《victon imagines》seungwoo and byungchan - decisions


requested by @cute_seungwoo



"Make it fast, Byungchan!" I half screamed and whispered to him as he struggles to climb over the brick wall. "Well, I'm sorry for being a weakling, okay?" I simply giggle at his sassy complaint as Seungwoo and I watch him finally climb over the huge barrier.

"I felt like dying after that," Byungchan remarks as he dramatically clenches his heart. We all laugh and sneakily run away from where we should be.

Yes, we just ran away from school.

We ran away arm by arm and headed towards the east direction. We kept screaming nonsense and looked like crazy neighborhood fools. Once we have gone far away from school, we reach a nearby bus stop. Us three sat under the shed and waited for an upcoming bus. Not long after, a bus pulled over by the shed as we entered the vehicle. Seungwoo enters first as he tries to spot for empty seats. He motions us to enter the bus and follow him. I then notice the driver suspiciously looking at us. He then stopped me in my tracks.

"Uh, excuse me, ma'am," he starts. "Aren't you supposed to be at school at this hour?" I look over to Seungwoo and Byungchan who were about to take their seats. I gulped and told the driver, "U-Uh our classes ended early today due to a-an.. unfortunate event!" I say with a fake smile. He seemed like he wasn't gonna let me pass but he shrugged it off and let me take a seat. The other two saw me and let out a relieved breath.

"Nice save, friend," Seungwoo whispers as I giggle and took my seat beside them and the bus rolled.


After a couple of minutes, we reached our stop and thanked the driver as we got off.

"So, what's the plan?" Byungchan asks. "We're going to the arcade!" I answered. Their eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh! But first, we need to hide our uniforms," I tell them and they quickly realized it too. Of course they won't let students in at this time or they'll assume that they're cutting classes.

As the prepared rebels we are, we took out our hoodies and swiftly put it on top of our uniform. We straightened them, being cautious not to show off any part of the blouse. Since the pants and skirt looked casual, it wasn't much of a problem for us.

"Let's go!" Byungchan screams as Seungwoo and I ran after him. We enter the huge place filled with recreational ambiance. I was in awe looking at the variation of games around us. I then feel my hoodie being tugged on.

"Come on, let's play," Seungwoo says as I smile at him and took his hand to head off to where Byungchan was.

Byungchan wandered off to a shooting game. We picked up the guns and inserted 2 tokens per slot. We were on 3 different machines so we had different maps.

"I have an idea," I said. "Hm, what?" Byungchan asked. "Do you want to make a bet?" I asked them. "Sure!" Seungwoo replied. "What should we bet on though?" I asked them. All of us thought of something good until Byungchan childishly raised his hand.

"What?" "Do you want food?" He asked. "Yeah!" I said as Seungwoo agreed as well. "Let's just decide the food later, I wanna play now!" I said with excitement and we started.

It was my first time to play these kinds of games. I kept screaming throughout the level but in the end, I survived.


Byungchan's game was still going on and we just stared at his screen while I and Seungwoo's level was still loading. Byungchan suddenly screamed so loud. We immediately looked and he died at the last enemy.

Seungwoo started laughing as Byungchan falls on the floor with misery. Gosh, Seungwoo's laugh is so adorable. "That's okay," I patted Byungchan's back in sarcasm. "It's not," Byungchan pouts at me. "Hah, stop it," I squished his cheek and I helped him stand up. Seungwoo just stared at us suspiciously but I shrugged it off.

"I guess it's just me and Seungwoo," I smirked as we tapped start. I was so eager to beat him since he kept winning in different things. I also wanted to see his reaction if I won. I was so carried away by my thoughts that I saw that I was running out of lives. "No!" I automatically screamed as I was about to die.

Seungwoo's POV

I peeked at Y/N's screen as she screamed. I noticed she was about to die. I wanted to let her win since I wanted her to feel victory for once. I dropped my gun while my enemies started killing me.

"Yes!" Y/N shouts in delight when she won. "Fine, you won this time," I said as if it was real. But I knew I would've won. It was for her anyway. She continued jumping around while I and Byungchan were just standing in disappointment.

I got surprised when Y/N back-hugged me. She would do that to her other friends when she gets excited but they would typically be girls. Byungchan hides his smile even though I can see it.

"Oops, sorry." Y/N apologizes when she noticed what she was doing. "It's fine," I said even though I liked it. I just chuckled in my head at her cuteness.

"So both of you are going to pay for the food." She said. "Yeah," I replied in sadness as Byungchan didn't reply. I just smiled at their reactions.


"What would you like?" I asked Y/N. "Uh, this one!" She charismatically showed me the menu booklet; pointing at the six-piece chicken rack. "That's it?" "Yeah,"

Our order came as the waiter put down the chicken and the ramyeon that I ordered. "Let's eat!" Byungchan cheerfully said as we started eating.

Even if we just ran away from school, all of us were still carefree despite the situation. "Now, what should we do now?" I asked as I slouched on my seat while I stared at our empty plates and bowls.

"It's almost our dismissal time," Y/N said as she glanced at her watch. "I guess we had an earlier dismissal," Byungchan said as we cackled at his statement.

"Let's just go home now. It might get late and our parents would kill us." I said as both of them agreed.

As I leaned on the window sill, I felt a cold sensation tingle my skin. I looked outside as the rain started pouring. "Does anybody have an umbrella?" I asked as they gave me looks of despair.

"I'm fine with that. I'm gonna go home by myself." Byungchan said as he stands up. "I'm leaving," He puts on his hood as he ran out the door and ran across the street.

