《victon imagines》byungchan - breaking point


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• genre: angst, fluff

• 2269 words

• published: 08/08/20


Subin's POV

"What took you so long?" I ask Y/N as she came running in the band room, all exhausted. "Our teacher took more time for the last class. Am I late?" She asks.

"Not at all, Mr. Shin hasn't even arrived yet. You know he isn't on time either," I said, making the both of us laugh.

Two hours passed by quickly, all of us finished up and went out. As Y/N and I exited the room, someone comes up to me.

"Oh, Chanhee! What are you doing at this hour?" I call him, looking at me. "Oh, I wanted to give this back to you," He says, coming up to me and handing me my notes that he borrowed this morning.

"You should've just given it to me tomorrow, but it's fine. It was probably a hassle to come here and it's late." I said, taking the notebook. "Oh? I just thought you might've needed it already. And I happened to pass by so it's no problem." He explains, making me nod.

"You should get going, it's late," I told him, patting his back. "Yeah, I will. Bye!" He waves his hand, walking backward. I waved back and he went on his way.

"Is he a friend of yours?" Y/N asks. "Not really, just a classmate. He needed notes so I lent him. He's part of my lab group anyway." I explained.

"Speaking of, I never really notice you with friends or even classmates. You're always sticking with me, but I don't mind," I wonder as we walked to the exit gate.

"I just don't like people around too often," She answers. "Isn't it odd? You have a ton of friends while I'm opposite," She says, making me disagree.

"Come on, it's not bad to enjoy being alone. Even if we're siblings we don't have to be the same. Even twins have opposites," I explain. "Yeah, you're right. I just think I've been alone too often," She says.

"If you feel like stepping out of your comfort zone, go ahead. I'm not forcing you to though. It's your call anyway." I advised.


"Hey guys, I have to go. I still have band practice, is it fine?" I asked, standing up. "Yeah, no problem. You've helped for today," One of my groupmates said.

"I'll just take these, I have time to do it after the club," I said, picking up the rolls of visual aids for the presentation tomorrow. One of them just nodded, most of them ignoring me. I just took that as a yes and went on my way.

When I got a bit far from them, I felt someone take the piles of folders on my arm. I look to my side to see one of my groupmates, Byungchan.

"You don't have to-" I stopped walking, trying to take my stuff. "It's fine. I know you're in the Ensemble and the band room is far," He says.

Maybe I should accept his help, it might sound rude if I won't. "Oh, okay. Thanks," I replied and resumed walking.

"I notice you don't talk much," He starts. "I get that a lot," I say, following a small laugh. "You don't seem that bad, you're pretty chill," He says.

"You think so?" I ask. "Well, yeah," After that, there were a few seconds of silence. For some reason, it wasn't uncomfortable since I enjoy silence. I don't know if it's bad or anything.


"You should try speaking up," He says. "I know, people say that. I just don't know how to," I explain. I notice him nod from my rearview.

"Start with me," I look at him with a confusing statement. "You know, practice socializing with me," He says.

"Uh, sure. Why not?" I answered. He just smiles at my answer. Soon, we got to the band room after a few talks.

"Hey, thanks a lot," I said, turning to face him. "No problem, tell me if you need help or anything," He says with a reassuring smile, handing me my stuff. I take it and wave at him.

He waves back and went back. "So, who was that?" Subin places his hand on my shoulder, startling me a bit. "Just a group mate," I reply.

"Okay then, let's go," He says pulling me into the room. "I didn't expect you would do it immediately," He said as we sat.

At first, I thought about what he said, but I finally get it. "Well, he approached me first. But I tried," I said. "You would normally refuse and run away," He says, waving his hand around as he explained.

"Yeah, you're right," I replied, the both of us chuckling.

a week later...

"Just asking, but don't you have..." I said, stopping mid-sentence. "Other friends?" I asked after taking a bite of my food.

"Oh, you probably see me with a lot of people," He says. "Yeah, I just feel left out every time you talk to others when you're with me," I said.

"Don't be. It's not like I'm excluding you. And don't think of being left out," He replies, smiling. "But you know, I haven't said this to anyone yet," He starts.

"I do hang out with a lot of people, but I'm not always close with them. Most of them just like being close with me to get close with the people I know." He says.

"They do that?" I ask in shock. He just nods and continues eating. "Can I ask something too? Just out of curiosity," He asks. "Sure, go ahead,"

"I notice you go with someone, just that person. Besides me though," He says. "Oh! He's my brother, why do you ask?" I asked.

At first, he just stayed quiet, thinking. "Do you think he's my-" "No! I don't mean it like that," He disagrees before I could finish. I just smile at his quick reaction.

"Come on, don't be like that," He says. "Okay, I won't," I said. "Hey, guys!" Someone says, sitting beside me.

"Oh, you're back early," I said to Subin. "Yeah, we finished the project early," He explains and starts eating.

"Oh, you're Byungchan, right?" Subin asks. "Yeah, how did you know?" Byungchan asks. "I see you around a lot. And you hang out with Y/N frequently," He explains.

"Almost everyone at our batch knows you," He adds. "Really? I never knew that" Byungchan asks, shocked. "See? You're pretty known yet you're denying it," I told Byungchan. "I guess so," He says, making us chuckle.

Starting that day, the three of us went together at lunch for three days every week. Since Subin has a different lunch schedule for the other two days.

Even though lunch is the only time we get to see the three of us together, we still got close to each other.



"Why don't we go all go somewhere this weekend?" Subin suggests. "I'm free on weekends, I'm down!" Byungchan agrees.

