《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 15
Me being shady ? Oh how could that even be possible ? "You ready Nivea?" Legacy asked walking over to us. He tried avoiding eye contact with me, but horribly failed. I mentally laughed. But this wasn't even my idea, Nivea seen that I was heading back to Roader's and asked to sit with me on the bleachers. At first I was going to turn it down, but then that would've just made her think something was up. And nobody feels like "beefing" with a girl over Legacy. Especially being that they're clearly in a relationship. So I just took her offer and ate all of my snacks while watching the boys play three games of football. We even held a couple of conversations, but all Lindsay wanted to talk about was Roman and the sweat that was dripping from his body. Ew. "Yeah we can leave. Nice meeting you Kaylee." She smiled waving at me. "Bye, feelings mutual." I waved at her. "Come on Lindsay." She turned to her friend. "Oh okay, bye Kaylee." She smiled as walked off switching. Legacy looked back at me and shook his head before facing forward. I should've stuck up my middle finger, but all I do was smile. Standing up and going over to Roman, I covered my nose wanting to bother the boys. "I got something to tell you." I giggled while they mugged me. "Let's all hug Kaylee!" Kaiden cheered making them all agree. "I'm not even playing with ya!" I laughed as I stepped back, but started running being that they were close. "Why aren't you helping me Roman? Fake ass!" I laughed trying to catch my breath. "You're saying I stink too, so come get this hug girl!" He yelled making us all laugh. "But I have to tell you something and if you don't back them off then you won't be knowing the secret." I smirked before getting picked up into the air by Zeus sneaky ass. "Come get her!" He yelled while they all rushed me with hugs. "Ewww and PS Zeus I'm soooo not your friend anymore!" I yelled while they walked off laughing to grab their bags. I grabbed my sweater and smelled it. "And no ya really do stink!" I yelled making them laugh some more. "Shut up cry baby." Dallas smirked. "Fight me.... Never mind all ya is going to do is jump me." I playfully scoffed while walking towards the door. "Awe don't be like that, besides you know I'm team you." Zeus smirked while attempting to throw his arm over my shoulder, but Roman stopped him. "Step away from the princess bro." He joked. He looked up at Roman and nodded his head. I squinted at Roman, but walked by his side. "What that was one of your jawns?" Roman snickered. I sucked my teeth, but ended up laughing. We always hated when people said "jawns". Like what kind of nonsense is that ? "Don't start and besides someone got a crush on my Ro." I teased before pinching his cheek. "You love doing that shit." He muttered slapping my hand down. "And who's crushing on me?" He asked. "Nivea's friend. You should've heard her." I said before Kaiden caught up to us. "Ya rude as fuck so ya wasn't about to say bye?" He asked making us laugh at him. "Aren't you coming with us?" I furrowed my brows. "Nah, I'm going with gang so you and your boyfriend could have ya alone time." He snickered only to get punched in the chest by me. "You're just mad you're not my man." I teased wrapping my arms around Roman's waist. All he did was chuckle watching us fight over him. "Man whatever, go say bye." Kaiden smirked walking back with us. "Later stinky boys." I teased while waving at them. They all started waving or nodding at me, while also slapping Roman a five. "I'm not saying bye until I get a hug." Dallas smirked being the difficult little boy that he is. "Well I'll see you later Dallas and bye baby zadddyyy!" I joked making Quentin laugh and blow me a kiss. Such a clown. "Which one of ya niggas is her baby daddy?!" Roman and Kaiden both flexed. I laughed while trying to cover both of their mouths. Quentin's brave ass raised his hand with a smirk. "Ignore them, right Dallas?" I laughed while looking back at them. "That's their little princess bro." Dallas chuckled. Kaiden and Roman slapped my hands down and threw their arms around me. "Stop please don't embarrass me." I groaned trying to cover my face. It felt like my parents just caught me talking to boys and now they wanted to scare them away. "She can't have no kids so there isn't going to be no baby mama and baby daddy bullshit going on." Roman spoke first. I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes trying to hold my smile. "Yeah its none of that, she don't even have eggs to have a baby so that title shit is done and that goes for everyone else right here, my God sister is a princess and this princess came here to get her education not a baby. Understand?" Kaiden asked grilling all the boys. They all nodded like some punks they are. Even Zeus fine ass nodded his head like a wimp. "I mean ya our bro's and shit, but we have to protect our princess." Roman said and dropped his arm to give them each a five. I rolled my eyes once more before laughing. "You're welcome." Kaiden smiled before kissing my cheek. "I so hate you guys right now." I groaned making him laugh at me. "Aight we out?" Roman asked walking back over to us. "Yeah we can leave." I said before grabbing his ear and dragged him all the way to his car. "How dare you embarrass me like that?" I asked ready to fight him. "I been told you that baby daddy shit wasn't sitting right with me, so get in the car Brave." Roman said opening the door for me. I rolled my eyes and plopped down.
