《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 24
"Man just open your mouth!" I laughed at Legacy. He's so behind on Snapchat and their filters, so I was teaching him how to work them. Like how in the hell do you have a Snapchat and don't know how to work the filters ? That's everyone's favorite thing about Snapchat. And since we already got our hair did for tonight, we ended up back at his room. Well all he got was a new tape up and wet his hair so it got super curly. Yes sadly I cut my hair into a Bob, but that was just a excuse to get my weave popping again. But it actually turned out to be real cute, so I might hold off until the week of Christmas break to get my hair done again. "What? Watch your mouth." He said and I started laughing. Him and that dirty mind of his. Can't go two seconds without thinking dirty. "Not like that nasty, just open your mouth and the tongue will show up and you could either take a picture or a video of yourself." I giggled. Legacy shook his head 'no' and leaned back on me. His back was leaning on my front, so I leaned forward and held his phone up towards our faces. "Just say ah. Look like this." I said and opened my mouth as the dog filter quickly popped up and the tongue rolled out as well. "You see?" I looked down at him. "Yeah that shit fake fire. Let's take a picture." He smirked and opened his mouth. I started laughing and shook my head as I started the dog filter back up then took a picture of us as he got the Dalmatian dog and I got the original dog. "Thank you. I'll put the caption." Legacy said taking his phone out of my hand. I was about to argue with him until I realized that was his phone. So I just rolled my eyes while he typed away on his phone. "Don't say nothing dumb Legacy." I laughed and grabbed my phone. Seeing that Roman sent me a text, I smiled. I guess he isn't so mad at me after all.
Ro : Yo ?
Me : Yes best friend ? 😍😍😍
Ro : Wyd ?
Me : Chillin with Legacy. Wyd ? And I like how you tried to make Shante act as if you weren't there ! But no need to argue. 🤔🙄✋
Ro : Lmfaoooooo nah cause you really ruined my day with that Legacy bs but like I said do you baby girl. And what's happening tonight ? Clementine invited me but couldn't tell me what we're doing cause her break was over.
Me : We're all going bowling.
Me : At first it was only supposed to be with Dallas, Yoshi, Cle and I but she didn't want no one to get the wrong idea and just invited everyone
Ro : That's what's up. So I could bring Shante ?
Me : Yes and I guess if Cassandra isn't going to act up let Kai know that he could bring his ragga muffin too 🙄🙄🙄
Ro : Lmfaoooooo cool !
"Who's that?" Legacy asked leaning back on me. "Roman, I was telling him about tonight." I said as I rubbed my fingers through his hair. We've been running around all day, so I was more than tired. But Legacy energetic ass wasn't a bit tired. "Oh yeah this shit supposed to be lit." Legacy nodded. "Yeah hopefully and can I use one of your durags? I'm tired." I yawned while covering my mouth. I couldn't even fight my sleep anymore, Legacy will just have to keep himself company. "No stay up with me Kay." He said looking up at me. "But I'm tired Legacy." I whined and he started laughing. "Punk ass." He smirked. "No I really am tired, we've been up since what? Eight o'clock? Boy I'm sleepy." I said while rubbing my eyes. Them shits were burning from me fighting my sleep. "Let me help you." He chuckled grabbing his black durag. So now I sat in front of him and he tied the durag around my head. "Thank you and can you wake me up at six?" I yawned once more while taking off my Uggs and climbed in his bed. "For?" Legacy asked looking back at me. "So I can go to my room and get ready, I'm not trying to be the reason we're late." I said closing my eyes. "Aight." He said climbing in the bed with me. So I turned over and fell asleep.
"So are you two a thing or what?" Clementine smirked. I looked up at her and started smiling. She couldn't get over the fact that I was with Legacy all day. As soon as I stepped a foot inside of the dorm, I've been getting interrogated. I didn't mind though being that all we did after getting dolled up, was sleep until it was six o'clock and he walked me over here. Nothing to out of the ordinary. But Clementine was acting as if he just proposed to me and I said 'yes'. "I'm not sure you know how your best friend could get." She shook her head rubbed some Koko gloss on her lips. She's obsessed with Kylie Jenner's lip kit. Grabbing my black '100 % Melanin' crop, I pulled that over my head then slipped on my light high waist jeans and slid those on. Rolling the bottom a little, I put on my socks then put on my black Fenty Pumas. Walking over to my closet, I grabbed my denim jacket and my matching 'Melanin' dad cap then grabbed my matching denim clutch. "Oh that's cute, but hun you're going to freeze." Clementine warned me. "No, I'll be wearing my coat still. Just not inside." I shrugged and sprayed my clothes with some Riri perfume. The little make up that I did have on, was already done right along with my lip gloss. Fixing my gold Jesus piece, my phone began to ring. Taking it off the charger, I slid over answer. It was Jayde on the other end.
"Hi baby. What's up?" I asked her.
