《Baby Brother With A Past》2. Fun air Wit Strong Attraction.


I woke up to small giggles and someone playing with my hair, ''no, let me sleep and find the wizard'', I mutterd making the aws and giggles get louder. ''One spoon makes it better'', I said until I fully woke up when someone shook me. I shot my eyes open seeing Jessica and Ashley kneeling on my bed hovering over me. I screamed like a girl making Josh crack up laughing. ''Let me sleep Joshy'', I said using a nickname in a cute childlike voice.

''Get up cupcake, we're going to the funfair'', he said slapping my but over the blanket. I growled and noticed the jocks sitting on his bed. I wrapped the blanket around me like a dress and the girls pouted. I dropped the blanket and gave them a little wink before stepping into the bathroom. I got dressed into a smarties sweater and red skinnies. I skipped into the bedroom and plugged the straightners in.

I straightened my long hair making it go to my belly button. I followed everyone to moms car, I sat in the front seat while they all crammed into the back and boot. ''What rides are you going on?'', mom asked smiling at me. ''Scary ones'', I said and the girls awd me making me roll my eyes playfully. We arrived at the funfair and it was packed with people, I frowned slightly but closed the door as I stepped out the car.

''Okay, everyone stick together'', Josh said holding my hand tightly. Ashley held my other hand and we were in a row of holding hands. It was me, Josh, the girls, and two other jocks Matt and Adam. I started skipping and they all joined in laughing as Josh lead us to a dark alley way. I tensed slightly until he walked us through and we got to a quiet part of the funfair. No one was here but their was a huge gothic mansion, it was a haunted house ride.

We walked through the gates and the ride man lead us over to the ride booths. They were bench type seats with a bar to keep us in. The girls quickly jumped in the booth I was in sitting either side of me. We were right at the front while the guys were at the back cheering on. The ride started moving and we went through the front door of the house. It went through a long ass hallway and it was pitch black, I screamed like a girl. ''It's okay'', Josh called out and the lights came on. I sighed happily and a ghost jumped out and I jumped out my skin wacking my leg on the bar, I whimpered and Ashley awd me rubbing my knee better.


A zombie ran up to the booth and the girls screamed making me jump. After half an hour of being scared shitless the ride finally ended. ''Candyfloss'', I squealed bouncing over to the store. I got a big blue one and pouted when Josh stole some. He kissed my cheek smirking when I squinted my eyes pretending to storm off. I wandered around with them following me, I saw a log flu and pouted to Josh and he rolled his eyes nodding.

Josh P.O.V

I felt tingling sparks when I kissed his cheek, I'm getting feelings that I shouldn't be getting for him. He pouted and I nodded as he wanted to go on the log flu. It was only me and him going on the ride because the others didn't want to risk getting wet. He smiled up at me and I smiled back feeling weak knees when he smiled. I brushed the feelings aside when he climbed in sitting at the back. I sat in the front and I felt his crotch on my back as he had his legs around the back of me.

He rested his chin on my shoulder making me blush slightly. The ride started and it went flying down the slope and the water didn't even spray us. ''That was fun'', he cheered standing up. He bounced off to the guys while I took my time. Hes so sweet, the way mom read him a bedtime story last night. The way he smiled at me before he fell asleep, I'm so deep in love, I'll never hurt him like his parents did.

It was time to go anyways as the police men were coming around to interveiw him on what happened, he looked up at me and I ruffled his hair before getting in the car. We were soon at the house and the guys had gone home. ''The police man was waiting outside and smiled when he saw us all, Mom shook his hand letting everyone inside. Tyler seemed upset and moped into the living room sitting on the sofa while police man sat on a chair opposit him.


Tyler P.O.V

Josh and mom went into the garden giving me some privacy although I knew they were listening. ''Hello Tyler, I'm Dave. I need you to answer every question I ask, some will be personal but we need to know so your parents get what they deserve okay?'', he asked shaking my hand and I nodded. ''Did your parents get paid by strangers to have sexual contact with you?'', he asked and I nodded. ''They got thousands each person'', I answered in a whisper. He took notes down in his notebook. ''Did everyone who paid your parents have sexual intercourse with you?'', he asked and I nodded.

''Were they all women, all men, or mixed?'', he asked awkwardly. ''They were all men, but my mom used to rape me'', I answered feeling embarrassed. ''Okay, were you the top, bottom or mixed?'', he asked looking straight at me. ''I was always the bottom'', I sighed. ''Did you ever catch any sexually transmitted infections?'', he asked. ''They always wore protection knowing I was being raped by other strangers'', I said yet again.

''How many people roughly, have you been with?'', he asked. ''527'', I said feeling worse. ''I can tell you now your parents are going to be locked up for a very long time, did they ever film the act?'', he asked. ''My mom recorded every rape that happened, she kept them in a box under her bed'', I said wanting him to leave. ''What happened if you ever refused to be with the strangers?'', he asked. ''I would be punished, dad would lock me in the basement chained up and leave me their for days'', I said with tears running down my cheeks.

''Its okay Tyler, with the evidence they could be charged with child pornography, child abuse, child neglect, rape, sexual harrassment'', he said trying to cheer me up but failed. I closed the door behind him as he left, Josh went running up the stairs angry.

Josh P.O.V

I was fuming with rage when me and mom was listening by the window to everything they said, mom was in shock and I was angry at how no one could have known what was going on. I stormed through the house and charged upstairs. I laid on my front and had my face in the pillow, no wonder the boys so messed up. He must have been scared shitless, I'm over reacting but I love him.

''Josh?'', a small voice spoke in the room. I couldn't answer and relaxed into the pillow. ''Are you mad at me?'', he said with a cracking voice. My heart shattered and he sniffled making it break even more. ''I'm sorry'', he whispered before I felt him sit on my upper legs. His hands slipped under my shirt massaging my back, I melted under his touch and I almost told him how I felt. ''I won't let anyone hurt you, I heard everything'', I whispered turning around on my back. He was now straddling me.

''You're safe now don't worry'', I said caressing his cheek softly. I pulled him down into my chest and he cuddled me back. ''I love you big bro'', he said softly tracing patterns in my top. My heart fluttered at the sound of him saying it, even though he ment a brotherly love. ''I love you too baby bro'', I said playing with his hair. He soon fell asleep on my chest, in my arms, just the way I wanted it to be forever.

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