《victon imagines》seungwoo - break your rules [birthday special]




Once again, everything feels odd yet familiar. The first day of the second semester has started and everyone gathers in the assembly like always. As time passed by, students slowly filled the assembly grounds.

While the coordinator was doing his usual greetings and speeches, students just minded their own businesses. Not a single soul cared about days like this, including me.

It was time for giving out the awards for excelling students per class. "F/N L/N," My name gets called through the loudspeakers. I stood up, feeling eyes on me, some glances as well.

I made my way up the stage, thanked the coordinator, and took the award. As I faced the front, I notice a group of four from my class shot glares at me from the side of my eye. One rolling their eyes at me while the others had poker faces plastered on their face.

Nevertheless, I carried on and bowed towards the crowd before stepping down the stage. Achieving the top 1 of the class isn't surprising for me anymore. Not in a sense that I'm discouraged nor self-proclaimed.

Sitting down, I see the four of them with bright smiles as if they finished the school year with the highest honors. In fact, this is barely half of the year.

On the other hand, they can go through this year with ease. Like they say, those in power win in society. I don't even need to ask why they had those looks on their faces.

No matter what my position is on the class leaderboard, I didn't care less. But for them, having their parents being part of the school's board, there's more pressure on them.

But in return, they get to save themselves from any trouble they get into. That's what makes them the top of the chain. Meanwhile, I'm just focusing on my studies like a regular student would do.

And just because I beat them by a single percentage, they have full hatred for me. What do they have to get mad over me? When in fact all they do is get an answer sheet before the test and memorize it.

On the other hand, regular students have to study their minds off just to show their worth. And they're taking it in vain despite having a pass from studies.

And that shows how corrupted the system is.

I walked up to my locker and took my things for the first period. "I don't need this piece of trash anymore," Heejin, one of the four of them, places down the lip tint I lent her last time on the books I was carrying.

I just ignored it and went on my way. After placing down the books on my desk, I glanced at the transparent bottle of lip tint. Only a quarter of it was left, so I didn't even mind using it anymore and threw it away.

While waiting for the first class's teacher, Jongseob scoots closer to me. "I'll congratulate you for being a smartass, but I won't let this slide the next time," He says in a low voice. I ignored him and continued scrolling through my phone.


Coming from break, I was going to the classroom a few minutes early before the next class. "Y/N," Someone calls from behind. I stopped before opening the door. Looking back, I saw one of my classmates, Seungwoo, coming to me.

Seungwoo's POV

I scratched the back of my head, proceeding to steal the ballpen from her pocket. "What the heck? Give it back!" She retorts. Instead of going through the nearest door, I came in the room's back door, making her follow.


I passed by the front door from inside, jumping up and taking the small carton of milk over the door. While I ran around, I noticed the four of them look at me in anger.

"Okay, I give up. You can have it back," I said, both hands in the air. She snatches the pen from my hand and made her way to her seat. "What's wrong with you?!" Taeyang furiously stands up while I drank the milk.

"I was craving," I replied, sipping the drink. "You stole it," Yeseul says in defense. "It was left unattended," I simply replied, walking out the room as I crumpled the carton in my hand. "Old school prank you got there," I said before leaving the room.

While I walked down the corridor, I glanced at Y/N who seemed to not care at all.

Later that day, on the way out of school, I found the four of them walking side-by-side as if they owned the walkway. From afar, I spotted Y/N walking on her own. I notice they were huddling up, most likely planning something.

I got curious so I took careful steps forward and eavesdropped on their conversation. "Jongseob, you go first. Snatch her file organizer and we'll block from behind. While we run you take the homework sheet then we'll return it." Taeyang says in a low yet audible voice.

"Why just the homework sheet?" Heejin asks. "Because our teacher for that subject is strict enough he won't give an extra copy," Taeyang answers. "Oh, you're so smart!" Yeseul replies.

How was that smart? They just memorize test answers

Before they could execute their plan, I ran to Y/N's side. "Let me help you with that," I took her file organizer and carried it in my arms. "It's fine, it's not heavy," She takes the case back.

"No, really," I insisted, taking it back. "I live nearby, there's no need," She replies, forcibly taking it and running away. I just continued walking, looking as she went away.

I realized I'm headed the other way, so I turned the other way. I was met with the four of them glaring at me. Walking around them, I raised an eyebrow and walked past them.

"Go ahead and say anything. Your opinion against me is invalid," I said, not looking back. I could guess their expressions without even looking at them.


"It's been days since you're doing these things. Can you please stop?" Y/N asks, with a hint of annoyance. "I can't," I replied. "Why are you doing this anyway? I never ever annoyed you," She says, folding her arms.

