《victon imagines》sejun - a deal with the devil


• genre: mystery au

• words

• published: 08/10/20


Sejun's POV

"You okay? You've been staring at your phone all day," Byungchan says as he ate his lunch. I nodded a yes, still not taking my eyes off my phone.

"Come on, I know you're not okay. It's the first day of school and you're already bothered by something," He says. From the corner of my eye, I saw him stand up, approaching me.

He snatches my phone from my hand, my head still down to where my phone was. "Oh, Jang Sihyeon. It's been two weeks already, can't you get over it? You can't let her death ruin you," He says while looking at the picture of the two of us.

"How can I forget about her? She was my only source of happiness, and now that she's gone, what can I do without her?!" I said, screaming at Byungchan. He looks around after the noisy atmosphere silence because of me.

He bowed apologetically to the people at the cafeteria. He placed down my phone in front of me and sat back to where he was sitting. "Okay, I'm sorry, okay? But if you're going to continue this attitude, don't tell me I didn't try helping you out." He says, leaving me as he took his unfinished tray with him.

I sat there for a while, staring into absolutely nothing and let my thoughts fill my mind. Out of nowhere, I let my head drop on the table in front of me as I kept my head down for God knows how long.


I went into the classroom with no sign of happiness on my face. Everyone else looked at me for the look on my face and maybe just because I'm late.

"It's the first day and you're already late?" Our homeroom teacher scolds. "Sorry, I won't do it next time," I slightly bowed with a soulless voice, about to go back to my seat.

"Sir, can you forgive him this once? He's not so well these days," Byungchan says, raising his hand. "Is he saying the truth?" Our teacher questions. "It's okay, just mark down a late on my attendance," I replied, sitting down.

"D- did you just," Byungchan says, unable to finish his sentence. "Sejun wouldn't do that! He cares about his attendance more than he cares about his soul. Bring back the old Sejun." He says, shaking me.

"Just stop! Okay?" I screamed, getting the attention of the others once again. "Sejun, if you're going to disrupt the class, I guess it's better for you to go outside." Our teacher scolds. Without responding, I stormed out of the room.

Out of so much rage, I mindlessly walked around the campus. I didn't care if I was loitering at that time and let my feet take me wherever. I stopped at my tracks as soon as I reached the lobby.

To my right, there was a huge photo. I didn't know why, but I suddenly stopped and just stared at it for a while. It showed an image of a girl's shadow sitting on top of a building, well lit with LED signs around.

After looking at it for quite a while, it hit me. My head was feeling heavy, and my vision went blurry. "Hey you there, what are you doing here during class hours?" I heard a male voice behind me, but I couldn't respond. That was the last thing I heard before I passed out


"Hey guys, I have to go now. It's getting late," I told the others as I stood up. "Oh yeah, sure. Get home safely," Seungsik says. I said goodbye and left, walking back home after a few drinks with the others.


On my way home, I heard my phone buzz from my pocket. I looked at the message preview on my lock screen.

Sihyeon~♡ sent you a message

Just reading her name makes me smile. I opened the entire message to see the image she sent. It was a picture of an alleyway designed with LED signs. It looks like it was taken from a high place. The image itself was aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

Did you take that picture? It's so beautiful!

I replied and kept my phone as I waited for a reply. When I reached home, I still didn't get a response from her. She probably meant to send that to someone else, so I didn't mind for now.

Even before I went to bed, she didn't leave a reply. I was longing for her voice that while so I thought of calling her, maybe she just forgot about it. I sat up from my bed and dialed her number.

After a few rings, she didn't pick up. Rather, the 'caller is unreachable' message kept repeating every time I tried calling her again. Her phone is probably out of battery since I know she doesn't like turning off her phone.

While I was trying to dial her, I got a text from her mom. I swiped down the notification and checked the full message.

Sejun! Sihyeon got into an accident. Can you come right now?

She texts, following another message with the hospital's name. My eyes widen as I read her message. Without a second thought, I stood up and ran out of my house. My breathing was heavy due to the news and I didn't let anything distract me.

