《Chasing The Bad Boy (J.JK ♥ S.CY)》The Party
"...... Jeon Jungkook!" The Gym Instructor Announced.
There Were Outbursts Of Cheer And Joy. Everybody Congratulated Him. Blood Rushed To My Face As The Realization Dawned On Me. I Lost To A Guy. Not Only That, I Also Lost The Date With Him. A Flow Of Curses Run Through My Brain As I Processed The Thought. I Haven't Noticed That Jungkook Was Standing Right In Front Of Me.
"So...... Rich Girl, I Won." He Smirked. I Glared At Him.
"You Only Won Because I Let You." I Huffed And Crossed My Arms Over My Chest.
"Yeah, Okay, Tell Yourself That Lie To Make It All Better." He Snickered.
"Who Said I Was Lying?" I Scoffed.
"Don't Worry, Everybody Expected Me To Win, Anyway. You Didn't Let Anyone Down." He Teased Some More. He Really Enjoyed Infuriating Me.
"What Do You Want?" I Glared At Him Again. If Only Looks Could Kill......
"We Had A Deal." He Stated.
"And Now What?" I Asked Though I Knew What Was Coming.
"You'd...... Be My Slave For The Whole Month, Starting Next Month." He Smirked As He Stared At Me.
Oh Boy, How I Wish I Could Slap Him. But Someone Might See And Of Course, The Media Would Certainly Hear About Son Chaeyoung Getting Violent.
I Smiled Sweetly At Him. "Is That All You Want?"
He Seemed Confused With My Reaction And Nodded.
Now, I Wasn't Being Sarcastic By Smiling Sweetly At Him, I Swear. It's Just That..... It Was A Win-Win Situation For Me. I Mean, Fine, I Didn't Get The Date I Wanted But By Being His Personal Slave, I Would Certainly Spend More Time With Him. A Time Alone With Jeon Jungkook, What More Could A Girl Like Me Ask For? So, Yeah, I Was Overjoyed By The Fact That I'd Get To Be His Personal Slave. If He Asked, I Could Be His Slave For My Whole Existence Just So I Would Never Leave His Side.
"Aren't You Bothered That You're My Personal Slave?" He Asked Dumbfounded.
This Was The Part Where I Should Lie And Act So He Wouldn't Take It Back.
"Of Course I am! I Mean, I, Son Chaeyoung, A Personal Slave?! The Idea Itself Is..... Disgusting And Humiliating!" I Hissed Dramatically. I Should Have Been An Actress; I Would Have Won An Oscar For This Performance.
"I Know, That's What I Thought." He Smirked, Seeming Satisfied With My Reaction.
Oh Jungkook, My Jungkook, How Stupid Of Him To Think I'd Be Disgusted By The Idea. By Being His Slave, I Could Watch Him At All Times. I Smiled At The Thought As He Walked Away. 24/7 With Jeon Jungkook...... Oh Gosh, I Couldn't Stop Thinking What Would Happen With Us Alone. Don't Blame Me; Blame My Hormones For The Naughty Thoughts. Blame Jungkook For The Yummy Body. It's Just So Rape-Worthy. I Giggled. If The Media Could Read My Mind, I'd Be The Headlines Of Every Newspaper And Show. The Greatest Son Chaeyoung Scandal, I Chuckled.
After A Series Of Activities, The Day Was Uneventful. Jungkook Didn't Join Any Activity Anymore. He Just Slept The Whole Afternoon While I Sunbathed. Taehyung And Tzuyu Were Too Busy Making Out In The Sand To Notice The Happenings Around Them. By Night, We Were Told To Fix Our Stuff And Get Ready To Go Home. As I Was Walking To The Bus, Tzuyu Suddenly Appeared By My Side.
"Hey!" She Greeted, Smiling While Glowing.
"Hey Yourself, You're Done Snogging Taehyung?" I Teased Her.
She Blushed. "Oh Please, If You And Jungkook Were Together, You Wouldn't Be Able To Keep Your Hands Off Him Either. "
"Good Point." I Smirked.
"So What Have I Missed?" She Asked. I Filled Her In With Everything That Happened The Whole Day As We Got Inside The Bus. We Weren't Even Worried That Someone Might Hear Us Because Taehyung And Jungkook Were On The Other Bus Anyway. I Told Her About My Conversation With Jungkook, The Race And The Deal. She Squealed When I Told Her About My Conversation With Jungkook And Asked What Exactly My Status With Jungkook Is.
I Shrugged. "What Does That Shrug Means?" She Asked.
"It Simply Means I Don't Know And I Don't Care."
"What?!" She Yelled.
"What?" I Asked Innocently.
"Chaeyoung, You Need To Know What Your Status Is With Jungkook." She Said, Lowering Her Voice.
"Why?" I Asked.
"Because...... Because That's What Normal People Do, Clarify Their Status!"
"Well, Maybe.... We're Not Like Normal People." I Smiled Mischievously.