"You annoy me. Because you're oblivious about something," I replied. "It's my problem, not yours, so you don't need to solve it. I didn't ask in the first place," She replies in defense. "Fine, I've insisted before. But if you like it that way, then deal with it." I replied, walking away first.

After that conversation, I wanted to slap myself. I could've done better, although I could annoy her even more if I keep this up. I'm guessing the four of them would've gotten over it, hopefully.

The sky was as empty as my thoughts. Not even a single star shone in the darkness. I waited for her to finish her after-school club, and I get such a response. I didn't feel like doing anything for the rest of the day.

On my way out, I heard a loud splash of water, following a series of laughter. I immediately looked back, having an idea of what it was. "Looks like your hero didn't save you," Jongseob says, chuckling. Y/N kept her poker face and walked away.


I hurriedly came up to Y/N and caught up with her. "Are you okay?" I caressed her soaked hand on mine. She shakes it off and says nothing, going on her way. Dumbfounded, I just stood there in dismay, walking away.

On the way home, my phone rang. "Oh hey, Hanse. What made you call me at this hour?" I asked through the line. "Are you still at school? You told me you're staying for a little longer." He says.

"You should've called earlier, I left a few minutes ago. I'm almost home," I replied. "Oh, too bad. I left my textbook but it's fine if you can't," He says. "Thanks anyway," He adds. "Wait, hold on," I caught up.

He hums in question. "Weren't you from the same school as Y/N?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" He answers. "Was she always serious? She gets annoyed when I try to talk to her," I asked. "Actually, no. She wasn't so serious unlike recently," He answers.

"It was probably because of her past relationship," He adds. "What do you mean?" I was getting more curious. "I shouldn't be telling you this, but I just knew. She was always bright and kind whenever someone asked for help or anything. Because of that, things went down the drain when she got in a relationship." He explains.

"Go on," I arrived home, not even taking my ears away from my phone. "She was so kind that her ex used and manipulated her. He acted kind and sweet at first then that's where... you know. I won't explain further." He clarifies. "Okay, I think I get it. Thanks for the info," I thanked him.

"What made you ask?" He follows up with a question. "I just try to talk with her and she acts fishy and all," I explained. "Oh, okay. Anyway, I gotta go," He says. "Go ahead, thank you so much," I replied, ending the call.

Knowing these revelations made me want to get to the bottom of everything.


"Seungwoo?" Someone mentions my name, making me look back. I scanned around to see who called me. "Jaechan?" I see him coming my way. "It is you! It's been a while, huh?" He says coming up to me.

"You transferred here too? I thought you stayed at your previous school?" I asked. "I never informed you, we were just neighbors after all. But I wanted to transfer here for this year." He explains.

"That's cool, hopefully, we'd get closer this year," I replied. "Jaechan?" Someone says from behind, making me look back. "Why the hell are you here?!" Y/N retorts, confusing me.

"I wanted to see if you're doing well," He replies with a smile. "You really are a psychopath," She says, quickly walking past us.

Jaechan stops her and holds her by the wrist. "Let go of me!" She shakes her arm off his grip. "After I broke up with you, you had the thought of moving here?" She asks, finally getting out of his grip.

"I never accepted your rejection," He says in defense. "Just stop it!" I pulled Y/N towards me and held her by the shoulder. "Did you just replace me with that jerk? Pathetic," He says, then leaves.

"What? No-" Y/N takes my arm off her shoulder and walked away. "Not even a thank you?" I asked, looking at her back. "After finding out that you know him? That gives me a better reason to stay away from you," She replies and walks away.

I wasn't even trying to find out and now this happens, amazing. I'm now far from succeeding. Maybe she's right, I should move on. It just seems like I can't, and I hated that.


Walking out of school, I wore my hoodie and looked down. If only Seungwoo knew what happened before between the two of us, I wouldn't treat him too harshly.

It's not like I could avoid feeling this way when Jaechan has set a trauma. Hoping Seungwoo doesn't get anything twisted because I have nothing against him although I'd find it hard to stay close with someone who knows Jaechan.

7 years later...

"Y/N, you've completed your therapy counseling, congratulations." Dr.Han congratulates me as we finished the session, following a round of applause. "Thank you so much!" I said with excitement.

"Is there anything, or perhaps, anyone that helped you improve this greatly?" He asks. "Well, there is one person I have in mind," I replied.

"May I ask who it is?" He asked. "That's a secret I'll tell some other time," I teasingly said. "Okay then," He replies, following with a chuckle. "Our session ends here. But if you want to keep the connection, it'd be fine with me." He says.