I got a taxi and told the driver where I was going. "Can you speed up a bit? " I asked the driver, my voice slightly shaking in so much fright. Soon later, I got there and ran once again. I directly went to the emergency room and searched for her mom.

I spotted her, sitting at a bench right outside. "Is she okay?" I asked, full of concern as she was too. "I have no idea yet," She replies with her expression seemingly filled with worry.

After long minutes of waiting, the doctor comes out, about to inform us about Sihyeon. "Are you Jang Sihyeon's parent?" The doctor asks Ms. Jang. She nods as both of us stand up to know the news.

"Well, I'm sorry to say this. But, she didn't make it," The doctor states with his head down. Ms. Jang and I ran inside to her.

We found the doctors around her bed as they covered her up with a white cloth. I rushed to her body, pushing away the doctors. I uncovered the cloth covering her face.

I embraced her one and cried as I looked at her beautiful face. This won't change anything but I just wanted to hold her one last time before letting go.


"You awake?" I heard a familiar voice ask me. I open my eyes to see Byungchan in front of me. "Hey, what happened?" I asked him, my head still feeling light after the flashback I had during the time I passed out.

"Malnutrition. You haven't eaten anything for almost 2 days," He explains, and I nodded.

"How come you were in the lobby? Were you loitering because our teacher told you to go outside?" He questions. "I wasn't in my right mind because of all the things happening," I clarified.

"I still don't think her death is suicide. She's not suicidal at all," I told him. "You keep bringing her up. Can't you just forget about it?" Byungchan says with a hint of anger in his tone.


"Look, if you help me out, I'd stop talking about it. If I know the real answer, I'll have a peaceful life," I said. "Fine, I'll help you. As long as you shut up about it after we know," He sets a condition, making me agree.

"But how do we do it? The police already closed her case," Byungchan says, making me think. "We don't need the police," I replied.

"What do you mean? We could get harmed in the process if we only have each other," He retorts. "We need to sacrifice a bit of ourselves, right?" I said, making him sigh.

"Oh! Can we go back to the lobby?" I asked, immediately sitting up from my bed. Byungchan holds me by my shoulders, pushing me down. "You have to eat first," He says, standing up.

"I'll just get you some food first," Byungchan says, standing up from his seat and leaving the clinic to get my food. "Thanks," I said before he left.


After eating, I finally got out of the clinic. It was already dismissal so we only spent just half of the time in class. It was just the first day so nothing much probably happened.

"Are you feeling better?" Byungchan asks me as we walked out of the classroom after getting our bags. "Yeah, much better. Thanks to you too," I told him. "And sorry too, I've been mean to you earlier," I apologized.

"Hey, it's okay. You weren't feeling well so I understand," "And you gave me a good reason to skip class on the first day," He jokingly says, making me chuckle.

"Hold on," I stopped him as I walked up to the bulletin board. "What's up with the painting? Are you interested in the art club?" Byungchan asks, looking on the image as well.

I didn't answer and just pointed at the text on the lower right. "3rd annual arts contest winner. Photo by Y/F/N, Class 8-3," Byungchan reads out loud. "Let's go," I said, walking back.

"Wait, where?" Byungchan asks, but I didn't respond. I heard him sigh from behind and just followed me. I got to the classroom and slid open the door. There was one female student so I decided to ask.

"Uh, have you seen Y/F/N? I heard this is her class," I asked the student who looked back at me. "Oh, that's me, why?" She says, coming closer as she swung her backpack on her back.

Byungchan's POV

I didn't know what was on his mind so I just stood quiet. She went to us after fixing her things and asked why. Out of nowhere, Sejun pins her to the wall, anger filling his eyes.

"W-why," I asked, slowly coming to remove his arms on her but he just pushes me back. "Did you kill her?" He asks, screaming. "W-who?" Her eyes are shaking, clueless.

"You can see she's clueless! Just break it, man!" I shouted, trying to remove his hands on her, but failed. He really changes whenever he thinks of Sihyeon.

"She's just acting clueless!" He shouts mindlessly, scaring Y/N. "I seriously have no idea what you're talking about," She says, her voice shaking. "Just say it! I want to end this!" He screams, his grip getting stronger on her.

