《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 6
Next Saturday morning *
Hearing constant knocking, I couldn't stay asleep and only wished for the knocking to stop. Sitting up in my bed, I noticed that Clementine was already gone. I wonder where she went being that today was only Saturday. Sighing out loud I slowly walked to the door. "Who?" I asked with my eyes still closed. "Legacy" He spoke through the door. I unlocked the door and let him in. "Is Clementine here?" He asked walking in. "No, she's probably at work" I rubbed my eyes. "Oh aight tell her I stopped by" Legacy said as I noticed the sadness in his voice. "Are you okay Legacy?" I stared at him. "Yeah I'm straight" He said, but his face told me other wise. "Liar you can tell me what's wrong. I don't run my mouth like some kid who over heard the grown folks talking" I said closing then locking the door and grabbed his hand so we can sit on the bed. "Yo I just told you I'm good" He mumbled, but wouldn't look me in the face. "You do know its not good to lie right? So tell me what's wrong. I mean it's not like you don't need a shoulder to cry on" I shrugged while crossing my legs as I sat down. Legacy shook his head then wiped his falling tears. And from the moment on I knew that I've somewhat felt for Legacy Sanders. Seeing his tears made my heartache and wanted to do anything to stop them tears. "See? Come on just tell me. You'll feel better" I wiped away his tears. "How?! How?! Tell me how?! Your fucking parents are here alive in good health!! How the fuck am I supposed to feel better?!" He snapped on me. My mouth fell open and I just stared at him in disbelief. "Huh? Tell me how am I supposed to feel better?!" He yelled, he was standing up now. "Your spoiled prissy ass probably only have to do is make one call and you can get a whole new pair of Balenciaga's or a pair of Red Bottoms all because you scraped the top a little! Fuck do I have to tell you about what's bothering me for when we have nothing in common?!" He yelled even louder. "Excuse me? You don't know shit about me! Nor my parents! Shit I don't even know my parents!" I stomped my way over to the door. Quickly untwisting the locks and snatching the door open, I stood there. "But I do know one thing, you can let yourself out!" I snapped while he just stared at me. Legacy nodded his head and stormed out of my room. Slamming the door shut, I shook my head and plopped down on my bed. Now I was upset, sad, sleepy and hungry with nowhere to go. Like how dare he ? I guess I don't have to be so nice after all. Snatching my towel from the top of the closet door, I made my way into the shower.
After getting out of the shower, I made my way over to the closet. Snatching my Shea butter, panties, bra and a pair of socks I went and plopped down on my bed. Hearing my phone ring, I rolled my eyes as I ignored it. Everybody could kiss my ass today ! Rubbing the Shea butter all over my body, I slipped on my panties and strapped on my bra then put on my socks. Walking back over to my closet I grabbed my gray plain shirt and some ripped jeans that will go with my denim jacket. Getting dressed, my phone started ringing again but I really didn't care. Sitting back down on my bed, I combed my hair back down and put on my pink dad cap then slipped on my pink twelves. Spraying some Bath and Body Works Dragon Fruit all over my clothes, I grabbed my phone and keys. Grabbing my Coach bag, that I wanted to sport around today again, I refilled it with some important things that I will probably need. Feeling my phone buzz, I just sighed and unlocked my phone. Seeing that it was a text from Jayde, I smiled.
Jayde : Kaylee are you okay ?
Jayde : Girl did my ass do something to you ?
Me : Lol no I'm fine. Where are you actually ? I need to get out of this room !! 😑
Jayde : Girl you scared me !! And I'm on my way out the door. Feel like eating BWW ?
Me : BWW ? 👀
Jayde : Buffalo Wild Wings 😭
Me : Oh lol and yeah please come get me ! Lol
Jayde : Meet me downstairs !
Me : Okay !
