《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》How You're Both Dealing With It


I was so stupid.

I never should have done that thing with Nya. I guess there was just a little part of me that missed having her as my girlfriend and wanted her back, but I should have known better.

Y/n was more right than she knew when she accused me of trying to make Nya jealous. That was kind of what it was about at first, but now I realize that I love y/n way more than I ever liked Nya. Just my luck that for once one of my tricks to try and get a girl actually worked...

The only problem is that I can't reach y/n to explain any of that. I already tried calling, texting, e-mailing, everything!

Things here at the monastery aren't exactly friendly either. Cole isn't talking to me, of course, because he caught me kissing his girlfriend. Nya's not talking to me because she blames me for what happened, even though she started it. Kai's not talking to me because Nya's his sister and he's taking her side.

Zane and Lloyd aren't taking sides, but that's only because they either don't really get what's going on or don't want anything to do with it. So, basically, everyone either hates me or they're avoiding me. I can worry about that later. Right now, my priority is apologizing to y/n.

You've barely been out of your room since you walked out on Jay. You've blocked his phone calls, text messages, and emails. All you want to do is curl up into a ball and disappear.

You're lying on your bed, crying for the umpteenth time since you got home yesterday evening, when you hear y/b shouting angrily at someone downstairs. Then o/b's voice joins in.

Curiosity propels you out of your bed and down the stairs. In the kitchen, you find the last person you expected to see-Jay. Y/b has him pinned to the fridge by the front of his ninja gi.


"What the heck?" you ask incredulously.

"Y/n! Thank goodness!" Jay yelps. "Help!"

"Is there a reason you're here?" you demand.

Jay points at y/b. "Put me down and I'll tell you." He takes a few deep breaths as y/b releases him.

O/b glares at Jay. "Better talk fast." He turns to you and jabs his thumb at Jay. "If he bothers you, just yell. We'll take care of it." Jay gulps.

O/b and y/b leave the room and close the door behind them, leaving you and Jay alone.

You glare at Jay and fold your arms. "Alright, out with it. Why are you here?"

Jay takes a deep breath and launches into a well-rehearsed apology. "Y/n, I'm really, really sorry. That wasn't supposed to happen and it's all my fault. I was stupid, and I messed up, and I swear it won't ever happen again!" He finally runs out of breath and looks at you hopefully, waiting for your answer.

"You know what?" You fold your arms and glare at him. "I don't believe you. You can't expect me to catch you kissing your supposed ex-girlfriend and then just forgive you if you show up the next day with a pre-fab apology. What kind of idiot do you think I am?"

Jay holds up his hands defensively. "I get it, and you're totally right. But can we at least still be friends?"

You glare at him through the tears welling up in your eyes. "That ship has sailed. I never want to see you again. Ever." You try to walk past Jay, but he steps in front of you, blocking your way.


Tears roll down your cheeks as you shove him aside. "Maybe this'll teach you not to play with a girl's heart!" Then you run out of the room and almost crash into o/b and y/b.

O/b looks at your tear-stained face, and then at the kitchen door. Then he shares a look with y/b and smack one fist into the palm of his hand.

You might feel bad for Jay-if he didn't deserve what's about to happen to him.

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