《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》You Surprise Him


"Jay! Jay! Jay!" you sprint into the monastery.

"What is it?" Jay asks nervously. "Is there trouble?"

You shake your head. "No. Guess what?"

Jay frowns. "You won an award?"


"You used the awesome ninja skills I'm teaching you to kick somebody's butt?"

You laugh a little. "Nope."

"You...got revenge on that mean person who likes to torture you?"

"Nope, better."

Jay throws his hands up. "I give up, y/n. "What is it?"

"I got my driver's license!" you scream. "Y/n officially has wheels!"

"That's awesome, y/n!" Jay yells. "But what are you doing here?"

You grin at him. "Are you gonna be busy this evening? I know an awesome place for a picnic and stargazing."

Jay grins back. "Are you taking me out?"

"Yes I'm taking you out, silly. Are you coming or what?"

"I'm coming! Let's go!"

You and Jay pile into o/b's old Jeep and rattle your way away from Ninjago City. You keep driving until you reach the location you picked earlier- an open, grassy field miles from anywhere.

Jay looks around. "Wow. And I thought my parents lived in the middle of nowhere."

"You have to get away from cities to see the stars properly," you explain while you lay out a blanket. "Light pollution is the number one problem for astronomers."

Jay grabs the picnic basket you packed and brings it over to the blanket. "You're really into this astronomy stuff, aren't you?"

You nod. "I want to be an astronomer after I get through college. It's not just about looking at the stars, you know. Astronomers discovered why the sun and moon rise in the east and set in the west, they've watched stars explode unbelievable distances from Ninjago, and they're even on the verge of discovering the origins of the universe."


"Wow," Jay says. "That's some pretty deep stuff."

"It's really fascinating," you agree.

You and Jay eat your picnic and laugh until the stars appear in the sky. You point out your favorite constellations and try to help Jay remember where they are. Finally, sleep starts creeping up on you, and the two of you end up lying back on the blanket and admiring the sky.

You smile at the huge mosaic of stars above you. "You know what my favorite part of astronomy is?"

"No, what?" Jay asks sleepily.

"Multiverse theories. Basically, there's this theory that there's an infinite number of universes and no two are exactly the same. Some of them would be radically different from ours, but others would be almost exactly like the one we live in. There might even be alternate versions of us out there somewhere."

"So..." Jay says, trying to wrap his head around the concept, "basically, alternate versions of you and me could be having this exact same conversation in a parallel universe?"


"Think they'd do this?" Jay rolls over and kisses you.

You finally pull away and smile. "Hopefully, some of them are."

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