《Chasing The Bad Boy (J.JK ♥ S.CY)》Friends And Enemy
His Eyes Widened As He Stared At Me, As If He Was Thinking That I Was Just An Apparition. I Resisted The Urge To Giggle At His Cute Expression. After A Minute, The Shock Turned Into A Scowl. It Was Like; He's Thinking That I Was Up To Something Bad. Tsk, Tsk. Judgemental Guy, Huh? But If Doing Something Bad Means I'd Get To Spend Time With Him Then He's Right. I Was Up To Something Bad. And He Had No Choice But To Put Up With Me. I Stared At The Teacher As He Talked About World History And People Who Died. I Rolled My Eyes. For Goodness's Sake, They're Already Dead! I Focused My Attention On Jungkook. From The Corner Of My Eye, I Caught Him Turning His Head To Me Discreetly. Ohh, Why Was He Staring At Me? I Couldn't Help But Feel Smug. I Smiled To Myself, Trying To Act Oblivious To What He's Doing. But Of Course, Me Being Me, I Was Acting All Cute As He Stared At Me. After A Moment, I Couldn't Resist It Anymore. I Turned My Head To Him. He Was Caught Off Guard And Jerked A Little.
"Why Are You Staring At Me?" I Asked.
"What Are You Doing Here?" He Shot Back.
"I'm Obviously Studying, Duh." I Smirked.
"Why? Daddy Lost His Money And You Need To Study In A Public School?" He Mocked.
"I'll Go With That Story." I Smiled And Examined My Fingernails Trying To Be Nonchalant.
"Whatever You Do Is None Of My Business, But When We're In School, Don't Ever Talk To Me. I Mean It."
This Caught Me By Surprise So I Turned To Look At Him But He Was Looking Straight Ahead. Why Can't I Talk To Him? I Was Contemplating What He Said When An Idea Formed In My Mind. I Grinned Evilly. If He Didn't Want Me To Talk To Him Then... I'd Talk To Him. I Stared At The Teacher Who Was Writing Something On The Board. He Told Us To Be Quiet As We Copy The Lecture Notes. 'Perfect Timing For My Plan' I Thought.
"Pssst." I Called Out To Jungkook.
But He Didn't Reply Or Even Looked At Me.
"Pssst, Jungkook!" I Called Again, A Little Louder This Time. Some Heads Turned To Us.
Jungkook Wasn't Even Copying Whatever's On The Board; He Was Just Looking Straight Ahead. But I Could Tell I Was Getting On His Nerves. His Jaw Was Clenched, A Tell-Tale Sign When A Guy's Getting Mad.
"Jungkook!" I Whispered-Yelled.
The Teacher Turned To Look At Us.
"Who's Talking?" He Asked In A Stern Voice.
I Put On My Innocent Face, The One That Says 'I Don't Know What You're Talking About.' No One Answered His Question.
"Whoever's Talking, I'm Warning You! If You Talk One More Time, I'm Giving You A Detention." He Threatened.
Oh Yeah, Detention. Scary! I Laughed In My Mind. But My Plan's Going Well. So I Might As Well Resume Pissing Jungkook Off.
"Jungkook!" I Called Again, I Almost Giggled When I Noticed That He's Trying Hard To Ignore Me.
"Jeon Jungkook!" I Hissed. He Finally Turned To Me And Glared Then Stared Straight Ahead.
So He'd Ignore Me, Huh? Let's See Who Would Win. I Grinned.
I Tear Out A Paper From My Notebook And Crumpled It Then Threw It On Him. He Didn't React. Some People Around Us Who Noticed The Exchange Earlier Were Just Watching Us. The Boys Were Amused While The Girls Were Throwing Glares At Me. I Scoffed Mentally. As If I Cared About What They Think. They're Just Jealous Because I Could Try Getting Closer To Him.
I Threw Another Paper On Jungkook That Hit His Chest. How I Wish It Hurt So He'd Take His Shirt Off. But It Didn't. He's Not Even Avoiding The Crumpled Papers I Threw At Him. He's Acting Like I Don't Exist. I Threw Another Paper Then Another And Another. The Last One Hit Him On His Face. I Could Tell His Patience Ran Out Because He Suddenly Stood Up, Making His Chair Fall Back.
