《victon imagines》chan - locker notes



"Do you have anything to put in our locker?" I asked Y/F/N who was packing her stuff.

"Yeah, here. And thanks!" She says, putting her two textbooks on top of mine.

I always took her textbooks for her every dismissal since she always had extra activities after class and we shared a locker anyway.

I got to the locker and unlocked the padlock, trying to balance the huge stack of books on one arm.

I managed to unlock it but the door itself was always a pain. I pulled with a lot of force and successfully opened it.

A piece of paper flew out after I forcibly opened the locker door.

I put in the books first then picked up the white paper that had a small strawberry doodle at the corner.

You're cute ^_^

I read the small note, a little confused. First of all, I couldn't figure out to whom this letter was for since Y/F/N and I shared the locker. And second, who would've sent this?

In the meantime, I kept it in my pocket in case that person would send another one someday, and maybe reveal something.

While I was walking down the stairs, I had an idea since my curiosity was getting the best of me.

I went back to the classroom and took a small piece of paper. I wrote: Who are you?.

I cut the top so it would have a small tab sticking out. I wrote on the tab: To Unknown.

I walked back to the locker and opened it. I inserted the paper in one of the three gaps on the upper part of the locker door and left the tab visible.

I did the same routine every dismissal, which is to go to our locker.

Unexpectedly, I got a reply. The note was the same as the one before, which still had the identical strawberry.

Y/N, I can't tell you. But I guess you can find out yourself someday.

I couldn't guess what this person wanted me to do. But at least one of my questions was answered.

So I did the same method of reply that I did yesterday and wrote:

So, do you like strawberries?

That's all I wrote on the note. As sudden as it sounds, this was the first thing that got on my mind.

If I wanted to know who this could be, asking a few questions can be a headstart.

For now, I didn't want to tell Y/F/N about this. Knowing that she might camp in front of our locker just to know this person's identity.


As I expected, I got a reply but there was something different this time. The strawberry was replaced by a fairly detailed question mark. The note said:


Not really. I just drew it for the aesthetic. What would you like me to draw next, then?

I smiled at it and thought about what to reply to. I took out a paper and pen and wrote:

How about plants? Any kind would do. Just so you know, I really love plants! And by the way, what can I call you if you can't tell me your name?

I smiled and put it in a typical place. I knew this would be a daily thing so I decided to create ready-made papers with tabs, and of course, a pen is always with me.


Once again, I got a reply. I suppose he sketched a potted fern. He wrote:

That's nice to know! You can call me CH I guess. I couldn't think of anything good. And also, I'm male. In case you would question that too, haha.

I also want to mention that not only is he good at sketching but his handwriting is cute. I couldn't believe a boy has better handwriting than mine.


This habit of ours continued for a few weeks. And as much as I was dying to know who he is, I enjoyed the letters he sent to me.

I wasn't worried at all and didn't care who it could be. From what I could judge so far, he's fairly kind. Just not hoping he's two-faced or anything.

But one day, he stopped replying. The latest note I left said:

Why can't you tell me who you are? I'm dying to know.

It probably caught him off guard. There is a good reason why, and I was getting really curious.

I thought of continuing to leave notes, with more simple questions.

Despite that, I still received no reply. But he takes these, he just doesn't reply.

I decided to finally tell Y/F/N about this, and she was quite shocked as well.

"What if we camp beside our locker after dismissal?" She asks, expectedly.

"I don't think that's necessary. And plus, you have after school activities." I said.

"I don't have any this week since the midterms are next week." She replies and I nodded.

"As much as I don't like the idea, I guess we could give it a try." I agreed.

"You should've told me earlier. Then we could've known who he is sooner." She says folding her arms.

"I'm sorry. You don't even go to our locker anymore so I thought you wouldn't care much. And you might steal his replies." I said and laughed.

"You have a point there," She jokingly answers and chuckles.



It was already around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, an hour after dismissal. At this hour, the only people left at the campus are the sport varsities, staff, and some students.

Y/F/N and I sat beside one of the lockers, nearest to ours. We even prepared a pack of chips in case we get hungry from all the waiting.

A few minutes later, I heard footsteps towards us, immediately causing me to stop munching on the chips.

I was about to wake Y/F/N up, and apparently, she already slept. I just sighed and decided to peek.

Bingo, it's him. A tall guy was in front of our locker, about to insert the note. And I couldn't be mistaken at this point.

I immediately stood up from my spot which startled the blonde guy.

"Is it you?" I said with a slightly shocked tone in my voice. He stood there, frozen for a while.

Before I could speak again, he ran away with the note. Of course, I didn't hesitate to chase him.

Considering the fact that I barely saw his face a while ago since the lighting there was really bad. And his blonde hair stood out despite the dim lighting.

"Why are you running away?" I half-screamed, slowing down my pace as he slowed down as well.

Chan's POV

As soon as she spoke up, I abruptly stopped. I had no reply.

It made me ask myself as well. Why was I running? I always ran away whenever I'd see her. It made look like a coward, always running. But this time, I didn't want to show that to her. I want to show her that I'm not afraid anymore.

I slowly turned around, still looking at the ground. I slowly raised my head up to look at her in the eyes.

"Why?" She asks once again, with a hint of disappointment.

I took out the pieces of papers in my pocket, reading it one by one.

"Why do I like drawing?" I read the first question she sent. The first one that I didn't get to reply to because of fear.

"When I was a kid, I always enjoyed it. Until I grew up, I knew it was my passion." I answered.

"What's my hair color?"


"Do I prefer pizza or chicken?"

"I'd prefer pizza,"

"When did I like you?"

"Ever since the start of this school year,"

"Why, why do I like you?"

"Because I like- no, I love that you're just yourself. And I love you for who you are."

After answering the final question, I noticed her eyes started to get teary. I couldn't tell whether it was tears of sadness or happiness.

She just stood there for a while. I noticed a tear fall from her eye.

All of a sudden, she hugged me. It was so sudden that I was unsure of how to react. But I hugged her back softly and brushed her hair slightly.

She pulled away and looked at me. "Why didn't you tell me all this time?" She asked, her cheeks flushing red.

"Because I was a coward. Enough to be fearful just showing myself to you. I was scared that you wouldn't accept me-" I got cut off as she hugged me again to make me stop talking.

"Don't say that. Now that I know why." She whispered to me while hugging me.

I just smiled and hugged back, now more comforting.

"By the way, what was the note you were about to give?" She asks as she pulled away.

I scratched my head in embarrassment. But anyway, I fished for that note in my pocket and gave it to her.

After seeing it, she had a huge smile on her face, not looking away from my sketch.

"So you wanted to finally show your face to me?" She asked and I nodded shyly.

"You could've just shown up to me face-to-face. Not make me have a hard time hunting for you at the school grounds." She jokingly says, making me chuckle.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, feeling a bit anxious about my previous plan.

"It's okay, there's nothing that you should be sorry about." She says and smiles, instantly making me smile too.

"So, can you accept me? I'm okay if you don't-" She cuts me off once again. But this time, she gave me a quick peck on my cheek, making me frozen on my spot.

"Stop doing that. And of course, no one is going to be stuck in the friendzone." She smiles.

With that, all my questions are answered. Even if my original plan backfired, I have no regrets.

I hugged her tightly and I felt her hug back. At this moment, I don't feel like letting go.

"I love you Y/N,"

"I love you too,"


this was kinda short than usual, but i hope y'all liked it!! the sketch of chan is really made by him (it's at their twitter), we stan this talented boy♡

some parts inspired by 'my love story' (a korean webtoon (if y'all stan onlyoneof and/or loona, mind checking it out!!))

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