《Baby Brother With A Past》4. nightmare and strong feelings


waqTylers P.O.V

I woke up getting dressed ready for school, i felt awkward as josh knows what happened between Seth and I. Josh opened the curtains and it was dark and grey outside, it was moody and dull just the way I liked it. He walked straight past me and it made me feel completely empty inside now hes being all distant.

I slammed the front door closed behind me and walked to school alone with Josh behind not bothering to keep up. I crossed the street and power walked to school, the gates came into veiw and I wandered over to Jessica and Ashley. They smiled wide and pulled me into a group hug.

''Hey'', someone tapped my shoulder and the girls looked confused as I turned around to see Seth. I smiled weakly and he held his hand out as I took it not knowing what was going on. ''Um?'', Josh stuttered out seeing us, he gave Seth a harsh look and smiled at me sadly before Seth pulled me away and over to his group of friends.

''You okay after yesturday, didn't mean for things to be awkward'', he said softly. I shook my head smiling smallish. ''Yo this is Tyler'', Seth introduced me and his three friends all bro fisted me. ''Welcome to the group'', his friend Adrian called out and I smiled. I saw Josh glaring over in the corner of my eye while Jessica was trying to cheer him up.

I felt bad and smiled sadly before I trotted over to Josh's group, he looked over at me confused until I hugged him making him hug me back. ''Aw'', the girls cried over us literally making us chuckle. ''I love you bro'', he whispered in my ear making me melt. ''I love you too'', I whispered back and he shuddered. ''Lets skip and play dare in the feild?'', Adam suggested and we all nodded.

We all got into the trees area at the bottom of the feild, we sat in a circle and I sat next to Josh as another cheerleader joined us named Kelly. She started drooling over me too. We were playing a adult truth or dare on an iphone app. Adam picked it up chosing Truth and he had to answer with how many guys hes kissed and he answered with two. Me and Josh were the only gays in the group.

He tossed the phone to me and I picked Dare deciding to not be a chicken. ''Stand up and show everyone your little friend'', I said then blushed lightly groaning. ''I forefit-'', i was cut off by the girls saying its against the rules to chicken out. I looked to the guys for help and they just chuckled and I huffed before standing up. I unbuckled my belt and gave Josh a weird look for looking but he smiled innocently. I pulled it out and the girls squealed before fan girling and Josh went wide eyed.


I zipped my jeans back up and plopped down, Josh chose truth. ''Kiss the person on your right for ten seconds'', my heart was beating when he looked at me. The girls were cheering us on as the guys egged us on. His lips brushed against mine and he fully kissed me and I kissed back with all my power until the time was up. His lips stayed on mine for longer and I smirked into the kiss sliding my tongue across his lip, he opened and took all control.

We suddenly came back to reality and jumped apart acting normal. ''Dude, I knew you two were loved up'', Adam said highfiving everyone as I laid on my back accidently falling asleep into dream land. My phone beeped making me jump slightly. ~I can see you, i'm coming for you baby. You can run but you can't hide - Dad~, I went wide eyed and looked around me like a mad man. I swear I heard a twig snap and the guys stared at me confused. We all suddenly heard the head of the schools voice come over the speakers. ''Everyone come inside the school immediately'', he seemed paniced but calm.

Everyone groaned and I kept a death grip on Josh's hand. ''My dads after me'', I whispered trying not to let the fear show. He tensed and looked at me as I showed him the text. Thats why everyone has to be in the school and quickly. ''It'll be okay'', he kissed my forehead and I smiled weakly. We got inside the school to see everyone rushing around and running into random random classrooms as the teachers were telling everyone to hide.

''What the fuck?'', Adam said while being pulled into a science classroom. A gun shot rang through out the school making everyone scream and run faster. Josh was dragged into the maths classroom but I jumped into the ganitors closet locking it behind me.

Minutes felt like hours, I wouldn't ever forgive myself if anyone got hurt. ''Everyone hide now, no one make a sound. We have a reports of five shooters wanting the leaders son'', the speakers whispered. Another shot followed by another one loud enough to deafen you. I let the tears fall as I pulled my phone out. I heard what sounded like a deep voice shouting out random words sounding like they were struggling.

A whimper coming from outside the door broke my heart, it's my fault people have been shot already. I opened the door knowing the shooters wouldn't hurt me as i'm what they want. ''Tyler run!'', I whipped around to see my dad holding Josh to the floor. ''Stay still or he's dead'', dad growled at me. This couldn't be real. ''Leave him alone, take me'', I said kneeling next to Josh who had blood running down his cheek.

