《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》He Meets Your Friend


Since Jay introduced you to his friends, you’re introducing him to your friend. Jay drives you to b/f/n’s house, and you both walk to the door. You already texted b/f/n to let her know you and Jay were coming.

You ring the doorbell and look over at Jay. “I think it’s only fair to warn you…b/f/n’s completely crazy. She’s a hyperactive ball of energy, especially when she’s excited.”

Jay grins. “I think I can handle a hyperactive ball of energy. You should have seen what Lloyd was like when he was a kid.”

You can’t help but laugh. Lloyd’s pretty high-energy now—you can only imagine what he was like as a kid.

You hear running footsteps, and then the door opens to reveal b/f/n. “Hi! You’re here! Is this Jay? It’s great to meet you! Come on in!” she says, without pausing for breath.

“Ah…Jay, this is b/f/n. B/f/n, Jay,” you say.

B/f/n grabs Jay’s hand and shakes it up and down vigorously. “Hi there! It’s nice to meet y/n’s new friend!”

Jay gives you a look. You shrug helplessly and mouth the words I warned you.

B/f/n leads you and Jay to her living room, sits you both down on her couch, and then runs to the kitchen and grabs cans of (favorite soft drink) for everybody.

“So,” b/f/n says cheerfully, “how did you two meet?”

“Online dating,” you and Jay answer at the same time. Then you look at each other and laugh.

“Well, I’m glad you did,” b/f/n says to Jay. She lowers her voice conspiratorially. “Y/n was basically a wreck after her boyfriend broke up with her.”

“I can still hear you, b/f/n,” you say exasperatedly.

You three talk and laugh for a while before Jay gets up to use the bathroom. As soon as he’s gone, b/f/n leans over and winks at you. “Has he asked you out yet?”


You can feel yourself blushing. “We’re just friends.”

“He’s really hot,” b/f/n wheedles. “I can tell he likes you. And he’s got a nice name, too: Jay Walker.”

“We’re just friends!”

B/f/n hops off of the couch, chanting, “Jay and y/n, sitting in a tree—”

“I’m gonna kill you, b/f/n!” You lunge at b/f/n, but she dances out of reach, still chanting.


“Um…what the heck?”

You look over and see Jay standing in the doorway, his face the color of a ripe strawberry. Then you trip over a chair and crash to the floor. Jay immediately runs over to you.

“Are you okay, y/n?” he asks.

“I’m fine,” you tell him, fending off his efforts to help you up. “Just embarrassed to within an inch of my life.” You glare at b/f/n. She giggles and makes a heart shape with her hands.

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