"Don't be that way Kaylee." Roman pouted over a hot wing. On our way back to his house, we picked up some Domino's. I laughed and shook my head 'no'. He likes to embarrass me and I like to starve him. "Not even one bite?" He asked making me giggle. "No, let me be able to call Quentin my baby daddy." I smiled holding up the wing. "Nah not happening, so I might as well just starve." Roman said wiping his mouth off with a napkin. My mouth hung open as I stared at him with a shock expression on my face. "What?" He asked slouching against his couch. "Why can't I call him that?" I smirked sliding him the hot wing. He chuckled and started taking bites at the wing. "Cause that pet name calling shit makes it easier for them to talk to you and as we can both see that nigga ain't shit." Roman sighed licking his thumbs. "You should've just washed your hands." I scrunched my face up. "Shut up before I rub this onto your outfit." Roman said before resting his head on my lap. "Anyways, but fine I'll stop the name calling even though Quentin could never go there with me being that his ex is my friend, but I'll stop." I sighed flipping through channels now. "Are you crazy?!" Roman yelled making me jump almost dropping the remote onto his face. "Damn Ro!" I yelled as my heart still raced. "Why would you change that?" He asked snatching the remote from me. "Nothing was on TV." I frowned pushing his head and tossed the boxes into the garbage. "Lying ass." He mumbled before sitting back up. "So what was on TV?" I asked taking a seat again, but crossed my legs so he couldn't lay down on me again. "College football." He said and laid down on me anyways. I rolled my eyes and sighed softly. At first I wasn't going to say anything, but since Roman can't keep his mouth shut either; I spoke up. "Didn't you just play football? Why would you want to watch it?" I smirked looking down at him. Roman ignored me until the game went to commercial. "You know I fucks with football so don't even start." He mumbled. I sucked my teeth and unlocked my phone. Seeing a couple of notifications, I smiled. Everyone were liking my picture of my outfit today, that's good because I've been thinking on that outfit for a minute now. Hearing a ding and seeing that Quentin had sent me a text, I chuckled to myself. I knew one of them were going to test Roman and Kaiden. Good thought, but bad choice. Once you get on either of their bad sides, that's it for you.
Baby Daddy : Baby girl - Zeus
Me : Lol where's Q ?
Calling him Q couldn't be as bad right ? I hope not. So I quickly changed his name to 'Q'. It always felt better to have nicknames for people.
Q - In the shower about to go on a date with Madison
Q - Wyd ?
Me : Still with Ro. Wyd ? And lol why did you have to be the brave heart ?
Q - Lol cause I understand that you're their little princess but I want you to be my queen. What you say about that ?
I started blushing, but thought about Legacy and how quick he had me geeking.
Me : Here we go. Why can't we actually be friends first ? So I can know what you're all about before I find out and its too late ?
Q - I respect it. Let's play 21 questions since I'm bored friend
Me : I could smell the sarcasm cooking up !
Q - Lol I'm messing with you
Q - I know your face was all frowning and you rolled your eyes before typing
Me : You don't know me....