"Stop it! You're hurting her, can't you see?!" I said, finally pushing him away from her. Y/N's eyes were watery and she was frozen in her spot, unable to speak.

"Hey, are you okay?" I slowly went up to Y/N, checking if she's fine. "Y-yeah, I'm okay," She replies, her voice still shaky. I looked over to Sejun who still looks furious.

"Why are you doing this? She has no relation to your situation yet you're involving her!" I said, my anger slightly showing. "How can I be sure if she's not involved?" Sejun asks.

I grabbed him by the collar and looked straight into his eyes. "Sejun, this isn't you! Wake up!" I said, shaking him. It was getting creepier since he just smiled while I shook him. Not so long after, he faints. Thankfully, I caught him on time.

"What have you been doing? You kept fainting and I have no idea why," I mindlessly talked to him even if he's already passed out, not remembering Y/N was behind me.

"He keeps fainting? What do you mean?" Y/N curiously asked, knowing nothing considering the fact that we just met a few minutes ago.

"This morning he fainted since he hasn't eaten a single thing for two days straight. I gave him food already but I have no idea why he fainted this time," I explained, sighing.

"The clinic won't help. We need to take him to the hospital," She says, going to my direction. She squats down and looked at him for a while. "He looks pale, this looks serious," She comments.

Sejun's POV

For the second time today, I regained consciousness and looked around. It wasn't the clinic anymore, I was at the hospital.

"What happened- Y/N?" I asked with a raspy voice, noticing Y/N was now beside me. When I mentioned her name, she wakes up from her nap.

"Oh, you're awake?" She asks, sitting up. "Where's Byungchan?" I asked, looking for him. "He had to go home first, and he can't just leave you here, so I decided to stay," She explains.

"Oh, thanks. And I'm sorry about what happened a while ago," I apologized, facing her. "It's okay, you had your reasons," She replied as I rested my back on the bed again.

"Wait, did he tell you about anything?" I asked, questioning what she just answered. "He told me everything," She says, making me face her again. "Really?" I asked, making her nod.

"He gossips better than most girls," I mumbled to myself, but audible enough to be heard. "You should thank him. If he didn't tell me what happened, I have no idea where to take you," She comments.

"Wait, can I ask you something?" I asked as she reverted her attention to me. "Where'd you get the inspiration for your painting? The one at the lobby," I asked. For a while, she thought about it.

"When I paint, I'd need an inspiration. Maybe an afflatus or a simple item. But during the contest, it just popped up in my head as if I thought of it before." She explained while looking into the distance.

I nodded and thought about what she said. "I'm sorry I came to a conclusion without asking properly. I really had no idea about what I did-" "It's okay, I've forgiven you. I didn't get hurt anyway," She said, making me slightly anxious.

"But I'm sure you have a credible reason as to why you did that to me. Perhaps something that triggered you?" She assumes. I took my phone from the bedside table and opened my last conversation.

"This," I maximized the image Sihyeon last sent to me. I showed it Y/N, her taking it from my hand as she examined the picture. "Now I know why," She nods, returning my phone.

"You know we can't bring back the dead, so what's bothering you? You still can't get over it?" She asks, raising her curiosities. "Everyone's saying she committed suicide. But I know her too well that it seems impossible," I explained, my eyes getting dewy.

"I don't know about the details. But if that's how you see it, there's a possibility it could be a murder staged as a suicide," She says, making me look at her. "You think so?" I asked, making her nod.

"Oh! Your parents are here," She says, making me look in the other direction. She stands and greeted them.

"Thank you for looking over him. We're sorry you had to wait here," My mom apologizes to Y/N. "It's okay, his friend couldn't stay so I decided to look over him. I'm not busy anyway," She explains, smiling.

"Sejun, what happened to you?" My mom asks, rushing to me. "He hasn't been eating well," Y/N answers for me. "Why didn't you tell us? Is anything bothering you?" My dad questions.

"Dad, I'm fine. You don't have to worry," I reply. "Yeah, he seems fine. Just eat more," Y/N says. "I guess you can go now," My dad says to Y/N.

