《victon imagines》subin - whiskers, lovers


• genre: fluff

• 4458 words


Subin's POV

Running out of activities to do during the term break's last week, I found myself scrolling through my camera roll. I thought I would stay in my unsociable state after moving schools, yet it wasn't so bad after all. It's not many friends but at least I improved on that.

I reached the middle part of the album and found images taken last year. Compared to this year, I had fewer friends, but it didn't matter as long as I was happy with them. "Y/N," I tapped on the picture to zoom it in. "How I never had the chance to tell you," Admiring the photo we had together on the last day.

That was one of the best days of my life. Reminiscing the last day, we all had together, most were taking pictures of whether one of them was leaving or not. To my surprise, Y/N thought of taking a photo of us together.

We weren't close but we had a few conversations here and there throughout the year. Despite that, my feelings slowly grew for her, yet I wasn't exactly sure why.

After all these thoughts came to my head, it made me drowsy. My cat, Toto, came running to my side and sat down. I just smiled and pat its head making it purr in response. I faced down my phone under my pillow and placed my arm over Toto, proceeding to sleep.


I yawned while my body was still curled up. Still tired, I laid on my bed for a few seconds and wanted to check myself on the mirror across me. I found it odd that I couldn't seem to see myself in the mirror since I normally could. I sat up in a suspicious way as well. My pupils widened after seeing my reflection in the mirror. "What the...?" I said, at least in my head yet all that came out was a loud confused meow.

I ran around my bed, filling the room with loud meows. How in the world did I get into Toto's body? When will I get back to my original state? Will I actually get back to my own self?

A lot of questions ran through my head as I walked in circles. Getting too immersed in my thinking, I slipped off my bedsheets and landed on my feet. "Wow, that's pretty useful," I thought after looking down on the floor and not getting hurt.

Come to think of it, maybe I could have fun with this while I have nothing to do. The problem is, I had no idea how to get out of my room. My best option was the window, so I came running to it.

I tried testing out if I could jump that height, and to my surprise, I made it to the windowsill.

I had to figure out how I could unlock the window. Looking at the sliding lock, I clawed the hook and swung across. After a few attempts, I got it to open. I lost my grip and landed in front of my gate.

Just opening the window made me really exhausted so I sat down and caught my breath. Unconsciously, I licked the back of my paw and sat back. I got surprised at my action, but I just shrugged it away.

I walked along the road, catching the attention of some passersby. I was a bit conscious thinking of why, but then remembered I was physically a cat. I mentally facepalmed at my odd thought, still not getting into this cat state.


Just realizing, I didn't eat yet although I wasn't sure where I could get food. While walking, I found a cafe with outdoor seats. I ran to the people eating at those spots and decided to pull off something.

I looked up to a woman who was having her morning coffee with a donut. I looked at her with large pupils to get her attention. She noticed me right away and smiled. She took a small piece of her donut and placed it down on the ground for me. I ate it all, yet I still wasn't full.

I thanked her even though it was just a meow that came out. She smiled even wider after I meowed in reply. All-day, I ran around different spots of the area eating and doing a ton of cat shenanigans.

The sun was about to disappear into the horizon, which made me decide to go home. On my way back, I passed by someone I didn't expect to see. I walked behind her and followed her tracks. She didn't notice me, so I sped up a bit and walked beside her. I just hope she isn't allergic or afraid of cats.

Y/N notices me after a while and stopped. I stopped as well and she looked at me, smiling with her eyes shining. "Aw, were you following me?" She says with a slightly high tone. I replied with a meow, which she found extremely cute. "Come here," She says, picking me up from the ground.

She placed me in her arms and I comfortably laid and brushed my cheek against her arm. After a few turns, I guessed that we made it to her house after she put me down for a while to open the door. She walked in first and was about to pick me up. But I already made my way in, making her smile.


I closed the door behind me and walked to the kitchen, hearing the cat's footsteps follow from behind. Taking a sandwich I made this morning, the cat jumps up to the counter beside the fridge. It meows at me and sat down, not taking its eyes off me.

