《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 3
"I know all of you probably done this before or maybe some of you haven't, but if you did then you'll just be ahead with what we'll be learning for the next three weeks." Professor Jones said as he slowly paced back and forth in front of the classroom. The class good quiet waiting for him to continue. "Can anyone tell me something about babies?" He asked still pacing. "They sure do cry a lot!" This girl rolled her eyes as the class laughed at her. She was very empty minded, I see. "They're the reasons niggas get trapped." This boy spoke making me roll my eyes at him and that stupid ass comment. Damn freshmen back at it again with the stupidity. I'll take that back, I don't mind being with the sophomores anymore. At least they used their heads before they opened their mouths. "No, actually you need to blame these niggas. It's obviously their fault for being so damn thirsty over a piece of pussy and telling girls anything they want to hear so they can fall in love and thinking its going to be forever with that nigga not knowing he plotting on her best friend or he sneaky ass family member." This girl with hot pink hair snapped making everyone look her way. Besides Professor Jones, he was enjoying this debate and class haven't even started within twenty minutes already. "Could've been more put together, but I agree with you." This girl with green hair shrugged. I looked over at her seeing that she was a desk away from me. What's up with the bright hair colors ? I can't even lie, it did look cute on them though. "Thank you and by the way I'm Cassandra." She smiled. "Yes Cassandra you did thaaaat! And I'm Madison." the girl cheered back. I laughed at them. "Anything else on babies?" Professor Jones asked. "They are not mistakes and should be cared for no matter how the situation went or was." I shrugged but his eyes grew with excitement. "You just made the best point for what this lesson will be on!" He cheered making me mentally smile. "How though?" Cassandra scoffed; I'm guessing she was going to be one of those bitches. And of course she had to be a freshman. "By easily making a point! Like damn this bitch comment on everything a pretty girl get credit off of! Like I have four classes with this bitch and all she do is snap on the pretty girls. Why do you feel the need to compete? You're pretty yourself." This girl all the way in the back snapped. I looked back at her and she was pretty herself as well. "Oh and I'm Jayde." She flipped her long black braids. "Slay Jayde! Slay!" This gay boy yelled making me laugh at him. I wanted to feel bad for the white kids that wasn't used to this and was stuck with them, but they were all intrigued in the debate as well. "I'm so glad that I chose this lesson for this class, you guys need this very much. By the end of this lesson hopefully it will make you level headed and not so quick to jump on people." Professor Jones commented causing snickers to go around the room. You would think we were already five months into this school by the way they were interacting with one another. I felt it was kind of messy because first impressions are always something. And I already know what's going on in Professor Jones's mind at the moment. "Now these past few weeks we're going to learn how does the baby's body work" He smiled and pulled up a video on the projector. "Since everyone gets a chance to prepare for their children's birth date, you'll be doing the same thing. In the third week expect a baby girl or boy of your own that you and a partner will have to care for, for the next three weeks. Some will be single parents and no that doesn't mean people with a partner is weak or need help, but some will also need to learn how to work with people." He spoke then looked over at Cassandra. I smirked and shook my head. A baby? Mrs. Graham is going to lose it when I tell her about this. She always pressured her girls and I into getting married first before having a child of our own. See Brandon was a different story because he's a boy and no one will really look down on him since he's a male. "Now we'll watch this video." Professor Jones said as he cut the lights out. I pulled out my purple furry pen and waited for the video to began so I can write down some notes. Just in case a random quiz pop up, like I know the basics of taking care a baby but they do say you can learn something new everyday.
