《Baby Brother With A Past》3. Seths new Toy Boy


Josh P.O.V

I woke up to mom telling us we had school loudly outside the door. Tyler was still sound asleep in my arms tracing patterns in my shirt still. I ran my fingers through his hair softly and his eyes fluttered open smiling up at me cutely. ''Morning Joshy'', he squeaked and I kissed his forehead before getting up. We both got dressed and I was all in black putting my creeper boots on, he slipped his bag on before holding his hand out impaitently. I interlocked my fingers with him jotting down the stairs and he kissed moms cheek and I slipped away out the front door shouting bye before she shut the door.

I remembered today was wednesday, Seth was going to be here today the biggest bully in school. ''Promise to stay by me the whole day?'', I asked not meaning to show any fear. He looked up at me with innocent eyes and nodded stroaking my thumb making me sigh. ''Good boy'', I said ruffling his hair and he smirked fixing it with one hand. We got through the gates and there he was, Seth the idiot. ''Hey faggy sally'', he chanted out making his friends join in.

Tyler walked closer to me gripping my hand tighter. I flipped Seth off which I instantly realized was a bad idea. I quickened the pace and walked over to my friends giving Adam my friend a warning look he got straight away. Tyler innocently sat between the girls while they litterally dribbled over him. Seth made his way over standing in-front of Tyler giving him a smirking look. ''Hey there'', Seth tried flirting but failed. ''Hello'', Tyler said not even looking up from his phone. Seth slammed it out of his hands and it smashed to the floor, he looked up and squinted his eyes putting his phone away.

''Apologize'', I growled making Seth roll his eyes and shake his head grinning. ''It's okay, i'll get a new one'', Tyler said smiling. Hes just too sweet it's not even real. We were saved by the bell and Tyler grabbed my hand and started skipping into the hallway over to our gym class locker room. ''Okay, put your kits on were playing football'', the coach said. (english football also known as soccer).

Tyler stripped hiding behind me as we were in the corner making me chuckle silently. We all had football kits designed by the school for each of us. We had a white short sleeved top with the school logo and our surname, black shorts and boots. He looked so adorable in them all pouty.


Tyler P.O.V

I didn't want to play football, I hated it and I can't run for shit. I grumbled to myself following Josh outside to the pitch next to the crowds of seats. We got into teams, Josh was on my team and Seth was on the other team whispering and pionting at me to his friends. The coach blew her whistle and the ball came flying towards me, I took a deep breath before ducking making everyone laugh.

Josh booted it to me so I took off running like no tomorrow, seth's laughing made me even more pissed. I tackled a few people on the way sending them flying before kicking it into the goal cheering to myself. Everyone looked at me in shock, I smiled innocently. The game carried on and seth kept tripping Josh up, Josh pulled him down hopeing to hurt him. They landed in a naughty position. He playfully rubbed himself up against Josh getting up, the game ended and we all got ready and showered in seprate showers.

Seth P.O.V

I'm the biggest bully in the school, I want Josh gone so I can have Tyler all to myself. Josh being here is going to make it difficult. I didn't want a lovey dovey relationship with Tyler, I want him as sex whenever I want. I would get it, even if I had to do something terrible.

I was sat at the back of my science classroom and Tyler walked in all nervous and I noticed his brother wasnt here to save him. The teacher smiled and pionted at my desk, I grinned in my mind and patted the space next to me and he smiled softly before placing his perfect ass on the seat.

I sat in a position so my knee was softly placed against his, he blushed slightly giving me an innocent smile while I apologized fakely. ''Okay, everyone pick a science project partner and it will be handed in completed by friday'', she said sternly and this was my perfect opportunity. ''Wanna be my partner?'', I said with a cute pout making him nod shyly.

''come round mine at four?'', I asked and he nodded sheepishly after getting my address. I left the classroom and gave Josh a dark smirk as he hugged Tyler. Goodbye to Tylers virginity, i'm the biggest player known to man and I've taken nearly everyones virginity at this school. My parents are gone for a buissness trip so I always have the house to myself, which is always a good thing if you catch my drift.


