《victon imagines》ot7 - friend or foe [100k + anniversary special]




Holding onto the knob, I took a deep breath before coming into the room. Never really thought I'd end up being an analyst, knowing this path was least expected.

I open the door and see at least 9 people. They all notice my presence, looking up. Even though I got shy the moment their eyes laid on me, I gathered the courage to speak up.

"Good morning, I'm the new recruit so I'll be working with you all from today. I hope we get along," I start with a bow. Some greeted me back while the rest just waved at me and resumed their work. They were probably busy so I didn't bother for now.

"First time, or had some experience?" A guy who sits beside my designated place asks. "First time," I replied, trying not to sound too awkward. "If you need a little help, you can ask me," He tells me with a smile.

"Okay, thanks... Seungsik," I replied, hoping I read his name right. "Anytime," He replies and went back to work. While I was setting up my desk, a file slipped from my hand. Luckily, Seungsik catches it before it fell.

As soon as he caught it, I heard a loud thud at the window. "Oh, that scared me," I said, placing my hand over my chest feeling my heartbeat. "It's just a tree branch," Seungsik replies, giving me back the file.

"Thanks," I thanked him, then went back to what I was doing. I finished up my desk and started doing my designated work. It was all simple data and everything of that nature.

While minding my own business, I noticed how most of them looked tense. Thinking that maybe it's because of me, I got worried about it but at the same time, I was probably just overthinking.

Time passed and the atmosphere was almost quiet, only hearing keyboard clicks and flipping papers. It was also making me anxious so I thought of asking.

"Hey uh, not to assume, but is everything alright? I'm new to this atmosphere so I'm not quite sure why it's kinda quiet. I hope I don't bother you all." I spoke. "No, we're fine," One of the guys said.

The others agreed, reassuring me it was all okay. "It's just an odd atmosphere that's all," One of the guys said. "Shut up, that was unnecessary," The guy beside him said. From the side of my view, I saw something off.

"Ow! What was that for? I was honest," The first guys says, after getting hit by a ballpen which came from the desk across theirs. "I hope I'm not hallucinating but did that ballpen just fly across the room and hit you in the face?" I questioned, standing up in confusion.

"You saw nothing," Another guy says, trying to do eye contact with me but I didn't look back. "Nah, nothing happened at all," Seungsik says with a huge smile on his face. Since I was sitting beside the window, I felt the sun's heat hit my skin.

"You're all acting weird," I replied, making Seungsik frown. Out of the blue, the light of the sun disappears and rain starts pouring down. "And what the heck is wrong with the weather?" I ask, looking outside in confusion.

I look back to see them all tenser than before, some looking at Seungsik. "Spill the beans, what exactly is happening?" I asked, a bit more furious. "Okay look. We'll tell you but you have to keep it a secret," One of the guys, Seungwoo, came up to me.


"Or else..." He adds. "Or else what?" I ask. Another guy named Hanse comes up. A cutter, a pair of scissors, and a ballpen float in the air, all pointing at me. "Okay, okay. Just tell me," I said, putting my hands in the air.

"Since you're new, we'll introduce ourselves the traditional way. With a few extra steps," He says. "I'll start. I'm Han Seungwoo," He greets with a smile and bows.

"Hanse put those down," Seungwoo orders him, making Hanse scoff but he put the floating office materials down. The items float again, making me look at him in confusion.

"You told me to put it down, now you're going to put it back up," Hanse says to Seungwoo, annoyed. "I can undo an action, but only a few until I tire out," He explains. Different things start going to places I suppose were its original spots.

"I'll go next. I already told you my name, I'm Kang Seungsik!" He greets with a wave, making me wave back. "What's your favorite season?" He asks out of nowhere. "Winter, why?" I replied. "Look behind you," He says, making me look at the window behind me.

My eyes widen after seeing everything outside covered in snow as flurries of snow fell from the sky. "How the heck?" Was all I could say. "Change it back, it's cold," The girl beside him taps his shoulder. Knowing it's summer so the air conditioner is on.

The snow fades away and the sun reappears. "I control the forces of nature," He finishes with a smile. "Oh cool! You have limited edition lip tint," Another boy says, making the one beside him slap him.

"Oh, right. Hi! I'm Heo Chan. I have x-ray vision," He explains. "How far could you see?" I asked curiously. "Just through doors, bags, pockets. Even skeletons, but only if I want to because my eyes will hurt," He answers. I nodded.

