《victon imagines》ot7 - jealousy [60K special]


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♡ other groups included: nct, ateez, and x1 (based on reader's picks!)



I shot stares from across the cafeteria as I looked at the six boys sitting together.

Taeyong, Jaehyun, Yohan, Eunsang, Yeosang, and Seonghwa. Also known as the gaming club of the freshman year.

Just recently, I got kicked out of the club. I've asked several times why it happened and got no response.

Yeosang noticed me staring. But I didn't even look away. He just ignored me and continued talking to the other boys.

"You're still mad?" Sejun asks me, noticing I wasn't eating my food. I just nodded in reply, not taking my eyes off them.

"Come on, just eat," He said trying to be cute by making sad puppy eyes.

"Fine, I just don't want to see your ugly trying-to-be-cute face," I retorted shoving food into my mouth.

He just slouched back and crossed his arms in annoyance.

"If only you weren't a freshman, we could've invited you with us," Chan explains.

"You meet all the standards except for that," Hanse replies, frowning.

Now that I can't be with the freshman's club, I hang out with the seniors' gaming club.

I was pretty known since I was the only female member in the club back then. And note that our clubs were the most popular ones for being difficult to get in.

And when the seniors heard about the news that I got kicked out, they started asking me the same question I didn't know the answer to.

"Maybe we can," Seungwoo, the leader of the club says, making all of us turn to him.

"But how?" Subin asked in curiosity.

"Instead of dividing the gaming clubs into batches, we can rebrand ours to something else." He explains, making us all interested.

"I like what you're onto," Byungchan comments, having everyone agreeing.

"So how do we do that?" Seungsik asked, making me get uplifted on his solution.

"That's a good question, I don't know," He says, making us chuckle.

Right after, the bell rang, signaling lunch is over.

"Oh well, see you guys later, I guess," Seungwoo announces as everyone stood up, going back to our classes.

During class, I was in deep thought, thinking about the rebranding of the club.

Until dismissal, nothing crossed my mind, making me really upset.

I went into the room and saw all the boys in front of their computers.

"Hey Y/N! Have you thought of anything yet?" Seungsik asks me whilst his game was paused. I sadly just shook my head.

I saw Subin waving at me and patting the seat beside me, signaling to sit beside him.

I went to him and sat. He didn't say a thing and just opened my monitor. Then he went to type in a link.

"Why? What is it?" I asked him.

"Join our server," He whispers. "I'm not even part of you guys," I said, indirectly disagreeing.

"I didn't even ask if you can join us. I just asked you to join our server." He said.

I sighed, "Fine,"

"Who's that?" Seungwoo asks, noticing a new player got in the server.

"Me," I said and everyone turned their heads to me.

"Hey, so competitive," Chan says.

"New round!" Seungwoo announces and I noticed everyone getting ready.

"Imagine you're battling the freshmen," Subin encouraged me. From that point, my blood started boiling just hearing that.

I looked at my screen as it counted down to start the Free-For-All round.


My hands were destroying the keyboard and mouse as I kept getting killstreaks.

"I didn't know you were this good," Hanse says.

"Thanks... for the kill!" I sarcastically said, noticing him looking back at his screen.

"How dare you!" He screams, staring at his player's dead body as soon as I shot him.

I hysterically laughed, carrying on with the game.

The three-minute game ended and I expectedly landed on 1st place.

"Join us," Chan and Sejun say in unison while standing.

I chuckled at their actions and noticed the others laughing as well.

"As much as I want to, we still don't have a solution," I said, suddenly getting dishearted.

"Don't say that we just haven't found one just yet," Subin encourages, patting my back.

I just smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Anyway, I'm tired. I'll just grab a drink." I said, standing up from my seat and exiting the room.

As I was walking to the vending machine, I noticed someone walking by.

I didn't hesitate and take him by the wrist. I pulled him to a closed space.

"Y/N?" Eunsang gets shocked, knowing it was me who brought him there all of a sudden.

"I think you know what I'm asking of you," I threatened and heard him swallow.

"U-uh not really?" He says, faking to be unsure.

I didn't hesitate since I knew he could be really vulnerable, which I could make him answer.

"Come on, stop acting dumb. Just tell me," I said, getting tired of his acting.

"Well- I got to go, bye!" He says in a rush and ran away.

"Lee Eunsang, come back here!" I screamed while following him, mindless of where he was headed. I was utterly serious about getting an answer.

I then stopped at my tracks and noticed where he was headed, their computer room.

He just ran in and locked the door as if I was about to kill him.

"What's the rush?" I heard someone from inside ask him. As soon as I heard the door unlock, I immediately hid beside the room.

I took the chance while hidden and went back to the boys.

"What took you long? The vending machine is near enough." Sejun asks.

"Oh, nothing," I lied, going back to my seat.

