《victon imagines》sejun - insecurities


requested by @jeon_jawa



Why do people keep judging in almost everything that I say and what I do? They think they're better and greater than me even though we're all just humans. Society changed so much in such a short period of time. All I did in life had fewer bad intentions and I try my best to be sociable, but it just doesn't work. How do others have so many friends when I only stay with two people for a whole year? I was probably born as a really shy person, but I hope I won't stay like this my whole life because I would most likely not survive in this world.

Out of all my classmates, one of them would be quiet. Well, not exactly but he has tons of friends. He just doesn't like to talk most of the time. He's one of the smartest people in the class. His name is Im Sejun. He is older than me but he treats me sometimes as if I was older than him and he even has more respect than I do. I wonder how he doesn't have that many problems in life compared to mine. I try every day to achieve this kind of attitude but I don't think it would suit me well, or if I would choose to change myself drastically in a positive way. My friends have tried different things to make me more sociable, but it is really hard for me.

"Are you there?" My seatmate, Seungsik waves his hand in front of my face. "Yeah, what?" I got surprised as I was spacing out for a while. It's a good thing that the teacher didn't call me a while ago or I would be dead right now since I wasn't listening. The day just started and I already feel lazy, well everyone does. I realized that lunch is after this subject so I really can't wait. I wouldn't go with my friends today since I have to do important things or probably study.

Sejun's POV

It's already lunch and I'm bored again. I always do nothing at lunch except to eat. I wasn't in the mood to eat so I just stayed in the classroom. "What? How does this even work?" I heard someone's voice echo through the classroom since it was just a few of us in there. Well, it's just Y/N, I actually like her but I don't have any idea how to make the first move or if I should leave her alone for some time. Some people would think I'm mysterious but I try my best to be closer to others. They also think I'm weird but I'm just trying to peacefully make friends.

I stood up from my seat and went near the teacher's table since her seat was just in front of it. I put my elbow on the table and snooped at what she was doing. She looked at me weirdly. "What are you doing here?" She asks with her face still confused. "I thought that you might need some help?" I tried my best to communicate with her and I was literally shaking. "No thanks, I'm good." "Are you sure?" I asked one more time. "Just mind your own business or something." She replied coldly so I went back quietly to my seat. She's probably thinking if something's wrong with me today.


I was walking back home from school, I always see Y/N since we go through the same routes. She might think I'm stalking her. I hope she doesn't overthink about me. I just stared at her back for a while until I heard something. I heard a car from the side, it sounded like it was speeding. I checked my left, nothing. But when I checked my right, a car was heading towards her. The car was almost going to hit her but I pushed her to the sidewalk. She wasn't paying attention because she was on her phone at that time. Our faces were so near that I can feel her breath. I quickly stood up and brushed off some dust on my uniform.


I reached out my hand to her and she grabbed it. She slowly stands up and dusts off her uniform as well. "Are you okay?" We both said in unison. "I'm sorry, but thanks for saving me back there. I would've suffered so much if it wasn't for you." She apologized and thanked me. I can't believe she just said those words to me. "Hey, it's fine. I'm not that hurt anyways." I said in reply. "I'm really sorry, I'm such an ignorant person, I don't mind my surroundings anymore." She said and politely bows at me.

I didn't know what to do because it was a really awkward situation. I held her shoulder and made her stand straight. "You know, you shouldn't blame yourself. Not everything is your fault in life. You'll find a better view of yourself one day." I patted her back and left after saying those words.


Why in the world would he say that to me? The weight on my shoulders started to get lighter. My heart warmed as he said those things to me, and I have never felt this feeling in my life. Is he the key to open me to the real world? I have to find out myself.

I just continued walking back home as I hastened my pace. I was really tired that time so I just wanted to snuggle up in my bed all day. I reached the door and went to my room. Everything in my head was just the moment with me and Sejun a while ago. I tried my best to remove it from my head but weird thoughts started to pop up in my head. Does he like me? That was one of the questions that came up on my mind. I used to be an expert on these things, like when I found out who liked my friend. If I did that, then I guess I could do it.

Based on my past experiences, I saw that boys would react on skinship with girls. Should I? I shouldn't do it too much, I'm just gonna end up having more problems. Probably the first step that I'll do. Wait, did I just say that? Am I crazy?! Since I'm curious, I could just try.


I thought of hosting a class dinner so I could get close to them more and I can make more memories since I haven't talked to some of them. My second problem is, I don't have any idea to approach or announce it. I don't have a problem with money since I have a lot of lunch money that I haven't used yet. Sejun suddenly came up to my mind, the thought that I said I would make a move to him. What if I ask him to announce it? Should I make it a bit clingy? Ew, but I'll try to do it but less obvious.

"Hey, Sejun!" I called his name while he was seriously writing something. "Im Sejun!" "Huh, what?" He finally saw me. "So," I went nearer to his table. I put my hand on his desk and leaned closer. His body automatically leaned backward. "Can you do me a favor?" I asked with a cringy smile. "What?" He makes weird eye contact with me. "Well, I'm planning to host a class dinner, probably tomorrow or the next day. It's my treat, so yeah that's it" I started to shake in the middle of my sentence. "Okay, hold on." He stands up cautiously from his seat.


