《Kiddnapped (A parent's worst nightmare)》Safe Finally Pt. 1


The jet landed.

It was time.

The countries got in the waiting cars that would drive to the address Amelia told France.


45 minutes later


"This is the house?" Portugal asked.

France nodded.

They all got out and headed towards the house.

Germany rang the doorbell.

Brazil opened the door.

Portugal immediately hugged his son, a few tears started to form in both of their eyes.

"Papa," Brazil cried into his father's chest.

He kissed his son's forehead, " Oh, graças a Deus, pensei que ia perdê-lo para sempre"

(Oh thank God, I thought I was gonna lose you forever.)

"Mas você não fez," Brazil responded.

(But you didn't)

Portugal just hugged his son tighter and let more tears fall at that, Portugal's other former colonies joined the hug with their father and brother.

Yeah, Portugal wasn't letting go of Brazil anytime soon.

"Brazil, who was that?" Colombia and the North American sisters walked into the hallway.

They stopped in their tracks when they saw their parents.

Spain, France, and England rushed to their daughters and hugged them tightly.


After the tearful reunion, the countries gathered in the living room and created their plan.

It was pretty simple, some countries would surround the building while Nadia and the others would enter it.

Then from there some of the countries inside the building would fight with the government workers while the remaining countries went after the captured ones.

It was time to go.

Portugal, England, Spain, and France gathered their North and South American children in the kicthen.

"Chers, we think think it's best if you all stay here."

"What?! Why?" They all said.

"We don't want you all to get captured again." Portugal said.

"Papa, we'll be careful." Brazil said.

"I know you will, but I don't want to take the chance of losing you again."

"But those are, our siblings and cousins! We can't just sit here and do nothing while they're still there." Amelia said.

"Yes Amelia but what if thos goes wrong and you all get captured again?" Spain asked, "Nina, we don't what that to happen."

"I'm not just going to sit here while my twin is still over there!" Maria yelled.


"Okay," England said, "Just promise us that you'll stay close, please."

They all nodded.


The countries and Nadia were all armed and loaded.

As they got to the base, a few guards looked pretty confused.

When the countries piled out, the guards started shooting at them.

A few countries started exchange fire back while others and Nadia ran inside.

They were meet with more gunfire with men in black.

Some of the men recognized the escaped countries.

"It's the ones that escaped!! Grab them!!" One yelled.

"Oh hell no!!" Portugal yelled, "Stay the hell away from my baby!!" He knocked out three men who were coming after Brazil.

They ran down the hallway were the captured countries were.

"D!!" Maria yelled as she got to her brother's cell.

"Mar!?! What's happening?"

"We're getting you out of here, step back!"

Diego nodded and did so.

Maria busted down the door with all the strength she had.

"Come on!!" The two rushed to Venezuela's cell and took down the door together.

Madeleine Amelia, and France were able to get Suriname, Chile, and Bolivia out.

Brazil got Argentina and Peru.

Spain and Colombia got Ecuador and Aruba.

"Let's go!!" England yelled.

They all were about to start running towards the exit.

"I wouldn't do that!!" A voice yelled.

Smith and some of North and South America's bosses had surrounded them.

"You guys are crazy!!" Madeleine yelled at them.

"Get back in your cells. Now." America's boss said.

Portugal, England, France, and Spain got into front of their children.

They weren't letting their kids get taken away again.

"I said get back in your cells now!!"

Nobody moved.

"I suggest you all show more respect to your countries." Spain said as he brought out his axe.

"All we're trying to do is keep our countries and people safe." Canada's boss replied.

"By kidnapping them and keeping them in captivity. Yeah that's respect!" Portugal said.

"You four can leave. We just want them." Smith said.

"Then you'll have to go through us." England said, the other three nodded.

"You sure you all want to do that?" Argentina's boss asked, he took out a button and pressed it.


All of a sudden, North and South America started to scream and fell down to the ground in pain and tears.

Their parents immediately kneeled down next to them.

"What are you doing to them!?!" England yelled.

"We told you to leave them. This is your fault." Argentina's boss replied calmly. "We had a tracking device and electric shocker on their necks, it inserted a pin in that we going to use for emergencies if they were misbehaving seriously. Now I'm going to tell you again, back away from them."

"Will you stop this!?!" France asked.

He nodded.

The 4 men immediately stepped away from their kids.

"Press the button." They all said.

Before Argentina's boss could press the button again.

North and South America went limp from the amount of pain.

Smith and all the bosses looked at each other.

They didn't expect this to happen.

Portugal rushed to his son, "Brazil!! Brazil, meu filho (my son) wake up please!! Please!!"

"Amelia!! Amelia wake up please sweetheart!!" England begged his daughter.

"Colombia come on Nina, please please, please, wake up. Por favor." Spain begged.

"Madeleine, ma fille wake up please!!"

"Step away from them." America's boss said, "Leave now."

"What the hell is wrong with you all!?!" Portugal yelled.

Smith took out another button and pressed it.


The buliding shook, they smelled smoke and the water sprinklers came on.

"Was that a bomb!?!" Spain yelled.

He nodded and pulled out the button again, "Get out now or this buliding will explode."

"You'll die, you know!!" Spain yelled.

The men chuckled, "Don't worry about us, we have our own way of escape." Smith said.

"Your children will be safe and relocated if you leave now, don't and you'll all go down with this buliding."

The four men looked back at their kids.

Like hell they were leaving them.

They all stood their ground.

"Then looks like we're going down with this buliding." England said confidently, the others nodded.

"And make your kids go down with it?" Ecuador's boss said.

Portugal took off his cross necklace and put it around his son, "Let them go and take me."

"And me," Spain said stepping next to his brother.

"And me," England stepped by them.

"And don't forget about moi," France said stepping next to the other three.

"What are we going to do with you four?" Brazil's boss asked.

"We were all former empires, you'll find something," England responded.

The bosses and Smith looked at each other.

They didn't know what to do anymore.

The four men stood confidently in front of their children.

"Well?" France asked.

"You all are crazy! Just leave the kids damn it!!" Brazil's boss yelled.

"Why would we do that?" Spain asked.

Smith press the button again.


The buliding shook again.

The four fathers stood their ground.

They didn't even flinch.

Smith and the bosses looked at each nervously.

The buliding shook even more.

"This place is about to blow up!! You all are crazy!! We're not dying!!" America's boss yelled.

They all ran.

The four fathers rushed to their kids.

"We can't get all of them out at the same time!!" Portugal yelled to the others.

"Let us help you!!" They turned to see Nadia, a few countries, and Venezuela's, Chile's, and Colombia's bosses.

"Didn't you kidnap them too!?!" Portugal yelled at the bosses.

"Yes but we tried to end it and the others locked us up!!" Chile's boss answered.

"This buliding is going to explode!! Let's go!!!" Germany yelled.

They all picked up a country and started to run out the buliding.

Just as they got out, the building exploded into a fire ball.

Luckily it was raining

The four father countries covered their children's (the ones that they were carrying) bodies with their own as parts of the buliding flew towards them.

When it was safe, they ran towards the vans and got in.

When the vans finally started to drive away from the building that was up in flames, the four men each let out breaths of relief.

Everything was going to be alright now.

Their babies were safe.

None of them could keep back the tears as they thought about how close they were to losing their kids.

They hugged their children tight.

Afraid that if they let go.

They would be taken away from them again.

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