"What The Fuck Are You Doing?!" He Asked Me, In Rage.
The Teacher Immediately Turned To Look At Us.
"Mr. Jeon, What Do You Think You're Doing?!" The Teacher Yelled. The Whole Class Was Silent. Jungkook Looked Like He Could Kill Me Any Second.
There's Only One Way To Save His Ass, He Should Tell The Teacher That It Was Me. But We're Not In Middle School Anymore. It Would Go Against His Man Pride To Tattle. He's Got The Whole Bad Boy Image, He Would Never Tattle. He Just Glared At Me As He Realized He Couldn't Get Out Of The Mess I Made.
I Sighed. Okay, It's Time To Act Like A Good Girl. I Raised My Hand.
"Yes, Ms. Son?" The Teacher Said.
"It Was Me. I Was Throwing Papers At Him. It's Okay, I Admit I'm Wrong. Just Send Me To Detention So I'd Learn My Lesson. You Could Give Me A Detention For A Week If You Want To." I Held Up My Hands In Mock Surrender.
The Teacher Looked Taken Aback. I Think He Was Torn Weather He'd Give Me Detention Or Not. If He Didn't, He'd Lose His Good Reputation As A Teacher. Everyone Would Think He's Being Unfair Because I'm Rich. I Think He Was Afraid That If He'd Give Me A Detention, I'd Tell The Principal To Fire Him. But I Already Know What He'd Choose.
"Okay, I'm Giving You A Week Of Detention And You To, Mr. Jeon Because You Disturbed My Class."
I Smiled. That's Why I Love Myself So Much. I'm Good At Reading People. By One Look, I Could Tell What Kind Of Person You Are. I Also Know How You Would React In Certain Situations Or What You Would Choose. In The Teacher's Case, He Wanted To Be Known As A Strict Teacher. He Wouldn't Let A Rich Girl Like Me Ruin His Reputation. So From The Moment I Formed My Plan, I Knew How Jungkook And The Teacher Would React By The Things I'd Do Or Say. So Yeah, Basically, I Planned To Get On Jungkook's Nerves Until He Gets Mad So The Teacher Would Catch Us Then Give The Both Of Us A Detention. It's A Gift, A Talent I Have Ever Since.
Jungkook Sat On His Chair Again But Before He Did, He Glared At Me With A Knowing Look. Oh, I Know That He's Genius. But I Didn't Know He Was That Smart. He Figured It Out. He Knew That I Planned It All Along. But I Think He Had No Idea About My Plan While I Was Annoying Him Because If He Did, His Patience Wouldn't Run Out. Haha. It's Cute That He Couldn't Do Anything About It. The Bell Rung And Jungkook Walked Out.
The Day Passed By In A Blur. I Decided Not To Push Jungkook Anymore Because I Didn't Want Him To Be That Mad At Me. So I Ignored Jungkook Just Like He Was Ignoring Me. But I Always Seat Beside Him. The Period I Have Before Lunch, I Made A Friend. Her Name's Tzuyu And A Sophomore. I Decided That I Could Use A Company For Lunch. She Seems Naturally Nice, Not Just Because I'm Filthy Rich. She's A Redhead. She's One Of Those Girls That's Always Cheerful For No Reason At All.
"So, Why Did You Choose Our School Out Of All The Schools?" She Asked As We Walked To The Cafeteria.
"Can I Be Honest With You?"
"Of Course." She Smiled.
"I Like Jeon Jungkook." I Told Her.
Her Eyes Shone With Excitement. "Really?! Oh My Gosh, Is That Why You Choose This School? You Wanted To Be With Him?"
"Aww. That's So Cute. I Know How You Feel, Girl. Everyone Here Has The Hots For Him." She Informed Me.
"Even You?" I Narrowed My Eyes At Her. Even Though She's My Friend, I Would Break Her Neck If She Stole Jungkook From Me.
"Chill, I'm Not One Of Those Girls. I Have A Boyfriend And Tell You What, He's Jungkook's Best Friend!" She Told Me And Sighed Dreamily.
