《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》How You're Both Dealing With It {Part IV}


You don't bother looking for your dime. As soon as it started coming down, you realized what you really want. First things first. You sit down at your computer and type up a quick reply to Jay's messages.

You lean back in your chair and smile at the words on the screen. It occurs to you that you haven't really smiled since your fight with Jay-almost two weeks ago now.

You jump out of your chair, grab your f/c jacket (or hoodie) and sprint down the stairs, leaving your message to Jay on the computer screen.

Y/u: I love you too.

You take a bus out to the edge of Ninjago City, then jog the rest of the way to the monastery.

Nya looks surprised to see you when you open the door. "Y/n! I thought-"

"Where's Jay?" you interrupt. You're ready to forgive Jay. You're not ready to forgive Nya.

"In his room, why?" Nya asks. You slip past her and head up the stairs to Jay's room without answering.

Jay's lying on his bed with his face in his pillow. He doesn't look up when you knock and open his door.

"Go away, Lloyd," he mumbles.

"I'm not Lloyd," you tell him. Jay starts and looks up at you. His face is red and puffy from crying, and his cheeks are streaked with tears.

"Y/n? Y/n!" he stands up and hugs you. "I'm really, really sorry! I was so stupid! Please forgive me? Please?"

You gently extricate yourself from Jay's embrace. "First, I want you to explain what happened with Nya."

Jay sits down on his bed and takes a deep breath. "Okay. Well...remember what you said, about how going out with you was just a trick to make Nya jealous?" You nod. "Well that was true, at first. I thought that if Nya saw me dating someone else, she'd realize that she made a mistake and be my girlfriend again. And it sort of worked, as you saw."


"Yeah," you tell him. "I saw, all right."

Jay sighs. "She showed up in my room just before I was about to leave for our date. She said that maybe she'd made a mistake and she wanted to get back together with me. But...by then, I wasn't really in love with her anymore, and I told her that."

You raise your eyebrows. "You haven't gotten to the important bit. How did you two end up..." you wave one hand in a vague gesture.

"Um...yeah," Jay mumbles. "She kind of wouldn't take no for an answer, so she kissed me. And then I was an idiot and started enjoying it." He holds up his hands in front of him quickly. "But it was still basically ninety percent her, I promise! And then...well...you know the rest."

You nod. "I see."

"Y/n...will you please forgive me?" Jay asks. "I understand if you don't want to...go out or anything, but can we at least start over and maybe...try being friends again?"

You lean over and hug Jay. "I forgive you," you say with a smile. "On one condition."

"Name it," Jay says.

"Promise you'll never kiss Nya again."

Jay nods. "Deal. Oh, hey, y/n?"


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"For a minute, I thought you weren't going to ask." You snuggle against Jay and he wraps his arms around you.

"Eww..." A voice says from the doorway.

In perfect unison, you and Jay both say, "Go away, Lloyd."

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