《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 25
"Come here girl." Legacy smirked. Clementine started smiling as well, but went inside of the room with Calvin. Did they low key just plan this behind my back ? Oh that was low. She could've warned me because I was planning to go to bed. But let me go see what does this boy wants. "Yes Legacy?" I smiled as I walked over to him. He pulled me closer to him then began to rub his hand up and down my thighs. "What were you and Jayde talking about?" He squinted at me. But I found that look on him so cute. "How I should've just went and sat on your lap right in front of Roman." I rolled my eyes. Legacy shook his head before laughing. "That shit would've been crazy as hell, but I have to let son know what's up. I'm not on no fuck shit with you. Its nothing like that, he expects you to be treated like a princess and I'll respect that. You feel me?" He asked before licking his lips. I nodded my head with a smile. "Let's hope he doesn't snap on you. But didn't you have fun tonight? I didn't even think we'll make it through the door without something happening." I smiled. There was too much going on, new girlfriends around, new boyfriends and a bunch of new faces. But everyone actually got along until we were eating and that's something normal with Cassandra and Madison miserable asses. "Yeah we kicked ya asses, but talking about that..... Can I take you out tomorrow?" Legacy asked with a smirk. Here we go with the dates again, let's pray again for a happy outcome of this date. 'Cause last time this nigga went and slept with a whole girl and the next week ended up having a whole girlfriend. I've never been so confused in my life before. "Ummm are you sure your little girlfriends aren't going to want your attention after our date?" I smirked which made him laugh and shake his head 'no'. "Don't even pull that shit Kay, you are my little girlfriend." Legacy said making me laugh at him. Ain't nothing little on me, but okay. "Says who?" I smirked. And he pointed at himself. "So what you saying about this date? I've been planning this shit since you had a attitude on Friday." Legacy said and I had to fight the urge from start blushing. Rubbing my lips together, I slowly nodded my head. "We can go. What time though?" I tilt my head to the side. "Like six or so." Really Legacy ? Like we both don't have school the next day. "You do know class is the next day right?" I smiled at him. "I also know that you won't be out all night.... So I'll see you at six and don't take all night pretty girl." He kissed my forehead. "Okay." I smiled and we walked back into the room. Calvin and Clementine were already sleeping still fully dressed. I laughed and took a seat on my bed then kicked off my sneakers. "I guess you're sleeping over too huh?" I asked taking off my jean jacket and dad cap. Looking over at Legacy, he was already getting undressed. "Boy you're not sleeping like that." I frowned at him. "Why not?" He smirked already playing with his curls. That's one of my favorite habit of his minus licking his lips because he does that all day. "Because I don't want you in my bed like that." I said walking over to my closet. "I'll promise to keep my hands to myself." He chuckled which made me smirk. Lying ass. I started laughing but grabbed the shorts that he left here last time and also grabbed a pair of pajama pants for myself. I would've took a shower, but Calvin was here and what if he woke up having to use the bathroom. It would've been a very awkward situation for me knowing that I'm naked. So no I'll just wait until the boys leave tomorrow. "Here you go." I tossed Legacy his shorts then went to the bathroom to go change. I slowly got undressed then walked back over to my bed, Legacy was sound asleep now while his hands were still in his hair. Awwwe, I thought to myself. "Legacy move over." I tapped him, but he didn't budge. I guess I wasn't the only one sleepy. But now that he wasn't moving I was ready to cry. "Legacy!" I whined while bouncing on the bed. "What happened?" He popped up then seen that I was frowning. "Oh my fault come lay down." Legacy mumbled after moving over and patting the little space that he left me on my bed. So I crawled on my bed and tried my best to get comfortable. And before I could even close my eyes Legacy wrapped his arm and leg around me. "You're so annoying." I whined. The only person I allowed to hold me in my sleep or even touch me in my sleep was Kamira and that's because she's so tiny. But Legacy tall and wide self had me feeling like a baby kangaroo that was stuck in his/her mother's pouch. "I'm not moving either." He said and kissed my cheek. I started laughing and closed my eyes. If I catch a cramp anywhere on my body, I'll be kicking his ass. "Goodnight Legacy." I smiled and turned on my side. "Sleep tight Kaylee." He mumbled and we both started laughing. So much for him saying that.
