《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》He Teaches You to Fight


"Are you sure about this, Jay?" you ask.

Jay sighs. "It's a dangerous world out there, y/n. I'll feel better if I know you can take care of yourself. And besides, you're really good at this!"

You raise your eyebrows. "I think we have different definitions of the word good."

So far, you've managed to hit yourself with the punching bag, fall over multiple times, and once, even run straight into Jay's outstretched fist. That's going to leave a mark...

"Actually, Jay's right for once," Kai says. "You've got a lot of talent, y/n. With a little instruction and practice, you'd make a great ninja."

"See?" Jay says. "Even Kai agrees with me!"

You try to knock Jay's feet out from under him while he's distracted, but you overbalance and fall over backward instead. Jay hears the thump from you hitting the floor and turns around.

"Y/n, did you fall over?"

"No," you tell him sarcastically. "I attacked the floor."


You glare at Kai, who's trying not to laugh. "I'm freaking talented!"

Jay gives you his hand and pulls you to your feet. "True. I've never attacked a floor backwards before. Come on, y/n, you almost did that one move perfectly last time! One more try!"

You sigh. "Okay. One more try. But then I'm done."

You go through the move in your head, imagining yourself doing it perfectly, just like Jay told you to. Then you somersault forward, leap to your feet, and land three quick punches on a hanging punching bag.

"There," you announce. "I'm done."

"You did it, y/n!" Jay shouts. "That was perfect! I knew you could do it!"

You feel a smile spreading across your face. "Hey, I did do it, didn't I?"


Jay jumps up and down, pumping his fists. "That was so awesome!"

You fold your arms and grin. "Hey, Jay, why did the curtain ignore the window?"

"Sorry," Jay says sheepishly. "I'll stop. But that was seriously awesome. We should do something to celebrate!"

Kai waves his hands. "Wait, wait, wait. I don't get it. Why did Jay stop when you asked him why the curtain ignored the window?"

You and Jay both laugh and chorus, "Because he was being a real pane."

Kai thinks for a second. "Oh. Why didn't you just ask him to stop?"

"Because this way is more fun," you tell him.

Kai snorts. "Why don't you two just speak ancient Greek while you're at it?"

You look over at Jay. "Okay, I know what we should do to celebrate."

"What?" Jay and Kai both ask.

"Target practice...on Kai!"

Kai looks at you and Jay. "Um...you guys wouldn't, would you?"

Jay nods thoughtfully. "We never did get him back properly for swiping our pictures."

Kai backs up. "Stay away from me."

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