"Hey, I'm Lim Sejun. I can hack anything, I guess. Locks, passwords, and everything else. You name it," He says with a soulless face. "Prove it," I said, sliding my phone across the desk to believe it.

In just seconds, he gives me back my phone which was on the home screen already. I was beyond confused since I had both fingerprint lock and number lock on. "You sure you didn't hack anything else?" I questioned, inspecting my phone.

"Nope, I'm not interested anyway," He replies. I just kept my phone in my pocket and let the others continue. "You probably know what I do. Anyway, I'm Do Hanse," He says, raising up a hand to wave at me.

When he raised a hand up, a cup of coffee slides from his desk to mine. "Coffee? I didn't drink from it yet," He offers with a smile. "Uh, thanks," I replied, awkwardly taking it. "While you're at it... Hello! I'm Choi Byungchan. And you think that coffee needs a bit more sugar," Byungchan says, pointing at the coffee while I sipped.

"Let me guess, mind-reading?" I asked, making him nod. "Cool, so is there sugar here?" I asked standing up to look for a coffee machine or anything. A packet of sugar comes flying and shoots in my pocket. "Oh okay, thanks," I thanked, still not getting into this.

While waiting for the rest to introduce themself, I poured the packet and mixed it with a straw. "Hi! I'm Jung Subin," The last boy said and waved.


"Huh, that's weird. My coffee suddenly smells like nothing. What was in that sugar?" I asked, sniffing my coffee. "He disabled your sense of smell-" Byungchan stops mid-sentence yet his lips were still moving.

"I can disable any of your five senses. But only one at a time," He adds. "Sure, but can I get my sense of smell back?" I ask, annoyed. "You'll get it back in a minute," He replies.

I just sigh, putting down the cup in the meantime. "What time is it now?" The girl at the end asks, making me look at my phone. "10:35," I replied.

In a snap, so many things around the room got moved. "Hi! I'm Lee Soojin. I can stop time," She says, now sitting on the desk beside mine as if she teleported. I repeatedly blinked trying to process what just happened.

"Can I have a sip?" Another girl at her back asks. "I'm kinda saliva conscious..." I said, trying not to offend her. She continuously kept staring into my eyes, freaking me out.

"Yeah sure, no problem," I unconsciously said, making me cover my mouth. "Thanks," She says, taking the cup. "Hi! I'm Han Jihan. I can reverse emotions and actions," She explains with a smile.

"I was just kidding, you can have this back," She adds, giving me back the cup. "Oh, okay," I awkwardly took back the coffee. "I think it's my turn," I said.

I stood up and took a pen. "Hi, I'm F/N L/N," I started. "Wait hold up, can you make me another cup of coffee?" Hanse raises his hand. I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness.

"Just use your telekinesis," I replied. "I'm tired," He replies with a frown.

This is a perfect time.

"Okay then," I said, and started drawing on my arm. "What you doing?" Soojin asks, trying to peek but I scoot away. I finished off the drawing, then brought it to life.

"What the..." Chan says, not believing what he just saw. "Got it," Hanse says, taking the cup towards him. "You said you were tired," I said in annoyance.

"Not anymore," He replies, sipping on the drink. "I bet you can't live without those powers," I point at him before sitting back. Hanse stands up with pointed materials, towards me.

"Enough! Let's just carry on," Seungsik loudly says, thunder striking at the same time. "Okay, jeez," Hanse says, putting down the things and sitting down.

???'s POV

"Looks like they're having fun with their flairs. Soon, the nine of them won't be having so much fun," I say, looking at the CCTV's monitor.

"Jihan?" I ask, hearing the door. "Yes, sir," She replies. "You should stop calling me sir, at least when you're with me. Just call me by my name, you've gained my trust anyway." I said. "Okay, sir- I mean Yonghoon," She awkwardly says. "You'll get used to it," I said.

"They're quite a lot now, do you have any plans?" She asks. "Just like before. But I won't make the same mistake again," I reply, folding my arms. "What do you mean?" She asks, not understanding what I meant.

"I killed the first ones one by one. But since you witnessed your so-called friend, I knew I made the wrong move," I explained. She moves a step back, suddenly frightened.