Being constantly tapped, I mentally rolled my eyes. If my eyes were opened, I would've been rolling them as of right now. "What Legacy?! I let you sleep peacefully! Why aren't you being fare?" I snapped. I didn't have times for his game right now, if he wanted to say goodbye then he should've just kissed me on my forehead and went about his day. "Ain't no damn Legacy. Wake up Kaylee." Roman said and my eyes instantly opened. He was standing over me with the only look on his face. Either I was in trouble or I was in trouble. "What's up Ro? What brings you by so early?" I yawned while covering my mouth. Legacy and I didn't go straight to sleep, we kept on bothering each other until like six o'clock in the morning. "So you told your little boyfriend on me huh?" Roman snickered which made me frown. "What are you talking about?" I asked then sat up in my bed. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I was more than ready to brush my teeth and wash my face. "You know what I'm talking about Kaylee." Roman snapped. I started laughing and got out of my bed. "Hold that thought Roman." I said putting my hand up to him then walked to the bathroom. I can't be arguing with stink breath, that's a automatic lost. So I turned on the faucet then squeezed some toothpaste onto my tooth brush after I wet it and began to scrub my teeth and braces. Roman walked into the bathroom with his arms crossed. I looked over at him through the mirror while he mugged me. "You funny as hell Kaylee." Roman chuckled dryly. I spit out the foam then rinsed my mouth out and opened the Listerine. "How Roman? What did I even do to you?" I asked then poured the Listerine into my mouth. "What happened to coming here just for our education so we can end up getting great jobs then taking vacations at places we can't even pronounce?" He frowned at me. You got a whole girlfriend, I thought to myself with a eye roll. He's lucky my mouth was full though. I spit out the Listerine and quickly rinsed my mouth with some cold water. My mouth was burning ! I see how Legacy felt when I sprayed his mouth with the Listerine spray the other day. "Fine Roman, I really don't want to argue with you. That's all we've been doing since we got here. You don't want me talking to Legacy? Fine I won't. I don't even care no more. You win, I'll leave him alone." I said and bumped passed him while leaving out of the bathroom. He's lucky that I actually like Shante or I would've tortured her ass. Here came Roman still with the same mean look on his face. Didn't he just get what he wanted ? There's no need for his face to be all screwed up. "Are you hungry?" I looked up from my phone. "Nah I ate already, but I'm out. Shante needs me." Roman said before walking out of my room. My mouth hung opened and I quickly hopped up then ran after him. "Roman what fuck is your problem yo?!" I yelled. I didn't care who the hell was in the hallway right now, he was acting like a straight up bitch. He ignored me and walked onto the elevator. "Asshole!!" I yelled and walked back into my room then slammed the door. Unlocking my phone I quickly texted Legacy.
Me : What the fuck did you tell my best friend ?!
Shaking my head, I took a seat on my bed trying to calm myself down. And Kaiden had sent me a text.
Kaiden : Kaylee.
Me : Yes Kaiden ?
Kaiden : Wya ?
Me : In my room. Why ?
Kaiden : Meet me downstairs sis.
Me : I'll be down in a few.
I tossed my phone to the side and took a quick shower. Then got dressed wearing of my PINK sweat suits and a pair of my Uggs. There wasn't no need to get dolled up because after talking with Kaiden, I'll be back upstairs into my room. All alone. Grabbing my phone and key, I noticed that Legacy had sent me a text back.
Legacy : Who are you cursing at ? But all I asked was why doesn't he let you talk to me ? Nothing out of the order. Why ? He's bitching again ?
Me : Yeah he's bugging.
