《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》He Picks You Up From School


(Remember how I said in my very important A/N back at the beginning that none of my boyfriend scenarios are going to be exactly the same? Everyone who’s reading more than one of my stories is about to find out what I meant. It’s kind of hard to explain without boring you all to death, so I’m just going to let you read on and figure it out. Trust me, you’ll get it.)

You and Jay hang out all the time now. You feel like you know everything about him—he texts you about how he’s dealing with his ex-girlfriend, he tells you about inventions he’s working on, and he’s the only person (besides your best friend) who knows all about your ex and his girlfriend.

Today’s been a particularly bad day. G/n has been teasing you all day, and her friends are starting to join in as well. You’re walking out the front doors at the end of the day when someone shoves you from behind. You fall over, scraping your elbow, and your binder pops open, sending papers flying everywhere.

G/n laughs and kicks your binder away from you as you scramble around, trying to get all of your papers back. You have an important test tomorrow, and you need your notes to study.

Even though there are lots of people watching, nobody offers to help you. G/n is very popular, and nobody wants to get on her bad side. You finally gather up all the loose paper and get it back into your binder, but now g/n has your phone, which fell out of your pocket when she tripped you. She starts reading your text messages to Jay out loud, making everyone around you laugh.

“Give my phone back!” you yell, trying not to cry. “What did I ever do to you?”


“Let me think…” g/n smirks. “Oh, yeah, you exist.”

“Ooh! Look!” g/n says is a high-pitched voice. “You have a text from Zaptrap! He’s coming to pick you up from school! How sweet!”

No, you think to yourself. No, no, no. The last thing you want is for Jay to see you being humiliated in front of the whole school. You lunge at g/n and try to grab your phone back, but all you end up doing is dropping your binder and sending papers flying everywhere again.

“Who’s Zaptrap?” g/n teases. “Your consolation prize from the Boyfriend Patrol? I bet he’s got warts and glasses and—”

You don’t hear what g/n says next, because at that moment, a blue motorcycle with silver lightning decals roars into the parking lot and skids to a halt. Jay hops off of it (wearing his regular ninja gi) and runs over to you.

“Y/n!” he yelps. “Are you okay? What happened? Why didn’t you return my texts?”

You can’t help but grin at his irrepressible energy. “One question at a time, please, Jay.”

Jay takes a deep breath. “Okay, why didn’t you return my texts?”

“I don’t have my phone,” you explain, pointing to g/n.

Jay glares at g/n. “Give my friend her phone back.”

G/n glares at you and hands you the phone. “Do you wanna ditch this loser and hang out?” she asks, giving Jay a flirtatious smile.

Jay rolls his eyes. “I’m just here to give y/n a ride,” he says. “And besides, don’t you have a boyfriend?”

G/n’s mouth falls open as she searches for an answer. You look around at all the people who are pointing their cell phone cameras at you, Jay, and g/n, and realize that she might not have a boyfriend for much longer.


“Come on, y/n.” Jay hops back onto his bike. You jam your binder into your backpack and then sit behind him, with your arms around his waist. Then Jay starts his motorcycle and drives away, leaving g/n in his dust.

Jay drives away from your school and turns up another street. It’s not the way home, but you don’t care. You’re just glad to be away from g/n.

“Thanks for showing up and saving me,” you say to Jay.

“Well…anything for my best friend,” he says.

A warm feeling spreads through your chest and you hug Jay a little tighter. “Where are we going?”

“I…um…thought it would be cool for you to meet my friends,” he says. “I-if you don’t mind, of course.”

“That sounds like fun,” you tell him. “I’d love to meet your friends.” You’re glad you’re sitting behind Jay—that way, he can’t see you blush.

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