"Now, I See Why You And Jungkook Should Be Together. You're Both Weird." She Shook Her Head. I Laughed At That.
"So Are You Going To Join The Committee?" She Asked, Changing The Subject.
"What Committee?" I Asked Back. I Haven't Heard Of It.
"Well, Every Year, There's A Committee That's In Charge Of Organizing The Party For The School's Foundation Day, Anyone Can Join."
"Really? So You Mean, That Day Is Like Free Day, No Classes?"
"Exactly. It's One Of The School Parties Everyone Awaits. Everyone's On A Festive Mode Since It's The School Anniversary Or Something. But Only A Few Signs Up For This Committee, I Mean Who Wants To Stress Out Over This Whole Party Thing?" She Chuckled.
"I Do." I Replied. Her Head Turned To Me In Shock.
"I Love Organizing Parties. And This Year, The School Anniversary Party Would Be Wicked." I Smiled.
"Oh Gosh, Fine. Do It. But Don't Get Me Involved. I'm Not Up For It."
"I Wasn't Thinking Of It." I Told Her.
"So Where Will I Sign Up?" I Asked Her.
"With Your First Name, You Don't Even Have To. You Can Just Parade Into The Committee Room While They're Having A Meeting And They Would Gladly Ask You To Be The Committee President."
I Smiled At That. Is That Even Possible?
"How Do They Select Their Committee President?" I Asked.
"By Voting, The Majority Wins, Of Course."
"So They Just Walked In The Committee Room, Vote For The President And Plan Out?" I Asked Rhetorically.
"Basically, Yes. The Party's On Friday Night, By The Way."
"I Frowned. "I Only Got 1 Week To Prepare? Well, Bring It On." I Smiled.
Monday Morning.
"Ms. Son Chaeyoung, What A Pleasure To Have You In This Committee Meeting Of Ours. We're Humbled!" A Four-Eyed Girl Gushed As I Walked In.
I Smiled; This Was Just Like What Tzuyu Described To Me. There Were 10-15 People In The Room. Not Much But Enough For My Plans. Most Of Them Were Girls, As Expected.
"So, Who's Your Committee President?" I Asked Even Though I Knew I Would Be The President.
"Definitely You!" Another Girl Yelled And Murmurs Of Agreement Filled The Room.
"Oh Thank You Guys. Now, Let's Not Waste Our Time And Get On The Business." I Said As I Gave Them The Papers I Asked Dahyun To Prepare The Night Before. They Started Reading It.
"A Masquerade Ball?" A Boy Asked.
"Yes, A Masquerade Ball." I Stated Proud Of My Not-So-Original-But-Perfect Idea.
"But Our Parties Never Had A Theme Before..... We Would Only Hire A Local Band To Play, Decorate And Then Prepare Food." A Girl With A Low Voice Told Me.
"Well, That's Why We're Going To Change This Year. This Year Would Be Memorable For Everyone Who Would Attend The Party. It Will Be A Black Tie Event. I Can Only Imagine It, Girls In Pretty Gowns With Pretty Masks And Boys Who Would Look Dashing In Their Tuxes, Slow Dancing, Good Music, Elegant Decoration. Where Do You Usually Held The Parties?" I Asked.
"Uh...... We Usually Held It In The Son Hotel. It's The Nearest Hotel But Very Expensive Though. I Don't Think We Have Enough Time To Raise Money So We Could Reserve A Place." A Boy Shyly Replied.
"Oh. Our Hotel, Huh? Well, Consider It Done. We'd Have Our Party There For Free. Now, Who's Good In Making Designs On Computer?" I Asked.
A Girl Raised Her Hand. "You're In Charge Of The Design Of The Flyers. I'll Give You The Materials; Make It Classy-Looking And Elegant. The Design Should Be Appropriate For The Theme. I Expect It To Be Done By Tonight. I'll Give You An Email Address Later, Send Me The Design So I Could Print It Out. You Three," I Pointed To 3 Girls. "You're In Charge Of Giving Out And Posting The Flyers. As For The Others, I'll Be Expecting You Early On Thursday Morning To Decorate The Party Room Of Our Hotel. As For The Food, Leave Me To It. Meeting Done, You're All Free To Go." I Smiled. They Look Shock As To How Fast The Meeting Had Been.
When I Got Home, I Started Preparing The Things Needed For The Masquerade Ball. By Midnight, I Was Done With Everything. The Only Thing That's Left To Do Was To Decorate The Hotel And Send Out The Flyers.
The Next Morning. I Was Very Tired.
"So How Did The Meeting Go?" Tzuyu Asked As She Saw Me Getting My Books In The Locker.
"Everything's Done Actually. We Only Need To Send Out The Flyers And Decorate The Hotel." I Told Her.
"You Look Exhausted." She Stated.
"You Have No Idea." I Rolled My Eyes.
By The End Of The Day, Everyone Was Talking Excitedly About The Masquerade Ball On Friday Night. I Was Tired But It Was All Worth It.
