《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 14
"Wait what?" I laughed. Roman and I went out to eat at Red Lobster's since Kaiden was still sleeping. "Nah I'm just still a little tired." He smirked. It seemed that way though, his eyes had huge bags under them and his outfit screamed 'give me my bed!'. While I on the other hand wore my all black body suit, my black and gray long cardigan and my reverse cement 5's. "Ewww! Tmi!" I hit him. Roman chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "I told you that I could've made her go home, but I do want to thank you." He smiled grabbing my hand like he was praising me. "Stop Roman!" I laughed snatching my hand away from him. "Let me stop spill that damn tea, who came first?" I asked leaning forwards. Roman raised his eye brow up debating if he should tell me or not. "She--- I didn't even let him finish before covering his mouth. "Why were you going to actually tell me?!" I laughed dropping my hand. "You asked and you are my best friend, best friends tell each other everything." He shrugged making me smile. That was true, but no he could keep that to himself. "Well that's one thing you can keep from your best friend okay?" I tapped his hand. So he nodded his head while chuckling. "And talking about telling everything, what the hell went on last night?" He cocked his eye brow up quickly at me. "Clementine disappointed me." I shrugged sadly. Not to say it like that, but I seriously thought high of her. And never thought she'll be the one getting called out for being fake. "How? Ain't that's your baby or whatever that shit?" Roman asked with a confused face. "Let me explain. Okay so remember when Legacy and I would constantly bump heads?" I asked actually waiting for a answer. So Roman nodded his head. "Okay so Clementine forced him to apologize, then he apologized on his own. So we left it as there, like there was no tension in the air at all. But ever since I got Legacy and Clementine talking again, they've been doing a little planning you can say because when we had our girls night out, Legacy took me out on a date. And that's when all of the fake shit began because all this time you trying to put me on with him and he has a whole girlfriend! And you're cool with the girl like ya got nicknames for each other and all that shit. So its like what were you trying to do set my heart up for failure?" I asked feeling hurt all over again. Not even hurt over Legacy, fuck Legacy's fuck boy ass. I can really careless about that boy right now. Its like damn Clementine all you had to do was put me on and I would've stepped back, but no you forced this boy onto me. I should be messy right along with them and still fuck with his big headed ass. "Damn its Bad Girls Club one oh one in the girls dormitory." Roman snickered. I knew he wasn't going to show that he feels bad for me because he told me don't and I did it anyways. "Nah but like I been trying to tell you, you didn't come here for boys. They only bring problems... Well except for me, I'm not a messy nigga. And as for Legacy I'll be talking to him, you just have to stick with what I told you. Now let's eat." He smiled warming my heart. Fine, I'll just have to do that. "So what you guys did after Denny's? Besides went straight home." I smirked. But here came the waitress holding her pin and notepad. "Welcome to Red Lobsters and I'll be your waitress for the day, can I start you guys off with anything to drink?" She smiled. Roman looked over at me, wanting for me to order first. "Yes can I have the virgin strawberry piña colada, please." I smiled. "Sure. Which size?" She asked she wrote it down. "Medium." I shrugged. "And what about you?" She smiled looking Roman's way. "I'll take the same but a large and not a virgin." He said making me playfully roll my eyes at him. His air headed ass did that on purpose. "Okay, I'll have your drinks coming up soon." She said then walked away. "And that's all we do was go straight home. What did ya do?" Roman smirked. "I took a shower then went to sleep without saying a word to anyone." I shrugged. Roman laughed and shook his head at me. "Stubborn ass, but giving the silent treatment only shows that you care. Like I said its lesson learned, you know what type of time everyone is on now." He shrugged. Roman was right, but I hate dealing with fake people. I'm not cut out for that smile in my face, but then roll your eyes when I turn my back. Even though that's not the case, but I wish it was with Clementine. "And yo Quentin still fucking around with Jayde?" Roman whispered to me. I looked around before laughing while nodding my head 'yes'. "But don't you go running your mouth." I squinted at him. Roman threw his hands up and shrugged. "I mean this situation sounds familiar but I'll keep quiet". Oh that was shady Ro, I thought to myself. "No actually its not, Jayde had him first and Madison took him from her, but you know what they say you lose em, how you got em." I shrugged. There's no shade that will be thrown at me that I can't catch, he better try again. "Damn all of this shit is happening too fast." Roman chuckled. "No they are all from the same highschool." I said and his jaw hung open. "They brought that shit to the school? I got to talk to little bro." Roman chuckled while shaking his head. "About what? How he shouldn't be this messy?" I tilt my head to the side. "Nah not even, leave them highschool girls alone." He said and I gasped. "Excuse me?!". Roman laughed then licked his lips. "Not you, I guess you're good. You caught on with Legacy and his bullshit before anyone had to prove it to you." He shrugged and here came our drinks. "Whatever Roman." I playfully rolled my eyes. I'll show him a guessing game alright.
