《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》How You're Both Dealing With It {Part II}


Well, I hurt all over. Y/n's brothers really let me have it-not that I didn't deserve some of that. If there's one thing my relationship with Nya taught me, it's that I can't pretend to be something I'm not to get someone to like me. But that's exactly what I just did. If I was y/n, I'd hate me too.

Now the y/n hates me for life, I've been trying to patch things up with Kai and Cole. That's not going so well either. I-wait a minute! Why didn't I think of this before? I can talk to b/f/n and ask her to help me to explain to y/n! I'm a genius!

"Oh, come on, y/n, snap out of it! You weren't even officially his girlfriend!" You finally worked up the energy to call b/f/n and tell her about what happened with Jay. B/f/n is trying to convince you to at least listen to Jay's explanation.

"You don't know what he did, b/f/n! He told me she broke up with him, then went behind my back with her! And besides, we were dating and everything!"

B/f/n is quiet for a minute. "Ooookaaay...that's pretty bad. But you could have at least tried to hear him out."

"To quote Shakespeare's Hamlet, act three, scene three, line eighty-seven: no."

B/f/n sighs. "And this is what I get for making friends with a literature nerd."

You manage a weak grin. "Just wait until I start pulling out insults."

"Y/n, I'm trying to actually sit down and be serious. If you start speaking shake-weirdian-"


"Whatever. My point is, you're gonna make me laugh."

You sigh. "Seriously, though, b/f/n. He already knows that my last boyfriend basically dumped me for somebody else, and then he does the exact same thing. You can't tell me there's a good excuse for that."


Finally, b/f/n sighs. "You know what? You're right. That is the most inexcusable thing I've ever heard of."

"Told you."

"Uh, y/n, can I put you on hold for a minute? There's somebody at the door...oh, and by the way, what's a really good Shake-weirdian insult to use while you're hitting somebody?"

"Shakespearean. And try, 'Scoundrel. Fustillarian. I'll tickle your catastrophe.'"

"Thanks. I'll be right back."

Okay, in hindsight, trying to talk to b/f/n was a bad idea. And apparently I'm a 'fustillarian,' whatever that is. I was a little too busy defending myself from b/f/n to ask what it meant. Y/n wasn't kidding when she described b/f/n as a hyperactive ball of energy. If I never have to face an angry hyperactive ball of energy again, it'll be too soon. I have bruises in places I didn't know I had.

I can only think of one more way to contact y/n: Perfect Match. If I message her and she doesn't reply, I'll have to give up. Here goes nothing...

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