《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 5
"You wasn't ready huh?" Clementine giggled staring at me. I shook my head 'no'. We partied through the whole weekend and now today is Monday, but all I wanted to do was crawl under my covers and stay there all day. "That's the reality of college love now let's go." She smiled grabbing her keys. We decided to go get something to eat before our classes started which was near each other. Wearing my gray one piece set, my black short kimono, my black dad Lean cup cap and my black Adidas. I was somewhat ready for class now, I think my hips dislocated from all the dancing I did. But I know Clementine wasn't going to let me use any excuses to skip my classes for the day. So I just followed her after grabbing my army fatigue slouch book bag and my phone. The hallway was cleared, but walking to the elevator all you hear was alarms going off one by one. "Lucky them" I mumbled making Clementine laugh. "You really love your sleep, I thought I was the cry baby when I rarely got any sleep" She giggled then pinched my cheek. "I feel like crying" I laughed as we walked onto the elevator. "Me too girl, me too" She sighed and we both started laughing. We got off the elevator and quickly hopped inside of her car. "So how's everything going with you and Legacy?" I asked rubbing some more lip gloss on my plumped lips. "Ewww don't say it like that!" Clementine frowned. "Like what?" I asked confused. "Like if we're trying to date, but we're cool. But he was bragging about you and Roman" She gave me a small smile while pulling out of parking. "Awwwe" I smiled putting away my lip gloss. "Yeah everyone thinks that ya are the most dope best friends and there's really no feelings or no sneaking around going on between ya" She said. "Ayeeeee thanks guys" I giggled smiling. "Even though he acts just like Brandon sometimes" I sucked my teeth. "Mhmm I like me some Brandon" Clementine smirked making me laugh at her. She got to see him from when we were on face time, she also seen Kamira. I miss my baby so much. "I know, but did you notice Dallas giving me the cold shoulder?" I raised my eyebrow up at her. "Indeed. What happened when I left?" Clementine asked stopping at a red light. "I just told him I'm not checking for boys and Roman said that I didn't come here for boys; which I didn't. But it didn't mean completely act like I didn't exist" I laughed making Clementine laugh with me. He just acted as if I've never even stepped foot on this campus yet. "Right! You know how pretty boys are" She laughed shaking her head. "Right, but you see Legacy doesn't care that I'm not giving him no play" I shrugged and Clementine giggled. "Legacy doesn't see that you're not interested, he thinks everyone wants him. He even thought that I wanted him once before, but I had to let him know that dark chocolate is what I want. Not no childish peanut butter" Clementine waved her hand as she began to drive again. I couldn't stop laughing, she was really too much !! "You're laughing and I'm serious!" She laughed breathlessly. "No because I don't understand how can you play so much this early?!" I laughed trying to catch my breath. Clementine just smiled and shrugged her shoulders. So goofy. "Legacy is the shit though" I said not even realizing what I said until Clementine looked my way smirking. That was supposed to be my secret. See with Dallas, everyone knows that he's eye candy. Same thing with Legacy, but he's not a pretty boy. So you would have to speak on it to make someone believe that he has your interest. And he most definitely have my interest with his conceited ass. "I know let me hear it" I giggled. "Okay where do I start?" Clementine asked herself out loud. Legacy better not have no packages with him, I mean Yolanda could be easily ignored. She's a ex, not a baby mother or anything like that. "Legacy is handful and even as his best friend I can say that" She laughed. "Like?" I asked raising my eyebrow up at her. "He's insecure, he's kinda clingy well very clingy, he's a spoiled brat. Do you know how to cook?" Clementine asked stopping the car. "Yeah I'm Ayesha with the pot boy" I joked making her laugh. "And you say I play? But with all of that Legacy can be the best boyfriend. I know you probably won't believe me but he's no way near a cheater. Like he don't cheat at all, he won't even lol a ho. That's my best friend ! That's my best friend!" Clementine cheered making me laugh at her. "That's surprising and something I might have to see for myself that's if we ever go there" I slightly shrugged. Throughout middle school until highschool no boy liked me all because of the muskasluts told the whole school that I'm a crack baby and their mom picked me up from the prostitution house. Shit wasn't no way near true, but everyone believed them. It actually scared everyone away from me, well besides Roman and our little group of friends. So now that all of these boys were rushing my way, I was like um ? I'll just have to talk to Roman later on today. And his ass better not curse me out either or I'll just go to Kaiden. Even though he's such a flirt, that would kinda help me with what kind of boys to go after and what boys to stay away from. "But one thing, one thing you really have to drill in your head" Clementine said as the drive thru lined moved much faster. "What's up?" I asked before rubbing my glossy lips together. "You have to give that boy more than twelve rounds. Like yes Leggy is sweet and all, but like every boy. Once they see that you're easy, its over for mister nice guy" She warned me as my heart dropped. I mean I know I'm not easy, but her warning just painted a whole different kind of picture in my head. "Got you, thanks" I halfway smiled at her. I can't lie my heart was still racing and now I was going avoid Legacy the best way I can. Clementine drove up to the microphone so we can order our breakfast.