Walking back into my room, Clementine sat on the bed painting her nails. When she noticed that it was me, she closed her nail polish and sat up. "Kaylee am I bugging or you're not feeling my vibe right now?" She tilt her head to the side. Should I just play it off and act like everything is cool ? Or tell her what's up. But then that'll just be me caring, but then again I'm not no fake individual either. "No Clementine you're not bugging, I am not feeling your vibe." I answered while plopping down on my bed and taking off my sneakers then my cardigan. There was two quizzes tomorrow so I was going to stay in for the day to study. "Why? Did I do anything wrong?" She pouted. Awe Clementine can be so adorable when she wants to be. "Why didn't you tell me about Nivea? Hell not even. I wouldn't even have cared for her if you didn't set up that date for Legacy and I." I said stripping out of my body suit then grabbed my pajamas from last night. "Okay wait..... I didn't know about Nivea and Legacy messing around to my understanding they hated each other because he was stealing all of Yolanda's attention from her. They used to be best friends I guess up until now, but if anything I apologize because I know you were probably cursing me out all types of crazy." Clementine explained then began laugh. I smirked trying to hold back my smile. "You right I was, I felt so betrayed. But I'm sorry too, for accusing you Cle." I poked out my bottom lip. "Its okay give me a hug!" Clementine cooed opening up her arms. So I went and hugged her. I knew Clementine wasn't fake as it seemed last night. Shit felt so unreal, it made me dizzy. "And next time do not give me no damn silent treatment." She said popping my exposed thigh. "Okay I won't." I giggled and walked back over to my bed. "So what got you in today?" Clementine asked me. "Quizzes." I frowned pulling out my binder and laptop. "Hmmm get to the work honey!" She teased making me laugh and playfully roll my eyes. "But who was that guy that was with Roman and Kaiden?" She asked me. "Who Lucas?" I cocked my eye brow. That's the only guy that was with us, who she didn't know. "Yeah and he looked all types of daddyish?" She bragged making me laugh at her. "Yeah that's Lucas, the thotler of the universe." I sighed laying across my bed. "A thot?! Nooooo ! Why?!" She whined making me laugh uncontrollably at her. Awwwe she wanted Lucas no leash, no owner having ass. I shook my head and tried my best way to study. But my phone started ringing, I rolled my eyes and quickly swiped over answer.
"Hello?" I asked ready to hang up already. After this call, I'll be putting my phone on do not disturb because I don't need any distractions.
"Where you at?" Legacy asked making me roll my eyes even harder.
"Why?" I asked.
"Cause I want to talk to you. Why else? I know how that shit looked yesterday." He sighed.
"Okay and? That has nothing to do with me. I'm single, you were single. So there's nothing to talk about." I shrugged making him suck his teeth.
"Where you at Kaylee?" He asked me again.
"Why Legacy?" I whined.
"I told you why already, stop acting like that." He said making me laugh at him. The nerve of him to catch a attitude.
"Well I'm doing something, so I'll see you tomorrow." I said before hanging up. "He deserves that, usually I would say be nice. But that was slick of Leggy." Clementine said shaking her head. I put my phone on 'do not disturb' and went back to studying. Legacy really didn't need to explain himself to me. I wasn't planning to be his girlfriend nor was I his girlfriend. What he do need to do is delete my number now that he's taken. I'll vow to never to be a side chick, ever. "Sorry Kay, but I'm starving. Can you come with me?" Clementine pouted making me smirk. "Come on, you know I can't turn down food." I closed my binder. And that's goodbye to studying. "Girl you better grab that binder and that laptop, you're not done studying." She pointed at my bed. I nodded my head while grabbing both and sliding them into my bag. Walking out of the door, Jayde was already on her way over to us. "Hey ya." She smiled and hugged us one by one. "Hey. We were just heading out to grab something to eat, want to come?" I smiled. "That's funny because I was about to beg ya to come with me to grab something to eat." Jayde laughed. "Our stomachs were all thinking alike." Clementine said making us laugh at her. She's so weird and adorable.
