《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》First Kiss


You and your brothers are at the fair, enjoying the rides, when you hear a familiar voice.

"Y/n! Over here!" You turn around and see Jay and his friends next to a cotton candy vendor.

You drag your brothers over to Jay. "Hi, Jay!"

"Y/n, who's this?" (older brother) asks. He folds his arms and glares at Jay.

You roll your eyes. "Jay, these are my brothers, o/b and (younger brother). O/b, y/b, these are my friends Jay, Cole, Kai, Zane, and Lloyd."

Y/b folds his arms and glares at Jay. "Nice to meet you. I'm a college football player, and my brother here is on a professional wrestling team."

Jay nods and takes a step back. "Point taken."

"Sheesh, lighten up, guys," you say. "Jay's a friend of mine."

"Hey, y/n, do you want to grab an ice cream cone?" Jay asks. "I'll buy..."

You bow elaborately and gesture toward a nearby ice cream cart. "Lead on, good sir." You and Jay walk away from the rest of the group.

As soon as you're out of earshot, Jay leans over and whispers, "Is it wrong of me to be freaked out by your brothers?"

"They're actually really big softies," you tell him. "You just have to stay on their good side until they get past that point where they're suspicious if you breathe funny."

"It's what happens if I get on their bad side that worries me," Jay tells you.

You laugh. "Relax. I know their weaknesses."

You and Jay enjoy ice cream cones and are trying to pick a ride to go on when you grab Jay's arm. "We have to do that!" You point to a photo booth nearby.

You ignore Jay's protests and hop through the curtain. "Come on!" You put two quarters into the slot as Jay slides into the booth.


"Hey, y/n," Jay says, "you know what'll make these the best pictures ever?"

"No, what?" you ask.

"This." Jay hits the start button, then leans over and kisses you just as the camera starts taking pictures. You're a bit surprised, but you close your eyes and kiss him back until a beeping noise signals that the booth is done.

"Hey, Jay!" Kai's voice comes from outside the booth. "Nice pictures!"

Jay lunges out of the booth and chases after Kai. "Kai, you give those pictures back right now! I'm gonna kill you, Kai!"

You just sit in the booth, blushing madly and with a huge grin on your face until you hear Kai shout, "I wonder what o/b and y/b will think of these."

"Don't you dare!" you shout. You burst out of the booth and help Jay chase Kai down and tackle him to the ground. You pin Kai's legs while Jay holds his arms.

"I know you have them!" Jay says furiously. "Give them back!"

"No way!" Kai protests.

"Ah...what is going on here?" Zane's voice asks.

"Zane, help!" Kai yells. "Do something!"

Zane looks at you, Jay, and Kai. He's probably calculating who can give him the worst payback.

"I believe I will stay out of this," Zane finally says, backing away.

"ZANE!" Kai yells.

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