《victon imagines》seungwoo - savior



Seungwoo's POV

The whole class was in chaos. Some were just talking and some were doing other things. I wasn't in the mood to do anything. Habitually, I'd be talking with the people beside me but I feel so drained because of school work.

When we heard the door open, everyone instantly fixed themselves and went back to their seats. We did the usual greeting and sat back down.

"Everyone, take out your assignments, pass it forward." The teacher instructed. When I looked for it in my bag, I realized I left it at home. I mentally slapped myself, knowing that our teacher is really strict.

She shuffled through the papers and counted them. "There's only one missing, who is it?" The teacher boldly asks. I slowly raised my hand while my head was down.

"Han Seungwoo, give me a reasonable explanation of why you don't have it." My heart started beating faster when he asked. "Sir, I did the assignment but I left it at home," I explained.

"I know those excuses well. You can't pass it anymore so write a reflection paper." He instructs and I just nodded. I didn't lie in the first place but it couldn't be helped.

"Sir," I heard someone from behind me. We all looked at Y/N, the president. "Sir, just give him a chance, he probably did just leave it. You know he doesn't do these kinds of things." Y/N says, defending me.

The whole class knows for sure that she doesn't always side on someone. As the class president, she always cares for the class and treats us equally. Even at times like this.

"Why should I give him a chance? The others worked hard to do it and pass it on time." He says in defense.

"Of course it's unfair. If you can't trust him, give him a chance to pass it. An additional deduction would be better than a grade of zero." She says, arguing.

"You know how to talk your ways through. Fine, Seungwoo, you have until tomorrow. You'll get a deduction of five points and I'll still need a reflection paper." He says and I looked up.

"Thank you, sir," I thanked him and bowed. "Okay, let's continue class. Sit down, the two of you." He instructs, Y/N and I sat down.

"Thanks," I whispered to Y/N. "No problem," She replies and smiles.


"Y/N!" I call her from afar. She turned around and waved my hand in the air so she could notice me. I ran to her before she could leave.

"Oh, hi. Do you need anything?" She asked. "Do you have anything to do after school?" I asked her, which she just shook her head.

"I wanted to treat you since you helped me out a while ago," I offered. "You don't need to worry about that. Not everything can be paid with money or even material things." She says and smiles.

Before I could insist, she walked away. She's wise enough despite her grades. She doesn't excel nor fail, so I couldn't quite understand her mind.



The swimming class just finished, and I know for myself that I didn't do well. Personally, I never liked swimming so I don't care much, as long as I don't drown or anything.

While I was changing back to my uniform, my blazer was missing and I was starting to panic. There were a few blazers around but none of them belonged to me.

I went out and looked at places near the pool, but it wasn't there. It was quiet since everyone else already went up. I didn't care if I was late for the next class considering I could get marked for incomplete uniform and the blazer is quite expensive.


It was getting cold since I don't have my blazer on and the pool is right beside me. While looking around, I noticed at the far end that there was a dark-colored cloth. I ran to it and knew it was a blazer.

I had no idea how it got there but what's important right now is the blazer. I tried reaching for it but it was quite far. Since I was in the end, it's the deepest part and I'm really careful trying to reach it.

I bent down and tried, the hand that was supporting my front slipped which caused me to fall in the water. I was trying my best to get to out, but it was no use. Now I regret not doing well in class.

Before I blacked out, I heard a loud splash. I felt two arms below me, lifting me back to the surface. Right after that, I didn't remember anything and lost consciousness.


"Are you awake?" I heard the person in front of me as I slowly opened my eyes. "Seungwoo?" I asked as my eyesight was adjusting to the light.

"Thank god you're okay," He heaved a sigh of relief. "What happened?" I asked, still clueless to why I was in the clinic and Seungwoo was in front of me.

"I left something in the swimming area and I saw you drowning, so I... you know." He said, not wanting to explain it in detail. I thought about it and nodded, remembering what happened.