"Ask Clemmy can I bring Daniel?" Jayde asked.
"Sure. Everyone is welcomed!" Clementine yelled and I smiled. "Well you heard her right?" I asked. Even though I didn't even know that Clementine could even hear what Jayde was even saying on the phone.
"Yeah tell her thanks, I'll see ya tonight." Jayde said before hanging up on me. I'm going to kick her ass. "Who's Daniel?" Clementine smirked. "Her boo, he's a freshman." I said before filling my denim clutch with some money, lip gloss, my charger and some wipes. "Everyone got them their little boyfriend except for little miss Kaylee." Clementine teased which made me laugh at her. "Don't start Cle. We both know its Roman's controlling ass, but then again... I told him that I was with Legacy today and he didn't say anything." I said grabbing my coat. I guess he's really keeping his word, but that's what's actually scaring me. What if he's right about Legacy and I ended up with a broken heart for being hard headed and stubborn ? I hate to be told you so because I'm the one who's usually right. And then that'll only ruin Legacy and Roman's friendship which they still have without any arguments or hostility. Which I think is so unfair being that I'm arguing with Roman almost everyday, but whatever. "Really?! That's the first. But I'll talk to my best friend to see what's going on." She smirked and grabbed her coat as well. "No comment." I laughed as we walked out of room and let the door lock. "Ayeee I was just coming to get ya my single ass don't have a ride." June said making us laugh at her. "See? I'm not the only single one around here." I stuck my tongue out at Clementine. She just laughed and shook her head at us both. "So lock arms with each other, you girls are dating for the night." Clementine said making us laugh at her. June and I looked each other's way before laughing uncontrollably again. "There will be boys for us to tease there." June flipped her hair and I nodded my head in agreement. She was absolutely right, I got my Legacy to bother. Even though he's not completely mine, but he already know what's up and vice versa. We got on the elevator and sat quiet until the doors opened. Jayde was making her way out of the door with Daniel. "Hey baby!" I yelled making Jayde laugh and walk over to us. Her hair was still straightened and she had on another outfit that I picked out for her. Good girl Jayde. "Yesss I'm loving this!" Jayde smiled at me. "Thank you and I'm loving that! And hey Daniel." I smiled. Jayde started smiling. "Thanks boo." Jayde flipped her hair and we all started laughing. She plays entirely too much. "What's up Kaylee?" Daniel gave me a head nod. "Okay so we'll see you two at the bowling alley?" Clementine smiled at Jayde and Daniel. "Yeah. Let's head out." Jayde grabbed Daniel's hand. So we followed behind them, but ended up in Clementine's car. "Music check?" June asked as she sat in the back. "You could be the DJ." I said passing her the aux cord. I needed my battery so I could be on Snapchat the whole night. Need to show off who's nice with bowling and who's trash, even though we'll still be enjoying ourselves. Hopefully. "Yes ya about to swear we at a party." June bragged which made us all laugh at her. But I guess she wasn't lying when she played No Letting Go by Wayne Wonder, a super throwback need I say. "Aye! Got somebody, she's a beauty!" We all sung as Clementine pulled off.
"Kaiden!!" I yelled running over to him. "What's up?" He chuckled hugging me back tightly. I really did missed him and his annoying ways. Cassandra just stood to the side with Madison as they ignored me and went back to talking. "I missed you! You don't even check on your god sister." I playfully punched his arm. "Nah I been busy, but I got you. How's everything?" He smirked. "I'm fine. How about you?" I smiled. "Good. I heard some shit, but I'll just keep that off until later. We're going to talk though, aight?" Kaiden smiled at me. "Is it good or bad?" I asked. He's not as bad as Roman, but he can easily snap as well. "I don't like it, but you probably do." He shrugged. I frowned and looked over at Roman. But his ass was too busy in Shante's face as they flirted with each other. Yet I can't have a simple boyfriend still. "Fine we'll talk later." I mumbled and walked away from then over to Quentin and Zeus. "Hey boys." I smiled then hugged them one by one. "What's up Kaylee?" They both smiled. "Nothing much, but how was practice?" I smiled crossing my arms. Legacy told me that they were all struggling, but I just needed to talk to get what Kaiden said out of my head. Nine times out of ten its about Legacy, but I'm trying not to let it bother me. "Shit was wicked! But that nigga Roman is like Wolverine, nothing could take his ass down." Zeus chuckled which made me smile. "That's Roman for you. But y'all better sing tonight too!" I laughed before my eyes got covered. "Who is it?" I asked. It smelled too sweet for it to be Legacy, so I was thinking of every girl. "Zillah is that you my darling?" I asked. But got no answer in return. "Pai is that you? By the way you smell so good." I cooed still no answer. "She is fine as hell though and she's brown skinned." Zeus helped me out. I laughed at his flirting ass. "Victoria baby!" I cooed and she dropped her hands. Every boy