"What do you mean nothing?" Subin asks, knowing there's something wrong.

I explained what happened and Subin understood me. Except for one detail.

"So why'd you run away? It's not like they're gonna kill you," He asks.

"I actually don't know. For some reason, I couldn't face the rest of them." I explained and it got him thinking too.

"Guys, come here!" Seungwoo says, making all of us come to him.

We looked at his phone. He and the club administrator were having a chat.

"So now, we have to go and ask them?" Seungsik asks and Seungwoo nods.

"Can I not come? I'm not part of you guys anyway." I asked fearfully, the others looking concerned.

"Well, you have to," Seungwoo answers, leaving me with no choice.


We got to their room. I sighed and mentally prepared myself.

Seungwoo knocked as everyone, including me, stood behind him.

Taeyong opens the door, obviously surprised by our sudden presence.

"Oh hey, what brings you here?" Taeyong asks, standing by the door.

"We need to talk with you guys," Seungwoo replies sternly.

" of us?" He asks, quite confused as to why everyone was needed.


"Yeah, of you guys," Seungwoo answers with no doubt.

"Come in, then," Taeyong stands aside, letting all of us in.

We stood in front of all the others, wanting to set things through.

Taeyong signals the others to stand up and huddle up like how we did.

Eunsang noticed me and suddenly got a scared look on his face.

"First of all, we don't mean no harm. We just want to settle a proposal regarding the clubs." Seungwoo starts.

"I assume this is about the girl over there," Taeyong bluntly said, making me mad at some point.

"No, all we want is one thing. A club name change." He replies.

"What does that have to do with us?" Seonghwa asks, folding his arms.

"All we want is to be separated without any batches required. You can keep your members. All we want is for our clubs to not be separated by that." Subin explains.

The latter group started thinking about our proposed decision.

"How about we settle this the gamer way?" Taeyong asks, and everyone knew where this is going to.

"Do we really have to go this far?" I asked, unsure about their decision.

"Well being the gaming club of the freshmen has been our identity and that's what we're known for. We couldn't change it just so easy." Yohan explains and we all just nodded.

"Fine. Tomorrow at 3 PM in our room." Seungwoo agrees on our behalf.

Right after, we left quietly. We all fell silent after the conversation we just had.

"You all know what this means, get yourselves ready. The fate of our club rests here." Chan says, everyone, agreeing.


When I got home, I played non-stop. I even took it seriously if it were the real thing. Some players were saying that I was a hacker for being too good.

Well if it meant revenge, then this is how far I'd go.

the next day

One group sat in one row and the other in the opposite row, our computers facing each other.

We created a private server and joined, at that point, I didn't feel any pressure. I was ready to make them regret removing me.

As soon as I clicked Deploy and select my team, I felt the fire in me, ready to release it.

The game mode selected is Team Deathmatch.

Somehow, I felt worried about the fact that I disliked this game mode. Typically, people would go and steal my kills.

The match was a rollercoaster ride, as always. You could tell the atmosphere was serious.

You can only hear keyboard and mouse clicks, occasionally with some screaming and ranting.

In the end, we lost by 20 kills, but this didn't stop us from losing hope.

The next match was a Free-For-All. And everyone in the room knows I was better at this, as absurd it would sound.

Turns out, I won the first place meaning an automatic win for our team.

After several rounds, we calculated the wins and got a tie. After knowing this, we were all mad, most likely knowing there will be a tie-breaker round.

Just before we started the final match, we hear the door open, catching all our attention.

"What if you just join together?" Mr.Park, the club administrator asks.

"Excuse me, what?" Yohan blurts out.

"Instead of fighting for a name, why don't you guys just unite? Those skills could really use an upgrade." He explains in a playful yet serious way.

"Sir, I don't think these ones won't agree to that too easily," I stood up pointing to their row.

"She ain't wrong though," "Shut it, just sit," Seonghwa shushes Eunsang after commenting.

"You know not everything gets solved by fighting," He says and we just nodded, some not caring much.

"At least we aren't physically killing each other," Yohan excuses.

"You technically still are fighting," Mr. Park replies.

"I can agree on it, as long as they agree as well," Seungwoo stands, pointing to the other seven boys.

"I do too," "Me too," Our members started going on the same boat with Seungwoo.

"I do as well," I reply, receiving looks from the members.

"Of course, because you want to get back," Taeyong fiercely replies.

"Why you kick her out in the first place? I heard there weren't any issues with her as a member?" Mr. Park asked, trying to clear out the problem.

The most awaited answer I always wanted to hear.

They just sat there in silence for a few seconds.

"Your club can be removed from the official list if you don't answer since you violated club rules. So can any of you care to explain?" He asks sternly, putting his hands on his hips.

Taeyong slowly stood up about to speak up.

"Because-" He pauses, trying to think it through.

