《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》You Meet His Friends


"Thanks for showing up and saving me,” you say to Jay.

“Well…anything for my best friend,” he says.

A warm feeling spreads through your chest and you hug Jay a little tighter. “Where are we going?”

“I…um…thought it would be cool for you to meet my friends,” he says. “I-if you don’t mind, of course.”

“That sounds like fun,” you tell him. “I’d love to meet your friends.” You’re glad you’re sitting behind Jay—that way, he can’t see you blush.

Jay drives away from Ninjago City and eventually comes to a stop in front of a large building.

“Whoa…”you gasp. “You live here?”

“Yeah,” Jay says. “We used to live in Sensei Wu’s monastery, but the Serpentine burned it down. Then we lived in this really awesome flying ship called the Destiny’s Bounty, but it got destroyed just before the final battle with the Overlord, so everybody pitched in and built this new monastery…” he trails off as he realizes that you’ve got an exasperated expression on your face. “Sorry. Anyway, my friends and I all live here.”

“It looks really cool,” you tell him.

Jay grins at you. “Wait ‘till you meet my friends.” He leads you to the front door, opens it, and walks inside.

“Hey, guys!” Jay shouts. “I want you all to meet someone!”

You hear a crash from upstairs and someone shouts, “Jay, HELP! Cole’s trying to KILL ME!”

“You ate my cake!” another voice shouts. A few seconds later, a blond guy in a gold ninja gi sprints down a nearby staircase, with another guy in black right behind him.

“What is going on out here?” another guy in a white gi sprints into the room.

A guy in red runs in from another direction. “Will you guys quit yelling? Some of us are trying to train!”


All four of them crash into each other at the bottom of the stairs and fall over. You burst out laughing. The scene looks like something out of a cheesy movie.

An old man carrying a staff walks into the room. “You are all supposed to be training. Why is everyone lying on the floor?”

The guy in gold sits up. “Don’t look at me! Cole was the one chasing me all over the place!”

‘Cole’ glares at him. “You should have thought of that before you ate my cake, Lloyd!”

“I was merely trying to find the source of the commotion!” the guy in white protests.

“It’s Jay’s fault!” the guy in red says. “He’s the one who wanted everyone to come in here!”

Jay rolls his eyes. “Thanks a lot, Kai. As I was trying to say before everyone interrupted me, I want you all to meet my friend y/n.”

You finally get your giggles under control. “Is it always like this here?”

The old man chuckles. “More or less. Hello, y/n. I am Sensei Wu.”

“Hello.” You smile shyly at Sensei Wu.

“Hi,” Kai says. “I’m Kai. Has Jay taught you the art of kissing pillows yet?” Next to you, Jay groans loudly.

You shake his hand and feel a smile spread across your face. “Not yet.”

Kai grins. “You’ll have to ask him sometime. These are my other friends Cole, Zane, and Lloyd.”

You say hello to the other three ninja. Then a girl with short black hair walks into the room. “What happened? I heard you all shouting!”

“Ah…y/n, this is Nya,” Jay says stiffly. “Nya, this is my friend, y/n.”

Nya smiles at you. “Nice to meet you. Jay talks about you all the time.”

You and Jay both blush. “Um…I’m gonna grab some food,” Jay says quickly. “Nya, why don’t you show y/n around?”

As soon as Jay’s gone, Nya looks at you and says, “I’m really glad Jay met you. He was all gloomy and depressed after I broke up with him, but ever since he started chatting with you online, he’s been acting like his old self. I hope he asks you out.”

You feel yourself blush again. “We’re just friends.”

“Mm-hmm,” Nya smiles. “Come on, I’ll give you a tour

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