《Kiddnapped (A parent's worst nightmare)》Getting them back


"Take this turn," Amelia said to the driver.

They were heading to Nevada's house.

The drive seemed like it was taking forever.

They still were a bit suspicious of the soldiers at area 51.

"You can stop here now, we can walked from here," Amelia said.

"Are you sure?" The driver asked.

She nodded, she didn't want to let him know the house they would be at so in case that they were just trying to recapture them it wouldn't be so easy.

The driver let them out of the car, said goodbye and drove off.

Nevada's house was only a five minute walk.

They started to run as fast they could.

They were so close.

So, so, close.



They had made it to the house in three minutes because of how fast they all ran.

Amelia put her hand on the fingerprint ID and they all ran inside.

"We did it, we're finally here." Maria said smiling.

"Guys?" A voice asked.

They all turned around to see Madeleine.

"Mattie!?!" Amelia immediately hugged her twin, "You got out!!"

"Yeah, you left my door unlocked. But I wasn't able to get anyone else out though." She said looking down.

"Don't worry," Brazil said, "We'll get them back."

Canada smiled at him and nodded, "I was just about to go call Papa France."

Amelia immediately ran to the living room, grabbed the phone, and put pn speaker.


France's phone started to ring, he didn't know the number but picked it up, "Bonjour?"

"PAPA!!" A voice shouted through the phone.

France dropped the phone before picking it back up, "Amelia!?" This got the other countries' attention.

"It's me!!"

France was beginning to cry, he put his phone on speaker, "Baby, were are you!?!"


"We're in Nevada, 5 of us and Kuma escaped."

"Amelia stay where you are. We're coming for you." England said into the phone.


"Yes it's me love." England smiled.

"We can't, since we escaped, they might try to move the others. We have to go back for them." Brazil said.

"Brazil!! Thank goodness, are you okay!?!" Portugal asked his son.

"Hey Papa. Well, I've been shot and tasered and punched a few times, but other then that. I'm okay."

"Shot!!" Many countries yelled out.

"I'm gonna kill them, I'm gonna kill them." Portugal kept muttering.

"We're gonna have to go back, guys." Maria said.

"Nina, please don't go back until we get there." Spain said to his daughter.

"Papa, they might move the others tonight. We don't really have much of a choice." Madeleine said.

"Okay, we'll try to speed things up over here and get there later today. But please don't go yet. Please, we can't lose you all again." England said.

"Fine." Amelia responded.

"Thank you."

They said their goodbyes and both sides hung up.


When they hung up, Amelia noticed that Colombia was day dreaming.

"Colombia, you okay?" She asked getting the others' attention.

The girl jumped and nodded.

"No your not, what's wrong?"

"I'm fine,"

"No you not, what happen?"

"I thought he was going to rape me." She said shaking.

"What!?!" They all yelled.

She told them about the worker who forcefully kissed her.

The others tried to comfort her as she told them.


"We can't wait any longer. Did anybody get Nadia's number?" England asked.

"Ve~ I did!!"

Italy gave England the number.

"Hello?" Nadia said through the phone.

"Nadia, it's England, we can't wait any longer. Is there anyway you can get to the base by 9?" (It's seven pm)


"I'll have to pull some strings but I'll try. But be ready to go, I'll call you when I get to your hotel.


The two hung up.

England told the other countries what she said.


"How did this happen!?!" Canada boss yelled.

"Well sir, America has super strength and was able to throw a toilet a the door and bust it open. Brazil crawled through a vent. They took South Mexico and Colombia with them. How Canada got out, it's unclear." Smith answered.

"Since they haven't been captured yet, their probably far from here by now." Venezuela's boss sighed.

"No doubt they contacted the other countries by now too." Chile's boss said.

"This has gone too far, we need to stop. Let's just let them go." Colombia's boss said.

"We need to do what's best for our countries." Argentina's boss told him.

"This isn't best for our countries. We literally kidnapped them. We need to end this, now."

Venezuela and Chile's bosses started to agree.

"Your right, enough is enough." Chile's boss agreed.

Venezuela's boss nodded.

"You three can't be serious." Bolivia's boss said to them.

"We're getting our countries out of here." Venezuela's boss replied.

The three bosses started to walk out the room.

"I'm afraid we can't let you all do that." Mexico's boss said.

"This has gone to far. What's the point anymore? Five of them have already got out!! I bet the countries of the world are all coming after us right now." Colombia's boss exclaimed before they continued to walk out.

Ecuador's boss nodded at Smith, who pressed a nearby button.

Men in black came into the room and grabbed the three bosses.

"Are you all serious!?!" Chile's boss yelled as the three were dragged out.

"We'll have to move the remaining countries." America's boss said.

"To where?" Suriname's boss asked.

"I'm not sure yet but it has to be later tonight."


1 hour timeskip


"Okay thank you," Nadia hung up the phone as she walked into the countries hotel.

She had been able to get to the base eariler then expected.

She knocked on England's door.

Austria opened it.

"I was just talking to my boss, he's gonna try and move the remaining countries tonight by 10 or 10:30."

"That means we only have about 2 hours later left." England said.

"Well, I have a van ready now. It's gonna take us to a private jet. From there we can get to the base in maybe 39 minutes to an hour." Nadia said to him, "Do you know where the five that escaped are?"

France nodded, he had the address.

"Then lets go!!" She and the countries ran out.


While they were in the van. England was sliently praying that this was gonna work.

If it didn't, he was probably never gonna see his children ever again.

"Mon amour, are you okay?" France asked him.

"What if this doesn't work and we never see them again France?"

"Mon amour, you can't think like that. We must have hope. And even if it doesn't work out, would you just give up on them?"

"Of course not."

"Then everything will be alright."

England nodded.


45 minutes later


"We're here," Nadia said to the countries before getting out.

They all suited up and started to head to the jet.


I guess I might update the final chapter later today. Idk.

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