"But you earned my trust. I know you never befriended that Jaehee girl. She was the first one to find out so I had to do it. Now that you wanted to work in my shadow, I guess I needed someone like you too." I said further.

"So, what's your goal after you kill all other people with flairs?" She follows up. "Good question. All of the others with flairs are stealing the spotlight. So after I get to imitate all their flairs, I'll use it to get power over all the other useless people without any flair." I said, seeing the entire plan in my mind.

"By the way, that introduction you did for the new girl was cute. It helped me learn better about the other's flairs. What's her name again?" I ask. "Y/N," Jihan replies.

"Her name sounds so good I want to get rid of her," I reply with a mischievous smile. "Anyway, you should get back in a few minutes. Break time is almost over," I told her.

"I understand, Yonghoon," She bows and makes her way out of my office.

Jihan's POV

"Everyone, come here!" Sejun says, looking at his computer screen as he motioned us to come forward. Everyone else came, so I followed.

"How'd you get this?" Subin asks, looking at the monitor. "Hacking flair, duh," Sejun and Byungchan say at the same time. "Stop reading my mind," They say in unison once again.

"Anyway," The two boys revert their attention to the monitor. I finally got to them and got taken aback by what I saw. "The CEO's webcam?" I asked as soon as I saw it.

"Yeah, I got bored and found this," He says, playing the file. He turns up the volume so everyone could hear.

It's was our conversation a few weeks ago. About the plan on killing them. I can't let them stop him or we're all in trouble.

"He's gonna kill us?!" Soojin snd Y/N say almost at the same time. "Looks like it," Seungwoo says. "He's talking to someone, but the voice is too faint," Seungwoo says tilting his head.

"Can you read his mind?" Hanse asks Byungchan. "Nope, it's just a video," He replies. "It won't be easy to kill him," I warned them.

"What do you mean?" Seungsik asks in confusion. "Sejun, turn off the cameras," I told Sejun. He nods in reply, the cameras sparking in an instant. "He can sense and imitate flairs. That's why we're here," I explained.

"How do you know this?" Soojin questions. "I was almost one of the first victims," I reply, everyone, having all ears on me. "Carry on," Hanse says.

"He planned this from the start since he has the flair to sense others with a flair, additionally, he can imitate it when he sees it. Since he's powerful enough, he'll use others with flairs and adapt them. Eventually, when he gets all our flairs, he'll kill us." I explained.

"So why does he need our flairs? To take over the world or something?" Seungwoo asks. "Something like that. He wants to use them to be in the spotlight and show the world he's something like a 'superhuman' of some sort." I answer.

"And... how do you know all this?" Seungsik asks, thinking it's suspicious. "As I told you, I was one of the first ones here. My friend Jaehee also had Sejun's flair," I started.

"Since she was the first one to find out after trespassing into the CEO's office, the CEO killed her first. It just so happened that I witnessed it too, he planned on killing me next. Instead, I lied and said I'll help him with his plan because I wanted to live." I said the truth.

"And while I'm alive, we need to take revenge on him before he harms any other people with flairs," That, I lied. "Then why didn't you tell us from the start?!" Hanse asks, enraged.

"Because you might think I'm lying. Additionally, I had no evidence," I answered. "Fair point," Hanse sits back down. "So what's the plan?" Subin asks.

"We take him down, together," Seungwoo says. While he made eye contact with all of us, I managed to turn him down. "Or no?" He asks. "But... we agreed," Y/N says.

"She's been lying! She's using us, and even on the CEO's side!" Byungchan says, pointing at me. "Kidding," He says, as soon as we made eye contact. "You're obviously using your flair!" Hanse figures me out, not looking at me knowing I could reverse his opinion.

"Get her!" Seungsik says, a thunderstorm suddenly occurring.


Jihan hurriedly ran out of the room. We tried to follow her, but the glass doors got locked before we could follow her. "The CEO has been watching us, he could've fixed the CCTV by his hacking flair," Sejun says.

"How about hack this door?" Hanse asks, folding his arms. "Okay, sir," Sejun sarcastically replies, rolling his eyes. He immediately opens the door as if it never got locked.

"Where would she go?" I wonder, looking around the labyrinth of hallways. "Let's split up," Soojin says, making us nod.