"Everyone!" He tries to get everyone's attention but fails. I got startled when he struck a ruler on the board. Everyone finally looked at him with startled faces. I didn't expect him to do that, a calm way rather. I'll just be thankful. "Is everyone free tomorrow?" All of us started to look at each other. Some shook their heads while some just stood quietly. "If everyone is available, Y/N is hosting a class dinner tomorrow. It will be her treat so you won't pay for anything." Everyone started cheering. "Wait," Sejun hit the board with a ruler once more.

"Are you sure?" He stared at me again. "Huh, yeah why?" I started to wonder since I could barely read his face. "Okay! Tomorrow 6:00 PM." He said and everyone started to applaud and scream. He sat down and I squatted in front of his seat. I lay my head on his desk and stare at him. Woah I never focused on how handsome he is. "What are you still doing here?" "Oh, okay bye." I stood up and went back to what I was doing.

The next day - 3:30 PM

It was almost dismissal and I realized I forgot to tell them where the dinner would be held. I was shy so I thought that I should just write it on the board. I tried to put it on the very top but I can't reach it. Someone grabbed my hand and I looked at the person. Sejun held my hand and stretched it to the top of the board. "Wait, that hurts- wait!" I used my high pitched voice and he quickly let go of my hand. "Are you a dolphin? How can you scream so loud?" I just chuckled at his reply. "What were you going to write?" He asked. "I was just going to write the location of the dinner. I forgot to tell you." I looked down on the floor. "Where is it then?" "The restaurant in front of the school," I replied and he took the chalk out of my hand. I quickly went back to my seat and looked at him write. Even his writing is so good. I wonder what he would be bad at. It's as if he was good at everything.

6:00 PM

Some of them didn't come yet but I already ordered 32 meals. I still can't believe my savings fit. Everyone started coming in, but I saw one empty seat in the distance. I checked everyone and I realized the only person missing was Sejun. I texted him "Where are you? Everyone's here except you." I waited as my foot kept tapping on the floor. I felt my phone vibrate as I saw his message. It said: "Wait, I'm almost there." I worried so much since I expected him to come. "Can we eat yet?" Hanse asked me. Everyone started agreeing. "We're just waiting for Sejun, just a few minutes okay?" Everyone just sighed. I saw Sejun walking from the distance as I looked out from the door. "Sejun!" I called him and he looked at me. He continued walking at the same pace.

I walked in again and said "Fine, you can start now." I said and everyone quickly took the utensils. I expected something better, they just ended up taking the meals for granted. Sejun entered the room and sat down on the vacant seat next to mine. I just pouted at him as he sat down. I followed his direction and started eating. I saw an open mic karaoke from my seat. I asked the staff if I needed to pay for it too. "Oh, it's fine. I can see you paid for everyone in here so I'm gonna give it to you for free, but just for the night." The staff kindly said. "Really? Thanks!" I bowed and went straight to the mic.

"So who wants to sing?" I announced through the microphone. Byungchan raised his hand and I turned the mic at him. He ran to the front and took the mic from me. He picked "DRAMARAMA" by MONSTA X. Everyone started to get hyped from the tune and some danced to it. The chorus was about to finish until Byungchan took another mic and put it on my hand. I shook my head in opposition.

I thought that this night should be fun so I stood up and sang the second verse without looking at the screen. We started singing continuously in unison. Sejun only looked when I started to sing, he was probably startled since I never sang before, or become so crazy. I know that Sejun could sing because I saw him once but he never did it in public. His voice is so good though, he's probably scared of judgments. I would understand that too. Byungchan sat down as he dragged himself back to his chair. I chose a slow song that I knew by heart.

The song "Last Dance" by BIGBANG caught my attention since Sejun sang that once. But that time, no one was there except me and him. I sang the first part as I swayed my body, feeling the emotion of the song. Sejun just stared at me the whole time so I tried to not make eye contact with him. The verse was about to finish so I gave the other mic to Sejun. He pushes himself away from me and I kept getting closer. He just sighed and took it slowly.

We sang the chorus and my voice didn't exactly fit so I stopped singing. He continued singing while I just smiled at him since I was so proud that he finally showed his talent. I resumed singing at the end. As the song finished, everyone clapped and cheered "Im Sejun!" repeatedly and he just smiled.

He suddenly hugs me in front of everyone, it was a bit awkward but I didn't feel disgusted. "Thank you," He whispered as he hugged me. Everyone covered their mouth and some got so shocked. Sejun let go of me and left without saying another word. I think he does like me. I guess my mission is done.


y0 THIS IS THE LONGEST ONE I WROTE SO FAR (2000+ words). I tried to make this a bit longer since it's been 3 months, so I'M SO SORRY ;-; I'm already doing the other requests now so please be patient. hope y'all enjoyed this (inspiration from the bequeathal night last week!).

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