Turning off the lights, I closed the closet then left out of the room then closed and locked it. "Oh heyyyy Kaylee!" June cheered smiling. "Hey June" I smiled as we both walked towards the elevators. "So rumor has it that you're all boo'd up with that freshman quarterback Quentin" She smirked before pressing the elevator button. "Who said that?! Tell them take that rumor back!" I said before rolling my eyes. Really ? Boo'd up ? That's clearly a childish ass rumor; these people today man. I haven't even passed words with that boy since we left class. Hell he wasn't even at the lounge yesterday; corny ass people I swear. "No pretty girl don't get mad, I didn't say I believed them" She laughed. But I really didn't see the joke. "Who did you hear that from anyways? Cause he's just a classmate to me" I rolled my eyes once more. "Ohhh and some pink hair girl" She shrugged as we walked onto the elevator. Cassandra. I laughed and shook my head. What did I really do to this bitch for her to keep sending for me ? Shit was sickening already. "You know her?" June asked looking over at me. "Yeah that's actually her friend's ex or whatever the hell they are" I shrugged not really caring. She nodded her head and walked off the elevator. "What's wrong?" Jayde asked me while mugging June. "Nah she's good, that's June" I said. "Oh so what's wrong?" Jayde asked looking at me now. "Girl I'll tell you on the way to Buffalo's" I said shaking my head. "Okay, I thought I had to beat ole girl up" Jayde snickered making me laugh at her. "I swear you don't play" I mumbled as we left outside of the building. Her cousin's car was parked right out front, but nobody was inside. "You didn't tell me you knew how to drive" I said as we sat inside. "Nah I do my ones and two's" She shrugged smiling. I laughed as I waved her off while putting on my seat belt. "But what's wrong?" Jayde asked. I laughed and stared at her. "First of all you know how we got in extra late? I barely slept and then somebody comes to my room with pure bullshit and now I just heard that Cassandra going around saying that I was cuffing with Quentin" I complained making Jayde roll her eyes. "First of all how were you doing that when you was all in Playboy's face?" Jayde smirked making me laugh at her. "Shut up that's not the point!" I laughed playfully pushing her. "What do she want from me?" I asked, I really hated when people constantly picked at me. I had to deal with that shit my whole entire life. Why can't at least I could live without one person hating me ?! Shit is really annoying. "Beat her ass!! Want me to do it?!" Jayde asked making me laugh at her again. "No I hate fighting!" I laughed trying to calm her down. "So what you want to let her rock?" Jayde asked cocking her eyebrow up at me. I shook my head 'no', but quickly read Jayde's mind as well. "But that still doesn't give me a reason to fight her" I quickly cut her off before she even got to speak. "So just get close with Quentin, I mean I'm over that nigga now. So I won't care" Jayde shrugged. "Nobody wants to be bothered with that girl" I laughed. "Why do you have to be so sweet?! I want you to rag that bitch before I do it--- oh how about we do it together?!" She cheered. "Stop and just drive" I laughed ending the conversation. "I'm going to rag her if anything, but you right cause I am starving" She nodded her head as we pulled put of parking. I laughed to myself while shaking my head. "Let's be nice and yeah I'm starving too" I pouted as she drove off.
"I shouldn't be this stuffed!" Jayde said slouching against the chair. "Me either. Why didn't they tell us no?" I laughed rubbing my stuffed stomach. We were still in Buffalo Wild Wings trying to stuff our faces still, but couldn't take another bite. "Cause they all about to go home with wild tips, but can I ask you this?" Jayde asked. "What's up?" I asked feeling tired now. "What are you going to school for?" She asked. I laughed, after all this time she wanted to ask. "I want to be a pediatrician nurse" I shrugged smiling. Jayde nodded her head smiling. "I want to be a pediatrician doctor" She cheesed. "We're going to be stuck together forever!" I cheered mimicking Cardi B. "You better believe that! I don't trust these other bitches" Jayde said and we started laughing. "Anyways, you ready to go? I can't give them all of my money" Jayde said making me laugh some more. "Me either and yeah we could leave" I said grabbing my phone again and standing up. Our bill was already paid so it was safe to just leave. "Where are we going now?" Jayde looked over at me. "Somewhere free" I laughed jokingly. I really didn't want to go back to my dorm nor Roman's house brcause if I see Legacy, there will be some attitude and words thrown his way. "Nah we could do that!" She quickly agreed with me. "So where we going?" I asked as my phone began to ring again. "I don't know about me, but I think you should go to your boo's house. He obviously wants his little Kay boo up under him" Jayde snickered. "Nah its not even like that" I laughed checking the name; it was Clementine. So I just answered her call.
"Hey Cle" I said.