Walking off the elevator, Kaiden was already standing by the door. "What's up?" I hugged him. "Ain't shit. What the hell is going on with you and Ro though?" He sighed. "Let's go walk." I said and opened the door for us. "Good looking." Kaiden nodded his head. Once we were a good distances from the dormitory, I began to talk. "He's being unfair Kai, he doesn't want me to talk to Legacy yet he has a whole girlfriend." I rolled my eyes. "But you already know how Roman is when it comes to you." Kaiden said. I knew this how this conversation was already going to go though. "But that's not fair Kaiden, that's like me saying he can't have no other friends but me, yet I have Clementine and them. He wouldn't let that shit slide, not at all." I said. He looked my way and sighed. "Yeah but that's friends Kay. That's nothing to worry about. Dating the wrong person could lead up to the wrong things. You understand?" He asked. I nodded my head, but started crying. I wasn't crying over the fact that I couldn't date Legacy because there will be plenty of boys after him. But its so frustrating how Roman is treating me. Like I'm not no way near familiar with the way how Roman has been treating me lately. But right is right and wrong is wrong. And right now Roman is very wrong. That's like telling somebody not to go to school, but you're going to school. Like how crazy does that sound ? He's acting like I've gotten my heartbroken by a boy already and is falling for the same type of boy that already broke my heart. He had it all wrong, no boy ever showed me this kind of attention, so yes it was all new to me and yes I was enjoying it. But he can't hate me for telling the truth. "Why are you crying Kay?" Kaiden asked while rubbing my back. "Roman is acting real shady towards me over some simple ass boy, if he doesn't want me with nobody he should take me then. If he's so much of a good "boyfriend" I wouldn't have to worry about getting my heart broken right?" I asked while wiping my face. Kaiden just stood there with a surprised look on his face. "You're right Kaylee, I'll talk to that nigga. He got you out here all crying and shit. You know usually I'm on his side, but right now I understand what you're saying. And I don't think Legacy is a bad dude, he's actually the one that got cheated on." Kaiden said and I nodded my head. "Thanks Kaiden. But I'll talk to him myself." I shrugged with a sniffle. Roman is so damn stubborn, it gives me a headache. "Aight, I'll still talk to him though. Nobody makes my future wife cry." Kaiden joked and I started laughing. "Oh boy, you still on that?" I laughed while shaking my head. "Yeah. You thought I forgot about that huh?" He smirked and we both started laughing. Just when I thought that I was going to have to argue with Kaiden like I do with Roman. He was actually much more easier to talk to.
Getting ready for Legacy and my date, I sat in front of Clementine while she rubbed some lip gloss across my lips. Since she was bored, I let her doll me up with some make up. And need I say she did a great job, go Clementine. "So where are you two going?" She smirked and closed the lip gloss top. I slightly shrugged with a smile. Legacy never really told me where we was going and especially he didn't have a chance to today. I had my phone on 'do not disturb' until I started to get ready. That's the only thing we got to agree on, that the date was still on. "Let me guess you want to go to the arcade again?" Clementine giggled and I started laughing. "Yes that was fun as hell, but let's see what he have in mind today." I shrugged with a smile. "So what did Ro say about this?" Clementine asked crossing her arms. I looked up at her and pouted. "We aren't really talking right now." I mumbled and was about to start crying. "Uh uh you better not heffa! I damn near caught twelve cramps in my back just to slay this look! You're not about to ruin my masterpiece!" She quickly dabbed on my eyes. "Stop playing!" I laughed slapping her hands down. "But you're laughing though and you look very nice. So I'm not even about to bother you, I just need a good selfie when you take one so I can make you my WCW on Wednesday." Clementine smiled and I laughed. "I got you and thanks for the make up Cle." I said standing up and went to go check my outfit out in the mirror. This was one of the outfits I grabbed when I went shopping with Jayde. I smiled feeling all types of pretty. "Sis lie and say I don't look good!" I joked still staring at myself in the mirror. "There's no lying about that! You better work that shit Kay!" Clementine yelled and we shared a laugh again. I acted as if I was about to start twerking and she started laughing. "Let me stop." I giggled as someone knocked on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it. Legacy was too busy in his phone. But I didn't mind, he could've stood there all day. That's how daddyish he looked just standing there. And of course his curls stole all of my attention. When I have my twin boys, I swear that's all I care about them having. I think that's one of the cutest feature on boys. "Legacy." I said making his head quickly pop up. "Oh shit, my fault Kaylee. What's up?" He smiled at me. "Hey and come in so I could grab my coat." I giggled. So I stepped aside and let him walk in. "That's not Daddy Leg is it?!" Clementine yelled making us both laugh at her. Jayde should've never called him that because now Clementine won't stop. That's all they do when we're both around either her or Jayde. "Yeah its me." Legacy smirked. He's so full of himself, I laughed to myself. Grabbing my coat, I put it on then grabbed my hot pink clutch that went along with my outfit. Sliding on my shades as well, that also matched. I was feeling this look. If I didn't get sick so fast, I wouldn't have even wore a coat. "You ready?" I smirked turning back around. "That's my roommate! Do you see how cute she is?!" Clementine squealed which made me laugh at her craziness. "Thanks Cle. But come on Legacy." I blushed. "Have fun my babies and don't be surprised if Calvin is back here." Clementine said and we all laughed. "As long as he have on his mussel I won't mind." I said making them laugh at me. "Oh he'll have that on alright." Clementine joked. "I'm going to beat you, see you later nasty!" I laughed as Legacy took my hand. She started laughing as we walked out of the door. "Kaylee damn you look good. You got me sweating you and our night didn't even start yet." Legacy smirked. "Thank you Legacy." I blushed and pressed the elevator button. "I would tell you how good you look and smell, but we don't need to add anymore air to that head of yours." I giggled as I ran my fingers through his curls. Legacy laughed and kissed me. I smiled surprised as hell. A warning next time will be nice. "What you want a warning next time?" Legacy chuckled. And I nodded my head as we laughed. "That would've been nice." I giggled. "Aight I got you next time." He smiled and we walked onto the elevator. "Thank you." I smiled sarcastically and we started laughing again. I softly sighed and my phone began to ring. Digging in my clutch, I picked it up and frowned seeing that Malaysia was calling me. "What's wrong?" Legacy asked. "My little sister is calling me." I furrowed my brows then slid over to answer her call.
