《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》Your Worst Fear


"Hey, y/n, come check out this storm!" Jay calls, walking through your front door. "You should see the lightning! It's awesome!"

Jay frowns and looks around the house. "Y/n? Are you here?" He tries the light switch, but nothing happens. The power's out.

"Y/n??" Jay calls, on the verge of panic. He runs through your house, checking your bedroom, the kitchen, and your brothers' rooms. He's just about to start freaking out when he hears muffled whimpering coming from the living room.

"Y/n?" Jay asks cautiously, walking into the living room. "Are you okay?"

You're curled up in a ball on the couch with your face buried in your knees and your arms wrapped around your head, trying to block out the sounds of the storm. Jay sits down next to you and hesitantly puts one hand on your arm.

You flinch and look up before realizing that it's just Jay.

"Are you okay, y/n?" he asks, taking in your tear-stained face. "What's wrong?"

"P-promise not to tell anyone?" you whisper.

Jay nods. "Of course, y/n. Cross my heart and hope to have my mom embarrass me to death."

"I-I'm really afraid of thunder and lightning," you say quietly. "Ever since I was a little kid, I would always freak out when a thunderstorm hit. I know it's really silly—"

Jay puts his hand on your shoulder and uses his thumb to wipe a tear off of your cheek. "It doesn't sound silly, y/n. Thunderstorms used to make me nervous when I was a kid."

"But you're the ninja of lightning!"

"I know. Don't tell anybody."

Lightning flashes outside and thunder cracks. You shriek involuntarily and wrap your arms around Jay.

Jay pulls you close to him and strokes your hair. "It's okay, y/n...I'm right here..."


As you lean against Jay, you slowly relax and stop crying.

"Hey, y/n, I think I know a way to cheer you up," Jay says softly.

"What is it?" you ask.

Jay reaches down and tickles your ribs. "Tickle tickle tickle!"

"Jay!" you yelp between peals of laughter. "Jay, knock it off! I'm really ticklish! Jay! Jay!"

Finally, Jay lets you go. You gasp for breath and roll onto the floor, a few giggles still escaping every so often.

You get to your feet, still panting, and grin at Jay. "Oh, it is so on, Zaptrap!"

"Hey, wait, NO!" Jay yelps. You tackle him onto the couch and tickle his ribs. "Aaah! Y/n! Stop!"

"Fair's fair," you say with a grin.

"Okay! I'm sorry!" Jay yelps in between fits of laughter. You ignore him and keep tickling.

"So that's how—hahaha!—you wanna play it?" Jay asks. "Take this!" He starts tickling you again. You shriek with laughter and try to wiggle out of his reach while still tickling him. The two of you roll off of the couch and onto the floor, both laughing like maniacs. Finally, you stop tickling each other and lie side by side on the carpet, gasping for breath.

"That...was...awesome..." you pant between a few leftover giggles.

Jay chuckles. "I love your laugh, y/n."

"You've got a pretty good laugh yourself," you reply.

Jay pulls you close and snuggles you. "No thunderstorm's scaring you on my watch."

Thunder crashes again from outside, but this time you ignore it. Jay's presence makes you feel safe. You burrow into his chest and drift off to sleep.

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