Fixing my dashiki and shorts that were under my dashiki, here came Roman pulling up on the curb. We planned to eat at Chipotle after we were done with our classes. "What's wrong?" I giggled at his pouting face. "This bitch Kira yo." He mumbled; that's his ex. Today has been spicy all day. "What did she do now? Isn't she all the way in New York?" I raised my eye brow up at him. "Yeah but she got a cousin or something in here who acts just like her." He said while rolling his eyes. "Really? Oh you about to have another four years of 'don't play with me Roman!' Hot messes." I mimicked annoying ass Kira. And we started laughing. "I knew your silly ass would have me laughing." He chuckled. "That's what I do best, but guess what I have to do?" I said rolling my eyes. "What?" Roman looked over at me as we walked to his car. "Take care of a baby for a month! Just to get my first grade of the class!" I said shaking my head. "Ain't that's some highschool shit?" Roman smirked. "Yes exactly and remember how that turned out. I can't get a sixty for a baby this time." I said. In our junior year of highschool there was a pregnancy bug going around so my school tried scaring us with taking care of battery babies. Why did I think just cause the doll was fake I could do anything I want? Boy when I gave in that baby doll, Mrs. Rosemary easily handed me my doll back with a sixty. That had to be the only time of going to school that I got something lower than a eighty. So I guess this time I'll be actually treating it like a baby. And I know there's going to be more stuff to do since this a college lesson. Wish me luck ! "Don't sweat it and if you need help I'll be that baby daddy." Roman smirked making me laugh at him. "No he's actually picking our partners, but I don't want a partner them people are simple minded as fuck." I scoffed while rolling my eyes. "How?" He chuckled as we drove off. "They just do too much and then there's this girl named Cassandra.... Bruh she need more than Jesus to save her, that ho needs to be turned into a nun." I said as we both started laughing. "Or she needs ya boy." Roman smirked while stroking his chin. "No, I don't need that chicken head in my face everyday." I rolled my eyes. Roman laughed some more before making a right and pulled out of the campus. "Where's Kai?" I asked while unlocking my phone. I haven't been on Snapchat in a minute, I guess I can show my pretty face. "Class." Roman said before turning up his music and Digits by Young Thug was already playing. So I recorded myself rapping along with him using the dog filter.
"Yo I love everything about Chipotle." Roman groaned making me laugh at him. That was really his favorite food, well besides tuna casserole. "I see, fat ass." I laughed while crossing my legs. Drinking that large cup of lemonade had me all types of cold and Roman's air conditioner didn't help either. "Let's not talk about fat and why did you wear them little ass shorts Kay?" Roman asked while throwing away our garbage. "They're not even that little and besides who's my dad?" I raised my eye brow up at him. Roman mouth dropped open but quickly closed. "Mr. Graham and I know he'll love to hear his baby girl wearing panties as shorts." Roman smirked plopping down next to me. "Panties?! You losing it!" I laughed pushing him away from me. "Nah I'm fucking with you." Roman chuckled as the bell rang. "Who's that?" I smiled thinking its probably a girl for him. "I don't know." Roman shrugged. "Okaaaay Ro you bringing the ladies in huh?" I asked while he laughed calling me corny. Opening the door, I swear I thought I lost my breath. There was like five boys standing in front of Roman's door. "Yes?" I asked staring at them all. They were all dressed up looking cute or whatever, but Roman never told me that he invited his friends over today. "This is where the party at right?" The tallest brown skinned one asked me. And he wasn't Linky tall either, it was more of a athlete's height. My favorite kind of tall. "No try the ninth floor." I smiled. "You coming right?" He smirked at me. Do I have a 'flirt with me' sign written on top of my forehead ? Cause that's what the boys been doing since I got here. Even though he was real cute with his spilling eye lashes and very thick but nicely shaped eye brows and his pink juicy wide lips. He looked like he stayed with the "oh yeah?" facial expression which looks pretty good on him. Plus his teeth was white as ever and his baby facial hair was nicely trimmed. Then his height was just a killer. "Who's that Kay?" Roman asked walking up behind me and opening the door some more. "Oh that's you Roman? And I didn't know you moved off campus boy." The same boy asked stepping back a little. "Nah that's my best friend and yeah I almost