"Hello?" I asked sounding confused. I really had no idea why she was calling me.
"Kaylee I -- I - I need someone to talk to." Malaysia said as her voice cracked.
"Where's Gloria and Gina?" I asked. Since when we were cool enough for her to actually want to talk to me ?! Even after our big fight, they still called themselves talking shit about me.
"I'm not in the mood to be getting judge, I just need a second opinion right now." She began to cry even harder. Legacy turned his head as I looked his way and we walked off the elevator then outside and into his car. I was still shocked that Malaysia actually called me.
"Malaysia is this some kind of prank because if so-- and she easily cut me off.
"I wish being pregnant was a fucking prank!! Kaylee I swear there's no prank going on here. I- - I'm so sorry how bad I treated you, all you was doing was looking for someone to hear you out and care for you like everyone supposed to be cared for." She cried. I frowned and began to shake my leg. I wish I would've just ignored her call.
"Okay calm down Malaysia, so you're saying that you're pregnant?" I sighed. If she's asking me to tell Mrs. Graham about what's going on, I probably won't. Mrs. Graham is very sweet, but when you do wrong that's when her sweetness goes straight out of the window and that thick ass belt comes out. No thank you. "How many months are you?" I asked.
"Four, but thank god for it being winter because I get to wear big clothes." She sniffles. I shook my head. Christmas break is probably going to end up worst than Thanksgiving break.
"So now its too late to get an abortion. Malaysia why didn't you been tell me? And then you let me fight you while you were pregnant?!" I asked. It was safe to yell, Legacy wasn't really paying me any attention.
"Yes.... And because I still didn't like you. I wish I would've instead of copying Gina and Gloria." She sighed.
"Don't worry about that, we'll talk about that when I come over for the break. So what about the father... Is he around? Or if anything does he plan to be in the baby life? And do you even still have your job?" I asked. This is practically the things that'll probably save Malaysia from a ass whooping from both Mr and Mrs. Graham. And here I go trying to save the same girl that made my life a living hell. But like she said, she was following her blood sisters; even though I probably would've still been nice to me. But that's not the case right now. She's only seventeen years old with a full baby.
"Yes. He's actually more excited than I am, his parents know and all. They even plan on throwing me a baby shower, but don't know that mommy and daddy doesn't know about the baby." She sighed. Oh my god and what about Brandon ?! He's going to kill Malaysia and that poor little boy. Oh yeah Christmas break is going to be something to remember.
"Okay that's good. But now all we have to do is let Mrs. Graham and Mr. Graham know what's going on with their baby girl. I'll be right there with you if anything." I said.
"Oh my god thank you so much! No one knows how scared I am, Sylvia didn't even want to help me face them which made me a thousand more times scared. Thank you so much Kaylee, I swear I'll make it up to you. From the moment you come into the house." Malaysia said.
"No keep your gifts, your baby needs every dime of yours. Call me if anything okay?" I assured her.
"Sure and once again I'm so sorry." She sighed.
I nodded my head as if she could see me. "You're cool. I told you we'll talk about that when I get home okay?" I asked.
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