"All of us noticed that she spent less time with us after she started hanging out with the seniors, we were kind of jealous," He explains with his head down.

"That's it?! That's all the reasons why you kicked me out?" I raised my voice at him.

"Let's settle this, is that the reason why?" Mr. Park asks, in case there was anything else they set aside.

"Yes, it does sound dumb. And I'm here to apologize on our behalf." Yohan says confidently as he stood up.

"Fine, let's make a deal. If you guys join together, I will double your incentive points. But if you don't, points will stay the same." Mr. Park provides us conditions.

"What happens to Y/N, if we stay the same?" Seungwoo asks, and I was curious as well.

"She will be forced to be with the freshmen if she decides to stay. Since no change actually happened. And the reason for her leaving is cleared out as well." He answers and we understood.

Seungsik stood up immediately, about to explain what was in his thoughts.

"In the end, if we split up or even join together, she will end up with them. So what if we just join together, then we could be a greater club. Not only that, but there are also incentives. What do you say?" Seungsik says, now directing attention to the freshmen.

Before answering, they huddled up into a small circle and talked about it.

After the small talk they had, they made a decision.

"We'll do it," They say, almost in unison. I heaved a sigh of relief, knowing both clubs wouldn't always be in rivalry.

"Well, you heard it. I guess it's the final decision. Unless anyone wants to say otherwise" Mr. Park says, making us look around.

"That's what I thought. Anyway, I guess I'll get going." Mr. Park leaves us with mixed emotions.


I walked in the lobby and noticed people crowding the bulletin board and chatting about something. Out of curiosity, I peeked from the side and saw an announcement about the fusion of our clubs.

I also eavesdropped a few conversations. Some were negative, and some were positive about it.

Just as I was about to leave, the thirteen boys walked it together as if they never actually fought.

When Byungchan noticed me, he pulled me beside him.

When the other people notice our presence, their reactions were all shocked.

It looked like a scene in a drama when people started making way for us.

I naturally went with the flow, and at this point, we knew that rivaling each other didn't feel as good.

In my head, I smiled at how they apparently got comfortable with each other.

We ended up in a classroom. But I didn't know there was such a room, and it looks unused.

The fourteen of us sat on the seats in a circle.

"What was this for?" I asked them, and they avert their attention to me.

"Oh, you're here?" Yohan gets surprised, not noticing my presence.

"Anyway, we came here for something special," Taeyong starts.

"First of all," Taeyong starts as he stood up along with the freshmen.

"We want to tell you the truth," Eunsang says, looking at me.

"About what?" I asked, getting confused at what they were trying to explain.

"We... lied," Taeyong says, making me surprised, even the others.

"We just said that because we weren't so comfortable to tell you because Mr. Park was there." Seonghwa reasons out. I just nodded to let them continue.

"A lot of people have been telling us you cheated your way into the club. We sooner found out they were just making false rumors. But when we found out, we already kicked you out. We also did it immediately because they were threatening us. We're sorry for believing too easily." Jaehyun explains further, making me notice his watery eyes.

"Those are probably the girls who stalked and bullied you before, am I wrong?" I asked, knowing him.

He nodded sadly while looking down. I notice a tear fall from his eyes.

I stood up and instinctively hugged him in sympathy.

"Come on, don't cry. I understand you more than anyone does. It's over anyway." I whispered to him.

I faced the others and patted him. "Why didn't you tell me first, then?" I asked.

"He also got threatened if he told you," Seungwoo explained.

"Wait, you knew?" I asked, suddenly confused as to why he answered.

"I, no actually, just knew just a while ago." He replies and I just nod, slowly understanding the situation.

"Hey, look who's jealous," Byungchan broke the serious atmosphere as he looked at Sejun.

We all looked at him and noticed he looked up in shock.

"Huh, what?" He asks and I noticed his reactions. I knew he has feelings for me, so I joked him as well.

"Snap out of it, lover boy," I said and we all laughed.

"What do you mean? I was just spacing out!" He defends.

"Okay then," I said, brushing it off.

"Now that everything's clear..." I said and smiled.

"Come here guys, don't be so down," I said to everyone, immediately getting into a group hug with them.

As much as I couldn't view one of them as a lover, I look up at each one of them as my brothers. And I couldn't ask for anything more.

And thank god they aren't fighting anymore. I don't want another in-game clash between us, or even an actual fight, I'm already tired of it.

lmao, idk this kind of sucked. imma put sum keywords below this bcs y'all might not understand some terms since i used some of the technical terms (related to the games) lmao

inspired by krunker.io and arsenal (a roblox game) !! bcs i don't like getting mobbed by 10-year-olds :DD

Team Deathmatch - a game mode where players are divided into 2 teams.

Free-For-All - no team system, meaning individual points.

Deploy - mostly meaning to spawn in the battle.

Server - a separate location (mostly a link) for a certain set of players.

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