Its cuteness was too irresistible, so I decided to take a part of the sandwich and placed it down. It stood up and munched on the piece of bread. While it ate, I pat it on the head then went to the couch.

Like always, I turned on the television, searching for an entertaining channel. The term break is almost over so I have nothing better to do than relax all day.

In the process of endlessly pressing the next channel button, the cat comes up beside me and laid down. "Gosh you're so cute," I said and ruffled the rows of fur on its head. It stood up once again and sat on my lap, then snuggling back and slept.

"Are you even a cat? You act so much like a person," I said, even though it won't understand me. While I watched a show I found, I mindlessly combed its back which made it purr.

Slowly, I got tired too, yawning here and there. I turned off the television, yet I was too lazy to go to my room. Additionally, the cat laid still on my lap. Since I didn't want to disturb it, I just sat there and placed both of my hands behind my head, gradually falling asleep.

the next morning...

I woke up in a less familiar place, then realizing I slept in the living room last night. Suspiciously, I felt a weight on my lap. Rubbing my eyes to see properly, I looked down and screamed at the top of my lungs.


"Subin?!" I screamed, waking him up. "What the..." He rubs his eyes and looks down. "Oh my gosh!" He screams, rushing to the farther side of the couch, hugging the cat. "How did you get into my house?" I questioned in the utmost confusion.

"I can explain!" He says, putting the cat down in between us. "Go ahead," I said. "Yesterday, I accidentally slept on my couch while I hugged Toto, my cat. The next day, I woke up in his body. Of course, I panicked but since I couldn't do anything about it, I decided to go out and..." He halts in the middle of explaining.

"Followed me home?" I finish his sentence, making him nod with an awkward smile. "But I don't mean to do anything else, I swear!" He says, putting both his hands in the air. I raised an eyebrow, not believing him. "So, why'd you follow me?" I ask. "I just... missed you, that's all. Like you know, as friends since we were kind of close," He replies, stuttering in between words.

"That's all you had to say," I said and proceeded to embrace him. "Gosh, of course, I'd miss you too. And what do you mean by 'kind of'? We hung out a lot," I said. "Oh, really?" He asks, still shy after the quick hug, I nodded, smiling at him.

"Our term break is almost over, are you busy?" I ask him. "I'm also in a term break. Of course, I'm free," He replies. "Let's meet again tomorrow then. I heard there's a cat cafe across the road and you could bring your cat there." I said.

"That's cool to me. How about two in the afternoon?" He suggests, making me nod. "By the way, Toto acts way different so don't get too attached to him," He explains as he looked at the furball roaming around my living room.

"Okay then," I replied following a small chuckle. "I better go, I already reek in a cat scent," He says, standing up and picking up Toto. "Sure, get home safely," I replied and waved at him.

Subin's POV

As soon as I shut the door close, I walked a few meters away and screamed. I covered my mouth and on the verge of crying tears of happiness. Until this moment, I couldn't believe what just happened.

While I walked, I happily skipped my way home and smiling like a freak. I didn't care if I had all eyes on me because I had my reasons to have a good start. Toto tried to get away from my arms, so I placed him down and he just followed from behind.


With Toto in my arms, I entered the cafe and immediately spotted Y/N because of the few customers present. She waves at me and I smiled in response. As soon as I sat down, I placed down Toto, who immediately went to Y/N.

"Aw, he likes you," I said, making Y/N look at Toto. "Really?" She asks as her eyes twinkled. Toto jumps up on Y/N's lap and makes himself comfortable. "I think so," I replied, making both of us laugh.

We caught up on each other's activities over the past months when we parted ways as we enjoyed the food we ordered as well. In the middle of our conversation, Toto finally jumps off Y/N's lap. "He's kind of heavy, not gonna lie," She comments, making me laugh. "Can't argue with that," I replied.

"Toto!" Y/N suddenly screams, looking at something behind me. I look back and saw Toto run out of the place after someone left the door open. Y/N and I made a run for it and chased after him. We decided to split up after reaching an intersection.