I cleaned up my bedroom and made my bed though it was going to be messy when I'm finished, i'd never rape anyone as I make them want me. The door bell rang and I smiled when a nervous Tyler stood their at the door with a pen. ''Hi'', he sqeaked as he stepped inside. ''You alright?'', I asked and he nodded looking up at me with those big blue eyes.

He followed me into my bedroom and we sat on my bed facing each other as he was writing down for the science project and I was pretending to look through the internet for infomation but I was day dreaming about him instead. ''Your cute'', I mumbled and he looked up pink cheeks and smiled. I smiled back reaching over to tuck his hair behind his ear, he looked at my hand and smiled sweetly carrying on with his writing.

I closed my laptop and gawked at him until he realized I was finished. ''I'm finished now'', he said putting the work on my desk in the corner of the room. ''Whatcha wanna do?'', I asked and he shrugged his shoulders. ''Wanna cuddle?'', I asked lying down and looking at the ceiling. He nodded slowly before lying down with me and snuggling into my chest.

Tyler P.O.V

He was warm and comfy, not as good as Josh though. His lips found their way to my forehead making me chuckle slightly, why was he being so affectionate towards me. I shurgged the bad thoughts away and kissed his back. He moved down kissing my nose, I giggled and kissed his. Time went too quick and his lips were on mine, I know he isn't one of the old men my parents forced me to screw.

I always wondered what it would be like with a normal person, one who won't force me or hurt me. One who doesn't get paid to use me for the night and throw me away like trash in the morning. I tensed slightly and he stroaked my arm pulling away. ''You alright?'', he asked once again and I nodded awkwardly. His hand found my cheek stroaking it softly kissing me again.

''I have to go'', I said before he gets the wrong idea. ''Stay for a little longer?'', he pouted so I nodded letting him kiss me again. My thoughts left me and it no longer mattered, I always wanted to know what this would be like. I rolled over so I was now straddling him, he looked up at me bringing me down for a kiss again. I grinded my self against him and he let a moan slip out. He flipped us over and it got more passionate but harsh.

He pulled his shirt off as I trailed my hands down his toned chest, he had clear green eyes with bright blond hair that the girls drool over. ''Don't tell anyone about this?'', I whispered and he nodded kissing down my neck pulling my shirt off. He must have thought I was a virgin by the way he was being slow about everything. It was slow and the complete opposite of anything I've ever had before. He pulled out and threw the condom in the trash.

I slipped my clothes back on and he laid in his bed still out of breath, I rolled my eyes. ''Bye'', I said regreting what I just did. ''I know you weren't a virgin, see you at school'', he hugged me softly before I got the hint and closed the door behind me with a slam. I know he used me for sex, it's not like i've never done it before. I felt kind of pressured but it was nice, I wish everytime with the men was like that instead. He said he wouldn't tell anyone but I know that was a lie from the way he tried not to smirk.

I got home and must have looked like shit, mom gave me a knowing look. ''Get to bed mister'', she smiled and went into the kitchen. It was late anyways so I walked into my bedroom to see Josh about to throw his phone until he saw me. ''Did you fuck seth?'', he asked simply. I nodded not meaning to hurt anyone, it's nothing to do with him anyways.

Josh P.O.V

He nodded and my heart dropped, I know Seth only did it to piss me off. ''Did he hurt you?'', I asked and he shook his head. I sighed happily and nodded lying on my bed. ''Your not mad?'', he asked lying next to me. I was pissed that Seth used him like everyone else at the school, he even used me and I've lied about being a virgin eversince. ''Nope, Seth uses people you know?'', I asked wanting to be honest with him. ''He fucks people and moves on, he did it to me too'', I said huffing.

He looked disapionted but nodded understanding. ''Sorry Joshy'', he sighed and I smiled hugging him while we both fell asleep.

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