Waking up for class the next day, I quickly took a shower. Then got dressed wearing my gray lace up sweat shirt, ripped jeans that I cuffed into kapris and my all white Sam Smith's Adidas that showed off my gold ankle bracelet. Brushing my hair down, someone knocked on the door. I made sure my hair was nice before putting the brush down. "I'll get it." I spoke to Clementine, she was just now getting out of the shower anyways. "Who?" I asked spraying some Japanese Cherry Blossom all on my clothes. "Me." Legacy spoke. I sighed and opened the door. "Cle isn't dressed yet, what's up?" I asked not really caring what's up. "Are you ready?" He asked me. I looked down at my outfit then back up at him. "Yes. Why?" I asked playing clueless. Legacy gave me the 'why else?' glare. "Let me grab my jacket and bag I'll be right out." I said letting the door slightly hit him. "Who is that?" Clementine asked. "Legacy." I rolled my eyes while putting on my bombers jacket then grabbed my black Tory Burch bag then my phone. "Later Kay and I won't be home until ten today." She said taking a seat on her bed. "Oh okay, I'll ask Roman to pick me up then." I said tossing the key into my bag, along with my lip gloss and wallet. "Okay, have fun on your way to class!" She teased. "Whatever!" I laughed walking out of the door. "You hungry?" Legacy asked me. "I will be, so come on let's go grab Chic fila." I said speed walking down the hall. "Who said I wanted that?" He asked following behind me. "I did." I shrugged pressing the elevator button. Legacy chuckled and shook his head. "Am I getting the cold shoulder for having a girlfriend?" He asked. "No I'm glad that you have a girlfriend now that you can have someone else to bother." I shrugged smiling. "Stop lying." He sucked his teeth. "How am I lying?" I furrowed my eye brows as the elevator doors opened, so we walked on together. "You happy that I have a girlfriend? So why haven't I gotten any text or a call from you?" He asked. "Um because you have a girlfriend." I said in a duh tone. And we started laughing. That was a dumb question for him to ask. "But you're a thousand more times meaner to me." Legacy said before licking his lips. "I am? I haven't noticed." I shrugged and tried to walk closer to the door, but Legacy blocked me off and cornered me. "Stop playing Kaylee. Say it, just say that you wanted me and had plans for me, just say it." He hovered over me. I laughed and shook my head. "I didn't though, stop letting these other girls get to your head." Legacy smirked and put his hands on the wall. "So if I kiss you right now what are you going to do?" He smirked. "Tell your girlfriend." I shrugged making him laugh at me. "You play too much." He continued to laugh. "No you play too much, play with too many damn feelings. But why can't you just be faithful? That shit don't get tiring feeling these girls heads up only to leave them for another girl?!" I yelled pushing him, well trying to. "I hate boys like you! Ya get on my fucking nerves, I swear." I sighed as the elevator opened up. "Move! And I don't want your fucking breakfast either! I'll rather starve." I spat before walking away from him. There I finally said it, I'll be good now. "Yessss Kaylee baby!" Jayde yelled as I walked out of the building. "What?" I smiled thinking she heard the argument. "Bih you look good as fuck!" She yelled making me laugh at her. "Stop, but thank you." I smiled as we hugged. "You got it and I have a question for you." She smiled pulling on the straps of her book bag. "What now?" I softly laughed. "Who is that Lucas dude? I think I'm done with Quentin. Last night he called himself making love to me and it didn't feel special to me at all." She shrugged as my jaw hung open. "He what? And you didn't what?" I asked shocked as hell. Well was Madison apart of the three blind mice or what ? "Yeah girl it was the worst." Jayde shook her head. "Damn that's crazy, but Lucas is some boy I used to crush on but that's old news. Clementine asked about him too." I giggled. "Are you serious?! Never mind. I don't want anyone that's under everyone's target." She said acting as if she was cleaning her hands. I laughed at her. "So be my girlfriend, these boys aren't for me either." I joked looping my arms with her. "Yeah with Legacy. Who was that girl he was with?" She frowned. "His girlfriend." I said as we walked into class. "His what?!" She yelled making me laugh and take a seat. "Good morning Ms. Walters and Ms. Hughes." Professor Jones said making us quiet down. "Good morning." We both cooed and pulled out our binders. "But yeah that's his girlfriend." I shrugged. "Damn Lee you good right?" Jayde smiled at me. "Yeah. Girl I'm fine." I waved it off. Jayde stared at me for a little while before Madison and Cassandra came walking through the class laughing at something. She rolled her eyes, making me laugh. "Be nice honey." I teased Jayde. "Yeah whatever dry ass hoes." Jayde twisted up her face making me laugh at her some more. "Good morning baby!" Madison squealed as Quentin walked through the right after. "Good morning." He smiled and kissed her lips then her forehead. Madison giggled then looked over at Jayde while smiling. "What's up Kaylee?" Quentin smirked. "Excuse me?!" I jerked my head back making him laugh. "I'm just fucking with you and besides I owe you." He smiled hugging me. "Mhm thought so, but I see you all happy this morning. What's new?" I cooed hugging him back. "What's up Jayde?" He nodded her way. "Hey." She said. "Nah I just got the best sleep of my life." He smiled making his way to his seat. "Why? Where was Zeus?" I looked back at him. "Out." Quentin smiled. Professor Jones cleared his throat and stood up. "I see everyone is having a good morning. It can be even better if we get through this lesson fast enough." Jones smiled sarcastically. His old mean ass is probably never happy or having a good day. I laughed and began to copy the work down on the board.