We both met at the end and Y/N managed to get Toto. Both of us were catching our breath as we walked towards each other. "Here you go," She hands Toto to me and I thanked her.

"See? He's the total opposite of me when I get in his body," I comment, making her chuckle. "I understand what you meant now," She replies. "Oh, we should get back. We haven't paid yet," I reminded which made us run back in case the staff there would think something odd.

Not long after, we made it back and apologized. We explained what happened but the staff said it's all fine. After paying for our orders, we left the place and went back home.

"Should I walk you home?" I offered. "It's fine, I can go on my own," She insists. "Are you sure?" I asked her one last time, making her nod. "Well your place is near, I guess it's fine," I said, making her agree. We said our goodbyes to each other and parted ways.

While I walked away, I noticed Toto wasn't following. "Subin," Y/N calls me, making me look. She points at Toto who was now following her, making both of us laugh. "Looks like Toto wants to walk you home," I said. "If he insists, then okay," She replies with a smile.

I followed them both, Toto in between us. "How long have you had him?" Y/N asks, starting a conversation. "Just a few months ago. That's why you probably don't know him yet," I answered, making her nod.

"Do you have a girlfriend yet?" She asks, making my heartbeat beat faster. "Why do you ask?" I questioned with a faltering voice. " I never told you before but there were some girls who told me they liked you," She explains. "Oh," Was all I replied.

"That's it? Aren't you happy, or like shocked?" She wondered. "I have eyes on another girl," I replied, tensing up a bit. "Hey, you never told me! You're a lover boy after all," She teasingly says.

"I'll tell you when I get her, just wait," I replied with a wide smile. "I like that spirit. I'll wait then," She replies, swinging her arms as she walked.

We reached her house then parted ways. Thankfully, Toto didn't think of following Y/N in her house.


Just two whole weeks of being away from school, coming back already give a foreign feeling like it's the first day of school. Typical introductions of every subjects' syllabus and everything else to be discussed. There's nothing better I can do than space out and let my mind wander in between schedules.

I looked out the huge glass window of our classroom located in front of the open corridors. Nature is widely present, and you could see the school grounds. In the middle of my mini sightseeing, I saw a cat pass across the area.

With that, an idea sparked in my mind. "Class dismissed," The teacher announces. I quickly stood up and quickly made my way home. "Thank God we only had a half-day schedule today," I said while I ran back home.

After a quick nap, it thankfully worked. I quickly jumped out of the window and ran to my destination. Faster than usual human speed, I made it to the once familiar place. Before entering, I took time to catch my breath, then jumped over the fence.

I started walking through the empty corridors and no one seems to be suspicious of it. I'm especially lucky that the school doesn't have an anti-cat policy of some sort.

After a long time of searching, I found Y/N still in class. Her hand is placed on the windowsill as she laid her head on her hand. Without hesitation, I jumped up on top of the display shelf beside the window and sat. Some people in the class noticed but I just looked at the teacher as if I were listening. I noticed the others even having hyped reactions.

Soon, Y/N notices, making her jump a little. She faces back at the teacher to prevent acting suspiciously. She types something on her phone, hiding it under her desk. She shows me her note saying: 'Why are you here?' I thought of how to answer.

I motioned my hand to my eye then placed my paw on the window. She types something else on her phone. 'To see me?' It says. I responded with a small nod. She looks at me and smiles. Soon later, their class ends. I hinted it was the last period since everyone was packing their bags.

I jumped down and waited for Y/N the door. After several people passing by, some even giving me a pat, Y/N comes out of the room. I walked beside her and flashes me a smile. Some people glanced and showed a few smiles. I realized how cats, or even any other pet, can give happiness to others.

Even though I just walked her home, she seems to be happy with it. And I am too. When we reached her house, she bends down and brushes through my head. "Thanks for walking me home. Let's meet again some other time," She tells me with a smile. I close my eyes and flash a tiny smile. "Get home safely," She stands up and waves at me. I raised one paw and went on my way.

After that, I visited Y/N at school every Friday to walk her home. I took the chance every Friday since we had shortened periods. But we thought it's hard to see each other that way so we always met at the cat cafe every weekend.

