《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》You Fight


You're waiting for Jay to get ready for his date with you. You're a bit confused, though-he's usually ready for your dates right on time, or even early, but never late. You don't know what could be keeping him.

Finally, you can't take it anymore and knock on the door to Jay's room. "Jay? Are you in there?" Jay doesn't answer, but you hear giggling from inside.

"Jay, I'm coming in there," you call.

You open the door and see what you were secretly afraid of: Jay's in there. With Nya. And he's kissing her.

Tears sting your eyes and then run down your cheeks. Jay and Nya haven't noticed that you're there yet, so you just stand in the doorway, crying and trying to convince yourself that it's not what it looks like. Deep down, though, you know that this is exactly what it looks like: Jay is cheating on you with Nya.

Finally, Jay and Nya pull apart and notice that you're there.

"Y/n?!" Jay yelps. "I...uh...it's not what it looks like! It was just a little kiss..."

You glare at him through your tears. "Really? Because I've been standing here for a while, and that looked like a whole lot more than a little kiss. I wonder what Cole would think?"

Nya's face goes pale. "You wouldn't!"

"Wanna bet?" you snap.

"Y/n, don't!" Jay begs. "I swear I can explain!"

"Too late," you tell him. "COLE!!"

Jay buries his face in his hands. "Oh, no..."

Cole bursts into the room. "Y/n, what-Jay?! NYA!? Why would you-?"

"I can explain!" Nya says. "It was an accident!"

Cole glares at her with tears in his eyes. "You know what? Just forget it." He turns around and walks out of the room.


"Cole, wait!" Nya runs after him, leaving you and Jay alone.

You glare at Jay. "So, that's what all this was about? Making Nya jealous so that you could get back together with her?"

"No!" Jay protests. "I never-"

"I really thought we had something!" you yell at him. "I thought you cared about me!"

"I do, y/n! I don't know what happened! I swear I would never hurt you like that on purpose!"

"Well, I don't believe you!" you shout. "You know what, Jay Walker? Forget it! Whatever we had is over! I never want to see your face again! You can be with Nya for all I care!" You slam Jay's bedroom door and run down the stairs. At the bottom, you see Cole and Nya in the middle of an argument. Cole is demanding to know what happened, and Nya is begging him to give her another chance. Both of them are close to tears.

"Y/n!" Nya calls to you. "I'm so sorry! I made a huge mistake-"

"Jay's all yours," you snap at her. "You deserve each other." Then you shove past Nya and run out of the monastery.

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