Walking into my first class of the day, I went to find my seat. But before I can even do that Cassandra just had to open that mouth of hers. "Was your dad in the army or something similar to that?" She asked me while holding her sucked on lollipop. "No why?" I asked mentally rolling my eyes. "Cause I seen you at the club and you were all fatigued down then you come in here with a fatigued book bag. Sup girl, you got plans for the army?" She smirked. "Nah I'm just going to need for you to stop watching me" I smiled then sat in my seat. Digging inside of my army fatigue book bag, I grabbed my pen and binder for this class then laid it on my desk. "Told her so, do it again" Jayde smiled at me. She was sitting on the right side of me now, while Madison sat next to Cassandra. And Madison no longer had that green hair looking like a Power Puff Girl, all they were missing was a blonde to be Bubbles. "Thanks and did you go to the club Friday?" I asked her. It was safe to do so, Professor Jones didn't make it here yet. Why not make a freshman friend ? "Did I? That hang over was one of the realest hangovers ever" She sighed shaking her head. And we started laughing uncontrollably. "So you didn't make it to part two?" I laughed controlling my laughter. "Oh no I did ! I seen you and your boyfriend sweating each other too" She smirked at me. "Roman? No that's my best friend and I was only holding him cause he wanted to runaway from some girl that been wanting him since last year" I laughed making her laugh with me. "Roman is your best friend?!" Madison yelled looking back at us. "Was she talking to you?" Jayde snapped. I'm guessing she don't like her either. "Be nice Jayde" I laughed and Madison smiled at me. "Thank you, she's just mad I stole Quentin from her" Madison bragged. Stealing boyfriends already ?! Damn at least let the season change first ! Halloween haven't even came by yet and they are stealing. "Quentin was for everyone boo cause don't think I didn't ride that face once or twice when you stole him" Jayde smirked. Time out. Too much was going on for it to be only the second week of school. Mrs. Graham is going to love these stories when I get in, even though she's going to tell me to stay away from them. I still have to put my Lady on. "Explain this to me cause I'm confused" I shrugged. But all of their eyes fell on this brown skinned boy that walked in looking like he just got out of his bed and came here. Even though he was dressed in a white plain Polo shirt and gray Polo sweats with his Nike slides. I guess you can see that he was put together, but Monday always got the best of him. "What?" He looked Madison's way then sat all the way in the back. "Please don't tell me that's Quentin" I frowned. And Jayde nodded her head while smirking. "This is highschool all over again" I sighed shaking my head. "Oh no, not in here it isn't" Professor Jones spoke as he walked through the door. "Obviously it is you're ten minutes late" Jayde mumbled making me giggle. Even with her smart mouth, she was cool and this love triangle was going to make her my friend. Who would give up a friendship with all that tea involved ? We might as well have a tea party back on campus. "Hey Mr. Professor Jones!" Cassandra cheesed. Her trifling ass better not be wanting him; he's like three times her age. "Mister?" The gay boy, who's name is Avant snickered. "Yeah that didn't make any sense" One of the boys chuckled. I know for a fact that's his down low boo. "Let me hear another sound and everyone will be getting a zero for the day! Last week yes I let you guys run your highschool mouths because hey its the first day! But from now on you will act like young adults and respect each other as one as well!" Professor Jones snapped. I nodded my head. This is what he should've done last week, childish asses. "Now why half of the class doesn't have a binder open? Who said we weren't doing any work today?! Open them up!!" He yelled even louder. Jayde looked over at me and smiled. Both of our binders were already out. That's a start, we came here for the same thing and not some stories to tell the girls back home.