- In Serial39 Chapters
Sixth Finger
Year 506. The last human empire surrenders to the Great Majin Lord and joins his cause. As the continent in its entirety is submitted to the absolute rule of an undead stories arise of inhuman creatures that led his majesty's armies to terrifying success. While the demon lord grasps the entire world in his hand, generals and comrades eleven of his most loyal and trusted serve as the extension of his will and power. Common world knows these beings only by their position's names. Fingers. Goblins goblins goblins... I hate those pesky creatures. Not smart enough to talk, but intelligent enough to kill. Well. In this world of madness where blood spills left and right fantasy creatures run rampart alongside crazed devotees of long dead gods all meanwhile the frickin Demon Lord is slowly gaining power in order to take over the world precisely without causing its immediate collapse, our little Gob will have quite a chance to find true strength and maybe even understand why humans often do stupid things for this weird word that starts with the letter "L". Who knows, maybe he will even get a better name than Gob in the process... The story is posted daily in short chapters (from 900 to 2000 words per chapter) The story is NOT an Isekai. It's a high fantasy story with isekai element's at best (Majin lord is a Majin after all). I spent some time to create a custom, magic system I hope to properly explore together with you my dear reader. So what are you doing? Go read those early chapters! The story is said to only get better after you drink it... I mean read it. Seriously. After 15 chapters you won't stop. I just feel like pointing something out. I never read "The Iron Teeth: A Goblin's Tale" which seems to be the first thing my fiction will be compared to... P.S. Cover artwork was made by my very own me (hurray me!) PM if you want something painted (no promises). I sometimes lurk in RR discord.
8 212 - In Serial26 Chapters
The Dog with a Chair
As of now, this story is dropped. It was an excellent learning experience, but the quality suffered too much from me trying new things for me to continue in good concience. Thanks to anyone that read it. I'm leaving this story up as a record of my first ever attempt at publishing something I've wrote. To any new writers out there, remember that even if the stuff you write is trash, you can still learn a lot from writing it. - November 17th 2020 Guy gets involved in advocacy for civil engineering projects, then gets pulled into an interdimensional war. Third person with a focus on one main character (Stanley) with the occasional point of view from another character important to story progression. Writing style tends to shift early on as I figure out how to write (this is my first book). Still learning, hoping to improve. Current style choice is to have a focus on character dialogue/actions with interspersed internal monologue in italics. No current end is set for the story, with the primary goal of this project being to learn to express myself in a written format. Storyline is kept as consistent as practical while covering things I find interesting. Governmental systems are mentioned, but not explained in extreme detail. Sci fi elements are used to reinforce and guide plot progression as I'm able. Personal goals belonging to each character are in the process of being developed, with the hope that they will support or oppose each other in interesting ways later on. Hope you enjoy :)
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Tris The Tinker
One night. One item. One last heist. After searching the world for clues and ingedients, Tris is one item away from crafting the Veil's most powerful artifact: an Infinity Potion. Good thing she knows just where to find one. The annual Flower Festival is coming up, and the guards protecting the Crystals will be celebrating as well. All she has to do is go to the festival, make some small talk, then slip away to grab the Crystal. Easy, right? When Tris's plan goes awry and a forgotten evil attacks the Festival, Tris must choose: the ultimate prize, or the lives of those around her. Tris the Tinker is a LitRPG short story set in the same Veilwalkers universe as Lost Archive. You can read more about Tris and friends in that book, which is on Amazon now. I hope you will enjoy!
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