《Baby Brother With A Past》5. Taken But Found


I woke up later the next morning to a empty bed. ''Tyler?'', I mumbled and I heard a scream making me jump out my bed. ''You try to help someone and they stab you in the back!'', mom screamed to herself making me raise my eyebrow running faster to her bedroom. ''He ran away'', she burst into tears holding a note reading~

~Dear Kelly & Josh

I am writting this note for you to understand I am running away. Don't bother trying to find me because you never will, I am running away not because of you but because I need to. You'll adopt another boy, Josh you will get a new brother who is better than a dirty whore like me. I thankyou for everything you've done for me these past few weeks, but this is goodbye.

Kelly you were like a mom to me, you were my mom in my eyes. You adopted me, gave me a chance of a normal life which is something i've wanted since forever.

Josh.. I love you big brother, you didn't do anything wrong to make me do this. I loved you since I first met you, and I know you feel the same way. I'll think of you everyday and never forget you bro, tell the girls I'll miss them

Tyler oxox~

My heart rised to my throat suffocating me from my surroundings. I knew Tyler didn't write that note, he would have told me if he wanted to go. I let the tears pour down my cheeks as I walked into my bedroom. His bed was the same as always, his phone on the floor made me choke up. It was smashed to pieces, so I would never be able to call him and hear his beautiful voice ever again.

Seth would have rang me if Tyler was at his house, I know he's gone and he's not coming back. My fist went through the drywall making me whimper slightly. I reminded myself that hes gone and never coming back, so I needed to hold my head high and get over it. I loved him more than a brother, and I just wish I told him how I felt before he decided to leave me in a wreck like this.

It still felt like his presence was here with me in this room. His smell lingering in the atmosphere making me smile slightly only to collapse onto his bed. His blankets made their way over my shoulders as I hugged his favourite teddy he told me he had since we was little. He was usually talk in his sleep, the conversations with his dreams would keep me awake but I learned alot from them.

I know for a fact he wouldn't be with his birth parents, they're in jail. The thought sickened me, imagine if he was right now in that house, being raped and beaten by people who are supposed to love and protect him forever. Small strands of his hair rested against the pillow making the tears fall down once again.

I wonder where he is, if he's thinking of me. What if he's in trouble and needs me but I don't know where he's gone so he's suffering without me being the superhero and saving him. ''Just come home'', I stuttered into his pillow over reacting like a big baby. ''He'll come back don't worry'', mom said happily stroaking my back. ''No he won't, he's left me'', I choked out not wanting to cry in-front of my own mom.

''What is hes run away to his old home, what if his parents have got him, he could be being raped right now'', I groaned out wanting to get the bad images out my head. ''He'll be okay don't worry'', she stroaked my hair soothing me. ''I love him'', the words slipped off my tongue without hesitation and she stiffened. ''I'm going out'', I muttered storming out my bedroom.


''Where are you going?!'', she shouted. ''To get him back, I want him back here unlike you who seems to be happy at the fact that he's not here, where he belongs, in my arms'', the last part slipped out too making me slam the door. I should have told him how I felt, I want his little fragile body cuddled into my chest one last time. To run my fingers through his long silky black hair he always fusses over when people touch.

My mind drifted off back to where we made out that one time for a dare, the way he seemed so comfortable even after what happened to him. I was now at the local coffee shop where Seth works, I bet I look like a cat in hell. ''Josh?'', he called out once I entered the shop. ''He's gone'', I tried to keep my bottom lip still but I couldn't control my feelings anymore. It could all be a joke, he could be waiting in the garden giggling and waiting to jump out on me.

''Come on'', he took me to the back of the shop sitting us down. ''He left a note saying he run away'', I sobbed out as he patted my back softly. ''He wouldn't have gone without saying goodbye, he loves you'', he said but then looked like he was hiding something. ''where is he?'', I growled out but he frowned. ''I don't know, but during our private sessions-'', I cringed when as he carried on. ''He used to say your name allot, he admitted to me he liked you more than a brother'', I choked on my the drink.

''He's probablly on the way back home knowing him, you'll find him'', he smiled stealing my coffee and walking off. I rolled my eyes and left the shop, I swear I heard someone call my name but ignored it and made my way home through the front door just imagining Tyler jumping out behind the door but I knew it wouldn't happen. Why was his phone smashed to pieces?, he probablly stood on it the clumsy mellon he is.

Kelly P.O.V

I know in my heart Tyler didn't run away, I saw blood on the door handle but never told Josh because I know he will freak out and go all hero. Tyler is in danger but I don't want Josh getting hurt. I love Tyler but I know we're never going to get him back, he was taken and he didn't go willingly as I heard muffled screams during the night.

Josh loves him and it hurts me to hide this from him, a tall man with long brown hair took Tyler in the night. The run away note, I don't understand how he could have wrote that and then get kidnapped. Josh will never see Tyler again unless we get him back, I don't know what Tylers kidnapper is capeable of and if Josh gets hurt i'll break.

He walked into my room and I could just hear his heart shattering. ''I can't find him anywhere'', he sobbed into my shoulder. ''I swear I could hear him calling my name but he wasn't there'', he wiped his eyes but it was no use.

Josh P.O.V

I know mom was hiding something, but shes over protective so I'm guessing I shouldn't know. She doesn't seem that paniced, I'm the only one who has been looking for him for the past three and a half hours.