"We're both available too," I said, Subin, agreeing. "But where do we go?" Byungchan asks, making us think.

"How about the bar a few blocks from here? Two of my classmates will perform in a band there on Saturday," Subin suggests. "Sounds cool to me," Byungchan says. "Me too," I said and we all agreed.

Byungchan's POV

We all suggested coming early so we could meet up with the band members that Subin said were his classmates. Though it was quick since they had to prepare for the performance.

The three of us sat at the front row, waiting for the performance to start. A bartender came to us and placed down three drinks and a bottle I'm not familiar with. Considering I don't drink.

"Uh, we didn't order this," Subin says. "It's on the house, one of the band members ordered it," The bartender says. We looked at the stage, one of the members waving.

Subin waves back with a smile, probably to thank him. "I'm allergic to alcohol," I said. "Oh? There's such an allergy?" Y/N asks, making me nod.

"How about you, Y/N?" I asked. "She doesn't like alcohol either, it's too bitter for her," Subin answers for me, making me nod.

"If you guys can't, I'll take it. It's from a friend anyway," Subin says, sliding our glasses to his direction.

Soon, the performance started. The room filled with cheers, us joining in the fun as well. The band performed a few times, then exited the stage.

"Are you okay?" I hear Y/N's concerned tone, standing up. I look to see Subin resting his head on the palm of his hand. I went up to him too to check.

"I'm not feeling well," He says, massaging his forehead. "Let's go home now," Y/N says, making me immediately stand up.

Subin's POV

Everything around me was unclear, yet I was conscious. I shouldn't have drunk too much. Byungchan lifted me off the seat and carried me on his back.

Fortunately, our house is just a walking distance from school. Both of them ran until we reached home. I sat on the bed, still conscious but I'm still dizzy.

"Have some water," Y/N places down a glass of water. I notice Byungchan rummaging through the kitchen cabinets. "Do you have any analgesic?" Byungchan asks.

"I don't think so," Y/N replies. I finished the glass yet nothing changed. "What do we do?" Y/N asks with panic in her tone.

"I'll go buy some. At least something to relieve the pain," He says. "Yeah, I think you should," Y/N replies.

"Come with him," I said with a breathy tone, stopping Byungchan. "I need to look after you. What if something bad happens?" She replies.

"What if something happens to Byungchan too? I don't want you to suffer alone," I told her. "Just lock the door and I'll be fine," I said. She breathed in while thinking.

"Fine," She replies, hurriedly standing up and following Byungchan out. When they left, I laid down the bed and breathed in continuously, keeping myself awake.

Out of nowhere, the window behind me shatters with a thrown rock. I didn't have the effort to look properly, but I did see a hand opening the hinges.

"Did you like the drink I gave you?" Chanhee asks with a smirk on his face. "It was you?" I asked, filled with anger inside yet I couldn't show it due to my condition.

"You're always stealing my spotlight. The social butterfly, and the smart kid. I'm always in your shadow," He starts. "What do you mean? I didn't do anything wrong," I replied.

"You're taking longer than I thought. And I don't need your excuses, you deserve nothing else." He says.

He picks up a glass shard from the floor which came from the window. With suspense, he slowly walked to me, looking at the piece of glass on his hand, smiling.

I heard keys shuffling from behind the door, both of us alarmed. "Let's get this over with," He says, pushing the shard into my chest. My eyes widen at the pain and impact.


I dropped the plastic bag in my hand at the sight I saw right in front of me. The guy who just killed my brother jumped out of the window and ran.

Both of us came running to him with tears in our eyes. "Who was that? And what happened?" I asked him, panic filling my body.

"Im Chanhee. He poisoned me and trespassed in here to kill me," He says with a faint voice. "But why?" Byungchan asks, fully concerned as well.

"He said I was shadowing him, because of being a good person," He explains. "That jerk- we don't have much time. Call 119," I said to Byungchan. He immediately did so despite his hands trembling.

Byungchan's POV

"It's been a few days since you left our side," I said, placing my hand on the concrete side of the grave as if I held his shoulder.

Involuntarily, a tear escapes my eye. "I shouldn't be crying right now, gosh," I said to myself, wiping the tear away. The cold wind brushed my face, triggering my tears once again.

Tears continued flowing yet I kept a smile on my face. "I should at least stay happy for you while I'm here," I talked to the grave, wiping my tears with the back of my hand.

I placed down the flowers and lit a candle at the side. "Don't worry, that Chanhee dude got in prison and he's going nowhere near us now. You can rest peacefully," I said.

"I'm keeping the promise too. No matter what," I continued. "I'll take care of her no matter what," I said, smiling.

"Hey, I'm back," I see Y/N from the distance. "You... cried?" She asks, noticing my puffed face. "You said you won't," She says, placing her hands on her hips.

"Whatever, just come here," I said with a smile. She came running and sat in front of me.

"You know, your brother told me something," I start. "It's odd to hear him being called my brother. I was so used to using his name often," She comments. "What is it?" She asks.

"He said I should look after you," I replied. "He said that?" She asks, looking shocked. "Why? It's good, though," I said.

"He wouldn't say such things. Or he would hide things from me," She replies.

"I guess there was more to what he showed you,"

seungwoo's 'sacrifice' teaser has been released!! go check it out ♡♡


hello! this isn't really important so u can skip this. 1the9 just disbanded today and i'm saying it here since three of play m boys (seunghwan, doyum and jinsung) were there.

if u're a wonderland, tysm for supporting 1the9 ♡♡ i hope u guys would also support 1the9 members' future activities.

i'm kinda hinting on play m boys debut :DD

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