As weeks pass by, I also become restless waiting for the weekend to actually see her in person. That's when I knew I had to do something about my longing for her.


I've been getting known in school because of no other reason than Subin. A few teachers and staff have told me I can't bring pets at school. But I always tell them it just follows me, making them think I'm a cat whisperer or anything similar.

Even if Subin just follows me around, I enjoyed his presence, even my friends do. I really wished he would actually be here as himself, I admit I miss him too.

"Class, settle down," Our adviser says, everyone, going back to their seats. "Before we start today's class, I'll introduce a new student. Rather, returning student," He starts. "Subin, come in," He looks out the door.

Wait, did I hear that name right?

The person I least expected came into the room. He quickly glances at me with a tiny smile. At first, he stood at the center awkwardly but managed to speak up. "Hey, guys! I see a few familiar faces, so some know me. I'm Jung Subin. I hope we get along!" He says with a bright smile.

After a few greetings by the others, he sits down on the chair in front of me to the right. "My boy Subin! I missed you," Chan, who is beside him, pulls him into a hug. "Me too," Subin replies, hugging him back. "The others are in different sections. But at least Y/N is here!" Chan says, both of them looking at me.

"Hey," I said, putting a hand up. "Hi," Subin replies with a smile. "That's it? You don't miss each other?" Chan asks, knowing we were close. "We met a few days ago," I said. "Oh. Why didn't you tell me? Or even the others?" Chan asks, feeling a bit disappointed. "It was unexpected," Subin replies, making Chan nod. "Understandable," Chan replies, both of them facing back in front.

after class...

While having my dinner, I hear the window in the living room creak. I stood up to check what happened. I jumped a bit after seeing Toto roaming around the room. "Subin?" I asked. He gradually just came to me as soon as he heard the name.

Forgetting about dinner, I hung out with him and even had small talks. Even if I knew I won't be getting any response. He doesn't seem to be cooperative at times, which was odd. While I fed him, I got a call.

Checking the Caller ID, I got confused. "Hey, uh, Subin," I said through the line. "By any chance, have you seen Toto? I left the window open so I'm guessing he went out," He says, making me laugh at myself in my head.

"He's here at my house! Oh my gosh, I thought he was you, so I didn't mind," I said, making him laugh. "I'm so sorry! I'll pick him up," Subin says, immediately ending the call.

While I looked after Toto, my cat Gyu, comes down from my room and noticed Toto. She got curious so she jumped up to the couch and looked at Toto.

Both of them were just looking at each other, tilting their heads. As if they were trying to remember each other. While I observed the two of them, I heard a knock on the door, which I expect is Subin.

I carried Toto in my arms and opened the door. "Sorry for disturbing you," He apologizes. "No, it's fine, really. I actually had fun," I replied, lifting his mood. "That's good to know," He says. "Here you go," I handed Toto to him.

"Oh? You have a cat too?" He asks, making me look to my side. Gyu sat down, looking up at Subin and Toto. "Yeah, I found her- rather, she found me a few days ago because she followed me while I went to school. So, I took her home and she lives with me now," I explained.

"No way! That's how I got Toto," Subin replies, shocking us both. "Looks like she likes me too. What's her name?" Subin looks down to see Gyu brushing herself against his leg, meaning she wants to leave her scent on him. In other words, she likes him.

"What a coincidence. Anyway, I think you two should get back home. It's getting late." I said. "You're right. I'll get going then," He says, waving. I waved back and the two of them walked away.


As months pass by, I notice Subin being a bit too obvious on how he feels towards me, if that's how I see it. Sure, I'm acting like I don't see it but deep inside, of course, I feel the same. Nevertheless, who am I to assume he actually has those feelings towards me? I can make a mistake, so I'd rather play safe.

"Remember when you said you wanted to know who my crush is?" Subin asks while we ate lunch with the others. "Yeah. Are you gonna tell me?" I ask curiously. "Tomorrow I'll let you know," He tells me. With that, I had a plan to come up on my mind.

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