Hanse, who was nearest to me, came with me to the left. Seungwoo, Seungsik, and Byungchan went to the hall beside ours. While Chan, Subin, and Soojin went to the hallway at the end.

"Wait, shush. I see her," Hanse says, pushing me back and peeking. "Draw me anything pointy," He says. I pulled out a pen and drew a knife.

As soon as it came to life, he takes it and used telekinesis to throw it far and hit the elevator buttons to where Jihan was about to enter.

The buttons sparked, the lights of the elevator turning off. She looks back and spots us hiding. She makes a run for it, making us follow.

"Keep drawing," Hanse says as we continuously threw knives at her, almost hitting her. "Why'd you stop?" Hanse asks as we ran towards her down the stairs.

"I ran out of ink!" I said, panting. "Why the hell?" He asks, furious. "You kept missing!" I screamed at him. "Give me a pen!" He orders, making me hand it to him.

He throws the pen even though she's already far. He manages to pierce it through her ankle, making it bleed. "That's kinda disgusting," He comments.

Jihan trips over and then removes the pen but manages to continue running away. "Gosh, why is she doing this?" I question, already tired. "Anything else you got there?" Hanse asks.

I rummage through my pocket, only finding my phone. "Anything but this," I said, hugging it in my arms. "Then it's you," He replies.

"I don't have energy left anyway. This is our last shot," He adds. "Fine," I answer. We stopped running to get in position. "3, 2, 1," He counts, setting me off in the air. As soon as I got close, I kicked her down to the ground.

"You're not going anywhere," I told her as she struggled to run away. "But you are," She replies, confusing me. I suddenly flew off in the air by a strong force, making my back hit the hard wall.

The concrete wall cracked at the impact, making me fall to the ground. The CEO was now in front of me. "Hanse!" I screamed for help. "I can't," Hanse replies, knowing he's powerless after using up his flair.

"Thanks for the flair pal," CEO Yonghoon says, making me annoyed. From the corner of my eye, Jihan was still down, exhausted after the impact I caused.

"I guess I can kill you first," He turns his attention to me. Even though I was in pain, I tried running away. He imitates Hanse's telekinesis once again and pulled me closer to him. "Any last words?" He asks, restraining my breathing as he held me by the neck.

"Behind you," I said in between breaths. "He turns around, only to be met with a sandstorm. He got sand in his eyes, putting me down. Thankfully, I closed my eyes and got away.

"Nice moves nature boy," Yonghoon says, blowing the three of them with a strong gust of wind. Seungwoo undid his action, the wind coming away as if it never happened.

"Undoing actions, huh?" He asks, suddenly disappearing. "Where'd he go?" Byungchan asks. Chan and the others coming to find us. "Behind that door!" Chan says as he uses his x-ray vision.

We all ran for it and saw him with knives in the air. Before he could throw it to us, Soojin stops time for only the two of us. "Draw a wall, quickly. I can't stop time for too long for the two of us," She says while pointing at the pen on the desk.

I took it and started drawing on my arm a large thick glass wall. Just in time when time resumes, the knives charge at the huge wall, only causing cracks. "Subin, blind him," Soojin says, Subin instantly following.

"What the heck?!" Yonghoon gets blinded for a while. "Run!" Seungsik says, all of us leaving the room.

"Stop," Jihan appears in front of us, a gun in hand. "None of you move," She says, pointing the gun at anyone who would move a muscle.

"Nice move," After a few seconds, Yonghoon comes out from the room, applauding. Guessing by his moves, Hanse gets his strength back and pushes away Jihan.

Multiple cages come out of nowhere, caging all nine of us. "Easy," Sejun says, unlocking the locks, excluding the last two. "Ugh, why does he have to be so smart," Hanse says, ultimately annoyed.

"Seungsik?" Seungwoo asks. "I can't, I think I used it all up," Seungsik replies. In a blink of an eye, Soojin was now in Yonghoon's hands. "Your flair is the most useful, so I'll kill you first," He chokes her, not even thinking twice.

Hurriedly, I drew a gun, shooting his arm. "Who was that?" He asks in anger, almost not flinching after he lets go of Soojin.

Yonghoon steals the gun from me, now pointing it at me. "Wait I can't kill like this," He suddenly stops.

Before he could carry on with his motive, Sejun regained his energy and got us out of the series of cages. Seungsik blows the cages away from us.

"Hacking, aren't we?"

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