I Stood In The Parking Lot Waiting For Hoseok To Arrive When I Heard That Beautiful Voice.
"So I Heard You're The One Who Prepared Everything For The Party This Coming Friday." He Said.
I Smiled And Nodded.
"And Just As I Expected, It Was Very....... You."
I Frowned. "What Do You Mean By That?"
"The Theme, The Place....... It's All You. Classy, Elegant, Sophisticated."
I Wasn't Sure If It Was A Compliment Or What So I Just Shrugged. "Are You Coming?" I Asked Jungkook.
But Before He Could Reply, A Car Stopped In Front Of Us.
"We'll See." He Said.
Hoseok Opened Up The Door For Me. I Got Into The Car, But Before I Got In, I Looked At Him. "I'll Be Waiting For You."
Before I Knew It, It Was Already Friday. Everything Was Ready. I Was Getting My Hair And Make-up Done By My Personal Hair Stylist And Make-up Artist. I Bought A New Gown And Mask For The Party. I Wasn't Sure If Jungkook Would Go. I Asked Taehyung And Felix About It But They Told Me They're Weren't Sure Either. Jungkook's Unpredictable. Speaking Of Felix, The Other Day He Caught Me Stalking Jungkook And I Had To Bribe Him With Food To Stop Him From Telling Jungkook. The Thing Is, Jungkook Still Doesn't Know That I Work In The Fast-Food Chain He Works At. I Was Quite Busy So I Couldn't Go To Work Yet. But I Planned To After A Week. As Night Fell, I Got Into The Car As Hoseok Drove Me To The Hotel. My Heart Was Pounding In My Chest. I Was Excited To See Jungkook In A Tuxedo. When I Came In, Everything Looked So Perfect. It Was Just As I Imagined. I Saw Tzuyu And Taehyung. They Both Look Beautiful. I Recognized Them Because They Took Their Masks Off.
"Hey Guys!" I Walked To Them.
"Hey Chaeyoung." They Greeted Back. I Looked Around.
"If You're Looking For Jungkook, He's Not Here." Taehyung Said.
"Isn't He Coming?" I Asked Anxiously.
"With Jungkook, You'll Never Be Sure." Taehyung Stated.
I Nodded And Told Them I'll Go Check If Everything's Going Fine. I Walked Off Feeling Disappointed. I Tried Hard To Look Pretty Tonight And It Would Nothing If Jungkook Wasn't Going To Come. As I Walked, I Caught A Sight Of Felix. I Walked To Him.
"Hey Felix."
"Hey Chaeyoung." He Smiled At Me.
"Uh....... He Left Early Today. He Told Me He Has To Go Somewhere. I'm Not Sure If He'll Come." He Told Me While Eyeing Me Sympathetically.
I Nodded And Thanked Him. I Felt So Upset And Went To The Rooftop.
I Sat On The Ground And Stared At The Sky. I Was So Excited For The Party Because It Was My First Party With Jungkook. But He Wasn't Even There.
"So...... You Left Your Own Party?"
I Turned To Look At The Direction Where The Voice Came From. It Was Him In Tux. Just As I Imagined, He Was Handsome And Breathtaking. He Walked Towards Me And Sat Beside Me.
"What Are You Doing Here?" He Asked.
"Why Are You Late?" I Asked Back.
"I Had To Do Some Important Stuff. You Haven't Answered My Question." He Told Me.
"I Was Disappointed." I Sighed.
"Why?" He Asked Looking At Me.
"I Thought You Wouldn't Come." I Admitted.
He Chuckled But Didn't Speak.
"Jungkook....... What Exactly Are We?" I Asked Nervously.
"What Do You Want Us To Be?" He Asked Back, Staring At My Eyes.
"I Don't Know, I Mean...... I Like You. I Really Do..... But Do We Have To Put A Label On What We Have? All I Know Is That I Enjoy Whatever We Have." I Told Him.
He Smiled. "Well Rich Girl, We Don't Have To Put A Label On Whatever Relationship We Have. If That's What You Want Then We'll Just Enjoy." I Smiled At Him.
He Stood Up And I Looked At Him Questioningly. He Held Out His Hand And I Took It. He Pulled Me Up.
"What Are You Going To Do?" I Asked.
He Took Out His IPod From The Pocket Of His Tuxedo. He Gave Me A Piece Of His Earphones. I Put It In My Ear As He Did The Same.
"Can I Have This Dance?" He Asked.
"Yes." I Smiled From Ear To Ear.
He Played A Song. 'Tonight' By FM Static. I Placed My Hands On His Shoulders As He Placed His On My Waist.
I Looked At Him And Thought; Maybe, Just Maybe....... Jeon Jungkook Wasn't The Bad Boy That Everyone Thinks Of Because That Night, He Made Me The Happiest Girl Alive.
The Pic On The Top Is Chaeyoung's Outfit/Attire For The Masquerade Ball.
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