"Well, how about you?" Y/N asked me. "I'm supposed to be asking that." "I'm not sure," She replies as she looked down. I took off my hoodie and offered it to Y/N.



"Hey it's fine-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as Seungwoo places his hoodie on my lap and left without a word. I just stared at him as he exited the restaurant and used his backpack to cover his head.

I wonder what's up with him today. He started acting weirder than usual. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked at the message. I checked the caller ID and it was Seungwoo.

The message said: Can I tell you something? Curiosity got to me so I replied: Huh? What is it?

I waited for a few moments as I just gaze on my phone screen. I immediately tapped the message without looking at it as it vibrated.

"I'm sorry if you didn't want to hear this but, I like you." I read his reply as I tried to initialize the sentence as I kept repeating the sentence in my head.

After everything that happened today, I also think that I could accept him. Not just a friend, but more than that.

"Well, I do think that I could accept you. I don't want to hurt you so. I like you too." I replied.

It didn't take long for him to reply. "Wait, are you serious?" He replied. "Of course I am 😂" I texted back.

"I guess I wasn't dreaming then," He sarcastically responded. "Well... Anyways, you should go home now. It's getting late." I answered "Hey, you too. Goodnight 💗" He typed it in a form in such it was so not like him.

"Fine, I was about to leave. Goodnight ~!" I ended the conversation with that.

Even though it was raining, I didn't care so I normally walked home as if the sun was shining. I could be the happiest person in the world right now!


"Y/N, let's go!" Byungchan says as he points at a crane game filled with stuffed giraffes. "Fine," I replied as I followed Byungchan who was so excited.

As we arrived in front of the machine, Byungchan enthusiastically inserts a token. He was so focused and eager to get one. "Aw, you're so childish," I said as I lightly hit his head.

"Is that a compliment or an insult?" He asks as his eyes still aim at the game. "A compliment rather," I replied and he says nothing.

I and Seungwoo have been standing there for minutes with our arms folded. "That's it, let me try it," I said as I reached out my hand to Byungchan ordering him to hand me a token.

I inserted the token as I focused on the crane carefully. I hit the button forcefully as I watched it move. It was almost going to go in but the divider hit it and it went back outside.

"See?" Byungchan says as he goes for another one, well a lot.

It finally came to the time when he only had his last token. He gives it a go and skillfully plays it one more time. I watched it carefully after he hits the button.

The machine successfully grabs it and it goes through the hole. "Woah!" I and Seungwoo screamed in unison.

Byungchan grabs the purple giraffe out of the machine. "So? Anything you want to do next?" Seungwoo asks.

"How about spicy rice cakes?" I asked them. "Of course!" Byungchan cheerfully said.

We arrived at a food street though there weren't that many people since it was school hours. We tried to look for a cart that sells spicy rice cakes. Luckily, I found one. "There's one over there," Seungwoo says as soon as I saw it. All of us went there as our eyes lit up in excitement.

"Can we have six spicy rice cakes?" I said politely to the vendor. "Coming right up!' He replied enthusiastically. I tapped my foot on the ground continuously while we were waiting.

"Here you go." I immediately turned since I was daydreaming about stuff. "Thank you," I said as I took our spicy rice cakes and bowed in the process. The vendor just smiles at me.

"Hey, take your rice cakes," I called Seungwoo and Byungchan while they were talking just near the stall. "Oh, thank you!" Byungchan replied in a squeaky high pitched voice. I swear, I love his childish attitude.

After getting some good food, we went to different places like movies, some more food and a bit of window shopping. We felt so great since we were actually having fun on a Monday.

"Hey, it's already past our dismissal. Our parents might scold us." Seungwoo said as he looks at his phone screen. "Well, that's fine. Just think of an excuse." I said. "Yeah, you're right. I guess we split up from here?" Seungwoo says. "I guess so," Byungchan replied. "I really need to go, Bye! Good luck with your excuses." Seungwoo says as he runs off and leaves me with Byungchan.

"So?" I awkwardly say. "Can I come with you to your house?" Byungchan requests. Hold on- what did he just say? "What, why?" I asked. "It's already 5 PM, and the streets could really get dangerous." He said. He hasn't been this caring to me. Not until last time when he let me copy his homework.

I saw the worry in his eyes and I just couldn't decline from his offer. "It's okay with me," I answered. "Then, let's go!" His emotions suddenly changed as I accepted.

While we were walking back home, we were talking about things that we never talk about. Probably childhood and those things that we experienced. When we were in middle school, he would walk me back home. Well not exactly in front of it but he knows where it is. And my parents don't know about him yet.

"You can go now," I told Byungchan. "I won't leave you until you're inside," He replied as he rang the doorbell. The door immediately opened by my younger sister. "Hey, you're back- ooh who's the handsome dude over here? Is he your boyfriend?" My sister said.

"What in the world do you think of him for? He's my friend, okay? Just go inside." I said as I dragged her inside again as awkwardness filled up in me.

"Sorry about that," I apologized to Byungchan. "Nah, that's fine," He said as if he didn't hear anything.

"Because I do like you," He whispers in my ear as he passes by me and left. I stared at his back while my mind realizes what I just said. Why the heck am I so dumb to realize that?

Byungchan turns back at me and does a heart on his head and smiles at me. I smiled back at his cuteness as I do the same. I went inside the house and texted him. "Thanks for today, my boyfriend." I texted that because I knew his phone would be turned off. I hope he sees that.


[re-upload!] my story broke bcs i used 2 different devices so I accidentally published the draft. but i already updated it as soon as i can!

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