"Nah its-- and I quickly hung up. Tapping to send Clementine a text, he tried calling my phone again. But I quickly ignored it then put her under 'do not disturb'. When she gets away from him then I'll take her off of that. "Somebody after you?!" Jayde asked raising her eye brow up at me. "No its just some stuff going on" I shrugged wanting to leave it alone. "Mhm okay. We can head back to the dorm cause its too hot outside" Jayde fanned herself. "Okay" I nodded. We hopped in her car and quickly drove back to the campus. "I swear I can't wait until this semester pass by so I can get my own car and watch how bad that baby will be!" Jayde bragged making me laugh at her. "I wish I could get a car over some good grades" I laughed lightly. "You want me to get you a sugar daddy?" Jayde joked. "No" Roman said mugging us both. "It was a joke" Jayde said with her hands up. "Yo where the hell you been?" Roman asked me. I looked over at Jayde and she nodded her head. "Just text me boo" She hugged me. "Will do and thanks for lunch today" I hugged her back. "No problem" She said then left us standing there. "So where you been?" Roman asked me. "I went to buffalo wild wings with Jayde. And what's your problem?" I asked him. He still had the mug on his face. "I called you like ten times and you ignored my shits, I'm thinking something happened to you so I stopped by and you weren't even there. Why were you ignoring my shit?" Roman asked as his nose flared. "I didn't feel like being bothered. Sorry if I scared you, but I really don't feel like being bothered" I shrugged while my arms were crossed. "Bothered Kayler? Nigga you're my best friend ! Practically my little sister! What's bothering you that you can't talk to me?" He snapped on me. Some people slowed their paces to watch what was going on. "There's nothing to fucking watch---" Roman yelled before I quickly covered his mouth. They all started walking again and I dropped my hand. "Its just one of those days Roman" I shrugged. And he nodded his head. "If I find out you're lying, I'm going to kick ya ass for holding out on me" He stared me down. "Well you don't have to worry about that, but who's upstairs?" I asked fixing my hat. "Just Clementine and her girls" He shrugged. I nodded my head. "So we going up there?" He asked me. "And who's at your house?" I asked feeling my buzzing phone. "Nobody. Kaiden not even there..... Are you dodging somebody?" Roman crossed his arms and stared me down. "No. Why would you think that? I told you I just really don't feel like being bothered" I shrugged. Roman nodded his head before picking up his sweats. We walked over to his car and climbed in. I might sleepover there, if Kaiden don't bring his little heffas over.
Getting to Roman's house, like he said it was quiet and empty. "You hungry?" Roman asked kicking off his black twelves. "No remember I ate. Are you hungry?" I asked kicking off my pink twelves. "Starving you should know that" He said making me smile. "I don't even know why I even asked, so you about to chef it up?" I asked plopping down on the couch. "A little something here and there you know I don't brag" Roman smirked. I laughed. "You are too bragging, but what are you going to make?" I asked walking over to the kitchen window. You could see through the kitchen into the living room, vice versa. "Whole bake chicken, rice, with beans, carrots, potatoes, corn and cornbread" He cheesed making me squeal. Roman really knows how to cook and as you can see not no childish meals either. That man is husband material for a fact, but only trifling girls have a interest in my best friend. Its okay though, sooner or later he'll find him a good girl that's worth his time. And let's pray she has some respect for herself and him as well. "Kaiden fat ass is coming home then" I laughed, that's both of our favorite meals that Roman can make. "Matter of fact let me call Ms. Angela" I joked talking about his mom. She's the reason he knows all the skills about cooking and his Grandma Pam too. "She would love that and I haven't spoken to my moms since I left anyways" Roman said unlocking his phone. "Why?! I feel like whooping you my damn self!" I yelled ready to jump over this counter. Like I even talk to Mrs. Graham and Mr. Graham at least twice a day and he haven't called his mother once ?! Craziness !! "And what about Kaiden?" I asked shaking my leg. Roman just shrugged his shoulders. "You two need to relax, I don't know if its these girls or these classes. But ya need to call your parents like today I got accused of having mine today and I don't even have not one of them" My voice began to crack and before I knew it, I was crying my eyes out. Even though I was showing anger, I was actually hurt that I had to mention that I'm parent less. Yes that's life, but who wants to let anyone know that ? I know I sure don't. "Yo what's wrong?" Roman rushed to my side. "And what happened?" He asked rubbing my back as he hugged me. "Nothing" I cried. "Its obviously not being that your mean ass is actually crying. I haven't seen you crying since that shit with Gloria and them" He said. "Its nothing, its just hearing all these family stories just been getting to me lately" I lied while wiping my face. "Your family is right here and we've been making family stories since we met. Everybody don't need to have a mother and father in order to call that family. Don't sweat it Kay" He sighed holding me still. "Thanks Ro, now go and call your mom" I mumbled wiping my face dry. "Nah I can't do that to you Kay" He said staring at me. "No its okay, I swear that won't bother me, I love Ms. Angela" I said forcing a smile so he can go call his mom. "Aight, we'll call her together" Roman said grabbing my hand and we walked over to the couch then sat down. Roman slouched so I can lay on his shoulder. Making sure my face didn't show any signs that I was crying, I softly sighed as Ms. Angela answered Roman's call on face time.