Leaving my last class for the day, that I didn't even know Jayde had as well. We walked to the curb of the sidewalk both waiting for our rides to come get us. Her mom didn't buy her a car for college because she says Jayde is too spoiled and need to make it on her own. But just like me Jayde, roommate has a car. Which makes it even better is they're cousins, so she has unlimited car service. "I'm so hungry its not even funny" She groaned while I nodded my head agreeing. "I hope my best friend or god brother cooked" I sighed. "Lucky you! My cousin Brooke can't cook to save her damn self, but she do know how to tale a damn good selfie!" Jayde said making me laugh at her. "That's like my sister" I giggled, but was also cringing as well. I always hated to call Reginae my sister, well all three of them actually. But I also hated letting people know that I'm a foster child, fearing they wouldn't accept me. I would hate to get that kind of treatment again. I only told Clementine so freely is because I was too excited to get away from them bitches. "Oh yeah? How many sisters do you have? And brothers?" She asked. "Three sisters and one brother, that's my heart though and one niece as well" I smiled thinking of Kamira. "Awwwe. You're so lucky I'm the only kid and that's why my cousin and I are so close" She smiled. "Nah I can't stand them hoes, but Brandon and my niece Kamira are my babies" I said making her laugh. "Yo you really had me weak all day!" She laughed. "Awwwe thank you ! You ain't no quiet mouse either" I giggled as some red impala pulled up to the curb. "Oh that's my ride, hold on though" Jayde said as the window rolled down. "What are you waiting for slut?" The girl inside of the car asked smiling. "Kaylee ride didn't get here yet so I want to wait with her" Jayde said making me smile, that's her fifth brownie point. She earned her other ones by snapping on Madison; even though she's not the one that annoys me. The girl said something else and Jayde turned my way. "My cousin wants to meet you, she's been dying for me to have a freshman friend" Jayde said opening both doors. So I climbed inside and closed the door. "Hi I'm Kaylee" I smiled. "Pretty too! But I'm Jayde's crazy ass cousin Brooke. How didn't she scare you away?" Brooke asked looking back at me. She was so pretty with her glowing chocolate skin and nice curly hair !! Let's just call this school Attractive University ! I mean highschool was okay with the looks. But they didn't have anything on this school. "Jayde isn't crazy compared to my friends back home" I laughed. "So let me guess you're crazy too?" She smiled. "Just a tiny pinch. I'm more on the shady side" I giggled. "Ohhhh that's my side!! Welcome to the great side!" She cheered making me laugh at her. Hearing a honking horn, we stopped laughing and I seen that was Roman's car. "Oh that's my ride right there, thank you girls so much and nice meeting you Brooke. Jayde you got my number text me" I said before getting out of the car. "Nice meeting you too!" Brooke waved out of the car. I smiled while waving then opened the car door. "Hi best friend!" I cheesed while climbing inside. "What's up? I'm guessing you had a good day?" He smiled as we hugged. "It was okay, I finally made a freshman friend" I bragged. "I'm listening" He chuckled at my excitement. "And she's extra pretty which helps then her attitude is so dope" I sighed. "You sound like you're in love?" Roman gave the side eye. "No!" I laughed at him. "Its just I'm tired of these I'm too pretty to be nice type of these ho's" I shrugged as my phone began to ring from a face time call. "And I have to ask you something too hold on" I said smiling as I answered Brandon's call. But frowned seeing a crying Kamira pop up on my screen. "What's wrong princess?" I asked while she hysterically cried. "Brandon what did you do to my baby?!" I yelled knowing he was close by. "Nothing! She wants her Titi Kaylee" He said shrugging his shoulders. "Awwwe hi baby! Stop crying okay?" I smiled at her. "But I can't I want you! Nae Nae never wants to play with me and pops me every time I dig in her make up" She hiccupped. "I'll buy you make up, okay? Just in eighteen more years. Don't dig in Nae stuff and tell your dad to play with you okay? Auntie will be home soon" I smiled at her. "Okay, love you ! Miss you!" Kamira smiled wiping her tears. "I miss you more and guess who I'm riding with?" I cooed. She loves, loves, loooooves her some Roman. She swears that's going to be her man when she gets older. Even though her dad isn't going to have that neither is Roman. "Who Titi?" She smiled as her blue eyes lit up with excitement. I just smiled as I turned the camera to Roman. "Ahhhhh!" Kamira squealed making us all laugh at her. "Hi Mira" Roman chuckled but kept his eyes on the road. "You coming soon too?" She asked him. "Yeah with Kaylee" He laughed some more. "Yaaay!! Daddy how many years are eighteen?" She asked and we all started laughing again. She's too much. "A long time baby girl, but tell your aunt you see her later" Brandon said. "Later my princess and love you Brandy" I smiled at her. "Bye Roman! Love you Titi" she waved. "Later Mira!" Roman laughed. They ended the call and we laughed some more. "I miss her bad ass" I smiled. "Me too, Brandon is going to go through it when she gets older" Roman laughed. "Tell me about it" I laughed and my phone began to ring again from text. "Oh shit you popping today huh?" Roman asked making me smirk. "Nah I'm just doing my ones and two's" I giggled unlocking my phone seeing that Clementine, Zillah, Paisley and Jayde texted me.
Clementine : Omgggggg bihhhh guess what ?!
Me : What ?! 👀😳😳😳
Zillah : Lol guess what ?
Me : Whaaaaat ? 👀🔍
Pai Bae : Guess what bae 😳
They were starting to scare me with this guessing what. I hope they're all okay.
Jayde : Save this picture of me in your phone lol cause I looked damn good at the club !
Me : Lmfaoooooo okay !! And I got you
Me : But zammnnnnn Jayde !! Where were you located at the club ?! 😳😳😳😳 I would've got your number and all lol
Jayde : Sis was in the cut !
Jayde : Brooke don't play being all in the scene 😭😭😭
Me : Lol I respeck it 😭 being in the scene be too much 😷
Jayde : Right lol. Wyd though ?
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