"If you suppose, I guess I will," She says, picking up her bag. She was about to leave, but stopped midway. "Oh, Sejun!" She calls, making me look at her. She runs up to me and whispers. "Stop doing drugs, okay?" She says before leaving.

"Is there anything wrong?" My mom asks. I aggressively shook my head, not wanting her to know.


Hey, today was amazing. Sorry I didn't have the chance to tell you in person. I hope you feel better in the morning.

I sent the text to my friend, Hyeon. She promised to take me home since she invited me to the party. But now that she got herself drunk, she couldn't even take herself home.

Slightly unsure, I walked through a series of paths, hoping not to get lost. Cautiously, I walked slowly in the paths of closed shops.

I looked up in awe as I reached an alleyway beautifully decorated with LED signs of different establishments, as if it was meant to please the eyes.

Even though the path was foreign to me, the ambiance made me slightly forget about it. Thankfully, I found my way out and onto a bus stop.

"Y/N? Are you there?" I heard as my eyes slowly opened. "Oh, I slept?" I said with a raspy voice after getting back to reality. Hyeon nods in response.

"Hey uh, remember the party we attended a month ago?" I asked her. "Yeah, the time I got extremely drunk," She comments, making the both of hs chuckle.

"Do you remember the exact venue?" I asked. She thought about it for a while, then snapped her fingers. "I'm not good at remembering, but I still have the address on a message," She said as she rummaged in her bag, looking for her phone.

I got a notification, getting the message she forwarded. "Thanks," I said, standing up. "Wait, you're leaving? We haven't finished studying," She says.

"It's urgent, I'm sorry," I apologized, opening the door. "At least let me come with you!" I hear her as I closed the door.

This can only stay between the three of us.


I arrived to the exact bus stop I stayed at a month ago, but something was odd. I made a turn behind it and noticed the alleyway was gone. Now it was just covered with a concrete wall.

I couldn't be wrong, I rechecked the address and on the map application. I didn't give up and decided to go to the other end.

It was almost exactly the same as before, but now it had a gate with police tape wrapped around. All the shops located at that alleyway remained yet they were closed.

I took off my backpack and threw it at the other side of the gate. I managed to climb over the gate, jumping down.

I looked around, nothing much has changed. It looked better during night time, now that the sun is up, it's quite dull.

I decided to take a few pictures of the place as I walked. Almost making it to the concrete wall, I caught something suspicious at the corner of my sight.

I looked up to see the odd thing beside a tall building that was once an eatery. I made a turn, then stopped at my tracks

I took two cautious steps back as I looked at the ground. It was a chalk outline which looked like a female's. I decided to take a picture out of curiosity.

Because of what I just witnessed, I didn't think twice and left the alleyway. I ran back to the bus stop and got on a bus. On my way back home, I thought of telling Sejun all of this.

Hey, are you busy? I have to see you.

I don't think I can. I'm out with my friends right now.

You sent an attachment

Fine, I'll go. Where?

The gate behind school.

Simply sending him the picture of the alleyway made him bite the bait. I guess he really loves her that much.

I dropped off immediately, changing routes to go to the place agreed on. I got there in no time, now just waiting for him.

I got back at my train of thought as he came running in front of me. "Where?" He asks with a tired voice. "Just calm down first," I told him.

His expression was slightly furious yet he still listened. "The picture she sent you," I said, reaching out my palm. He took out his phone and looked until he found it.

He placed his phone on my open palm with the picture flashed on the screen. I scanned both pictures, knowing it was the same place. I showed him the two pictures side by side.

"It is the place! Where is it?" He asks, impatiently wanting an answer. "Come with me," I told him and started walking.

We went back to the place I recently went to. Through the bus' window, the sun was about to set on the horizon. I sighed in exhaustion as I sat.

Soon enough, we got there. We used the same method as how I got there a while ago. "How did you know about this place?" He asks as we got down from the gate.

"A friend of ours hosted a party not far from here a month ago. I managed to pass through this way and probably forgot about it." I explained and he nodded.

"So what do we do now?" He asks, stopping in the middle of walking. "Just follow me," I said, looking back. I went back to the familiar place and showed him.

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