《victon imagines》seungsik - forward in time


requested by yeins_sunshine

[note ♡ 1. name request: dalma

2. i already used this imagine in an au writing contest with a different member though i didn't get chosen so i just edited some parts of this.]


You arrived in front of the club as you naturally felt the retro vibe vibrating off the place. You opened the door as a different feeling comes to your senses. The only thing you saw was a blinding white light, then the music starts to fade. The light disappears and displays the club, abandoned as you saw spider webs on the furniture and dust around the place.

You didn't believe what just happened. You walked out of the place and everything changed, extremely. There were greening trees and advanced technology is present. You didn't see a single trace of the 1930s, the time where you lived. There wasn't any visible evidence of the Japanese's occupation either.

A boy caught your attention, someone merely familiar. You tried to call to mind his features. Then you thought of his name. "Was that Seungsik?" You asked yourself.

You stood there for a while, thinking if he saw you. Probably not, since he was averting his attention on a vaguely unfamiliar item that he held. It was a small rectangular machine with lit up stuff on it. You didn't really care about the item, but you then looked at yourself. You wore denim all around instead of wearing your normal boyish attire along with your beret.

The longer you looked at him, the more you saw who he really was. A blurred scene of the real him was shown. He is one of Korea's best-selling author, unfortunately, he's undergoing an author's slump. Most likely, he was reincarnated since he looks young. Because if he wasn't, he would be in his 80s, or he would be dead.

You heard a loud sound as it gets closer. You looked to your right as you saw a vehicle speeding. You looked at Seungsik as he was still focused on the thing he was looking at. "Seungsik!" You immediately screamed his name and he looks at you with a confused look. Before he gets hit by the vehicle, you open your eyes to reality.


Dalma's POV

What did I just see? I asked myself as I got shocked about what I just witnessed. My head started to hurt as I tried to process every single event that I saw. I decided to just forget it and tried to act like nothing odd happened to me that morning. I heard someone knocking at my door. I got up and peeked through my window. A messenger was waiting outside.


I opened the door as I asked the messenger "From who is this message?" "It is from Kang Seungsik, at Dies Ante Heri," He replies. "Thank you," I said as I accepted the letter. He leaves as I open the note in curiosity.

Meet me at the club. The message says. I quickly grabbed my beret and left.

I arrived in front of the place and feel the normal atmosphere. It wasn't open since it was still morning. His friend, Seungwoo owns the club so he stays here a lot before the club opens.

I opened the door, and everything was normal. I sighed as I looked for the bar, the spot where we normally meet.

I tapped on the counter beside his typewriter. He turns his attention at me. "Oh, you're here!" He said. "What did you make me come here for?" I asked. "I just need you to proofread my ending," He told me. I always proofread his novels a lot. I'm just glad that he finally made it to the ending of his story.


After refining the ending, I slumped on my seat signaling that I'm already finished. Seungsik slides the typewriter towards him and reads it once more.

"Thanks," He says. "That was nothing," I replied. He swallows the remaining wine in his glass and puts it down.

I lay my head on my hand which was on the counter while blankly staring at the door. I imagined if it were true or not. "Do you want to see something?" I asked him. "See what?" He suddenly gets confused.

I held his hand as I pulled him out the door. "Look after my typewriter!" Seungsik says to Seungwoo before exiting the place. We stopped in front of the door.

"What is it?" He gets curious as my actions became strange. "Wait," I said as I open the door. But this time, nothing happened. I did it repeatedly, but nothing worked.

"Whatever you're trying to do, I don't think something magical would happen here. Let's just go back in," He says as he opens the door.

Something odd happened as the exact same thing that happened to my dream. He suddenly lets go of the knob. "What in the world is happening?" He tries to look around only to see the light.

We got teleported to the abandoned club. "What," He didn't understand anything that was happening. I pinched myself trying to make sure I wasn't dreaming again.