''Josh I'm so sorry'', I cried holding onto his hand as his eyes closed. ''I love you'', the words slipped of his tongue as I kissed his hand not realizing my dad was handcuffed and students were watching in the doorway, as a limping Jessica came over drenched in blood. ''Look at what you've done. Look around you, Josh is now dead, the head master is dead, Seth he died trying to find you!'', she yelled at me as Joshs lifeless hand slipped from mine with a thud.



I woke up from the terrible dream and gasped in happiness when I realized it was just a big nightmare. ''What the fuck were you dreaming about, you were mumbling in your sleep, your legs kept twitching, you started whimpering and clinging onto Joshs hand like no tomorrow'', Jessica asked amused. I sat straight up and breathed heavily. ''I had a dream everyone died because my dad shot the whole school up, Jessica got shot, Seth died trying to find me and Josh died as my dad killed him. Worst dream ever'', I sighed rubbing my eyes. ''Aw is that why you were mumbling I love you in your sleep'', Ashley winked making me blush slightly.

''I'd never die and leave you don't worry'', Josh said pulling me into his lap for a cuddle. ''Fucked up dreams you have man'', Adam said chuckling to himself. ''I ship you two'', Ashley blurted out making me rise my eyebrow. ''You too should go out, eventhough Tyler is still my babe'', she said giggling. ''We're brothers-'', she cut me off. ''Foster brothers, so it don't count if you fuck'', Jessica added highfiving Ashley. ''Oh yeah'', Josh mumbled to him self in deep thought. ''You know, Josh was holding your hand the whole time you slept'', Adam added in making Josh blush and groan.

I awd him and kissed his cheek making him blush worse and ruffle my hair. I stroaked his cheek and he smirked leaning closer. ''Oh damn'', I heard Ashley mumble while taking her phone out and she started recording it. I decided to tease the girls and leaned in more until my lips touched his. He tugged on my lip ring making me let out a moan, only softly he licked my lower lip and slipped his tongue inside.

His hands were on my ass as I was straddling him. He moaned into the kiss when I shuffled closer. Adam cleared his throat making us pull apart only slightly. ''You ruined it, I could of got some good ass porn then'', Jessica groaned putting her phone away. ''Why would you record it?'', Adam asked rolling his eyes. ''I'm not getting my laptop back until tomorrow, what do you expect me to get off from''', she said then chuckled when adam cringed.

''Send that to me?'', Ashley said playfully making me smile. ''I'm going home to shower'', I simply said trotting off. ''Oi let me join'', Jessica playfully suggested by waving as Josh followed me wrapping an arm around my waist. We got through the front door and mom smirked and waved as we walked upstairs. I went into the bathroom and has my quick shower leaving my hair damp and messy wavy when I stepped out slipping batman boxers on.

I wandered into my bedroom and Josh stared at me blushing slightly. ''Like the veiw'', I asked while dancing to tease him. He nodded and I smirked before turning the Tv on laying next to Josh. We heard the front door open and a smirking Jessica wandered in our room. ''I've never came so hard, that was some good shit'', she babbled. She noticed our confused faces and threw her phone at us.

Josh P.O.V

I picked her phone up pressing play on the video, my face went bright pink as it was the video she recorded of me and Tyler making out. He chuckled next to me as I watched the video wishing we could be a couple one day. I threw it back at Jessica and she left to go visit a friend nearby.

I flopped down on my bed and my phone went off, ~I wanna see you, you in the mood ;)- seth~, I rolled my eyes and texted back. ~Come on over ;D~ I texted back. I felt like a whore but I guess where just friends with benefits type thing. ''Yo Seths coming over-'', I was cut off. ''I'll wait in the kitchen until your done'', he asked smiling softly. ''You shouldn't have to wait in the kitchen, I'll leave'', I said and he smiled. ''Beds are more comfy then the bathroom floor'', he said chuckling.

''Your not a whore, I fuck adam occasionally'', he said making me feel a whole lot better. ''Hey'', Seth wandered in and awkwardly waved at Josh who snorted and left the room.

Josh P.O.V

I left the room and I already heard moaning, I plopped down on the sofa next to mom and snuggled into her arm. ''Hey baby boy, wheres your brother?'', she asked stroaking my hand. ''He's upstairs having sex with Seth'', I said bluntly and she chuckled. ''Dirty git'', she mumbled making me laugh. ''You like him don't you?'', she asked making my heart drop. ''It's okay, your not blood related'', she sighed concentrating on tv.

''Thanks mom'', I said tiredly. We heard more slamming sounds and screams making us burst out laughing. We heard Seth say bye to us and closed the front door behind him. I got up and wandered into the bedroom seeing his teddys thrown across the room and I tried not to laugh but failed when I saw him upside down hanging off his bed pulling his boxers up.

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