killed stupid ass Adam for trying to steal from me. But what's good though Legacy?" Roman smiled as they slapped fives. Then slapped the other four boys fives as well, they kept quiet though. "Ain't shit we can't find this party." He scratched his soft curls; I know for a fact that they were soft. Just how by they spilled out of his head. "Who Yolanda shit? Its upstairs, but at the other end of the hall on the left as well." Roman said making them nod their heads. "Ya should pull up and bring your bestie." Legacy smirked. Roman chuckled then looked back at me while I rolled my eyes. "We might slide through, but we waiting on Kaiden." Roman said. "Aight cool." Legacy said before Roman closed and locked the door. "Who's that?" I asked him. "We used to be on the same football team, but I told you that shit ain't really for me. It was just to shut my coach up, but then I dropped that shit after we won." Roman shrugged before grabbing the remote. "Yeah I don't remember him and that game was good." I sighed taking a seat right next to him. "So are we going when Kaiden comes?" Roman asked looking over at me. "No, you boys can go. I need to go get my nails done with Clementine and her girls." I shrugged with my eyes on the TV. "Aight so I'll be in the back getting ready." Roman sighed while standing up. "Okay, wake me up before you and Kai leaves." I yawned while kicking off my royal blue Huaraches then took off my shades and laid down on the couch. "Aight and here you go." Roman said passing me a pillow and his cover. "Thank you." I shivered from the warmth. "You got it." Roman said before going in the back. Closing my eyes, Kaiden was walking into the house sipping on the last of his sprite; that's all he drink unless he's in practice. "Oh shit look who showed up again!" He cheered smiling down at me. That's one thing I loved about Kaiden, no matter what he always stayed in a good mood. But when you do see his bad side, you're going to never want to see it again and that's a fact; not a opinion. "Hey Kai!" I smiled weakly, I was ready to catch up with some sleep. "How was class?" He asked kicking off his all red high top Air Force one's. "Annoying, what about yours?" I asked looking up at him. "Laid back cause you know your boy a young king." Kaiden bragged making me laugh at him. "Boy bye and fix them shoes." I yawned before facing the couch cushion and dozing off.
Feeling something in my nose, I tried to quickly stop the itching. Hearing a loud thud, I opened my eyes seeing Kaiden on the floor crying of laughter. "I'm going to beat your ass Kaiden." I laughed rubbing my nose again. Whatever the hell he was using had my nose feeling like I just sniffed some feathers. "What did I do?" He smirked standing up fixing his shirt. "Ayeee you looking cute Kai!" I smirked looking over his outfit. Of course he changed and sprayed all of that Ralph Lauren cologne all over himself. He was dressed in a green Kenzo shirt, black Balmain jeans, green and gray Huaraches with a black Raiders hat on. "Good looking and why you not coming?" He asked taking a seat on the single love seat; his favorite spot. "Cause I have to get dolled up for Friday." I shrugged smiling. "Oh yeah I heard that shit is going to be a movie." Kaiden nodded his head. "So I take everybody goes their for the first week of school?" I asked slipping on my sneakers again. "And the last." Roman said walking into the living room fully dressed as well. "What are ya trying to do, get a modeling career or something?" I smirked. Roman was wearing a black Raptors shirt, white ripped jeans and his high top white Pro model Adidas. They also both was wearing gold chains and gold watches as well. "Nah, trying to get these phone books filled." Kaiden smirked twisting his hat to the back. I laughed and stood up off the couch. "Ya better be careful, these girls love ruining careers." I stretched then grabbed my Louis Vuitton tote bag. "How are you getting back to your room?" Roman asked me. "Clementine is close by, I can call her." I shrugged unlocking my phone. "Aight so just bring the key upstairs before you leave." Roman said and Kaiden hugged me. "Have fun boys." I cooed. "Aight and make sure Clementine come and get you or I'll take you home." Roman said before they left out. And before I even got to text Clementine, she was calling me.
"Where you at boo?" She asked.
"Roman's. Come down?" I asked turning off their TV then went to the back to turn all the lights off. Them boys are going to have some bills to pay if they keep this up.
"Yeah come down in like five minutes and it's just going to be us cause Zillah is still stuck at work and Pai is with her man." Clementine said.
"Oh okay I'll be down in a few." I said leaving out of the house then locking the door.