It Was Obvious She's So In Love With This Boyfriend Of Hers. So I Smiled At Her.
"But Do You Know About Jungkook's Rep, Right?"
"That He's A Bad Boy Slash Heartbreaker?"
"Yup. He Loves To Hump And Dump Girls."
"Oh, Believe Me. He Won't Do That Once He's Mine." I Smiled Confidently.
"I Hope So. Just A Warning, There's This Cheerleader Who's Possessive Of Jungkook."
I Stopped On My Track. "Is She His Girlfriend?"
"No, It's Just That She's The Only Girl Who Had Sex With Jungkook A Million Times. But Jungkook Doesn't Like Her. She's Just Desperate. Others Girls Would Be Embarrassed Once Jungkook Dumped Them After Sex. But With This Girl, She Wants Jungkook. She's Begging Him For Sex. And Jungkook, Being Jungkook, Never Refused Her."
"Don't Worry. I Can Handle Her." I Told Her.
"Why Don't You Join Us In Our Table? Jungkook's With Us." She Whispered The Last Part.
I Nodded My Head Eagerly. We Walked To A Crowded Table. I Could Tell It Wasn't The Popular's Table. There Was A Dark Aura Surrounding The Table. Or Maybe It Was Just Because Everyone In The Table Looked Like A Badass. They Were Either Wearing Black Shirts Or Black Leather Jackets. I Finally Spotted Jungkook. Jungkook Caught My Eyes And Glared. Beside Him Was A Vacant Seat. Tzuyu Dragged Me To The Seat And She Sat Beside Me. She Kissed The Guy Beside Her And Turned To Looked At Me.
"So, Chaeyoung, This Is My Boyfriend, Taehyung." She Introduced Me To The Guy Beside Her. I Would Be Lying If I Said I Didn't Check Him Out Because I Totally Did. He's Hot; I'm Not Going To Lie. But Of Course, Jungkook's Hotter.
"Hi, I'm Chaeyoung." I Smiled At Him.
"I Know." He Said Then Smiled. The Smile He Gave Me Made Me Curious. It Was Like He Knew Something I Didn't. But I Brushed It Off.
"Aren't You Going To Introduce Me To The Others?" I Asked Tzuyu.
"No Need, They Don't Hung Out With Us That Much Anyway. I Don't Even Know Their Names And I've Been With Them For A Year. Besides, Jungkook Only Hangs Out With Taehyung, Felix And Me." She Whispered.
I Nodded. Speaking Of Felix, He Walked To Our Table, Seeming Lost. He Was Obviously Looking For A Vacant Seat. But There Was No Vacant Seat. Aww, My Little Brother Couldn't Stand The Whole Lunch.
"Hey Felix!" I Called.
He Looked At Me And Gave Me A Shy Smile.
I Stood Up, "Sit Here."
"But Where Are You Going To Seat?" He Asked Me, Blushing.
"Don't Worry About It. I Got It."
He Nodded And Sat. Then I Sat On His Lap. Tzuyu, Who Was Watching The Whole Exchange, Spit On Her Drink And Gave Me A "WTF" Look. Jungkook Narrowed His Eyes At Me. I Noticed His Jaw Clenching. Why Was He Mad? He Should Be Happy That I Made Felix Seat, Right? Felix Looked Embarrassed. Taehyung Looked Amused.
"Am I Heavy?" I Asked Felix.
He Just Shook His Head.
"Aw, You're So Cute!" I Patted Felix's Head.
"What The Fuck Are You Doing?" Jungkook Hissed.
"Ah, Eating?" I Asked, More Than Stated As I Got A Slice Of Pizza.
"Why The Hell Are You Seating On Felix's Lap?" He Closed His Eyes And Pinched The Bridge Of His Nose.
"Because There Were No More Seats." I Reasoned.
Tzuyu Was Choking And Taehyung Was Rubbing Her Back. Felix Looked Scared. When Jungkook Opened His Eyes, I Could See Anger. What An Idiot. Why Would He Get Mad At Me?
Just Then A Girl In Cheerleading Uniform Walked Towards Jungkook, Swaying Her Hips As She Did So. What A Whore. This Must Be The Girl Tzuyu's Talking About.