described her as brown and attractive. Why ? Nobody knows, but that's all they say. Victoria really do have a very pretty face though. "Hi boo!" She yelled and we hugged each other tightly. "Hey girly!" I laughed and we broke the hug. "Paisley and them are over by Clementine they wanted me to come get you." She smiled. "Okay, I'll be back boys." I spoke to Zeus and Quentin before walking away with Victoria. Everyone was here except for Legacy, Calvin and their three extra friends. "So you cut your hair huh?" Shante smirked catching my attention. I looked back at her and smiled. "I'm sorry I had to, I always do this when I get a new weave when I didn't do my hair for a minute." I faked a frown. Shante smiled as she checked out my hair and ran her fingers through my hair. "Its cute though, I really like it. But next time you want to waste your thick and long beautiful hair, don't!" She said making me laugh at her. "Okay next time and come meet some of the girls." I grabbed her hand. "I'll be back babe." Shante spoke to Roman. All he do was nod his head and walked over to Kaiden and them. "Shante this is Victoria, Victoria this is Shante." I said introducing them. "Hey." They both shyly waved at each other. I giggled at their shyness as we kept on walking. "Kaylee!!" Zillah ran and jumped on me. "Hi Zillah!" I laughed still holding her. "Hey boo. I miss you." She cooed. "I miss you too. Cle did you tell them about the skate key thing?" I asked with a raised eye brow. "Yeah and ya heffas better be wearing a costume too. Including you little miss Shante and hey hun." Clementine smiled at Shante as all eyes fell on her. "Shante this is Jayde my heart in one piece, Zillah my baby doll, Paisley my sexy piece of chocolate, Kimberly, Junie June and Alexis. Girls this is Shante, she's Roman's girlfriend." I smiled at them. They all waved at her while she waved back. "Aye you got the crown!" June joked making her laugh. "But who's missing? I'm freezing!" Kimberly whined. We all looked at her and started laughing. She wore some thin as baby leather jacket and a body suit. "You do know its no way near spring right?" I laughed some more. She must've miss read the weather channel today. "Haha shut up slut." She rolled her eyes and we laughed some more. "Be nice and we're waiting my best friend and Calvin." Clementine said after calming her laughter. "Oh boy." Kimberly huffed, but Clementine ignored her. I was about to walk away from them, but here came Legacy and them blasting music as they drove down the street. "There they go!" Paisley laughed. I started laughing and shook my head. Show offs. Looking back at Roman, his eyes were already on me and my heart sunk. I already knew what that look meant. "Kaylee bae at twelve o'clock." Jayde nudged me and we started laughing. "Don't even start, look how Ro is watching me." I whispered so only she could hear me. Jayde looked over his way, but quickly faced forward again. "Bitch he's still watching you." She whispered back and we started laughing. He's probably staring at me to see how I greet Legacy, but watch he be highly disappointed. They got closer and Legacy walked straight to me. "What's up?" I blushed as we hugged. "You looking good. What's good Jayde?" He waved at her. "Hey Legacy." She smiled but kept calm. "Oh shit Daniel what the fuck you doing here?" Legacy cheered as they slapped fives. Great he knows people, so now I could have my Jayde all to myself again. 'Cause I already know Clementine is going to ditch me for Calvin. "Jayde invited me." Daniel smiled and winked at her. Oh shit. "I hear that, but we out over there with the boys. I know they're probably driving you crazy." Legacy said making Daniel laugh but nodded his head in agreement. "Ewww you could leave!" Jayde joked which made us laugh at her. "Right?" I added on. Legacy started laughing. "You know I had to come say hi to my best friend." Calvin snickered as he opened his arms to me. "You know I hate you, boy beat it." I stepped back and he started laughing. "Yo I love fucking with her bro, but we out." Calvin laughed. So we all started walking towards the bowling alley entrance. "I'll be back okay?" Shante smiled at me. "Where you going?" I asked and she pointed to Roman. "Okay." I said and Legacy started smiling again. "What Legacy?" I smirked. He shook his head with a chuckle. "What's the joke? Can we get put on?" Jayde asked making me laugh at her. She don't play. "I'm getting Kaylee in trouble by her best friend. Watch this." Legacy smirked and threw his arm around me then kissed my cheek, but I frowned. That wasn't even funny, he knows how mean Roman could get towards me. "I'm going over there." I smirked before catching up to Quentin and Madison. "What?" She looked my way. I just kept walking while I ignored her. "Where's Zeus?" I asked Quentin. "Already inside once he seen Leg pulling up, he took off inside." Quentin chuckled. "He's a mess." I laughed. Once we were all inside, we paid for our shoes and the three hours that we'll be playing and took up half of the bowling alley aisles. Since there was even out boys and girls, that what we did. Boys Vs Girls. Of course the girls one first, but then the boys took over. Its like they were Stephen Curry with the strikes.
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