《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 4


"Damnnnn Kaylee!" Kaiden yelled making me shyly laugh at him while we stood at the door. I knew I looked good, but not that good to actually get a compliment from Kaiden's mean ass. "Stop it boy, where's Roman?" I asked walking more into the house. All you could smell was mixtures of cologne as I walked through the house. These two really acted like girls with their clothes all over, I'm guessing to find the "perfect" out. "He's in the room, but who knew you would glo that quick? Damn girl!" Kaiden said closing the door behind me. I laughed while opening Roman's door, he was too busy singing in front of his mirror. Quickly unlocking my phone, I began to record him on snap. Roman was singing his little heart out while rubbing his fingers through his hair and whining his hips to Body language by Jaquees. I giggled once the video ended, but quickly covered my mouth as Freaky Shit by Chris Brown began to play. So I started recording him again, but he was too into himself to notice me. "Uh uh check you out!" I laughed making Roman quickly turn around with a shock expression on his face. "What did you see?" He chuckled and turned off the music. After posting the video, I walked over to him and showed both of the videos. "Nah you are really a creep, but thanks my waistline is wicked, wicked, wicked!" Roman joked making me laugh uncontrollably. "That was so out of pocket, but yessss Ro! You look so nice!" I cooed looking over his outfit. Roman always showed off when we were going out and being viewed by strangers. Wearing his red Burberry button up, dark denim Robin jeans that slightly hung off his waist which was held up by his red Burberry belt, and his red high top vans. Being that Roman had grown out his hair, hats really wasn't his thing. So he just wore his gold Jesus piece and gold bracelet. "Mhm and you smell good." I smirked. My best friend wasn't playing with these newbies, he was about to have the club drooling tonight. "Good looking and who told you that you could wear that?" He looked me up and down. "Shut up Roman!" I laughed snatching my phone back. "Nah for real you look good as fuck. You better behave yourself, I would hate to kill somebody." Roman followed behind me. "Are you ready?" I asked Kaiden ignoring Roman threats. I'm a very big girl now, some club attention can't hurt me. "Yeah." Kaiden smirked. "Get your god brother Roman." I laughed walking out of the door first. And they both started laughing. "What did I do?" Kaiden smirked as Roman locked the door. Ignoring him now, I unlocked my phone and read the few text messages I had.

Clementine : You on your way Hun ?

Me : Yeah I'm coming with the boys now

Brandon : I know how the first Friday turns out so if you don't make it back safe tell Roman and Kaiden that's there asses !!


Brandon : Oh yeah and enjoy yourself 😘

Me : Lmfaoooooo okay and thank you !

"What's funny?" Roman asked standing next to me. "Brandon is threatening ya!" I giggled and went to my next message from Gloria; I wonder what she wanted. Cause I don't understand why can't they take hints.

Gloria : Tbh I don't know why you're ignoring me and my sisters like our parents didn't take your parent less ass in ! Bitch I hope you're ready for Thanksgiving weekend !!

Not even wanting to ruin my night, I just put that bitch on my block list. And she best to believe that I'll be ready and willing for Thanksgiving weekend. "What's wrong now?" Roman asked noticing my frown. "Nothing." I sighed as the elevator came which was filled with Legacy and his boys. "Oh shit perfect timing!" Kaiden cheered smiling as we squeezed onto the elevator. "What's up bro?" Legacy smiled slapping them fives then looked over at me. "What?" I snapped. He looked taken back by my snapping, but later I'll apologize. So the other boys stopped staring me down and quietly waited for the elevator to reach the first floor. "What's wrong?" Roman asked blocking me from getting off the elevator. "Nothing I'm good." I tried to convince him and myself as well. "You're lying. What happened just that quick?" He raised his eye brow up at me. "Gloria---" and Roman quickly cut me off. "Fuck that bitch Kaylee, I fuck with Brandon but his sisters well besides you are dumb broads. Those are the bitches that are going to take pride in trapping some fucking dope dealer. Fuck them bitches Kay, you came to college to get your education and enjoy your early adulthood. Not be bothered by them dry ass bitches Kaylee!" Roman snapped. I started smiling as I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "I love you so so so soooo much Roman!!" I squealed while he laughed and hugged me back. "I love you too and stop letting them nothing's get to you aight?" He stared at me. I nodded my head while smiling. "Are ya done playing house?" Legacy asked walking back over to us. Looking over him, I smiled seeing how cute he looked. Dressed in all white and his gold jewelry stood at everyone's attention. Then his curls wild hair spilled out of his head. "Never were we playing house. That's my best friend." I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Ya better cut this puppy love shit out." Roman joked shaking his head. "Puppy?" Legacy asked. "Love?" I asked and we looked at each other then started laughing. "Exactly." Roman smirked. I softly punched him. Why was he condoning this ? "No no no Legacy got a girlfriend and I have a man." I said as we filled up the empty seats that was left in the Über. "I do?" He asked raising his eye brow. "You do?" Kaiden asked looking over his shoulder at me. "I don't know about her but your boy single." Legacy shrugged making me smirk. "So is her ass, Kaylee would give a nigga more than twelve rounds if they think they have a chance with her." Kaiden chuckled then licked his lips. So now all eyes fell on me, even the Über driver stared at me. "What?" I asked before rolling my eyes. "Just drive bro." Roman sighed making everybody laugh at him. His old looking ass like if he wanted parts of me too.