"Why were you in the pool though?" He asked. "My blazer was at the pool, I don't really know why. But I tried to get it but I fell," I shyly told him and he nodded.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "It's okay, let's just say this is in return for the thing you did for me yesterday." He said and I smiled.

"Wait, who changed my clothes?" I asked, noticing my uniform hanging from across me. "The nurse did, no one else would, why- I think you got the wrong idea." He said, hinting a suspicion.

"No! That's not what I meant!" I replied in denial. "I was just kidding," He says, making me jokingly hit him.

"Looks like you're okay now," He said. "You can go back to the classroom, I'll just follow," I ordered him.

"I'll wait for you outside," He said, standing up. "It's okay, just go," I said, slowly sitting up. "I just want to skip classes," He makes up an excuse.

"Whatever, you can go and ditch class, I don't mind," I said and just went to change my clothes.

After changing back to my uniform, I went out and saw Seungwoo leaning at the wall in front of the door, waiting for me. "Let's go," I said and went ahead.

"I don't wanna go back," He whined like a kid. "Not my problem," I jokingly answered and continued walking. "Wait, I was kidding!" He said and followed me.

"Are you okay now, Ms.Responsible?" He jokingly asks, putting his arm over my shoulder. "You don't need to do that, I'm fine," I said, trying to remove his arm from my shoulder.

"Ha, weak," He teased. I didn't respond and just continued walking with a smug face while his arm was still resting on my shoulder.

We got in the classroom and everyone was looking at us with suspicion. "Why are you guys late?" Our teacher asked.


"She drowned," Seungwoo said, making me slap his shoulder. "I was from the clinic. Please excuse Seungwoo since he took me there." I explained, giving the clinic pass.

I tried removing his arm, and he finally budged. "Okay, go back to your seats. Just catch up to the lesson." We went back to our seats.

The period was almost done when we got back, so I didn't mind listening anymore. For the next class, we had a test. I studied the night before but I wasn't feeling so well right after what happened.

Nevertheless, I still took it. While the test was ongoing, I got called out the teacher. I looked up, slightly worried. I might be suspected to be copying.

"Your blazer has a different name tag," The teacher pointed out. I looked at it and noticed the name tag. "Change it after the test," he instructed and I nodded.

I glanced at Seungwoo and noticed he was wearing my blazer, so I was wearing his. I was so clueless about it, and what makes it surprising is that none of us noticed it. And that my blazer actually fits him.

After the test, it was dismissal. I went up to Seungwoo and gave him his blazer. "For what?" He asked. But before I could reply, he looked at the blazer he was wearing and realized.

"Oh, sorry," He apologized and removed the blazer. We exchanged and wore them. "How did we not notice that?" He asked and I just shrugged, having the same thought.


Seungwoo's POV

Like always, we were waiting for the teacher before the bell rang. "Guys, your next teacher will be a bit late, just wait for a while," One of the subject coordinators said to the class and they all cheered.

While waiting, there was a fight starting at the other end of the room. Because of their screaming, everyone else stood quiet and were frightened.

The got to the point that they stood on their chairs, shouting at each other. Some of us didn't know what to do. I noticed Y/N stand up and approached them.

"Just because we have no teacher here doesn't mean you can quarrel like this," She said, raising her voice.

"Who are you to disrupt? Just let us be then," One of them said. "You're disturbing the others," She reasons out. "Then they can mind their own business," He replied.

She stands on the shelf beside the window. "How will they do that if you're screaming at each other like children?" She raises her voice again. One of the boys slapped her across the face, making everyone gasp.

I immediately stood up and tried to stop them. They were pushing off each other and before I could get to them, one of them pushed Y/N hard enough that she fell. The glass window shattered into pieces and she fell through it.

I ran out to her and everyone else followed. "Y/N, are you okay?" I squatted down and asked in total panic. I looked at her shaking figure, she didn't respond. I had no choice and carried her in my arms.