"Of course! We can meet again, Dr.Han," I replied. "That'd be great! But maybe some other time since I'm quite busy," He says. "It doesn't have to be immediate. Just contact me anytime and I'd be happy to treat you somewhere at least once." I said with a joyful tone.

"Oh, I'd love that. Thank you Y/N," He says, giggling in between. "Thank you so much too! Contact me anytime," I replied. We bid each other farewell.

I pressed the end call and exited the application. I'm really thankful that online therapy sessions exist after my trauma got worse over the years.

Considering the fact that Jaechan slowly being an actual psychopath. It made me scared of men in general after all the other things he has done to me.

It's been three whole years since I started taking online therapy sessions after in-person ones weren't helping me at all. Apparently, Dr.Han saved me from my sanity while I tried looking for one.

Without lying, I was getting curious about what he looks like or what even his full name is since, of course, it can't be revealed due to my trauma of men. The female ones weren't much help when I first tried some.

Remembering our conversation earlier, a certain person comes to mind. "I wonder if Seungwoo still has the same number," I thought. It wouldn't hurt to give it a shot, right?

I dialed his number, someone picking up almost immediately. "Y/N?" He asks. "Seungwoo? You still have my number?" I immediately questioned.

"It's been so long, I thought you hate me? What made you call me, though?" He asks. "This won't sit right. I should I explain it in person, are you free right now?" I asked him.

"That was sudden, but yeah I am. I just finished with my work," He replies. "That's great! Let's meet at the meat restaurant in front of the shopping center," I said.

"Okay, sure," He agrees. "Meet you there in a few minutes," I said and he hums in agreement. I ended the call and got ready.

Something feels off, his voice felt familiar, like Dr.Han's. Or maybe just because I only heard his voice for the past few years that I couldn't differentiate other's voices anymore.


Walking around town felt so surreal after being caged at home for so long. I felt so alive I could hop around the place, although I couldn't. Even that, I had a huge smile on my face for a while. Knowing the fact that almost nothing scares me anymore makes me at ease.

I reached the restaurant, almost immediately spotting the person I was looking for. He saw me too and waved his hand to catch my attention. We greeted each other, rather awkward than expected.

"Oh, you already ordered?" I asked, seeing the meals already set on the table. "Yeah, but if you want something else you can-" "It's all fine, thanks," I cut him off, smiling.

"So what made you call me up all of a sudden?" He asks first. "I want to explain to you . I've felt bad all this time and I found time to take it off my chest." I start.

"But I forgave you already, I've gotten over it so it's all fine," He replies. "But I'm not okay with it. Because you deserve to know what the truth is," I answered.

"Now that we're here, I guess it's better if you badly want to tell me," He says. "It's a long story so I hope you'll listen carefully," He says and nods while he ate.

"Remember the day I met you and... Jaechan together?" I stopped a bit but managed to slip that name out. "Uh-huh," He replies. "He's my ex-boyfriend and you probably knew he just moved schools. He moved because of me. The reason why we broke up is that-"

"Because he took you for granted and at some point used you. You dumped him first but he never agreed to leave you alone. You decided to drop out of school after your trauma built up. It took you four years to find therapy and took a serious one for three years. And now you called me to tell me what actually happened and made sure I didn't get anything wrong all this time." He explains everything I wanted to say in full detail.

"H-how do you know all this?" My heartbeat even faster. "Of course Dr.Han should know all this, duh," He says. "What do you mean- Dr.Han... Seungwoo?" I made a sudden realization.

"Congratulations F/N L/N, I'm really proud of you," He smiles. "How did it turn out this way?" I ask, still in shock.

"I took psychology after knowing what was actually wrong. It took me so long to look for you too. I almost lost hope after you cut all connections and even moved somewhere farther. I'm so glad you found me instead of me finding you." He explains.

I was frozen in my spot, not knowing how to respond to this turn of events. "You must be really shocked because I was too," He adds. "I-I'm so sorry," I apologized. "For what?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"For making you misunderstand, hurting you, leaving you alone, all that." Now I felt bad for myself. "There's nothing to be sorry about, okay? It was me who chose to follow you, even if it meant ignoring me." He replies.

"So, can I get a second chance?" He suddenly got shy, placing his hand behind his neck. "What second chance? You don't even need any chances. After everything that you've done for me? There's nothing greater to repay you than this," I replied, making him flash a wide smile.


hey guys! it's been a while since i updated, i've been quite busy but this chapter has been sitting here for a while i knew i had to finish it. that's why it's not the best that i could do, but i really hope y'all liked it at least :))

i'm also finally going to school next month (hopefully) that's why i'm always busy, with or without school. that's why this book hasn't been progressing quickly, sorry about that!


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