"Hey, Jungkook." She Purred.
What's With The Voice? She Sounded Like A Cat Who Got Hit By A Car. I Was Getting Angrier Every Passing Second.
"What Do You Want?" Jungkook Asked Her.
"Oh, You Know What I Want And You Know What I Can Give You, Don't You?" She Batted Her Fake Eyelashes At Him While Touching His Arm.
Didn't She Even Noticed My Presence?
Jungkook Looked At Me First Then At Her And Smirked Then Stood Up As He Dragged Her With Him. I Saw The Direction They Were Heading, The Girls Bathroom. So They're Planning To Have Sex On The Bathroom, Really?!? How Dirty. I Felt Like I Was Going To Explode From Anger. I Went To Seat On The Chair Where Jungkook Sat. Whatever I Looked Like At The Moment Must Have Been Scary Because Felix Looked Scared. I Wasn't In The Mood To Comfort My Little Brother. Tzuyu Looked At Me With Sadness. No, I Wasn't Sad That Jungkook's Getting It On With That Whore. I Was Mad! Then Suddenly, Tzuyu's Eyes Sparked.
"What?" I Asked Her.
"Want To Give That Slut A Lesson?" She Smirked.
A Lesson, Huh? She's Right. I Wouldn't Sulk Just Because Jungkook Was Having Sex With That Girl. I Would Teach Her A Wicked Lesson.
"Oh, Bring It On." I Grinned.
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Alpha Physics - Post Apocalyptic LitRPG
A LitRPG Post Apocalyptic Novel. I would just like to thank everyone who has left comments and suggestions. I am confident that your feedback has made this a better series. Book 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are now on Amazon unlimited!!!!! Book 6 is currently being published and will be pulled down in the first week of August. I have also left the first two chapters of book 1 up as sample chapters for those who have not read the series yet. Word of warning the first third of the book is apparently very slow and then gets a lot better. Synopsis In the apocalypse, the first weapon he’ll have to upgrade is himself. The end of the world as we know it couldn’t come at a worse time for Adrian. One minute, he’s an operations manager who’s overseeing a construction job in the wilderness. The next, an unknown energy force changes the very nature of life itself, from the smallest organism to the top of the food chain. The earth’s surviving inhabitants, its environment, and the very laws of physics have all undergone fundamental transformations. Many of those changes aren’t pretty. Plenty of them are deadly. Luckily for Earth, this has happened to other species before, and everyone receives an interface that survivors of similar events have used to navigate through an alien landscape. Adrian’s going to need every advantage he can get. He’s stranded in the middle of nowhere, there are days, maybe weeks of travel between him and his family, and in a world full of monsters and mayhem, survival means beating the learning curve…
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Just Some Guy
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Ann is 16, she's been wetting the bed for months and her mom a has tried everything to fix it, but one last thing. Diapers. And her 17 year old foster brother, Eric, intends to make Ann's life in diapers a lot harder. Note: this is a kink book. Not age regression, sorry to all the sfw littles! Love you all!THIS BOOK DOES NOT SUPPORT SEXUALIZING AGE REGRESSION - age regression and age play are two different things and it is very harmful to both communities to assume they are. #5 in teen fiction - October 30, 2022 - THANK YOU SO MUCH! NOTE 2: This book is weird, and probably gross for some. This is just a way I can express my own feelings and thoughts in a safe way without harming anyone else. This book is fiction and I do not support any of these things in reality without consent from all participants. I hope that this book makes others feel less alone and provides and safe space for them. Most people reading this are aware that many aspects of this story are odd, but please do not kink shame. This story involves content and subjects that might be triggering or disturbing to some, such as: - Diapers (usage of them, forced use of them, changing them, and sexual acts in them) -Humiliation, degradation etc...- Wedgies - slight bullying kink - Parents are involved in aspects of kink (this story does NOT involve incest ) - CNC (and no consent at all) - Age play - DDLG, DDLB and possibly more.- BDSM aspects I do not support any of these things in real like without consent given by all parties. -I am a working high school student, so I do not update on a regular basis, but I aim for at least 1-2 long chapters a month. This book has no editing and was written in the notes app of a depressed teenager, please read with caution.
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