《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》You Get Jealous


You and Jay are visiting a very interesting place-his parents' junkyard! Apparently Kai told Jay's parents that he has a new girlfriend, and now they're dying to meet you.

"So...um...this is where my parents live," Jay says awkwardly. "And...uh...I guess I should warn you that they're really friendly. And embarrassing."

"Oh, come on, they can't be that bad," you say cheerfully. "It's part of a parent's job to embarrass their kid every so often!"

"Yeah, every so often! Not all the time!" Jay protests.

The door to the trailer in the middle of the junkyard pops open, and a woman with her hair pulled back into a bun hops out. "Oh, look, it's my baby boy! It's been so long since we've heard from you!"

Jay rolls his eyes. "Mom, I called you this morning to tell you I was coming!"

A man with white hair comes around the trailer. "Good to see you again, son! How's Nya doing?"

"Dear!" Jay's mom says sternly. "He asked us not to talk about her!"

"Oh, right. Sorry sweetie. Uh, write it down for me, would you?"

Jay shifts from foot to foot uncomfortably. "Um...so...yeah, y/n. These are my parents, Ed and Edna."

Edna seems to notice you for the first time. "Oh, look at you! You are so cute! You are just my son's type!"

"Mom..." Jay growls under his breath. "Will you please quit embarrassing me?"

"Uh...hi," you say. "It's nice to meet you. I'm y/n."

Edna smiles and hugs you. "Oh, y/n is such a cute name! You know, if Jay had been a girl, Ed and I were going to name him y/n. Isn't that right, Ed?"


"That's right, we were," Ed agrees.

Jay throws up his hands and groans. "I'm gonna have a look at a few of my old inventions while you and y/n get acquainted. Don't tell her anything embarrassing, okay?"

"Don't worry about us, son," Ed replies. "We'll keep y/n entertained."

"I'll bet," Jay mumbles under his breath. "See you later, y/n." He vanishes behind a pile of junk.

You turn to Edna and ask a question that's been bothering you for a while. "Is it true that Jay kisses pillows?"

Edna chuckles. "Oh, yeah, he used to do that all the time. Remember that, Ed?"

"I remember, dear," Ed agrees.

A few hours later, Jay's parents finally seem to be running out of embarrassing stories to tell you, so you decide to find Jay and head home. You wander through the towering heaps of junk in search of Jay.

You stop short when you round a corner and see Jay sitting next to one of his inventions and chatting with a cute girl. She says something, and Jay bursts out laughing. The girl assumes a flirtatious pose and scoots closer to Jay.

"Okay, calm down," you tell yourself. "Jay learned his lesson after what happened with Nya. He knows better." You're still not happy with the idea of another girl flirting with your boyfriend, though. You head toward Jay so you can break up the conversation.

Jay leans toward the girl to grab one of his tools, and she leans in and kisses him. Jay yanks back from the kiss. Your blood boils, and you sprint toward Jay and the other girl.

"What part of 'I already have a girlfriend' do you not understand?" Jay demands.

"Yeah, but she's not here. What she doesn't know won't hurt her," the girl says in a teasing tone of voice.


"Actually, she's right behind you, and you're the one who's going to get hurt if I catch you near Jay again," you threaten loudly. The girl takes one look at the expression on your face and takes off running.

Jay stands up and takes your hand. "Sorry you had to see that. You know there's no way I'd cheat on you, right? I've already learned my lesson!"

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to make sure," you say with a grin. "I wouldn't want to lose you again."

"Don't worry," Jay says, leaning in to kiss you. "You won't."

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