"Oh okay cool." She said before hanging up. Waiting for the elevator, three girls walked over as well and waited along with me. "That party better be the shit or I'm out." The thicker one complained. "Right and I hope fine ass Kaiden is there too" The shortest one cooed. I mentally smiled, go Kai ! "Um you going to the party too?" The last girl spoke to me. "No, I'm actually dropping my keys off to my best friend." I said. "Why?! You're so pretty!" The thicker one yelled. "Awwwe thank you, but no I'll skip this one." I smiled as we all walked onto the elevator. So they just shrugged and went back to mentioning how they hope the party will turn out. Getting off the elevator, you could hear the music blasting from the apartment. "Damn! I just missed my song!" The last one yelled making us all laugh at her. The shortest one knocked on the door and the Legacy boy opened the door smiling. "Yes?" He mimicked me. I sucked my teeth while smiling. "Legacy move!" They yelled laughing while pushing him out of the way. "Why are you answering the door like it's your house?" I tilt my head to the side. "Shouldn't I be asking you the same?" He smiled. I laughed and shook my head 'no' as Work began to play. "Why not?" He crossed his arms. "Cause that's my best friend, so that's practically my house." I smiled feeling the sarcasm growing. "That's really your best friend or ya low key boo?" He smirked and we both started laughing. Why didn't he believe me ? "Do you think he would've let you invite me?" I crossed my arms. "You still didn't show up though." He smirked back. We had a five minute staring contest, before Roman came to the door. "Move Legacy." He chuckled and took the keys from me. "Get ya mans." I said hugging him. "I got you and I see you tomorrow." Roman laughed. "Okay bye." I said then walked away and made my way downstairs. Clementine was about to get out of the car until she seen me. "I'm sorry, I was having a sarcastic conversation with some Legacy boy." I sighed while climbing inside then put on my seatbelt. "Legacy is up there?!" Clementine asked sounding shocked. Please don't tell me that's her crush too, I mean Yoshi was fine as hell and now he's off limits. But Legacy was a different story. "Yeah he's at um... Yolanda's day party?" I said sounding unsure. "Oh that ho, that's why we not there now. She's some hating ass ho." Clementine shrugged as we pulled out of parking. "And I found my nightmare college student." I said as Clementine looked over at me. "Who? And damn you would think people would show their true colors at least three months later." She said shaking her head. "Yeah her name is Cassandra and what's funny is she's pretty as well." I shrugged. Clementine softly chuckled then shook her head. "I already can tell what it was." She smirked. "What?" I looked over at her. "She feels the need to prove herself that she's better than you because she's not the only person that's very pretty in that class. But tell sis go about her day." Clementine snapped making me laugh at her. "Or I can just prove her wrong." I shrugged smiling. "No you need to get that education boo, fuck her hating ass." Clementine said before rolling her eyes. "She's not worth it, this is deja vu all over again." She mumbled loud enough while shaking her head. "You have something to share Cle?" I raised my eye brow up at her. "Over some Spanish food, I got you." She smiled. "Bet." I nodded my head.
"Oh my god so Legacy was your best friend?!" I asked shocked. Clementine and I were both stuffed from beef stew with yellow rice and a large virgin piña colada. We were well prepared for Friday night. So now we were just laying down sharing our life stories to one another. "Yeah but Yolanda was his girlfriend at the time and that bitch couldn't stand me thinking I wanted Legacy or was doing something behind her back." Clementine rolled her eyes. I would kill Roman and his girlfriend if she think she about to break up or friendship. All hell would really break lose on this campus. That's one boy I wouldn't give up without twelve fights and I'm winning them all. So he wouldn't have no other choice to but to choose me. "So every time we argued over the same shit Legacy would take her side until I just stopped talking to them both and Yolanda actually ended up cheating on Legacy, so it sucked to be them." Clementine shrugged smiling. "I think I would seriously kill Roman." I sighed and shook my head. "I tried but almost got kicked out of school." Clementine pouted but broke out into laughter. "I can't take how much we're seriously alike!" I giggled laying back on my bed. "No for real, but that was also one of those mean college students as well." Clementine rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah? That's why you're schooling me. I appreciate it and I'll get you and your best friend talking again." I smiled at her. "Naaaah I'm cool without him besides you took his spot." Clementine smiled. "Awwwe Cle!!" I squealed jumping up from my bed then into hers. We did click faster than any normal roommates would. But that's the thing; we're not normal. "I know! I know and PS don't listen to Zillah, we're linking her with Yoshi fine ass!" Clementine smirked. "Yaaaaay!" I cheered as we started laughing again. "How are we going to do this though?" I asked sitting up. "So you're going to bring him over without letting us know cause if Zillah finds out she'll go running and once he gets there we'll just all easily leave them behind." Clementine smirked. That was kinda cheesy, but it'll work. "Ohhhh this is going to be fun and I also have a plan of my own." I smirked. "What?" She smirked. "Nothing, oh nothing!" I giggled. "I'm warning you Kaylee I don't want nobody man." She said and I started laughing. "Neither do I". Like I said, I have plans as well on Friday.
Legacy's fine ass
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