Q - Lol so help a nigga out
Me : Why should I ? What will I get in return ? 🤔🤔🤔
Q - You'll be able to get to know me. Deal ?
I laughed before shaking my head. No one isn't going to stop until they get little ole me. Going to respond, someone rung the door bell. "Ro are you going to get that?" I asked, but got no response. Looking down at him, he was sleeping with his mouth open and all. I giggled before taking a picture of him on snap and posting it. Quickly moving Roman's head off of my lap, I placed it on top of the couch pillows then rushed to the door. "Who?" I asked checking the peephole. There was a purple colored hair girl standing there with anxious smile plastered on her face. Not another color head girl, I thought to myself. "Shante." She cooed. So I stepped back and unlocked the door. "Yes?" I smiled, but her smile turned into a frown. "Um is Roman here?" She sounded like if she was ready to cry. "Yeah come in, he's sleeping though. You'll have to wake him up." I stepped back as she stood there puzzled. "Oh you thought I was talking to him?" I laughed while she slowly nodded her head. "No that's just my best friend, I'm Kaylee." I smiled as her face softened. "Oh thank god!" She sighed holding onto her chest. "Who is that Kay?" Roman mumbled trying to find a comfortable spot on the couch. "Shante." I said and he quickly hopped up rushing over to us. "Oh shit I forgot you was coming over, my fault. What's up? We out to my room." Roman mumbled while rubbing his eyes. I laughed enjoying the view. "I see and your best friend damn near scared me too death, but I like her. She's pretty." I could hear Shante tell Roman as they walked back to his room. That was my que to go. Slipping on my Adidas, I sat back and went to text Zeus back.
Me : Deal lol but don't go running your mouth like a toothless kid
I grabbed my bag and my jacket, walking towards Roman's room. All you could hear was the AC that was running. So I knocked in the door. "What's up Kay?" Roman asked. "I'm heading back to my dorm, text me later and bye Shante, nice meeting you." I called out to them. Hearing shuffling, Roman snatched the door opened. "How are you getting there?" He furrowed his eye brows at me. "A taxi." I shrugged. "Hold on let me walk you downstairs." He said and slid his feet into his Nike slides. "I'll be back." He spoke to Shante. "Mhm and nice meeting you too Kaylee." She smiled at me. I smiled and Roman walked out of his room. We left the house and quickly went downstairs. "Who's that? She's so pretty." I smiled as we waited for the taxi to come. I requested one through the text app. "Some girl that I've been trying to talk to and now she finally wants your boy." He bragged making me laugh at him. "Anyways. You better be nice to her, she damn neared cried when I opened the door for her, she really likes you Ro." I stared at him. He began to smirk but nodded his head as well. "I know that's why I'm trying to give her a chance. She's something nice right?" Roman looked my way. I nodded my head while smiling. "Look there's ya cab." Roman pointed out as this fly ass Range Rover slowly pulled up to the curb. "Thanks Ro." I hugged him. "Aight and I'm taking you to the car." He said making me shake my head. I climbed in while Roman told him the address and make sure I get home safe. "I love you Kay." Roman kissed my cheek. Awe Ro. "I love you more Ro now go entertain your guest." I smiled making him chuckled and walk away from the car.