"Enjoy your night beautiful." The bouncer smiled as I finally made it through the metal detector. I smirked and kept on walking. "Girl why were you carrying so much metal?" Kaiden asked scratching his dreads. "Cause I'm gold." I said flipping my hair and kept on walking. "Come on nigga." Roman laughed as he caught up to me. "You do know that he was standing there grilling you right?" He chuckled. "Yeah. Just so he can tell me how corny that was." I giggled shrugging but started smiling seeing Dallas turning up with Clementine. They had their own little section, which was filled with their friends. "Yesssss Clementine!" I cheered making my way over to them. And Dallas mouth just dropped wide open, feelings was mutual. He cleaned up nice even with his cute curly pony tail. "No yesssss Kaylee!!" She yelled as we hugged. "Thanks, hey Zillah and Paisley. The slayage is real tonight huh?" I smiled as I hugged them as well. "Yes it is bitch! You trying to take every nigga home?" Paisley asked with her hands on her hips. "No." I laughed at her. "I think so, so let me go hide my Yoshi." Zillah joked making us laugh. "He is coming tonight right?" I looked over at Clementine. "Yeah." She checked her phone. "He should be on his way". We winked at each other then I grabbed Kaiden and Roman's hand. "Zillah and Paisley, I want you girls to meet my best friend and god brother Roman and Kaiden." I smiled as I introduce them to each other. "Am I single?" Paisley asked making me laugh at her. "No sweetie, you are not single". And we all laughed at her still confused face. I love how much she plays. "Hmm okay, but hi boys!" She waved making them chuckle and give her a hug. "Hey boys." Zillah waved smiling. "We give hugs baby girl." Kaiden smiled then licked his lips. Uh oh there he goes with his flirting antics. "Legacyyyy what you doing here boy?!" Zillah asked after hugging Roman. "I'm cooling. Ya looking good and shit, I see ya." Legacy smiled. Seeing Clementine try to avoid him, I grabbed her hand. "Clementine you know you're the cutest thing right?" I cooed while she gave me the death stare. She's so stubborn. "What Kaylee?" She slit her eyes at me. "You're just so pretty and the best of best that I've known and I wouldn't trade you for the world with your real pretty self and no girl could come between us!" I smiled then kissed her cheek. Yes I know we got pretty close too fast, but its not like we're in a relationship so speed doesn't count on a friendship. "Thank you but I'm still going to kill you!" Clementine laughed hugging me. "What did I do?" I asked innocently. "Nothing. Nothing at all." She spoke through gritted teeth. I giggled and blew her a kiss. "Can we take some pictures and oh hey Kaylee!" June cheered holding out her phone. "Hey June and yesss you look cute!" I smiled as we quickly hugged. "Thanks hun and you look fine ass hell too!" She smiled before flipping her hair. "You welcome and thank you!" I smiled. "I knew I heard that sexy ass voice of yours. What's up baby?" Yoshi smiled walking up to us. I looked over at Zillah and she looked back at me. "Who are you talking to?" We both asked him. Clementine started laughing but quickly stopped when Legacy looked our way. "Roman asked do you want something to drink?" He stared at me. "Cranberry juice. Are you girls thirsty?" I asked them. "Zillah is." Paisley snickered as she nudged her. "Shut up." Zillah spat nudging her back. "I'll just figure something out." Legacy ignored them and all of the boys left us. Well besides Yoshi, who was still standing smiling at his phone. "Get your boo out of my face." I mumbled to Zillah. "I wish!" She pouted. "Got you, just don't freeze up." I tapped her leg. She nodded her head nervously like if she was getting ready to face her biggest fear ever in life. Clementine and Paisley was smiling like this was the best reality show they've ever watched. I stepped back then pushed Zillah into Yoshi. Not even waiting for the outcome, I grabbed Paisley and Clementine's hands then left as well leaving them two all alone. "Oh shit you're good! We've been trying to get her to talk to him for the longest! What voodoo powers do you have on Zillah's scary ass?!" Paisley asked. "None at all. Its like teaching someone how to ride a bike for the first time or double dutch." I shrugged. They both smiled while shaking their heads at me. "So Dallas though." June smirked finally catching up to us. "What about him?" Paisley asked. "He's on your body Kaylee. Are you going to give my brother a chance?" She smiled. "He's cute, but too cute" I sighed as she passed us our drinks. I'm guessing the boys got back or she found them. "Thanks." We all said then started sipping. Roman thinks he's so slick adding liquor. "There's no such as too cute." June laughed at me. "Right?! I said the same exact thing!! Like bring all that cuteness here zaddy!" Clementine yelled making us laugh at her.


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