《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》Let Me


I gather my things and walk towards the elevator with Garcia. Her heels click on the tile as she walks, going on and on about her date night tonight with Sam. I look at my phone continuously during the conversation with her, earning concerned looks from the happy go lucky girl.

"What's going on? Am I boring you? I'm sorry, I know this can't be interesting for you i'm just really excited and-" I cut her off.

"It's not you Pen. I just- I haven't seen Spence all day and you know he didn't come into work today. He didn't tell me why and I have texted him three times already. No response. I'm just worried." I smile sadly and she pulls me into her warm embrace.

"I'm sure he's alright, (Y/N). You know Reid, he's always reading or something, probably just not looking at his technology, you know he hates it." We reach the bottom floor and we both step out of the elevator.

I hug her again before rushing to my car. I don't believe that Spencer would just skip coming into work. He wouldn't do that. He loves his job too much. I brush my (H/C) hair out of my face whilst jamming the car keys into the ignition of my car. I speed down the road to my apartment complex.

Once I get there I leave my car on because I am going to go to Spencer's. I need to grab a few things first though. I run up the stairs and into my apartment. I grab my homemade soup from the fridge and a book that I know Spencer loves , just in case. I don't know if he's sad or sick or what's happening but I know for a fact that he loves both of those things and whatever he is it'll make him feel better.

I get back into my car, checking my phone once more before driving to make sure Reid hasn't responded. He hasn't. I put the items down in the passengers seat and drive off to his house with my spare key in hand. He trusts me the most out of everyone on the team, which is why he gave me a spare key in case anything ever happened.

I arrive at his door and before I use the key, I ring the door bell. No answer. I try knocking before I barge in. Nobody comes to the door. Finally, I put the key in the lock and just as i'm about to turn it, a very sick looking young man opens the door. He has very dark bags under his eyes, more than usual. He has his glasses on and his hair is falling in his face. He's wearing blue pajamas and his voice sounds raspy as he starts to speak.


"(Y/N)? What-" I stop him. Using this opportunity to yell at him.

"WHAT THE HELL! You scared me Spence, I thought you died. Not showing up to work, not texting me back not even texting anyone to tell them you're okay in the first place-" He grabs my flailing arms and looks at me gently.

"I'm sorry, I have been sick all day and I don't feel good. 1 in 6 cell phones has fecal matter on it. Coli bacteria, which can cause fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, is found on many phones. So-"

"Okay totally gross Spencer I didn't need to know that. Okay, i'm sorry for freaking out but let me in. I have soup and your favorite book." I make a grossed out face by his fact and wave the container of soup in the air, pushing past him into the house.

Spencer's house smells of coffee and it also smells sort of stale. It's the scent of a sick person. I look around at all of the blankets on his couch accompanied by two pillows at the end of it. I went to sit down when Spencer started coughing like crazy. I quickly stand up and run to him. I put my hand on his back and guide him towards the couch.

"I'm fine, (Y/N), you don't need to be here, it's just a cold" He tries to tell me.

"Yeah, I don't care. You're my best friend and I am going to stay here until you feel better. Let me go warm up this soup. Stay there." I smile, taking the container of soup towards his kitchen.

I begin to warm it up in the microwave and find a bowl in one of his cabinets. I wait for the microwave to beep while I stand at his counter watching him. He picks up the book and opens it, reading the first twenty pages in a couple minutes. The microwave goes off and I pour the soup into the bowl, grabbing a spoon. I walk back over to the couch and place the bowl on the table in front of us.

"Do you want anything to drink? Water, milk, juice?" I ask as he picks up the soup bowl, accidentally burning his finger.

"OUCH- god damn it!" He shouts, hearing him curse is weird. He never does.

"Hey, it's okay." I grab his hand.

"I'm gonna go get some ice." He goes to stand up.

"Let me." I smile at him pushing him lightly back onto the couch.

I wrap the bag of ice I made in a paper towel so it's not to cold for him. I bring it back and hand it over. I pick up the bowl and fill the spoon with soup waiting for him to open his mouth. He looks at me with a face saying "heck no".


"(Y/N), you aren't going to feed me. I am capable." He shakes his head closing his eyes at the pain of his finger once more.

"Spencer, you need to eat something and no, you aren't capable right now. Your finger is hurt and you can't hold a bowl and spoon at the same time with one hand. Now, please open your mouth." I give him a cold stare.

"Fine." He gives in.

I put the spoon in his mouth and he automatically smiles and sighs at the taste of the warm broth. I feed him the rest of the bowl. He takes the ice off his finger and goes to run his hand through his hair but it gets caught on a knot. I put the bowl in the sink and sit back down.

"Where's your hairbrush?" I ask him tentatively waiting for an answer.

"Down the hall in my bathroom. Top drawer on the right." He glances up at me before returning to the book in front of him.

I glide down the hall and into his bathroom. The pictures he has hanging around his house are all very artsy. I didn't expect anything else. I open the door and walk towards the top right drawer, opening it to find a light blue brush. I grab it and walk back down the hall to the living room where Spencer is still reading.

"Sit up for me." I climb onto the couch behind him.

He shifts uncomfortably for a second. I begin to gently brush out all of the knots and tangled in his messy hair. I feel him relax as the brush massages his scalp. I brush all of it out until it's soft again. I look at him from the front and brush out a couple pieces at the front of his face with my fingers, causing him to shudder.

"Sorry." I apologize for the sudden chills I gave him.

"For what?" He questions me, not cluing into what I meant.

"I just made you shudder, I didn't mean to. I also feel like i'm being a neusane, If you want me to go I will. Does your hair feel better?" I ask him.

The boy lifts his hand and runs it swiftly through his brown locks. He smiles at me and coughs a little bit.

"Much better. Thank you for doing this, (Y/N). You really are the best friend a guy could ask for. You aren't being annoying at all, I'm happy you came. I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was going on." He makes eye contact with me and grins a little.

"Hey, um... do you want me to read to you? I brought that because I know it's one of your favorites. If not it's okay I just-" He puts his hand on my forearm.

"I'd like that (Y/N). A lot." He scoots away from me.

"Well, what are you doing? Get over here. We aren't gonna cuddle while I read?" I ask jokingly, but wishing I wasn't joking.

"I don't want to get you sick (Y/N). Adults get an average of two to four colds per year, mostly between September and May. Colds are highly contagious. They most often spread when droplets of fluid that contain a cold virus are transferred by touch." He goes on.

I scoot as close to him as I can. Spencer just stares at me, dumbfounded. He blinks a couple of times before leaning over and grabbing the book to pass to me. I pick up a blanket from the other couch and place it over him.

"I don't care if you get me sick, Spence. Okay, what page were you on?" I flip through the book searching for where he was.

Dr. Reid looks at me. He isn't saying a word. He's just staring at me. He begins to do that thing with his lips that he does all the time where he licks them before furrowing his brow in confusion. I look up at him and tilt my head slightly, wondering what's going on.

"Hey are you good? Do you-"

Spencer's kiss is short and sweet. I'm assuming he doesn't care about getting me sick anymore. I pull away and grin at him.

"You didn't want to just shake my hand?" I laugh at him.

"Actually, studies have shown the number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss." He states.

"Well, I don't think kissing you more often would hurt. Handshakes are over rated anyways." I smile reaching over to kiss him again.

"I love you (Y/N). Thank you for doing this. You're amazing."

"I love you too, Spence."

well, i hate this one a lot so i'm sorry 🤮

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