Opening the door to my room, I instantly frowned seeing Legacy here and he was laying on my bed. "Hey Kay!" Clementine smiled looking up from her bed. "Hey Cle." I said dropping my bag then opened the closet to grab some pajamas. "How was your day Cle?" I asked grabbing one of Roman's shirts and a pair of shorts along with my Nike sports bra and boy shorts. "I want for you to work with me so bad!! Okay so first of all why did this girl tried to squeeze into a small button up knowing that her ass was a three x?! I mean I know I'm not no two, but that's the thing! I know !! So therefore I don't go grabbing anything smaller than the size I am!" She snapped making me laugh at her. "And then guess what? She tried to write me up for telling her that she was going to stretch out the shirt, which indeed she was! Like sis pick your size, not your friends and them hoes were fake ass hell too!" She scoffed making me laugh some more. "Please get me a job there? I'm tired of asking Mrs. Graham and Mr. Graham for money." I whined making her smile. They weren't complaining though. "Come right after class, but be on your grown and sexy or if not dress up. Like show your work in fashion." Clementine smiled making me laugh at her again. "Okay and thank you babe, I'll be back." I said grabbing my towel and bonnet before going into the bathroom. Quickly getting undressed, I locked the door before showering. After a good twenty minutes, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my body. Turning on the faucet making the water warm, I cleaned my face then brushed my teeth. Dropping the towel, I rubbed some baby lotion all over my body then got dressed. Slipping my feet into my fulffy Nike slides, I grabbed my dirty clothes then tossed them into the bin. Unlocking the door I walked out of the bathroom and joined Clementine and Legacy. Why was he still here ? Like be gone kid. "So how was your day?" Clementine smiled as I sat on the edge of my bed. "Fun, you can say. I was with the boys majority of the day. We went to Roader's and I watched them play football a thousand times." I shrugged smiling. Clementine smiled them looked over at Legacy. "Weren't you there as well?" She smirked. He just nodded his head and continued to twist his hair. "Calvin too? Cause lately he's been interacting with his class." Clementine asked. "Yeah with his ugly rude ass." I rolled my eyes while they both laughed at me. We all knew that Calvin wasn't ugly, but his mouth sure as hell did make him ugly. "Why is he all that?" Legacy asked. I rolled my eyes and put my hand up his way. "......Don't even get me started with you." I scoffed while rolling my eyes very hard. They could've probably even got stuck at the moment, that's how hard I rolled them. "Leggy what did you do to my Pooh?!" Clementine laughed. He just shrugged and smirked. "Nah its what I ain't do". My head snapped his way. "And what is that?" I mugged him. I was two seconds from going back to Roman's house. Nobody felt like dealing with this boy or his bullshit tonight. "What do you want me to do baby?" He smirked. "To jump off ten cliffs but survive so you can feel the pain." I smiled and opened up my frappé. "Damn Kay!" Clementine said before covering her body with her covers. I took a sip from the drink and smiled again. "If I fall asleep ya better not kill each other." Clementine mumbled. "Boy where are you sleeping because you're not sleeping with me." I said before drinking the rest of my frappé. I didn't realize how thirsty I was until now. "With you.... Nobody not even going to touch you. I obviously have a girlfriend." He snickered. "And that's why your taken ass is going to be sleeping on the floor." I smiled back before tossing the empty glass bottle into the garbage. "Okay Kobe!" Legacy clapped making Clementine jump in her sleep. "Shut up and I'm really not playing Legacy, floor it. I'm not even going to argue with you." I said crawling to the top of my bed. "I'm really not going to sleep on the floor Kaylee, so squeeze your little ass right here and go to bed." Legacy said cutting out the lights. "But I don't want to sleep with you." I whined. "Girl stop that lyin', stop that lyin." He mimicked Madea making us both laugh. "No one is playing with you Legacy." I frowned. He sat up and pulled me down as he wrapped me in his arms while I struggled to break free. "Good night Kaylee, you keep on waking me up out of my sleep with your crying." He mumbled. I snatched away from him and faced the wall. Tomorrow I'll be telling Clementine next time do not invite him to sleepover and if he do, make him sleep in your bed. Not mine ! Earlier he didn't have shit to say to me, but ended up in my bed; heard the ghost. "Stop huffing and puffing, I can't sleep like that either." Legacy said as he wrapped his arms around me again. "Can you not touch me Legacy? I can't go to sleep like that either and if you want me to fall asleep, I suggest that you let me go." I spat while rolling my eyes even though he couldn't see me, it was a habit. "Aight." He said and removed his hands. "Thank you." I rolled my eyes once more. Trying to stop my mind from running with crazy thoughts, I ended up falling asleep.
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