"Boy what did I tell you about calling me on here?!" She yelled making us both laugh at her. "Hell I had to go next door so I can know how to work this thing, that's why I told you to get me a normal phone not this robot controller" Ms. Angela continue to snap on him. I laughed while covering my mouth or I would be next.
"But mommy I wanted for you to be up to date with your boy, but how you doing?" Roman asked changing the subject.
"I've been good, busy at work. I see you're busy as well. How's my girl?" Ms. Angela smiled talking about me.
"She's right here" Roman said putting the camera on me. "Hi Ms. Angela!" I cheesed.
"Oh hey baby! I haven't even seen you was there, but how's college?" She smiled.
"Its cool so far" I shrugged.
"And the boys?" She smirked.
I started laughing as I looked over at Roman. "Well my security guard said I'm not here for them, but Ms. Angela they are something else!" I laughed as Roman began to pinch me. "Ouch! Okay I'm lying!" I laughed trying to twist out of his pinches. "Nope you meant it". Roman pinned my hands down and sat on top of me with his heavy ass making me drop the phone. "No I didn't! I swear!" I laughed breathlessly. Roman began to laugh as well, but still to continue to pinch me. "Ouch Roman!" I laughed. "So why are you laughing?" He asked. "Cause you're a bully!" I laughed and he nodded his head. "A bully" He repeated to himself. "Yes a bully!" I laughed uncontrollably. "I'll show you a bully" He said pinching my arms and stomach. "What the hell is going on?" Kaiden asked walking through the door. "Help me Kai!" I yelled laughing. "I got company with ya goofy asses" He chuckled walking to the back. But his "company" stood standing by the door. So we both stopped to check out the unlucky girl for the night. "Wow" I dropped my mouth open. It was Cassandra, but she was actually smiling. Well that was the first time. "Oh hey Kylie" She faked a smile. "You know its Kaylee with yo dry ass" I smirked while rolling my eyes. Then remembered what June told me earlier. So I hopped up and rushed over to her. "And why did you go around lying telling everybody that I was hugged up with Quentin? When we all know that's your friend nigga" I snapped making her smirk. "So you don't like him?" She tilt her head to the side. "Oh you would know if I liked him, but nobody wants a fuck boy. But I do suggest you keep my fucking name out of your mouth!" I got louder. I just wanted to snatch that smirk off her dry ass lips and beat her ass, but she really wasn't worth it. "Yo what's going on?" Roman asked pulling me back. "Your girlfriend likes my friend's ex" Cassandra shrugged smirking. "Girlfriend? That's my best friend and you better leave her alone" Roman mean mugged her. "That's right" I smiled at her. Kaiden walked back to the front smiling. "Oh ya know each other Kaylee? This my luh baby" He smiled wrapping his arm around Cassandra. "Fuck that bitch" I scoffed walking into the kitchen. "Can you start cooking Ro?" I asked ignoring the mug Cassandra was giving me. "Yeah" Roman chuckled walking into the kitchen. "Head to the room with the twenty three sticker on the door" Kaiden spoke to Cassandra. Once she left Kaiden walked into the kitchen and stood next to me. "You got something you want to tell me?" He asked crossing his arms. "She's been the girl I've been telling ya about then she made up some rumor saying that I was hugged up with her friend's ex, how when he didn't even show up? Like we don't even talk cause he's straight up a fuck boy and he also used to talk to Jayde but Madison stole him" I shrugged. Kaiden mouth dropped open with his eyes wide open. "I'm so serious" I shrugged watching Roman prepare dinner. "That's crazy I'll talk to her though cause my future wife can't be fighting with some college fun" Kaiden mumbled the last part. "Bye Kaiden!" I laughed pushing him. "Nah but I'm going to talk to shawty" He said before leaving the kitchen. I sat by the table as my phone began to ring. It was Clementine again.
"What?" I asked thinking it was Legacy calling again.
"Ewww what did I do? That I don't know about!!" Clementine yelled making me laugh at her.
"Sorry its not you, but I have a story when I get home tonight and do you want me to bring you some of what Roman cooked?" I asked her.
"Girl yes that would be lovely and okay. Ask play boy can I come over? I'm bored" She sighed. "Roman can Clementine come over?" I asked him and he started smiling. "Yeah she can come" He smirked.
"Hurry girl!" I cheered making her laugh.
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mistakes like this, hockstetter ✩ೃ
𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒. in which patrick hockstetter, a boy who is full of mistakes, comes across a girl who challenges him to be better.*·˚ ༘♡❨ EST. 2019 ❩ ✓ written by kaya.patrick hockstetter x fem!reader
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