"I saw this in my dream," I said. "What do you mean-" I held his wrist again and ran outside.


He saw the future and trying to process the situation. "That's you, but reincarnated," I said pointing to the Seungsik from the future. He went speechless. He covers his mouth as he compared his self to the future.

I remembered what was going to happen next. "I think we should do something," "What should we do then?" He asks. "We have to save you," I replied in realization.

"Save me? From what?" he asks as I point to the empty road. "I don't see anything," He replies. I heard the same sound from the motorcycle and all my senses awakened.

I ran towards the future Seungsik before it's too late. I heard Seungsik's footsteps from behind as he was trying to do the same. Before we reach his future self, the sidewalk escalated. Both of us looked down at the sidewalk as it appeared to be normal.

But when we looked back up, we teleported back to the past. "What kind of sick joke is this?" I screamed at the empty street. "We should do this properly," He said in a serious way. "A plan?" I asked. He simply nods.


We had different plans and ideas, but everything kept failing and everything just kept repeating.

I opened the door again, but it suddenly went to normal. "Huh?" He starts to wonder. "Ugh, I'm tired of this!" I raged and stormed out of the place. As I reached the sidewalk, it felt like it lowered, and I got teleported earlier than where we teleported from before. I looked back at the club's door and ran.

"Seungsik!" I screamed his name, hoping for him to hear me. I kept knocking as I waited for a response. I heard my name from my back as I saw him behind me.

"This is the perfect timing!" I screamed while running to him. "Why?" "The time is earlier than before. So, we can act upon things easier." I explained.

"That's a great idea! I'll distract the driver while you try to convince me to get out of the road or something." He says the plan again. "Convince you?" "No, I mean the future me." I just chuckled in reply.


Seungsik's POV

I ran through the empty road trying to spot the vehicle. After a few moments, I still can't see anyone. It was just silence so no one came through the road after five minutes or so. I went back to where Dalma and my future self was.

"I didn't see anyone," I said to her as she was still talking to the other 'me'. She then directs her attention to me. "Try staying a bit longer," She told me as I nodded in reply. "Watch out!" She screams as I heard an ascending sound of a vehicle. Then it hit me, I quickly looked back as I felt someone's hands holding my shoulders and pushed me back.

I felt her breath brushing on my nose as she stares blankly at my face. We stared at each other as the adrenaline in us started to calm down. "Are you okay?" I asked her while she was still on me; in which I also realized how awkward our position is. "Yeah," She says with heavy breathing.

"So?" The other me asks as he didn't know what to do now. "Sorry," She apologizes as she stands up and brushes off the dust from her clothes. I stood up as I avoided eye contact with her. "Hey, thanks for doing that." I thanked her as I looked down at the pavement.

"So, what did the both of you exactly do?" The other Seungsik asked sarcastically. "Sorry about that kid, we're just going to leave peacefully. Enjoy the rest of your day!" Dalma said joyfully so we wouldn't get uncomfortable.

She took my hand and walked away back to the theater. "You were a bit hard to approach even in the future, huh?" She says trying to calm the atmosphere. "Really?" I asked getting sad about that fact.


"What took you so long?" Seungwoo asked as he was wiping the goblets. "It's a long story," I said. "I don't mind if you tell me everything." He says as I smile in reply.

And so, I told him everything. He was shocked as he didn't believe me at first. But I tried my best to seriously convince him and slowly he did.

"Well that could make a best-selling novel," Seungwoo says as I thought a great idea.


3rd Person POV

"Korea's best-selling author, Kang Seungsik, sells over 3 thousand copies of his book entitled Dies Ante Heri nationwide." Seungsik's girlfriend reads the headline as he lays back on his chair. "I guess my hard work paid off well." He says giving a sigh of relief.

"You did great, honey," Dalma says as she kissed Seungsik's cheek. "Thanks for being my inspiration," Seungsik says as he smiles, mentally thanking the universe for having such a wonderful girlfriend.

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