning. It's my fault. Is your foot okay?" He continues on.

I cup the side of his face with my palm. He pauses and brings his hand over top of mine. I crack up laughing as he helps me to my feet.

"What's funny? Are you okay?" He becomes perplexed again.

"I'm fine Spence, and i'm only laughing because I love our relationship so much. You make me laugh and you care about me so much without even trying. I don't know what i'd do if I didn't have you as my friend." I laugh through my nose and look away from him shyly.

We reach a park in the middle of nowhere. It looks like a ghost town. We are the only ones there. Spencer lets go of my hand and takes the basket off his forearm, where it had been hanging on our walk here. From it he pulls out a picnic blanket, unfolding it and gently placing it out on the grass. I watch as he opens the basket and prepares all of the food he brought with him. Next, he unloads two wine glasses and the bottle of wine. Finally, two fluffy pillows are placed at the top of the blanket and Spencer sits down blissfully.

I stand next to him looking at the sky above me. Suddenly, I feel a tug at the hem of my pants. I peer down at the young man gazing up at me. Optimism and laughter in his eyes. I sit down next to him contently. My eyes wander over all the goodies he brought. I feel his eyes on me so, I giggle and shift my gaze towards the boy with brown curly hair hanging in his face. He has himself propped up on one arm with his hand in his hair and the other laying in the blanket underneath of him.

"Did you make all of this yourself?" I query. I study his deep drown eyes as they light up at the request of information that just came from me.


"Well, I tried to make crème brûlée because I thought you would've liked it. Crème brûlée was uncommon in French and English cookbooks of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. I may be a genuis but turns out I actually can't cook very well. So, I settled for turkey and cheese sandwiches with chips and fruit. Can't go wrong there. Unless it's terrible, then i'm sorry." He chuckles a little before scratching his head.

I pick up the sandwich bag with my name on it and open it. I take a bite and chew for a minute before looking at him with a straight face.

"Spencer, this is the most god awful sandwich i've ever eaten in my life." I stay looking at him, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah, I knew it wasn't going to be good. I'm sorry (Y/N). I meant for this to be a cute gesture." He looks down.

I roll over on the blanket until i'm upside down and underneath of him so he can see my face. I laugh at him. He gets that confused look on his face again. The face he always makes during a case when he can't figure out why the unsub is doing what he's doing. The face when he is frustrated that he is missing a piece of the case that we need. The face when he is confused about a joke someone made. The face I love.

"Spencer, I'm only joking with you. There is no way you could mess up a turkey and cheese sandwich." He looks back at me again.

"Why are you so good at that?" He asks me. I run my hand through my hair and look down and back up at him again slowly.

"At what?" I lick my lips and take another bite of the sandwich in front of me.

"Making me feel better immediately, the moment that I feel the smallest bit of dread." He leans over tucking a strand of my lose hair behind my ear.

My glasses fall down towards the end of my nose, I push them back up and reach for the container of watermelon sitting next to him. Spencer grabs my hand as it lands on the lid of the clear box holding the fruit. I snap my head towards him, gasping at his touch. He sits up and turns around, pulling something else out of the basket. Christmas lights. He plugs them into the portable plug he brought and they light up around me. He struggles to get them in the corner of the blanket that i'm sitting in. I reach over and grab the strand that he's trying to string around the corner of the soft checkered material. I fix it for him and smile.

"It's already 3:00. Can you believe we've been here for that long already?" He continues to fix the lights, his back to me.

"I just want to lay here with you and watch the stars, is that okay?" I ask, not answering his question.

Spencer stops fiddling with the strands of white glowing lights and turns around. He stares at me, dropping the lights. I begin to see tears forming in his eyes. I hurry closer to him, not touching him though.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry if I said something to make you sad." I'm sure my face has that expression it always has when i'm sad and confused at the same time.

"Nothing would make me happier than to watch the stars with you (Y/N). Nothing." He doesn't move, holding his gaze with me.

I smile at him laying my head down on one of the pillows. Spencer lays down next to me on the other pillow. I begin to point out stars and the moment I do, Spencer spits out some random fact about them. I can feel my eyes closing as the time passes. It has to be at least 4:30 now. Finally, my eyes close and I'm in a deep sleep.


I wake up and the first thing I notice is the bright light in my eyes. Immediately afterwards I notice the arms around my waist and the chest that i'm laying on. I had fallen asleep in Spencer's arms. I shift over looking at him sleeping. He looks adorable. Suddenly I hear a raspy voice.

"Morning." He smiles, his eyes still closed.

"Uh, good morning. What time is it? I don't imagine we slept for that long." I ask him as he rolls over and grabs his phone, not letting out of his arms.

"It would be 6:30 in the morning. So we got approximately two hours of sleep. I don't mind sleeping like this though." He laugh pulling me closer to him and I don't hesitate to put my head back on his chest.

"It's really bright out here." I squint my eyes to see him.

"It's the sunrise. Want to watch it with me?" He opens his eyes for the second time.

"Absolutely." I smile and my breathe catches in my throat as he puts his hand on the small of my back, sitting up and moving to a more comfortable position. He then puts his arms around me and nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck and we both watch the sunrise.

"Wanna get coffee after this (Y/N)?" I feel his warm breath on my skin as he speaks.

"Sure, Spence. Thank you for this. It was one of the best nights- mornings- well one of the best days i've had in a while." I smile.

"Actually, it is considered the morning because we've been here since one A.M. making it-"

I kiss him causing him to stop his rambling. He puts his hands in my hair and pulls away smiling.

"I think i'm gonna wait on that coffee for a minute. I'd rather just lay here with you, (Y/N)."

"Alright, that sounds fine to me. I love ya Spence." I cuddle back up next to him.

"I love you more (Y/N)."

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