Tyler P.O.V

''Where are we going'', I asked in a muffled whimper but was understood. ''Home'', dad said. I woke up in the basement, the place I've been living in for my whole life. My mom was still in prison as my dad told me. He made me write the run away note making it look like I had run away so they wouldn't come looking for me.


''So who's this Josh lad?'', dad asked. He was sat on a chair in-front of me as I was chained up like an animal only wearing tight boxer briefs. ''Don't you dare harm him'', I growled making him smirk in victory letting him know I cared about Josh, now he can use Josh to get what he wants from me. ''Why not?'', he asked amused at my struggling. ''He's my brother, I love him so don't touch him. Do what you want to me'', I cried knowing I would be here for a very long time.

''I'll leave him alone, if you be a good little boy and come over here to daddy'', he smirked from ear to ear and I have lost all power and let the tears fall while crawling over to him. The basement was a large room with red wallpaper and two double beds. A lot of adult toys to abuse me with if you know what I mean. Chains on the beds and walls to keep me still. Dad unchained my legs but kept my arms locked.

I stood up taking my chance to look out the basement window and I called out Josh's name knowing he wouldn't be able to hear me but everything is worth a try. ''He's at home, enjoying freedom of not having a nagging whiney pest like you'', he chuckled making the tears trickle but I stood still sighing. ''Now get into my favorite position boy'', he growled as he uncuffed me and I rushed to the table lying down on it.

I tried to get away but now I realized another man was in the room with us. An old friend of the family, Jackson my dads best school friend. ''Hello again baby'', he chuckled pecking my lips only to get spit in the face. He slapped me and I whimpered as dad chained my arms to the wall as the table was long and against the wall so my hands were far behind my head. He tied my legs so my knees were slightly bent and then I knew what would happen.

I refused Jackson in my mouth so he smirked. ''Wrong move'', he crackled holding up his pocket knife i've seen too many times. ''Make another one and see what happens when this blade carves into your face'', he said. Dad got the scissors out cutting my boxers free, I was now fully exposed. Jackson grabbed my member making me wince and cry my eyes out yet again. Dad got inbetween my legs and I felt the familiar pain as he entered me, this isn't what dads should be doing with their son. He's raping me and he has no feelings of sadness or remorse.

I screamed and instantly the knife connected with my cheek bone slicing across my whole cheek done downwards. The sting mixed with the tears made the pain unbareable. Picking up the pace, dad licked the blood from my cheek.

That day they raped me three times each, what a life I have. It's been this way since I could remember, I can't remeber a day where I wasn't raped but had a normal childhood.

Josh P.O.V

The gut instinct I had was horrible, I couldn't take it anymore and I begged mom to take me to his old house. She finally agreed but looked like she was afraid of something. I jumped in the car seat knowing mom would go grandma speed. I whizzed down the streets like a madman making mom scream and latch onto the seat.

With a slam on the brakes the car stopped awkwardly parked on the front lawn. I flew out the car leaving the door wide open. Mom was calling someone on her phone looking relieved and knocked on the door. ''Escuse me, our car just broke down. Do you have a phone we could borrow'', I lied smiling widely faking my politeness. A tall muscally man with long brown hair nodded holding the door open.

I was about to jump the guy but mom gave me a sly stern look and smiled at Tylers dad as we stepped in. He sat us down on the sofa handing me the phone. ''Do you have a drink of water?'', I asked wanting him to piss off so I can find my love. ''Of course'', his dad turned his back for one second and my mom wrapped her shoe around the back of his head making his pass out.

We gave each other a sly look to each other before bombing into the living room looking for any clues. ''Down here'', mom called as I followed her down a big stairway. I pulled mom back as I heard two voices, mom held her hand on my mouth as it was Tyler and another man. ''Be quiet, you're new family don't care, now be a man and take it'', an older dude whispered making me mom hold me tightly knowing I would butt in.

Mom once again jumped out of no where wacking the man with her shoe. ''Mom!'', Tyler cried making my heart sink to the floor. I didn't want to look, I know the image will haunt me forever. ''What did they do, we can cover it'', mom said sighing. ''We can't it's gonna scar forever mommy'', he cried louder and I couldn't help but jump into the room and fly into his arms. ''Joshy'', he cried in happiness and mom smiled before leaving the room.

''You're safe now'', I stuttered into his hair as he was cuddling my chest. I pulled his boxers up and I looked at his face and noticed a huge gash across his cheek. ''I thought I would never see you again'', he was shaking in my arms as I picked him up. ''Babe, you'll never lose me'', I carried him outside and he shivered at the cold. It was pitch black and late too, mom was in the car honking the horn as police men were surrounding the area

''I love you'', he whispered making the butterflies have a party in my stomach. I climbed into the car as he straddled my waist still clinging onto me. I let him cry into my shirt. ''I love you too'', I whispered making him choke up more. ''I mean more than a brother'', he stuttered and I almost had a heart attack. ''Stop being all soppy, and just kiss already'', mom huffed in boredness.

I made the first move connecting my lips with his, ''I'll never let you go'', I mumbled into the kiss and he understood as I carried him into our bedroom. ''I'm sorry I couldn't save you in time'', I said stripping down and snuggling him into my arms. He smiled kissing my lips.

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