I stood up and the others made way. I ran through the hallways, tears in my eyes. I had no idea why I was tearing up but I just had one thing in my mind.

While I was running, she held onto my shoulder harder and she started crying. "Just hold on Y/N, we're almost there," I whispered to her.

I slid the door open and slowly put her down on one of the beds. I looked around but no one was there. "Why aren't the nurses here? Do they even get paid?" I asked myself, but then turning back to the situation.

I took the metal cart with the equipment and looked thoroughly. "It's okay, just calm down," I told her and she nodded.

I took out the glass pieces carefully, which was mostly on the side of her leg. Every time I saw her face in pain, I felt like wanting to stop, also feeling her pain.

"I'm done," I said and took away the tray with the glass pieces covered in blood. She heaved a sigh of relief. I wrapped it up with a cast that covered the lower part of her leg.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked her. "I still feel hazy," She said and I just nodded. "Just rest for now," I told her and brushed her hair back.

"Why is your face red? Do you feel hot?" I asked, noticing her heat up. She looked at me, wide-eyed and covered her cheeks. "I'm okay," She replied.

"Okay, I'll be right back. I'll just get our bags and get an excuse slip." I said and left.

It didn't take quite long and got back. "Wow, your bag is heavier than mine. Do you bring rocks to school?" I sarcastically said which made her chuckle.

"Sorry," She replied. "No, it's okay-" "I'm sorry you keep helping me out. I feel like I'm hurting your pride." She said, feeling down.

"Remember when you said that not everything can be paid with money or material things. Even if this is too much in return for the day you helped me, that assignment mattered to me. Just relax, don't always blame yourself." I said and she just stood quiet.

After a while, I noticed she already slept. I just smiled at her sleeping figure. I looked around the room which was filled with silence.


I woke up, feeling one of my legs on something else. I opened my eyes and saw Seungwoo writing on my cast.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a raspy voice. "Check for yourself," He said and smiled, putting back my leg on the bed.

He helped me sit back up and I looked. He filled my cast with doodles and words of encouragement. I smiled at it, despite it being childish.

"Oh, I have to go," Seungwoo said, standing up. "Don't leave me," I took his wrist and looked up at him.

"Fine, I'm not in the mood to go home anyway," He said and sat back down. "You're annoying," He suddenly says.

"Then stop holding my hand," I replied, looking at his hand that was wrapped around mine. "No," He simply replied.

We sat side-by-side in silence, our hands still together. I was rather comfortable with it than awkward, knowing there's someone beside me at a time like this.

"Hey, Y/N," He spoke up, breaking the silence. "Hm?" I hummed, asking. "You know, I can fit the whole world in my arms," He says.

"Your jokes are tiring-" Before I could finish, he hugged me tightly. "Come on, stop joking," I said while I was still in his arms.

"But I'm not," He said, still not pulling away. I was about to respond to the hug but hesitated. Before I could put my arms back, he put my arms around him forcibly.

I was hesitant and shy to actually hug back, but he knew my feelings too well. I ended up hugging him back and we stayed like that for a while before pulling away.


Seungwoo decided to take me home since I couldn't walk well. We sat at one of the benches near the exit gate. "Are you tired?" He asks. "I'm okay now, you don't have to worry," I answered.

"You know I care about you," He said, looking at me in the eyes. "Whenever someone else would mess with you, I couldn't control myself. When one of the girls threw your blazer in the pool, I didn't know it was yours. Also, the time when they fought you, I felt my blood boil. All that happened but I was always too late to save you from them." He said, putting his head down.

"I don't care if you were late from preventing all those things to happen. One thing that you weren't late for was caring for me. If you didn't care about me in the first place, I don't know who would." I replied.

"Don't make me cry again, let's just go home." He says, making me laugh. He helped me stand up and we left together.


i have no words. i just want to go to school tbh im extremely bored...

+ no one is requesting (surprisingly) even tho it's open lmaoo. so here u go y'all :DD

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